+ """
+ For OPDS 1.1 We should handle a query for search terms
+ and criteria provided either as opensearch or 'inline' query.
+ OpenSearch defines fields: atom:author, atom:contributor (treated as translator),
+ atom:title. Inline query provides author, title, categories (treated as book tags),
+ description (treated as content search terms).
+ if search terms are provided, we shall search for books
+ according to Hint information (from author & contributror & title).
+ but if search terms are empty, we should do a different search
+ (perhaps for is_book=True)
+ """
+ query = request.GET.get('q', '')
+ inline_criteria = re.findall(self.INLINE_QUERY_RE, query)
+ if inline_criteria:
+ remains = re.sub(self.INLINE_QUERY_RE, '', query)
+ remains = re.sub(r'[ \t]+', ' ', remains)
+ def get_criteria(criteria, name):
+ for c in criteria:
+ for p in self.MATCHES[name]:
+ if c[p]:
+ if p % 2 == 0:
+ return c[p].replace('+', ' ')
+ return c[p]
+ return None
+ criteria = dict(map(
+ lambda cn: (cn, get_criteria(inline_criteria, cn)),
+ ['author', 'translator', 'title', 'categories',
+ 'description', 'text']))
+ query = remains
+ # empty query and text set case?
+ log.debug("Inline query = [%s], criteria: %s" % (query, criteria))
+ else:
+ def remove_dump_data(val):
+ """Some clients don't get opds placeholders and just send them."""
+ if self.ATOM_PLACEHOLDER.match(val):
+ return ''
+ return val
+ criteria = dict([(cn, remove_dump_data(request.GET.get(cn, '')))
+ for cn in self.MATCHES.keys()])
+ # query is set above.
+ log.debug("Inline query = [%s], criteria: %s" % (query, criteria))
+ srch = Search()
+ book_hit_filter = srch.index.Q(book_id__any=True)
+ filters = [book_hit_filter] + [srch.index.Q(
+ **{self.PARAMS_TO_FIELDS.get(cn, cn): criteria[cn]}
+ ) for cn in self.MATCHES.keys() if cn in criteria
+ if criteria[cn]]
+ if query:
+ q = srch.index.query(
+ reduce(operator.or_,
+ [srch.index.Q(**{self.PARAMS_TO_FIELDS.get(cn, cn): query})
+ for cn in self.MATCHES.keys()],
+ srch.index.Q()))
+ else:
+ q = srch.index.query(srch.index.Q())
+ q = srch.apply_filters(q, filters).field_limit(score=True, fields=['book_id'])
+ results = q.execute()
+ book_scores = dict([(r['book_id'], r['score']) for r in results])
+ books = Book.objects.filter(id__in=set([r['book_id'] for r in results]))
+ books = list(books)
+ books.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda book: book_scores[book.id])
+ return books