- (see `DBs supported by Django <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/install/#get-your-database-running>`_)
-* `puLucene <https://github.com/fnp/pylucene/>`_ for search
-* Librarian dependencies, see lib/librarian/README.md
-Installing database::
- cd wolnelektury
- ./manage.py syncdb
- ./manage.py migrate
+ (see `DBs supported by Django <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/install/#get-your-database-running>`_)
+* `Sass <http://sass-lang.com>`_ >= 3.2 for parsing SCSS stylesheets
+* Librarian (bundled as a git submodule, remember to ``git submodule update --init``
+* Librarian has more dependencies if you want to build PDF and MOBI files,
+ see lib/librarian/README.md
+* `Solr <https://lucene.apache.org/solr/>`_ server if you want to search