+ /* global tlite */
+ tlite(function (el) {
+ return $(el).hasClass('tlite-tooltip');
+ });
+ /* more/less switch from https://codepen.io/JoshBlackwood/pen/pEwHe */
+ // Hide the extra content initially, using JS so that if JS is disabled, no problemo:
+ $('.read-more-content').addClass('hide');
+ $('.read-more-show, .read-more-hide').removeClass('hide');
+ // Set up the toggle effect:
+ $('.read-more-show').on('click', function(e) {
+ $(this).next('.read-more-content').removeClass('hide');
+ $(this).addClass('hide');
+ e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ // Changes contributed by @diego-rzg
+ $('.read-more-hide').on('click', function(e) {
+ var p = $(this).parent('.read-more-content');
+ p.addClass('hide');
+ p.prev('.read-more-show').removeClass('hide'); // Hide only the preceding "Read More"
+ e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ function update_info() {
+ var amount = parseInt($("#id_amount").val());
+ var monthly = $("#id_monthly").val() == 'True';
+ if (monthly) slug = "monthly";
+ else if (amount >= parseInt($("#plan-single").attr('data-min-for-year'))) slug = 'single-year';
+ else slug = 'single';
+ var chunk = $('.club-form-info .chunk-' + slug);
+ if (chunk.css('display') == 'none') {
+ $('.chunk-alt').css('height', $('.chunk-alt').height());
+ $('.chunk-alt .chunk').css('position', 'absolute');
+ $('.club-form-info .chunk').fadeOut();
+ $('.club-form-info .chunk.chunk-' + slug).fadeIn(function() {
+ $('.chunk-alt .chunk').css('position', 'static');
+ $('.chunk-alt').css('height', 'auto');
+ });
+ $('.chunk-alt').animate({height: chunk.height()}, 100);
+ }
+ }
+ $("#id_amount").val($("#plan-monthly").attr('data-amount'));
+ $(".button.kwota").click(function() {
+ var plan = $(this).closest('.plan');
+ $('.kwota', plan).removeClass('active')
+ $('.inna', plan).removeClass('active')
+ $(this).addClass('active');
+ var amount = $(this).text();
+ plan.attr("data-amount", amount);
+ $("#id_amount").val(amount);
+ update_info();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(".plan-toggle").click(function() {
+ $(".plan-toggle").removeClass('active');
+ $(this).addClass('active')
+ $(".plan").hide();
+ var plan = $("#" + $(this).attr('data-plan'));
+ plan.show();
+ $("#id_amount").val(plan.attr('data-amount'));
+ $("#id_monthly").val(plan.attr('data-monthly'));
+ update_info();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(".inna .button").click(function() {
+ var plan = $(this).closest('.plan');
+ $('.kwota', plan).removeClass('active');
+ $(this).parent().addClass('active');
+ $('input', plan).focus();
+ var amount = $('input', $(this).parent()).val();
+ plan.attr("data-amount", amount);
+ $("#id_amount").val(amount);
+ update_info();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(".inna input").on('input', function() {
+ var plan = $(this).closest('.plan');
+ $('.kwota', plan).removeClass('active');
+ var amount = $(this).val();
+ plan.attr("data-amount", amount);
+ $("#id_amount").val(amount);
+ update_info();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $("#id_method").val('payu-re');
+ $(".methods .button").click(function() {
+ $("#id_method").val($(this).attr('data-method'));
+ $(".methods .button").removeClass('active');
+ $(this).addClass("active");
+ });