--- /dev/null
+# A Monkey's Audio (APE) reader/tagger
+# Copyright 2006 Lukas Lalinsky <lalinsky@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# $Id: monkeysaudio.py 4275 2008-06-01 06:32:37Z piman $
+"""Monkey's Audio streams with APEv2 tags.
+Monkey's Audio is a very efficient lossless audio compressor developed
+by Matt Ashland.
+For more information, see http://www.monkeysaudio.com/.
+__all__ = ["MonkeysAudio", "Open", "delete"]
+import struct
+from mutagen.apev2 import APEv2File, error, delete
+from mutagen._util import cdata
+class MonkeysAudioHeaderError(error): pass
+class MonkeysAudioInfo(object):
+ """Monkey's Audio stream information.
+ Attributes:
+ channels -- number of audio channels
+ length -- file length in seconds, as a float
+ sample_rate -- audio sampling rate in Hz
+ bits_per_sample -- bits per sample
+ version -- Monkey's Audio stream version, as a float (eg: 3.99)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fileobj):
+ header = fileobj.read(76)
+ if len(header) != 76 or not header.startswith("MAC "):
+ raise MonkeysAudioHeaderError("not a Monkey's Audio file")
+ self.version = cdata.ushort_le(header[4:6])
+ if self.version >= 3980:
+ (blocks_per_frame, final_frame_blocks, total_frames,
+ self.bits_per_sample, self.channels,
+ self.sample_rate) = struct.unpack("<IIIHHI", header[56:76])
+ else:
+ compression_level = cdata.ushort_le(header[6:8])
+ self.channels, self.sample_rate = struct.unpack(
+ "<HI", header[10:16])
+ total_frames, final_frame_blocks = struct.unpack(
+ "<II", header[24:32])
+ if self.version >= 3950:
+ blocks_per_frame = 73728 * 4
+ elif self.version >= 3900 or (self.version >= 3800 and
+ compression_level == 4):
+ blocks_per_frame = 73728
+ else:
+ blocks_per_frame = 9216
+ self.version /= 1000.0
+ self.length = 0.0
+ if self.sample_rate != 0 and total_frames > 0:
+ total_blocks = ((total_frames - 1) * blocks_per_frame +
+ final_frame_blocks)
+ self.length = float(total_blocks) / self.sample_rate
+ def pprint(self):
+ return "Monkey's Audio %.2f, %.2f seconds, %d Hz" % (
+ self.version, self.length, self.sample_rate)
+class MonkeysAudio(APEv2File):
+ _Info = MonkeysAudioInfo
+ _mimes = ["audio/ape", "audio/x-ape"]
+ def score(filename, fileobj, header):
+ return header.startswith("MAC ") + filename.lower().endswith(".ape")
+ score = staticmethod(score)
+Open = MonkeysAudio