def catalogue(request):
return render(request, 'catalogue/catalogue.html', {
- 'books': Book.objects.filter(parent=None).order_by('sort_key_author', 'sort_key'),
- 'pictures': Picture.objects.order_by('sort_key_author', 'sort_key'),
+ 'books': Book.objects.filter(parent=None),
+ 'pictures': Picture.objects.all(),
'collections': Collection.objects.all(),
+ 'active_menu_item': 'all_works',
-def book_list(request, filter=None, get_filter=None, template_name='catalogue/book_list.html',
+def book_list(request, filters=None, template_name='catalogue/book_list.html',
- list_template_name='catalogue/snippets/book_list.html', context=None):
- """ generates a listing of all books, optionally filtered with a test function """
- if get_filter:
- filter = get_filter()
- books_by_author, orphans, books_by_parent = Book.book_list(filter)
+ list_template_name='catalogue/snippets/book_list.html'):
+ """ generates a listing of all books, optionally filtered """
+ books_by_author, orphans, books_by_parent = Book.book_list(filters)
books_nav = OrderedDict()
for tag in books_by_author:
if books_by_author[tag]:
}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
-def audiobook_list(request):
- books = Book.objects.filter(media__type__in=('mp3', 'ogg')).distinct().order_by(
- 'sort_key_author', 'sort_key')
- books = list(books)
- if len(books) > 3:
- best = random.sample(books, 3)
- else:
- best = books
- daisy = Book.objects.filter(media__type='daisy').distinct().order_by('sort_key_author', 'sort_key')
- return render(request, 'catalogue/audiobook_list.html', {
- 'books': books,
- 'best': best,
- 'daisy': daisy,
- })
def daisy_list(request):
- return book_list(request, Q(media__type='daisy'),
- template_name='catalogue/daisy_list.html',
- )
+ return book_list(request, Q(media__type='daisy'), template_name='catalogue/daisy_list.html')
def collection(request, slug):
-# TODO: Rewrite this hellish piece of code which tries to do everything
-def tagged_object_list(request, tags='', list_type='default'):
- raw_tags = tags
- # preliminary tests and conditions
- gallery = list_type == 'gallery'
- audiobooks = list_type == 'audiobooks'
+def object_list(request, objects, fragments=None, related_tags=None, tags=None, list_type='books', extra=None):
+ if not tags:
+ tags = []
+ tag_ids = [ for tag in tags]
+ related_tag_lists = []
+ if related_tags:
+ related_tag_lists.append(related_tags)
+ else:
+ related_tag_lists.append(
+ Tag.objects.usage_for_queryset(objects, counts=True).exclude(category='set').exclude(pk__in=tag_ids))
+ if not (extra and extra.get('theme_is_set')):
+ if fragments is None:
+ if list_type == 'gallery':
+ fragments = PictureArea.objects.filter(picture__in=objects)
+ else:
+ fragments = Fragment.objects.filter(book__in=objects)
+ related_tag_lists.append(
+ Tag.objects.usage_for_queryset(fragments, counts=True).filter(category='theme').exclude(pk__in=tag_ids))
+ categories = split_tags(*related_tag_lists)
+ objects = list(objects)
+ if len(objects) > 3:
+ best = random.sample(objects, 3)
+ else:
+ best = objects
+ result = {
+ 'object_list': objects,
+ 'categories': categories,
+ 'list_type': list_type,
+ 'tags': tags,
+ 'formats_form': forms.DownloadFormatsForm(),
+ 'best': best,
+ 'active_menu_item': list_type,
+ }
+ if extra:
+ result.update(extra)
+ return render_to_response(
+ 'catalogue/tagged_object_list.html', result,
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+def literature(request):
+ books = Book.objects.filter(parent=None)
+ last_published = Book.objects.exclude(cover_thumb='').filter(parent=None).order_by('-created_at')[:20]
+ most_popular = Book.objects.exclude(cover_thumb='')\
+ .order_by('-popularity__count', 'sort_key_author', 'sort_key')[:20]
+ return object_list(request, books, related_tags=get_top_level_related_tags([]), extra={
+ 'last_published': last_published,
+ 'most_popular': most_popular,
+ })
+def gallery(request):
+ return object_list(request, Picture.objects.all(), list_type='gallery')
+def audiobooks(request):
+ audiobooks = Book.objects.filter(media__type__in=('mp3', 'ogg')).distinct()
+ return object_list(request, audiobooks, list_type='audiobooks', extra={
+ 'daisy': Book.objects.filter(media__type='daisy').distinct(),
+ })
+class ResponseInstead(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, response):
+ super(ResponseInstead, self).__init__()
+ self.response = response
+def analyse_tags(request, tag_str):
- tags = Tag.get_tag_list(tags)
+ tags = Tag.get_tag_list(tag_str)
except Tag.DoesNotExist:
# Perhaps the user is asking about an author in Public Domain
# counter (they are not represented in tags)
- chunks = tags.split('/')
+ chunks = tag_str.split('/')
if len(chunks) == 2 and chunks[0] == 'autor':
- return pdcounter_views.author_detail(request, chunks[1])
+ raise ResponseInstead(pdcounter_views.author_detail(request, chunks[1]))
raise Http404
except Tag.MultipleObjectsReturned, e:
# Ask the user to disambiguate
- return differentiate_tags(request, e.tags, e.ambiguous_slugs)
+ raise ResponseInstead(differentiate_tags(request, e.tags, e.ambiguous_slugs))
except Tag.UrlDeprecationWarning, e:
- return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(
- reverse('tagged_object_list', args=['/'.join(tag.url_chunk for tag in e.tags)]))
+ raise ResponseInstead(HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(
+ reverse('tagged_object_list', args=['/'.join(tag.url_chunk for tag in e.tags)])))
if len(tags) > settings.MAX_TAG_LIST:
except AttributeError:
- # beginning of digestion
- theme_is_set = any(tag.category == 'theme' for tag in tags)
- shelf_is_set = any(tag.category == 'set' for tag in tags)
- only_shelf = shelf_is_set and len(tags) == 1
- only_my_shelf = only_shelf and request.user == tags[0].user
- tags_pks = [ for tag in tags]
- if gallery and shelf_is_set:
- raise Http404
- daisy = None
- if theme_is_set:
- # Only fragments (or pirctureareas) here.
- shelf_tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag.category == 'set']
- fragment_tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag.category != 'set']
- if gallery:
- fragments = PictureArea.tagged.with_all(fragment_tags)
- else:
- fragments = Fragment.tagged.with_all(fragment_tags)
- if shelf_tags:
- # TODO: Pictures on shelves not supported yet.
- books = Book.tagged.with_all(shelf_tags).order_by()
- fragments = fragments.filter(Q(book__in=books) | Q(book__ancestor__in=books))
+ return tags
- categories = split_tags(
- Tag.objects.usage_for_queryset(fragments, counts=True).exclude(pk__in=tags_pks),
- )
- objects = fragments
+def theme_list(request, tags, list_type):
+ shelf_tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag.category == 'set']
+ fragment_tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag.category != 'set']
+ if list_type == 'gallery':
+ fragments = PictureArea.tagged.with_all(fragment_tags)
- if gallery:
- # TODO: Pictures on shelves not supported yet.
- if tags:
- objects = Picture.tagged.with_all(tags)
- else:
- objects = Picture.objects.all()
- areas = PictureArea.objects.filter(picture__in=objects)
- categories = split_tags(
- Tag.objects.usage_for_queryset(
- objects, counts=True).exclude(pk__in=tags_pks),
- Tag.objects.usage_for_queryset(
- areas, counts=True).filter(
- category__in=('theme', 'thing')).exclude(
- pk__in=tags_pks),
- )
- else:
- if audiobooks:
- all_books = Book.objects.filter(media__type__in=('mp3', 'ogg')).distinct()
- if tags:
- all_books = Book.tagged.with_all(tags, all_books)
- objects = all_books
- # there's never only the daisy audiobook
- daisy = objects.filter(media__type='daisy').distinct().order_by('sort_key_author', 'sort_key')
- related_book_tags = Tag.objects.usage_for_queryset(
- objects, counts=True).exclude(
- category='set').exclude(pk__in=tags_pks)
- else:
- if tags:
- all_books = Book.tagged.with_all(tags)
- else:
- all_books = Book.objects.filter(parent=None)
- if shelf_is_set:
- objects = all_books
- related_book_tags = Tag.objects.usage_for_queryset(
- objects, counts=True).exclude(
- category='set').exclude(pk__in=tags_pks)
- else:
- if tags:
- objects = Book.tagged_top_level(tags)
- else:
- objects = all_books
- related_book_tags = get_top_level_related_tags(tags)
- fragments = Fragment.objects.filter(book__in=all_books)
- categories = split_tags(
- related_book_tags,
- Tag.objects.usage_for_queryset(
- fragments, counts=True).filter(
- category='theme').exclude(pk__in=tags_pks),
- )
- objects = objects.order_by('sort_key_author', 'sort_key')
+ fragments = Fragment.tagged.with_all(fragment_tags)
- objects = list(objects)
- if len(objects) > 3:
- best = random.sample(objects, 3)
- else:
- best = objects
+ if shelf_tags:
+ # TODO: Pictures on shelves not supported yet.
+ books = Book.tagged.with_all(shelf_tags).order_by()
+ fragments = fragments.filter(Q(book__in=books) | Q(book__ancestor__in=books))
- if not gallery and not objects and len(tags) == 1:
+ if not fragments and len(tags) == 1:
tag = tags[0]
- if tag.category in ('theme', 'thing') and (
+ if tag.category == 'theme' and (
PictureArea.tagged.with_any([tag]).exists() or
- return redirect('tagged_object_list_gallery', raw_tags)
+ return redirect('tagged_object_list_gallery', '/'.join(tag.url_chunk for tag in tags))
+ return object_list(request, fragments, tags=tags, list_type=list_type, extra={
+ 'theme_is_set': True,
+ 'active_menu_item': 'theme',
+ })
+def tagged_object_list(request, tags, list_type):
+ try:
+ tags = analyse_tags(request, tags)
+ except ResponseInstead as e:
+ return e.response
+ if list_type == 'gallery' and any(tag.category == 'set' for tag in tags):
+ raise Http404
- # this is becoming more and more hacky
- if list_type == 'default' and not tags:
- last_published = Book.objects.exclude(cover_thumb='').filter(parent=None).order_by('-created_at')[:20]
+ if any(tag.category == 'theme' for tag in tags):
+ return theme_list(request, tags, list_type=list_type)
+ if list_type == 'books':
+ books = Book.tagged.with_all(tags)
+ if any(tag.category == 'set' for tag in tags):
+ params = {'objects': books}
+ else:
+ params = {
+ 'objects': Book.tagged_top_level(tags),
+ 'fragments': Fragment.objects.filter(book__in=books),
+ 'related_tags': get_top_level_related_tags(tags),
+ }
+ elif list_type == 'gallery':
+ params = {'objects': Picture.tagged.with_all(tags)}
+ elif list_type == 'audiobooks':
+ audiobooks = Book.objects.filter(media__type__in=('mp3', 'ogg')).distinct()
+ params = {
+ 'objects': Book.tagged.with_all(tags, audiobooks),
+ 'extra': {
+ 'daisy': Book.tagged.with_all(tags, audiobooks.filter(media__type='daisy').distinct()),
+ }
+ }
- last_published = None
+ raise Http404
- return render_to_response(
- 'catalogue/tagged_object_list.html',
- {
- 'object_list': objects,
- 'categories': categories,
- 'only_shelf': only_shelf,
- 'only_my_shelf': only_my_shelf,
- 'formats_form': forms.DownloadFormatsForm(),
- 'tags': tags,
- 'tag_ids': tags_pks,
- 'theme_is_set': theme_is_set,
- 'best': best,
- 'list_type': list_type,
- 'daisy': daisy,
- 'last_published': last_published,
- },
- context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+ return object_list(request, tags=tags, list_type=list_type, **params)
def book_fragments(request, slug, theme_slug):
return audiobooks, projects, have_oggs
-# używane tylko do audiobook_tree, które jest używane tylko w snippets/audiobook_list.html, które nie jest używane
+# używane w publicznym interfejsie
def player(request, slug):
book = get_object_or_404(Book, slug=slug)
if not book.has_media('mp3'):
audiobooks, projects, have_oggs = get_audiobooks(book)
- # extra_info = book.extra_info
return render_to_response('catalogue/player.html', {
'book': book,
'audiobook': '',
'best': best,
'title': constants.CATEGORIES_NAME_PLURAL[category],
'whole_category': constants.WHOLE_CATEGORY[category],
+ 'active_menu_item': 'theme' if category == 'theme' else None,