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mierze winowa\u0107...)"}, {"parent": 1875, "tags": [1, 23, 24, 121], "title": "Do B. 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Gustawa Ol(izara) podzi\u0119kowanie za wystrzy\u017cynk\u0119 z gwiazdeczk\u0105 i Krzemie\u0144cem"}, {"parent": 710, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Jadama Konarskiego biskupa pozna\u0144skiego", "html_size": 3251, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-trzecie-do-jadama-konarskiego-biskupa-poznans____.html", "parent_number": 9, "id": 662}, {"parent": 711, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Jadwigi", "html_size": 1150, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-wtore-do-jadwigi____.html", "parent_number": 21, "id": 643}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Jakuba", "html_size": 550, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-pierwsze-do-jakuba_____.html", "parent_number": 7, "id": 699}, {"parent": 710, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Jana (Janie, cierp', jako mo\u017cesz! Przyjdzie ta godzina...)", "html_size": 2675, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-trzecie-do-jana-janie-cierp-jako-mozesz-przyj____.html", "parent_number": 10, "id": 514}, {"parent": 711, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Jana (Janie, m\u00f3j dru\u017cba...)", "html_size": 3268, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-wtore-do-jana-janie-moj-druzba____.html", "parent_number": 22, "id": 477}, {"parent": 710, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Jana (Je\u015bli st\u0105d jak\u0105 rozkosz ma cz\u0142owiek cnotliwy...)", "html_size": 3296, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-trzecie-do-jana-jesli-stad-jaka-rozkosz-ma-cz____.html", "parent_number": 11, "id": 537}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Jana (Radz\u0119, Janie, daj pok\u00f3j przedsi\u0119wzi\u0119ciu swemu...)", "html_size": 2030, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-pierwsze-do-jana-radze-janie-daj-pokoj-przeds____.html", "parent_number": 8, "id": 561}, {"parent": 711, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do J\u0119drzeja (A c\u00f3\u017c radzisz, J\u0119drzeju? Wszak mog\u0119 w twe uszy...)", "html_size": 2865, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-wtore-do-jedrzeja-a-coz-radzisz-jedrzeju-wsza____.html", "parent_number": 23, "id": 478}, {"parent": 711, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do J\u0119drzeja (Kt\u00f3ry m\u00f3j nieprzyjaciel i cz\u0142owiek tak srogi...)", "html_size": 2299, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-wtore-do-jedrzeja-ktory-moj-nieprzyjaciel-i-c____.html", "parent_number": 24, "id": 607}, {"parent": 711, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do J\u0119drzeja Patrycego", "html_size": 894, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-wtore-do-jedrzeja-patrycego____.html", "parent_number": 25, "id": 577}, {"parent": 711, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do J\u00f3sta (Tw\u00f3j mi brat, J\u00f3stcie, powiada o tobie...)", "html_size": 1980, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-wtore-do-josta-twoj-mi-brat-jostcie-powiada-o____.html", "parent_number": 26, "id": 513}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do J\u00f3sta (Wiesz, co\u015b mi winien; miej\u017ce si\u0119 do taszki...)", "html_size": 1092, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-pierwsze-do-josta-wiesz-cos-mi-winien-miejze-____.html", "parent_number": 9, "id": 452}, {"html_size": 2789, "tags": [1889, 1, 34], "html": "/media/lektura/do-justyny.html", "id": 838, "title": "Do Justyny"}, {"html_size": 2955, "tags": [1889, 1, 34], "html": "/media/lektura/do-justyny-o-wdziecznosci.html", "id": 839, "title": "Do Justyny (O wdzi\u0119czno\u015bci)"}, {"parent": 710, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Kachny (Cho\u0107 znasz uczynno\u015b\u0107 moj\u0119 i ch\u0119\u0107 praw\u0105 czujesz...)", "html_size": 688, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-trzecie-do-kachny-choc-znasz-uczynnosc-moje-i____.html", "parent_number": 12, "id": 492}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Kachny (Pewnie ci\u0119 moje zwierciad\u0142o zawstydzi...)", "html_size": 536, "html": 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b\u0142\u0105dz\u0105cych gwiazd si\u0142y...)"}, {"html_size": 3263, "tags": [123, 11, 1, 1565], "html": "/media/lektura/do-kasie-mam-nadzieje-ze-sie-nade-mna-zlitujesz_.html", "id": 781, "title": "Do Kasie (Mam nadziej\u0119, \u017ce si\u0119 nade mn\u0105 zlitujesz...)"}, {"parent": 710, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do kaznodzieja", "html_size": 1194, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-trzecie-do-kaznodzieja____.html", "parent_number": 14, "id": 405}, {"parent": 710, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do kogo\u015b", "html_size": 848, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-trzecie-do-kogos____.html", "parent_number": 15, "id": 564}, {"html_size": 2234, "tags": [4373, 1, 24, 22], "html": "/media/lektura/do-kreolki.html", "id": 2132, "title": "Do Kreolki"}, {"parent": 289, "tags": [31, 33, 34, 32], "title": "Do kr\u00f3la", "html_size": 27925, "html": "/media/lektura/satyry-czesc-pierwsza-do-krola_______.html", "parent_number": 0, "id": 181}, {"parent": 710, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 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Marcinie, przed tym nie ugoni\u0142...)", "html_size": 694, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-pierwsze-do-marcina-a-wiec-by-ty-marcinie-prz____.html", "parent_number": 11, "id": 517}, {"parent": 711, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Marcina (Filozofi, co nad nas uszy lepsze maj\u0105...)", "html_size": 1399, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-wtore-do-marcina-filozofi-co-nad-nas-uszy-lep____.html", "parent_number": 27, "id": 438}, {"html_size": 2240, "tags": [1, 24, 189, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/do-matki_______.html", "id": 91, "title": "Do matki"}, {"html_size": 738, "tags": [1, 24, 189, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/do-matki-w-ciemnosciach-postac-mi-stoi-matczyna.html", "id": 1100, "title": "Do Matki (\"W ciemno\u015bciach posta\u0107 mi stoi matczyna\")"}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Miko\u0142aja Firleja (Jesliby w moich ksi\u0105\u017ckach co takiego by\u0142o...)", "html_size": 844, "html": 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swej strony...)", "html_size": 659, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-trzecie-do-pana-panie-co-dobrze-raczy-dac-z-s____.html", "parent_number": 27, "id": 639}, {"html_size": 5686, "tags": [1, 24, 189, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/do-pani-joanny-bobrowej.html", "id": 1099, "title": "Do pani Joanny Bobrowej"}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do paniej (Co usty m\u00f3wisz, by\u015b w sercu my\u015bli\u0142a...)", "html_size": 797, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-pierwsze-do-paniej-co-usty-mowisz-bys-w-sercu_____.html", "parent_number": 15, "id": 622}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do paniej (Imi\u0119 twe, pani, kt\u00f3re rad mianuj\u0119...)", "html_size": 2709, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-pierwsze-do-paniej-imie-twe-pani-ktore-rad-mi_____.html", "parent_number": 16, "id": 479}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do paniej (Pani jako nadobna, tak te\u017c i uczciwa!)", "html_size": 828, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-pierwsze-do-paniej-pani-jako-nadobna-tak-tez-_____.html", "parent_number": 17, "id": 682}, {"parent": 711, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do paniej (S\u0142yszcie, pani! Te fraszki, co teraz czytacie...)", "html_size": 690, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-wtore-do-paniej-slyszcie-pani-te-fraszki-co-t____.html", "parent_number": 31, "id": 591}, {"html_size": 6329, "tags": [1, 24, 189, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/do-pastereczki-siedzacej-na-druidow-kamieniach-w-pornic-nad-oceanem.html", "id": 1941, "title": "Do pastereczki siedz\u0105cej na druid\u00f3w kamieniach w Pornic nad oceanem"}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Pawe\u0142ka", "html_size": 1326, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-pierwsze-do-pawelka_____.html", "parent_number": 18, "id": 519}, {"parent": 710, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Paw\u0142a (Chcia\u0142em ci \u201epomagab\u00f3g\u201d kilkakro\u0107 powiedzie\u0107...)", "html_size": 1204, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-trzecie-do-pawla-chcialem-ci-pomagabog-kilkak____.html", "parent_number": 28, "id": 470}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Paw\u0142a (Dobra to, Pawle, mo\u017cesz wierzy\u0107, szko\u0142a...)", "html_size": 1013, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-pierwsze-do-pawla-dobra-to-pawle-mozesz-wierz_____.html", "parent_number": 19, "id": 520}, {"parent": 710, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Paw\u0142a (Pawle, nie b\u0105d\u017a tak wielkim panem do swej \u015bmierci...)", "html_size": 1574, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-trzecie-do-pawla-pawle-nie-badz-tak-wielkim-p____.html", "parent_number": 29, "id": 532}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Paw\u0142a (Pawle, rzecz pewna, u twego s\u0105siada...)", "html_size": 1758, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-pierwsze-do-pawla-pawle-rzecz-pewna-u-twego-s_____.html", "parent_number": 20, "id": 524}, {"parent": 708, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Do Paw\u0142a St\u0119powskiego", "html_size": 1659, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-pierwsze-do-pawla-stepowskiego_____.html", "parent_number": 0, "id": 1585}, {"parent": 711, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": 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m\u0119\u017cu m\u00f3j, zosta\u0107, twoja \u017cona...)", "html_size": 1352, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-wtore-dorocie-z-michowa-zenie-jego-nie-chcial____.html", "parent_number": 63, "id": 510}, {"html_size": 16244, "tags": [1518, 31, 1517, 56], "html": "/media/lektura/dramat.html", "id": 858, "title": "Dramat"}, {"parent": 829, "tags": [31, 23, 1660, 24], "title": "Droga do Rosji", "html_size": 18742, "html": "/media/lektura/dziady-dziadow-czesci-iii-ustep-droga-do-rosji.html", "parent_number": 0, "id": 821}, {"parent": 1798, "tags": [1, 23, 24, 22], "title": "Droga nad przepa\u015bci\u0105 w Czufut-Kale", "html_size": 4637, "html": "/media/lektura/sonety-krymskie-droga-nad-przepascia-w-czufut-kale_______.html", "parent_number": 15, "id": 1794}, {"parent": 710, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Drugi (M\u0119\u017cu m\u00f3j, o m\u00f3j m\u0119\u017cu, \u015bmier\u0107 nieluto\u015bciwa)", "html_size": 1255, "html": 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"id": 1085, "title": "Fortepian Chopina"}, {"html_size": 2591, "tags": [1, 128, 5220, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/fragment-z-fantazji.html", "id": 2060, "title": "Fragment z \u00abFantazji\u00bb"}, {"tags": [3, 1, 2, 4], "id": 1402, "title": "Fragmenta albo pozosta\u0142e pisma"}, {"html_size": 3179, "tags": [123, 11, 1, 1565], "html": "/media/lektura/frasunk-do-kasie.html", "id": 784, "title": "Frasunk do Kasie"}, {"html_size": 1736, "tags": [123, 11, 1, 1565], "html": "/media/lektura/fraszka-do-anusie.html", "id": 785, "title": "Fraszka do Anusie"}, {"html_size": 2296, "tags": [123, 11, 1, 1565], "html": "/media/lektura/fraszka-do-kasie.html", "id": 786, "title": "Fraszka do Kasie"}, {"html_size": 3048, "tags": [123, 11, 1, 1565], "html": "/media/lektura/fraszka-do-zosie-badz-mi-oczkami-pozwalasz-laskawemi.html", "id": 787, "title": "Fraszka do Zosie (B\u0105d\u017a mi oczkami pozwalasz \u0142askawemi...)"}, {"html_size": 3205, "tags": [123, 1564, 1, 1565], "html": 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"id": 1657, "title": "Imieniny"}, {"parent": 1383, "tags": [338, 1606, 1, 336], "title": "Ipecacuana", "html_size": 4336, "html": "/media/lektura/but-w-butonierce-ipecacuara.html", "parent_number": 3, "id": 1361}, {"parent": 754, "tags": [339, 1, 128, 121], "title": "IV (O niezg\u0142\u0119biona duszy toni...)", "html_size": 3383, "html": "/media/lektura/w-ciemnosci-schodzi-moja-dusza-iv-o-niezglebiona-duszy-toni_.html", "parent_number": 3, "id": 746}, {"parent": 754, "tags": [339, 1, 128, 121], "title": "IX (Modlitwo moja, cicha i bez s\u0142\u00f3w...)", "html_size": 8669, "html": "/media/lektura/w-ciemnosci-schodzi-moja-dusza-ix-modlitwo-moja-cicha-i-bez-slow_.html", "parent_number": 8, "id": 751}, {"html_size": 1968, "tags": [3140, 338, 1, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/dzien-jak-co-dzien-ja-karabin.html", "id": 1531, "title": "Ja karabin"}, {"html_size": 6761, "tags": [337, 1, 128, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/napoj-cienisty-jadwiga.html", "id": 1740, "title": "Jadwiga"}, 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Nieszcz\u0119\u015bliwa! O! Uciemi\u0119\u017cona..."}, {"parent": 1237, "tags": [1888, 31, 33, 34], "title": "Ocean i Tagus rzeka", "html_size": 1925, "html": "/media/lektura/ocean-i-tagus-rzeka_.html", "parent_number": 58, "id": 1224}, {"html_size": 7231, "tags": [1, 23, 352, 24], "html": "/media/lektura/oda-do-mlodosci_______.html", "id": 143, "title": "Oda do m\u0142odo\u015bci"}, {"html_size": 21725, "tags": [1, 24, 189, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/oda-do-wolnosci.html", "id": 1960, "title": "Oda do wolno\u015bci"}, {"html_size": 1809, "tags": [4373, 1, 24, 22], "html": "/media/lektura/oddzwieki.html", "id": 2155, "title": "Odd\u017awi\u0119ki"}, {"parent": 711, "tags": [11, 3, 1, 4], "title": "Odpowied\u017a", "html_size": 548, "html": "/media/lektura/fraszki-ksiegi-wtore-odpowiedz____.html", "parent_number": 79, "id": 406}, {"html_size": 13037, "tags": [1, 24, 189, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/odpowiedz-na-psalmy-przyszlosci_______.html", "id": 202, "title": "Odpowied\u017a na \"Psalmy 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widzia\u0142o...)", "html_size": 9466, "html": "/media/lektura/fragmenta-piesn-iii-oko-smiertelne-boga-nie-widzialo.html", "parent_number": 3, "id": 1393}, {"html_size": 6996, "tags": [123, 1, 1583, 1565], "html": "/media/lektura/piesn-iii-psalmu-lvi-paraphrasis.html", "id": 799, "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 III (Psalmu LVI Paraphrasis)"}, {"html_size": 6273, "tags": [123, 1, 2, 1565], "html": "/media/lektura/piesn-iii-stefanowi-batoremu-krolowi-polskiemu.html", "id": 800, "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 III (Stefanowi Batoremu, kr\u00f3lowi polskiemu)"}, {"parent": 1402, "tags": [3, 1, 2, 4], "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 IV (Kiedy by kogo B\u00f3g by\u0142 swymi s\u0142owy...)", "html_size": 5065, "html": "/media/lektura/fragmenta-piesn-iv-kiedy-by-kogo-bog-byl-swymi-slowy.html", "parent_number": 4, "id": 1394}, {"html_size": 4443, "tags": [123, 1, 2, 1565], "html": "/media/lektura/piesn-iv-o-cnocie-szlacheckiej.html", "id": 801, "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 IV (O cnocie szlacheckiej)"}, 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Polskich we W\u0142oszech"}, {"html_size": 25204, "tags": [1, 128, 5220, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/piesn-o-jasku-zbojniku_1.html", "id": 2082, "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 o Ja\u015bku zb\u00f3jniku"}, {"html_size": 7547, "tags": [1889, 1, 34, 2], "html": "/media/lektura/piesn-o-narodzeniu-panskim-bog-sie-rodzi.html", "id": 2021, "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 o Narodzeniu Pa\u0144skim (B\u00f3g si\u0119 rodzi...)"}, {"html_size": 14271, "tags": [1, 2308, 24, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/piesn-od-ziemi-naszej_.html", "id": 1090, "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 od ziemi naszej"}, {"html_size": 2534, "tags": [1889, 1, 34, 2], "html": "/media/lektura/piesn-przyjacielska.html", "id": 844, "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 przyjacielska"}, {"html_size": 83399, "tags": [3, 1, 2, 4], "html": "/media/lektura/piesn-swietojanska-o-sobotce_______.html", "id": 1404, "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 \u015bwi\u0119toja\u0144ska o Sob\u00f3tce"}, {"parent": 1455, "tags": [3, 1, 2, 4], "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 V (Kto ma 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sie ju\u017c nie masz na co chowa\u0107...)", "html_size": 5387, "html": "/media/lektura/piesni-ksiegi-pierwsze-piesn-xii.html", "parent_number": 11, "id": 1415}, {"parent": 1458, "tags": [3, 1, 2, 4], "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XII (Nie masz, i po drugi raz nie masz w\u0105tpliwo\u015bci...)", "html_size": 6262, "html": "/media/lektura/piesni-ksiegi-wtore-piesn-xii.html", "parent_number": 11, "id": 1440}, {"parent": 1455, "tags": [3, 1, 2, 4], "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XIII (O pi\u0119kna nocy nad zwyczaj tych czas\u00f3w...)", "html_size": 6528, "html": "/media/lektura/piesni-ksiegi-pierwsze-piesn-xiii.html", "parent_number": 12, "id": 1414}, {"parent": 1458, "tags": [3, 1, 2, 4], "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XIII (Panu dzi\u0119ki oddawajmy...)", "html_size": 13302, "html": "/media/lektura/piesni-ksiegi-wtore-piesn-xiii.html", "parent_number": 12, "id": 1439}, {"parent": 1455, "tags": [3, 1, 2, 4], "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XIV (Patrzaj, jako \u015bnieg po g\u00f3rach sie bieli...)", 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"/media/lektura/woz-z-sianem-bajki-nowe_.html", "parent_number": 70, "id": 1313}, {"parent": 1333, "tags": [1888, 31, 33, 34], "title": "Wrobel", "html_size": 1939, "html": "/media/lektura/wrobel-bajki-nowe_.html", "parent_number": 71, "id": 1278}, {"html_size": 5802, "tags": [337, 1, 128, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/napoj-cienisty-wspomnienie.html", "id": 1744, "title": "Wspomnienie"}, {"html_size": 8573, "tags": [1, 24, 189, 121], "html": "/media/lektura/wspomnienie-pani-de-st-marcel-z-domu-chauveaux.html", "id": 1984, "title": "Wspomnienie pani de St. Marcel z domu Chauveaux"}, {"parent": 295, "tags": [31, 126, 128, 127], "title": "Wst\u0119p", "html_size": 5448, "html": "/media/lektura/legendy-warszawskie-wstep_______.html", "parent_number": 0, "id": 81}, {"parent": 1234, "tags": [1888, 31, 33, 34], "title": "Wst\u0119p do bajek", "html_size": 1894, "html": "/media/lektura/wstep-do-bajek.html", "parent_number": 2, "id": 1245}, {"tags": [1888, 31, 33, 34], "id": 1234, "title": 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+ "title": "[M\u00f3dlmy si\u0119 \u015br\u00f3d drzew...]",
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+ "title": "[Treny - Motto i dedykacja]",
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+ "html": "/media/lektura/napoj-cienisty-uwiedly-sad.html",
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+ "html_size": 4317,
+ "id": 2053,
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+ "title": "Abuzei i Tair",
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+ "title": "Ach, ju\u017c i w rodzicielskim domu...",
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+ "title": "Ajudah",
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+ "title": "Do Anny (Kr\u00f3lowi r\u00f3wien, a je\u015bli si\u0119 godzi...)",
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+ "title": "Do dziewki (Daj, czego\u0107 nie ub\u0119dzie, by\u015b nawi\u0119cej da\u0142a...)",
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+ "title": "Do dziewki (Je\u015bli to rada widzisz, a \u017cyczysz mi tego...)",
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+ "parent": 710,
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+ "parent": 711,
+ "title": "Do fraszek (Fraszki, za wszeteczne was ludzie poczytaj\u0105...)",
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+ {
+ "parent": 710,
+ "title": "Do gospodarza (Nie b\u0105d\u017a go\u015bciem u siebie, wiedz, co si\u0119 w ci\u0119 wleje...)",
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+ "parent": 711,
+ "title": "Do gospodarza (Rad si\u0119 widz\u0119 u ciebie, gospodarzu mi\u0142y!)",
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+ "title": "Do go\u015bcia (B\u0105d\u017a ptaka, b\u0105d\u017a zaj\u0105ca szukasz po tym boru...)",
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+ "parent": 710,
+ "title": "Do go\u015bcia (Go\u015bciu, tak jako\u015b pocz\u0105\u0142, ju\u017c do ko\u0144ca czytaj...)",
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+ "title": "Do go\u015bcia (Go\u015bciu, w\u0142asn\u0105 twarz widzisz przewa\u017cnej Dydony...)",
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+ "parent": 708,
+ "title": "Do go\u015bcia (Je\u015bli darmo masz te ksi\u0105\u017cki...)",
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+ "parent": 708,
+ "title": "Do go\u015bcia (Nie pie\u015b\u0107 si\u0119 d\u0142ugo z mymi ksi\u0105\u017ceczkami...)",
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+ "id": 559
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+ "title": "Do Hanny (Chybaby nie wiedzia\u0142a, co znaczy twarz blada...)",
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+ "parent": 711,
+ "title": "Do Hanny (Na palcu masz dyjament, w sercu twardy krzemie\u0144...)",
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+ "title": "Do Jadwigi",
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+ "title": "Do Jakuba",
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+ "title": "Do Jana (Radz\u0119, Janie, daj pok\u00f3j przedsi\u0119wzi\u0119ciu swemu...)",
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+ "title": "Do Marii P...",
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+ "title": "Do Miko\u0142aja Firleja (Ma\u0142o na tym, \u017ce moje fraszki masz pisane...)",
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+ "title": "Do paniej (S\u0142yszcie, pani! Te fraszki, co teraz czytacie...)",
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+ "title": "Do Paw\u0142a (Dobra to, Pawle, mo\u017cesz wierzy\u0107, szko\u0142a...)",
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+ "title": "Do Paw\u0142a (Pawle, nie b\u0105d\u017a tak wielkim panem do swej \u015bmierci...)",
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+ "title": "Do Paw\u0142a (Pawle, rzecz pewna, u twego s\u0105siada...)",
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+ "title": "Do przyjaciela (Jednego chcie\u0107 i nie chcie\u0107 to spo\u0142eczno\u015b\u0107 prawa...)",
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+ "parent": 711,
+ "title": "Do przyjaciela (Nie frasuj sobie, przyjacielu, g\u0142owy...)",
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+ "title": "Do Stanis\u0142awa (Kto pija do p\u00f3\u0142nocy, bracie Stanis\u0142awie...)",
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+ "title": "Do Stanis\u0142awa (Powiedz mi, gdzie si\u0119 chowasz, bracie Stanis\u0142awie...)",
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+ "title": "Do teg\u00f3\u017c (Albo z nas szydzisz, albo sam wi\u0142ujesz...)",
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+ "title": "Do Wojtka (I owszem, mi\u0142y Wojtku, zjednaj si\u0119 z t\u0105 pani\u0105...)",
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+ "title": "Gdy noc g\u0142\u0119boka wszystko u\u015bpi i oniemi...",
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+ "title": "Gdy tu m\u00f3j trup...",
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+ "html_size": 43422,
+ "html": "/media/lektura/hymny-judasz.html",
+ "parent_number": 6,
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+ "title": "Jungfrau",
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+ "html_size": 1532,
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+ "html": "/media/lektura/kameleon.html",
+ "html_size": 9461,
+ "id": 861,
+ "tags": [
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+ "html": "/media/lektura/kamizelka.html",
+ "html_size": 36112,
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+ 1888,
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 V (Wieczna sromota i nienagrodzona...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 VI (Co by ty, urodziwa Hanno, na to da\u0142a...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 VIII (Gdzie\u015bkolwiek jest, Bo\u017ce\u0107 po\u015bli dobr\u0105 godzin\u0119...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 VIII (Nie frasuj sobie, Miko\u0142aju, g\u0142owy...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 X (Kto mi da\u0142 skrzyd\u0142a, kto mi\u0119 odzia\u0142 pi\u00f3ry...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XI (Stateczny umys\u0142 pami\u0119taj zachowa\u0107...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XII (Musz\u0119 wyzna\u0107, bo sie ju\u017c nie masz na co chowa\u0107...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XIV (Patrzaj, jako \u015bnieg po g\u00f3rach sie bieli...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XIX (\u017bal mi ci\u0119, niebogo...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XV (Nie zaw\u017cdy Apollo strzela)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XVI (Nic po tych zbytnich potrawach, nic po tym...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XVII (Niegodzien tego ten \u015bwiat zawik\u0142any...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XVII (S\u0142o\u0144ce ju\u017c pad\u0142o, ciemna noc nadchodzi...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XVIII (Czo\u0142em za cze\u015b\u0107, \u0142askawy m\u00f3j panie s\u0105siedzie...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XVIII (Ucieszna lutni, w kt\u00f3rej s\u0142odkie strony)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XXI (Srogie \u0142a\u0144cuchy na swym sercu czuj\u0119...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XXI (Ty spisz, a ja sam na dworze...)",
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+ "title": "Pie\u015b\u0144 XXII (Prosz\u0119, jesli sie z tob\u0105 co \u015bpiewa\u0142o...)",
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+ "title": "Pochwa\u0142y milczenia",
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+ "html_size": 11642,
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