+class LockFile(object):
+ """
+ A file lock monitor class; createas an ${objname}.lock
+ file in directory dir, and locks it exclusively.
+ To be used in 'with' construct.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dir, objname):
+ self.lockname = path.join(dir, objname + ".lock")
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.lock = open(self.lockname, 'w')
+ flock(self.lock, LOCK_EX)
+ def __exit__(self, *err):
+ try:
+ unlink(self.lockname)
+ except OSError as oe:
+ if oe.errno != oe.EEXIST:
+ raise oe
+ self.lock.close()
+def create_zip(paths, zip_slug):
+ """
+ Creates a zip in MEDIA_ROOT/zip directory containing files from path.
+ Resulting archive filename is ${zip_slug}.zip
+ Returns it's path relative to MEDIA_ROOT (no initial slash)
+ """
+ # directory to store zip files
+ zip_path = path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'zip')
+ try:
+ mkdir(zip_path)
+ except OSError as oe:
+ if oe.errno != EEXIST:
+ raise oe
+ zip_filename = zip_slug + ".zip"
+ with LockFile(zip_path, zip_slug):
+ if not path.exists(path.join(zip_path, zip_filename)):
+ zipf = ZipFile(path.join(zip_path, zip_filename), 'w')
+ try:
+ for p in paths:
+ zipf.write(p, path.basename(p))
+ finally:
+ zipf.close()
+ return 'zip/' + zip_filename
+def remove_zip(zip_slug):
+ """
+ removes the ${zip_slug}.zip file from zip store.
+ """
+ zip_file = path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'zip', zip_slug + '.zip')
+ try:
+ unlink(zip_file)
+ except OSError as oe:
+ if oe.errno != ENOENT:
+ raise oe