-@django.dispatch.receiver(post_delete, sender=Book)
-def _remove_book_from_index_handler(sender, instance, **kwargs):
- """ remove the book from search index, when it is deleted."""
- search.JVM.attachCurrentThread()
- idx = search.Index()
- idx.open(timeout=10000) # 10 seconds timeout.
- try:
- idx.remove_book(instance)
- idx.index_tags()
- finally:
- idx.close()
+if not settings.NO_SEARCH_INDEX:
+ @django.dispatch.receiver(post_delete, sender=Book)
+ def _remove_book_from_index_handler(sender, instance, **kwargs):
+ """ remove the book from search index, when it is deleted."""
+ import search
+ search.JVM.attachCurrentThread()
+ idx = search.Index()
+ idx.open(timeout=10000) # 10 seconds timeout.
+ try:
+ idx.remove_book(instance)
+ idx.index_tags()
+ finally:
+ idx.close()