- {% count_books book_count %}
- {% url book_list as b %}
- {% url book_list as r %}
- {% blocktrans count book_count as c %}
- <a href='{{b}}'>{{c}}</a> free reading you have <a href='{{r}}'>right to</a>
- {% plural %}
- <a href='{{b}}'>{{c}}</a> free readings you have <a href='{{r}}'>right to</a>
- {% endblocktrans %}
+ {% cache 300 tagline %}
+ {% url book_list as b %}
+ {% url book_list as r %}
+ {% count_books book_count %}
+ {% blocktrans count book_count as c %}
+ <a href='{{b}}'>{{c}}</a> free reading you have <a href='{{r}}'>right to</a>
+ {% plural %}
+ <a href='{{b}}'>{{c}}</a> free readings you have <a href='{{r}}'>right to</a>
+ {% endblocktrans %}
+ {% endcache %}