* Added styles for indented verses, notes and new annotation styles.
.htmlview * {
position: relative;
+ overflow: visibl;
.htmlview div {
margin: 1.5em 0 0 auto;
+/* wersy */
+.htmlview .strofa .wers_wciety, .htmlview .strofa .wers_wciety[data-wlf-typ='1'] {
+ margin-left: 1em;
+.htmlview .strofa .wers_wciety[data-wlf-typ='2'] {
+ margin-left: 2em;
+.htmlview .strofa .wers_wciety[data-wlf-typ='3'] {
+ margin-left: 3em;
+.htmlview .strofa .wers_wciety[data-wlf-typ='4'] {
+ margin-left: 4em;
+.htmlview .strofa .wers_wciety[data-wlf-typ='5'] {
+ margin-left: 5em;
+.htmlview .strofa .wers_wciety[data-wlf-typ='6'] {
+ margin-left: 6em;
+/* błędne wersy */
+.htmlview *:not(.strofa) > *[x-verse]::after {
+ content: "Ten wers znajduje się poza strofą.";
+ display: inline;
+ background: red;
+ font-size: 8pt;
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ -moz-border-radius: 10px;
+ -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
+ padding: 1px 1em;
+ margin-left: 1em;
+ vertical-align: super;
.htmlview .kwestia .strofa {
margin: 0;
margin: 1.5em 0 0;
-.htmlview p.motto {
+.htmlview .motto {
text-align: justify;
font-style: italic;
margin: 1.5em 0 0;
font-weight: bold;
+/* Uwaga/Extra */
+.htmlview .uwaga {
+ background-color: #96e0e4;
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ -moz-border-radius: 10px;
+ -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ line-height: 12pt;
+ padding: 2px 1em;
+ float: right;
+ max-width: 20%;
+ max-height: 24pt;
+ margin-left: 0.5em;
+ overflow: hidden;
+.utwor > .uwaga {
+ float: none;
+ padding: 0.5em 1em;
+ margin: 1em;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ max-height: 100%;
+.htmlview .uwaga:hover {
+ max-height: 100%;
/* Motywy */
/* ======================== */
.htmlview .annotation:hover {
- background-color: #dfdfdf;
+ background-color: #96e0e4;
*.htmlview *.annotation-inline-box {
display: none;
position: absolute;
- max-width: 36em;
+ width: 300px;
- font-size: 8pt;
+ font-size: 10pt;
line-height: 12pt;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
- background: white;
- border-color: gray;
- border-width: 2px;
- border-style: outset;
+ background: #fffe93;
+ border-color: black;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-radius: 10px;
+ -moz-border-radius: 10px;
+ -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
padding: 3px 5px;
text-decoration: none;
z-index: 1000;
/* background-color: ivory;*/
-.out-of-flow-text {
- border: 1px solid #BEBEBE;
- background-color: #E2E2E1;
- white-space: pre-line;
- font-family: monospace;
-.out-of-flow-text[x-editable] {
- background-color: #E2E2E1;
+.htmlview .out-of-flow-text {
+ display: block;
+ font-face: monospace;
+ border: 2px solid red !important;
+ white-space: pre-line;
+.htmlview .out-of-flow-text::before {
+ content: "Tekst w tej ramce nie jest otagowany!";
+ background-color: #ff6c6c;
+ color: black;
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ line-height: 12pt;
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ -moz-border-radius: 10px;
+ -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
+ padding: 5px 1em;
+ margin: 0em;
+ margin-left: 1em;
+ text-align: justify;
+ display: inline;
+ float: right;
+ max-width: 25%;
.unknown-tag {
if (editable.is('.annotation-inline-box')) {
$('*[x-annotation-box]', editable)
- .css({width: 300, position: 'absolute', left: event.clientX - editable.offset().left + 5, top: event.clientY - editable.offset().top + 5})
+ .css({position: 'absolute', left: event.clientX - editable.offset().left + 5, top: event.clientY - editable.offset().top + 5})
} else {
lista_osoba: 1,
"podpis": 1,
- "wers": 1,
- "wers_cd": 1,
- "wers_akap": 1,
- "wers_wciety": 1,
+ "wers": 0,
+ "wers_cd": 0,
+ "wers_akap": 0,
+ "wers_wciety": 0,
"rdf:RDF": 3,
"rdf:Description": 1,
HTMLSerializer.prototype._verseBefore = function(node) {
var prev = node.previousSibling;
- while(prev) {
- if(prev.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE && prev.hasAttribute('x-verse'))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+ while((prev !== null) && (prev.nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE)) {
+ prev = prev.previousSibling;
+ }
+ return (prev !== null) && prev.hasAttribute('x-verse');
HTMLSerializer.prototype.serialize = function(rootElement, stripOuter)
<xsl:template match="wers_cd|wers_akap|wers_wciety">
<xsl:param name="mixed" />
- <p x-verse="true">
- <xsl:call-template name="standard-attributes" />
- <xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()">
- <xsl:with-param name="mixed" select="true()" />
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </p>
+ <!-- <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="ancestor::*[0]/self::strofa"> -->
+ <p x-verse="true">
+ <xsl:call-template name="standard-attributes" />
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()">
+ <xsl:with-param name="mixed" select="true()" />
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </p>
+ <!-- </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:choose> -->
<xsl:template match="br"><xsl:text>/</xsl:text></xsl:template>
<xsl:template match="extra|uwaga">
<xsl:call-template name="standard-attributes" />
- <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()">
+ <xsl:with-param name="mixed" select="true()" />
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
<xsl:template match="*[name() != local-name()]">
- <div>
+ <span>
<xsl:call-template name="standard-attributes" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()">
<xsl:with-param name="mixed" select="true()" />
- </div>
+ </span>
+ <!--
+ Earlier versions of html2wl introduced a BUG, that 'causes "out-of-flow-text" tag to appear.
+ Instead of marking it as "unknown", just pass thru it
+ -->
+ <xsl:template match="out-of-flow-text">
+ <xsl:param name="mixed" />
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()">
+ <xsl:with-param name="mixed" select="$mixed" />
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:template>
<xsl:template match="*">
- <div class="unknown-tag" x-node="{name()}">
+ <span class="unknown-tag" x-node="{name()}">
<xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()">
<xsl:with-param name="mixed" select="true()" />
- </div>
+ </span>
<xsl:template name="context-menu">
<xsl:variable name="id" select="generate-id()" />
<xsl:attribute name="x-attr-value-{$id}"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="x-attr-name-{$id}"><xsl:value-of select="local-name()"/></xsl:attribute>
- <xsl:if test="namespace-uri()">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="namespace-uri()">
<xsl:attribute name="x-attr-ns-{$id}"><xsl:value-of select="namespace-uri()"/></xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <!-- if the element belongs to default namespace and attribut has no namespace -->
+ <xsl:when test="not(namespace-uri(.))">
+ <xsl:attribute name="data-wlf-{local-name()}"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>