from django import forms
-class DocumentGetForm(forms.Form):
- autocabinet = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
+class DocumentEntryRequest(forms.Form):
+ revision = forms.RegexField(regex='latest|[0-9a-f]{40}')
class DocumentUploadForm(forms.Form):
- ocr = forms.FileField(label='Source OCR file')
+ ocr_file = forms.FileField(label='Source OCR file', required=False)
+ ocr_data = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False)
bookname = forms.RegexField(regex=r'[0-9\.\w_-]+', \
label='Publication name', help_text='Example: slowacki-beniowski')
- generate_dc = forms.BooleanField(required=False, initial=True, label=u"Generate DublinCore template")
+ generate_dc = forms.BooleanField(required=False, \
+ initial=True, label=u"Generate DublinCore template")
+ def clean(self):
+ clean_data = self.cleaned_data
+ ocr_file = clean_data['ocr_file']
+ ocr_data = clean_data['ocr_data']
+ if not ocr_file and not ocr_data:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(
+ "You must either provide file descriptor or raw data." )
+ return clean_data
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-from piston.handler import BaseHandler, AnonymousBaseHandler
-from piston.utils import rc, validate
-import settings
-import librarian
-import api.forms as forms
-from datetime import date
-from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
-from wlrepo import MercurialLibrary, CabinetNotFound
-# Document List Handlers
-class BasicLibraryHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
- allowed_methods = ('GET',)
- def read(self, request):
- """Return the list of documents."""
- lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
- cab = lib.main_cabinet
- document_list = [{
- 'url': reverse('document_view', args=[docid]),
- 'name': docid } for docid in cab.documents() ]
- return {
- 'cabinet':,
- 'latest_rev': cab.shelf(),
- 'documents' : document_list }
-class LibraryHandler(BaseHandler):
- allowed_methods = ('GET', 'POST')
- anonymous = BasicLibraryHandler
- def read(self, request):
- """Return the list of documents."""
- lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
- cab = lib.main_cabinet
- document_list = [{
- 'url': reverse('document_view', args=[docid]),
- 'name': docid } for docid in cab.documents() ]
- return {
- 'cabinet':,
- 'latest_rev': cab.shelf(),
- 'documents' : document_list }
- def create(self, request):
- """Create a new document."""
- lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
- cab = lib.main_cabinet
- form = forms.DocumentUploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
- if not form.is_valid():
- return rc.BAD_REQUEST
- f = request.FILES['ocr']
- data ='utf-8')
- if form.cleaned_data['generate_dc']:
- data = librarian.wrap_text(data, unicode(
- doc = cab.create(form.cleaned_data['bookname'], initial_data=data)
- return {
- 'url': reverse('document_view', args=[]),
- 'name':,
- 'size': doc.size,
- 'revision': doc.shelf() }
-# Document Handlers
-class BasicDocumentHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
- allowed_methods = ('GET',)
- def read(self, request, docid):
- lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
- opts = forms.DocumentGetForm(request.GET)
- if not opts.is_valid():
- return rc.BAD_REQUEST
- document = lib.main_cabinet.retrieve(docid)
- result = {
- 'name':,
- 'size': document.size,
- 'text_url': reverse('doctext_view', args=[docid]),
- #'dc_url': reverse('docdc_view',,
- #'parts_url': reverse('docparts_view',,
- 'latest_rev': document.shelf(),
- }
- if request.GET.get('with_part', 'no') == 'yes':
- result['parts'] =
- return result
-class DocumentHandler(BaseHandler):
- allowed_methods = ('GET', 'PUT')
- anonymous = BasicDocumentHandler
- def read(self, request, docid):
- """Read document's meta data"""
- lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
- opts = forms.DocumentGetForm(request.GET)
- if not opts.is_valid():
- return rc.BAD_REQUEST
- document = lib.cabinet(docid, request.user.username, \
- create=opts.cleaned_data['autocabinet'] ).retrieve()
- shared = lib.main_cabinet.retrieve(docid)
- result = {
- 'name':,
- 'size': document.size,
- 'text_url': reverse('doctext_view', args=[docid]),
- 'dc_url': reverse('docdc_view', args=[docid]),
- 'parts_url': reverse('docparts_view', args=[docid]),
- 'latest_rev': document.shelf(),
- 'latest_shared_rev': shared.shelf(),
- #'shared': lib.isparentof(document, shared),
- #'up_to_date': lib.isparentof(shared, document),
- }
- if request.GET.get('with_part', 'no') == 'yes':
- result['parts'] =
- return result
-# Document Text View
-class DocumentTextHandler(BaseHandler):
- allowed_methods = ('GET', 'PUT')
- def read(self, request, docid):
- """Read document as raw text"""
- lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
- try:
- return lib.document(docid, request.user.username).read()
- except CabinetNotFound:
- return rc.NOT_HERE
- def update(self, request, docid):
- lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
- try:
- data = request.PUT['contents']
- lib.document(docid, request.user.username).write(data)
- return rc.ALL_OK
- except (CabinetNotFound, KeyError):
- return rc.NOT_HERE
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__= "Łukasz Rekucki"
+__date__ = "$2009-09-25 15:49:50$"
+__doc__ = "Module documentation."
+from piston.handler import BaseHandler, AnonymousBaseHandler
+import settings
+import librarian
+import api.forms as forms
+from datetime import date
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from wlrepo import MercurialLibrary, RevisionNotFound, DocumentAlreadyExists
+from librarian import dcparser
+import api.response as response
+from api.response import validate_form
+# Document List Handlers
+class BasicLibraryHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
+ allowed_methods = ('GET',)
+ def read(self, request):
+ """Return the list of documents."""
+ lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
+ document_list = [{
+ 'url': reverse('document_view', args=[docid]),
+ 'name': docid } for docid in lib.documents() ]
+ return {'documents' : document_list}
+class LibraryHandler(BaseHandler):
+ allowed_methods = ('GET', 'POST')
+ anonymous = BasicLibraryHandler
+ def read(self, request):
+ """Return the list of documents."""
+ lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
+ document_list = [{
+ 'url': reverse('document_view', args=[docid]),
+ 'name': docid } for docid in lib.documents() ]
+ return {'documents' : document_list }
+ @validate_form(forms.DocumentUploadForm, 'POST')
+ def create(self, request, form):
+ """Create a new document."""
+ lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
+ if form.cleaned_data['ocr_data']:
+ data = form.cleaned_data['ocr_data'].encode('utf-8')
+ else:
+ data = request.FILES['ocr'].read().decode('utf-8')
+ if form.cleaned_data['generate_dc']:
+ data = librarian.wrap_text(data, unicode(
+ docid = form.cleaned_data['bookname']
+ try:
+ doc = lib.document_create(docid)
+ doc.quickwrite('xml', data, '$AUTO$ XML data uploaded.',
+ user=request.user.username)
+ url = reverse('document_view', args=[])
+ return response.EntityCreated().django_response(\
+ body = {
+ 'url': url,
+ 'name':,
+ 'revision': doc.revision },
+ url = url )
+ except DocumentAlreadyExists:
+ # Document is already there
+ return response.EntityConflict().django_response(\
+ {"reason": "Document %s already exists." % docid})
+# Document Handlers
+class BasicDocumentHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler):
+ allowed_methods = ('GET',)
+ def read(self, request, docid):
+ try:
+ lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
+ doc = lib.document(docid)
+ except RevisionNotFound:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+ result = {
+ 'name':,
+ 'text_url': reverse('doctext_view', args=[]),
+ 'dc_url': reverse('docdc_view',,
+ 'public_revision': doc.revision,
+ }
+ return result
+# Document Meta Data
+class DocumentHandler(BaseHandler):
+ allowed_methods = ('GET', 'PUT')
+ anonymous = BasicDocumentHandler
+ def read(self, request, docid):
+ """Read document's meta data"""
+ lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
+ try:
+ doc = lib.document(docid)
+ udoc = doc.take(request.user.username)
+ except RevisionNotFound:
+ return request.EnityNotFound().django_response()
+ # is_shared = udoc.ancestorof(doc)
+ # is_uptodate = is_shared or shared.ancestorof(document)
+ result = {
+ 'name':,
+ 'text_url': reverse('doctext_view', args=[]),
+ 'dc_url': reverse('docdc_view', args=[]),
+ 'parts_url': reverse('docparts_view', args=[]),
+ 'user_revision': udoc.revision,
+ 'public_revision': doc.revision,
+ }
+ return result
+ def update(self, request, docid):
+ """Update information about the document, like display not"""
+ return
+# Document Text View
+class DocumentTextHandler(BaseHandler):
+ allowed_methods = ('GET', 'PUT')
+ @validate_form(forms.DocumentEntryRequest)
+ def read(self, request, form, docid):
+ """Read document as raw text"""
+ lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
+ try:
+ if request.GET['revision'] == 'latest':
+ document = lib.document(docid)
+ else:
+ document = lib.document_for_rev(request.GET['revision'])
+ # TODO: some finer-grained access control
+ return'xml')
+ except RevisionNotFound:
+ return response.EntityNotFound().django_response()
+ def update(self, request, docid):
+ lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
+ try:
+ data = request.PUT['contents']
+ prev = request.PUT['revision']
+ if request.PUT.has_key('message'):
+ msg = u"$USER$ " + request.PUT['message']
+ else:
+ msg = u"$AUTO$ XML content update."
+ current = lib.document(docid, request.user.username)
+ orig = lib.document_for_rev(prev)
+ if current != orig:
+ return response.EntityConflict().django_response({
+ "reason": "out-of-date",
+ "provided_revision": orig.revision,
+ "latest_revision": current.revision })
+ ndoc = doc.quickwrite('xml', data, msg)
+ # return the new revision number
+ return {
+ "document":,
+ "subview": "xml",
+ "previous_revision": prev,
+ "updated_revision": ndoc.revision
+ }
+ except (RevisionNotFound, KeyError):
+ return response.EntityNotFound().django_response()
+# Dublin Core handlers
+# @requires librarian
+class DocumentDublinCoreHandler(BaseHandler):
+ allowed_methods = ('GET', 'PUT')
+ @validate_form(forms.DocumentEntryRequest)
+ def read(self, request, docid):
+ """Read document as raw text"""
+ lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
+ try:
+ if request.GET['revision'] == 'latest':
+ document = lib.document(docid)
+ else:
+ document = lib.document_for_rev(request.GET['revision'])
+ bookinfo = dcparser.BookInfo.from_string('xml'))
+ return bookinfo.serialize()
+ except RevisionNotFound:
+ return response.EntityNotFound().django_response()
+ def update(self, request, docid):
+ lib = MercurialLibrary(path=settings.REPOSITORY_PATH)
+ try:
+ bi_json = request.PUT['contents']
+ prev = request.PUT['revision']
+ if request.PUT.has_key('message'):
+ msg = u"$USER$ " + request.PUT['message']
+ else:
+ msg = u"$AUTO$ Dublin core update."
+ current = lib.document(docid, request.user.username)
+ orig = lib.document_for_rev(prev)
+ if current != orig:
+ return response.EntityConflict().django_response({
+ "reason": "out-of-date",
+ "provided": orig.revision,
+ "latest": current.revision })
+ xmldoc = parser.WLDocument.from_string('xml'))
+ document.book_info = dcparser.BookInfo.from_json(bi_json)
+ # zapisz
+ ndoc = current.quickwrite('xml', \
+ document.serialize().encode('utf-8'),\
+ message=msg, user=request.user.username)
+ return {
+ "document":,
+ "subview": "xml",
+ "previous_revision": prev,
+ "updated_revision": ndoc.revision
+ }
+ except (RevisionNotFound, KeyError):
+ return response.EntityNotFound().django_response()
--- /dev/null
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__= "Łukasz Rekucki"
+__date__ = "$2009-09-25 15:55:33$"
+__doc__ = "Module documentation."
+from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template
+from piston.handler import BaseHandler
+from piston.utils import rc
+import settings
+import toolbar.models
+class ToolbarHandler(BaseHandler):
+ allowed_methods = ('GET',)
+ def read(self, request):
+ groups = toolbar.models.ButtonGroup.objects.all()
+ return [ {'name':, 'position': g.position,\
+ 'buttons': g.button_set.all()} for g in groups ]
+class ScriptletsHandler(BaseHandler):
+ allowed_methods = ('GET',)
+ def read(self, request):
+ scriptlets = toolbar.models.Scriptlet.objects.all()
+ return direct_to_template(request, 'toolbar_api/scriptlets.js',
+ extra_context = {'scriptlets': scriptlets },
+ mimetype='text/javascript' )
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__= "Łukasz Rekucki"
+__date__ = "$2009-09-25 15:53:00$"
+__doc__ = "Module documentation."
+from piston.resource import Resource
+from api.utils import DjangoAuth
+authdata = {'authentication': DjangoAuth()}
+# Library resources
+import api.handlers.library_handlers as dh
+library_resource = Resource(dh.LibraryHandler, **authdata)
+document_resource = Resource(dh.DocumentHandler, **authdata)
+document_text_resource = Resource(dh.DocumentTextHandler, **authdata)
+document_dc_resource = Resource(dh.DocumentDublinCoreHandler, **authdata)
+# Toolbar resources
+import api.handlers.toolbar_handlers as th
+toolbar_buttons = Resource(th.ToolbarHandler, **authdata)
+scriptlets = Resource(th.ScriptletsHandler, **authdata)
+__all__ = [
+ 'library_resource',
+ 'document_resource',
+ 'document_text_resource',
+ 'document_dc_resource',
+ 'toolbar_buttons',
+ 'scriptlets'
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__= "Łukasz Rekucki"
+__date__ = "$2009-09-26 00:32:18$"
+__doc__ = "Extensible HTTP Responses."
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from django.utils import simplejson as json
+MIME_PLAIN = 'text/plain'
+MIME_JSON = 'application/json'
+class ResponseObject(object):
+ def __init__(self, code, mimetype=MIME_JSON):
+ self._code = code
+ self._mime = mimetype
+ def django_response(self, body=None):
+ if body is None:
+ data = ''
+ elif self._mime == MIME_JSON:
+ data = json.dumps(body, default=lambda o: repr(o) )
+ else:
+ data = u"%s\n%s" % (self.MESSAGE, unicode(body))
+ data = data.encode('utf-8')
+ return HttpResponse(content=data, status=self._code, \
+ content_type=self._mime+'; charset=utf-8' )
+class SuccessAllOk(ResponseObject):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ ResponseObject.__init__(self, 200, **kwargs)
+class EntityCreated(ResponseObject):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ ResponseObject.__init__(self, 201, **kwargs)
+ def django_response(self, url, body):
+ response = ResponseObject.django_response(self, body)
+ response['Location'] = url
+ return response
+class RequestAccepted(ResponseObject):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ ResponseObject.__init__(self, 202, **kwargs)
+ def django_response(self, ticket_status, ticket_uri):
+ return ResponseObject.django_response(self, {
+ 'status': ticket_status,
+ 'refer_to': ticket_uri })
+class SuccessNoContent(ResponseObject):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ ResponseObject.__init__(self, 204, **kwargs)
+ def django_response(self):
+ return ResponseObject.django_response(self, body=None)
+# Client errors
+class BadRequest(ResponseObject):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ ResponseObject.__init__(self, 400, **kwargs)
+class AccessDenied(ResponseObject):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ ResponseObject.__init__(self, 403, **kwargs)
+ def django_response(self, reason):
+ return ResponseObject.django_response(self, \
+ body={'reason': reason})
+class EntityNotFound(ResponseObject):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ ResponseObject.__init__(self, 404, **kwargs)
+class EntityGone(ResponseObject):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ ResponseObject.__init__(self, 410, **kwargs)
+class EntityConflict(ResponseObject):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ ResponseObject.__init__(self, 409, **kwargs)
+# Server side errors
+class NotImplemented(ResponseObject):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ ResponseObject.__init__(self, 501, **kwargs)
+def validate_form(formclass, source='GET'):
+ from functools import wraps
+ def decorator(func):
+ @wraps(func)
+ def decorated(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ form = formclass(getattr(request, source), request.FILES)
+ if not form.is_valid():
+ errorlist = [{'field': k, 'errors': e} for k,e in form.errors]
+ return BadRequest().django_response(errorlist)
+ return func(self, request, form, *args, **kwargs)
+ return decorated
+ return decorator
-This file demonstrates two different styles of tests (one doctest and one
-unittest). These will both pass when you run " test".
-Replace these with more appropriate tests for your application.
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.client import Client
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
REPO_TEMPLATES = join(dirname(__file__), 'data')
def temprepo(name):
- def decorator(func):
+ from functools import wraps
+ def decorator(func):
+ @wraps(func)
def decorated(self, *args, **kwargs):
clean = False
- temp = tempfile.mkdtemp("", "testdir_" )
+ temp = tempfile.mkdtemp("-test", func.__name__)
shutil.copytree(join(REPO_TEMPLATES, name), join(temp, 'repo'), False)
settings.REPOSITORY_PATH = join(temp, 'repo')
func(self, *args, **kwargs)
print self.response
print "<<<"
- shutil.rmtree(temp, True)
+ # shutil.rmtree(temp, True)
settings.REPOSITORY_PATH = ''
return decorated
return decorator
u = User.objects.create_user('admin', 'test@localhost', 'admin')
- @temprepo('empty')
+ @temprepo('clean')
def test_documents_get_anonymous(self):
self.response = self.client.get( reverse("document_list_view") )
- self.assert_json_response({
- u'latest_rev': u'e56b2a7e06a97d7c3697fc4295974e0f20a66190',
- u'documents': [],
- u'cabinet': u'default',
- }, exclude=['latest_shared_rev'])
+ self.assert_json_response({
+ u'documents': [],
+ })
- @temprepo('empty')
+ @temprepo('clean')
def test_documents_get_with_login(self):
self.assertTrue(self.client.login(username='admin', password='admin'))
self.response = self.client.get( reverse("document_list_view") )
- self.assert_json_response({
- u'latest_rev': u'e56b2a7e06a97d7c3697fc4295974e0f20a66190',
- u'documents': [],
- u'cabinet': u'default',
+ self.assert_json_response({
+ u'documents': [],
- @temprepo('empty')
+ @temprepo('clean')
def test_documents_post(self):
self.assertTrue(self.client.login(username='admin', password='admin'))
- self.response = reverse("document_list_view"),
+ self.response = reverse("document_list_view"),
data = {
'bookname': 'testbook',
'ocr': infile,
- result = self.assert_json_response({
+ self.assert_json_response({
'url': reverse('document_view', args=['testbook']),
'name': 'testbook',
- 'size': 10,
+ # 'size': 10,
# can't test revision number, 'cause it's random
- @temprepo('empty')
+ @temprepo('clean')
def test_document_creation(self):
self.assertTrue(self.client.login(username='admin', password='admin'))
'ocr': infile,
'generate_dc': False,
r = self.assert_json_response({
'url': reverse('document_view', args=['testbook']),
- 'name': 'testbook',
- 'size': 15,
+ 'name': 'testbook',
# can't test revision number, 'cause it's random
created_rev = r['revision']
self.response = self.client.get( \
- reverse("document_view", args=["testbook"])+'?autocabinet=true' )
+ reverse("document_view", args=["testbook"]) )
result = self.assert_json_response({
u'latest_shared_rev': created_rev,
- u'size': 15,
+ # u'size': 15,
- @temprepo('testone')
+ @temprepo('simple')
def test_document_meta_get_with_login(self):
self.assertTrue(self.client.login(username='admin', password='admin'))
self.response = self.client.get( reverse("document_list_view") )
- u'latest_rev': u'f94a263812dbe46a3a13d5209bb119988d0078d5',
- u'documents': [{u'url': u'/api/documents/testfile', u'name': u'testfile'}],
- u'cabinet': u'default',
+ # u'latest_rev': u'f94a263812dbe46a3a13d5209bb119988d0078d5',
+ u'documents': [{u'url': u'/api/documents/sample', u'name': u'sample'},
+ {u'url': u'/api/documents/sample_pl', u'name': u'sample_pl'}],
self.response = self.client.get( \
- reverse("document_view", args=['testfile'])+'?autocabinet=true' )
+ reverse("document_view", args=['sample']) )
- u'latest_shared_rev': u'f94a263812dbe46a3a13d5209bb119988d0078d5',
- u'text_url': reverse("doctext_view", args=[u'testfile']),
- u'dc_url': reverse("docdc_view", args=[u'testfile']),
- u'parts_url': reverse("docparts_view", args=[u'testfile']),
- u'name': u'testfile',
- u'size': 20,
+ #u'latest_shared_rev': u'f94a263812dbe46a3a13d5209bb119988d0078d5',
+ u'text_url': reverse("doctext_view", args=[u'sample']),
+ u'dc_url': reverse("docdc_view", args=[u'sample']),
+ # u'parts_url': reverse("docparts_view", args=[u'sample']),
+ u'name': u'sample',
+ # u'size': 20,
- @temprepo('test2')
- def test_document_text_with_login(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.client.login(username='admin', password='admin'))
- self.response = self.client.get( \
- reverse("doctext_view", args=['testfile']) )
- self.assertEqual(self.response.status_code, 200)
- self.assertEqual(self.response.content, "Test file contents.\n")
- @temprepo('test2')
- def test_document_text_update(self):
+ @temprepo('simple')
+ def test_document_text_with_login(self):
self.assertTrue(self.client.login(username='admin', password='admin'))
- TEXT = u"Ala ma kota i psa"
- self.response = self.client.put( \
- reverse("doctext_view", args=['testfile']), {'contents': TEXT })
- self.assertEqual(self.response.status_code, 200)
self.response = self.client.get( \
- reverse("doctext_view", args=['testfile']) )
+ reverse("document_view", args=['sample']) )
+ resp = self.assert_json_response({
+ #u'latest_shared_rev': u'f94a263812dbe46a3a13d5209bb119988d0078d5',
+ u'text_url': reverse("doctext_view", args=[u'sample']),
+ u'dc_url': reverse("docdc_view", args=[u'sample']),
+ # u'parts_url': reverse("docparts_view", args=[u'sample']),
+ u'name': u'sample',
+ # u'size': 20,
+ })
+ self.response = self.client.get(resp['text_url'])
self.assertEqual(self.response.status_code, 200)
- self.assertEqual(self.response.content, TEXT)
+ self.assertEqual(self.response.content, "Ala ma kota\n")
+# @temprepo('simple')
+# def test_document_text_update(self):
+# self.assertTrue(self.client.login(username='admin', password='admin'))
+# TEXT = u"Ala ma kota i psa"
+# self.response = self.client.put( \
+# reverse("doctext_view", args=['testfile']), {'contents': TEXT })
+# self.assertEqual(self.response.status_code, 200)
+# self.response = self.client.get( \
+# reverse("doctext_view", args=['testfile']) )
+# self.assertEqual(self.response.status_code, 200)
+# self.assertEqual(self.response.content, TEXT)
def assert_json_response(self, must_have={}, exclude=[]):
self.assertEqual(self.response.status_code, 200)
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+d5e516ebd357bca24c6afb737e97db3b3d4f111a $branchbase
+++ /dev/null
-e56b2a7e06a97d7c3697fc4295974e0f20a66190 0
-e56b2a7e06a97d7c3697fc4295974e0f20a66190 default
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+65046aefea667e38c7a01d7ca62412d7e81f68bc 2
+d5e516ebd357bca24c6afb737e97db3b3d4f111a default
+00e4aa6f4f53f31020e4d3e0579cb3c0fa0bd056 $doc:sample
+65046aefea667e38c7a01d7ca62412d7e81f68bc $doc:sample_pl
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+d5e516ebd357bca24c6afb737e97db3b3d4f111a $branchbase
+++ /dev/null
-93618f13c33aab5a3d049e0860cd3d21a457cd7d 2
-f94a263812dbe46a3a13d5209bb119988d0078d5 default
-93618f13c33aab5a3d049e0860cd3d21a457cd7d personal_admin_file_testfile
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-Test file contents.
+++ /dev/null
-f94a263812dbe46a3a13d5209bb119988d0078d5 1
-f94a263812dbe46a3a13d5209bb119988d0078d5 default
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-Test file contents.
__date__ ="$2009-09-17 16:16:54$"
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
-from piston.resource import Resource
-from api.handlers import *
-from api.utils import TextEmitter, DjangoAuth
+from api.resources import *
-authdata = {'authentication': DjangoAuth()}
-FORMAT_EXT = r"\.(?P<emitter_format>xml|json|yaml|django)$"
-library_resource = Resource(LibraryHandler, **authdata)
-document_resource = Resource(DocumentHandler, **authdata)
-document_text_resource = Resource(DocumentTextHandler, **authdata)
+FORMAT_EXT = r"\.(?P<emitter_format>xml|json|yaml)$"
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# url(r'^hello$', hello_resource, {'emitter_format': 'json'}),
# url(r'^hello\.(?P<emitter_format>.+)$', hello_resource),
+ # Toolbar
+ url(r'^toolbar/buttons$', toolbar_buttons, {'emitter_format': 'json'}),
+ # Toolbar
+ url(r'^toolbar/scriptlets$', scriptlets, {'emitter_format': 'json'}),
# Documents
- url(r'^documents$', library_resource, {'emitter_format': 'json'},
- name="document_list_view"),
+ url(r'^documents$', library_resource,
+ {'emitter_format': 'json'}, name="document_list_view"),
+ url(r'^documents'+FORMAT_EXT, library_resource,
+ name="document_list_view_withformat"),
document_resource, name="document_view_withformat"),
document_text_resource, {'emitter_format': 'rawxml'},
+ url(r'^documents/(?P<docid>[^/]+)/dc' + FORMAT_EXT,
+ document_dc_resource,
+ name="docdc_view_withformat"),
- document_resource, {'emitter_format': 'json'},
+ document_dc_resource, {'emitter_format': 'json'},
return unicode(self.construct())
Emitter.register('text', TextEmitter, 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
-Emitter.register('rawxml', TextEmitter, 'application/xml; charset=utf-8')
+Emitter.register('rawxml', TextEmitter, 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8')
class DjangoAuth(object):
--- /dev/null
+from django.conf import settings
+MAINTENANCE_MODE = getattr(settings, 'MAINTENANCE_MODE', False)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+__all__ = ['handler503']
+handler503 = 'maintenancemode.views.defaults.temporary_unavailable'
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+class HttpResponseTemporaryUnavailable(HttpResponse):
+ status_code = 503
--- /dev/null
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core import urlresolvers
+# This is django-maintancemode v. 0.9.2
+from django.conf.urls import defaults
+defaults.handler503 = 'maintenancemode.views.defaults.temporary_unavailable'
+from maintenancemode.conf.settings import MAINTENANCE_MODE
+class MaintenanceModeMiddleware(object):
+ def process_request(self, request):
+ # Allow access if middleware is not activated
+ return None
+ # Allow access if remote ip is in INTERNAL_IPS
+ if request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') in settings.INTERNAL_IPS:
+ return None
+ # Allow acess if the user doing the request is logged in and a
+ # staff member.
+ if hasattr(request, 'user') and request.user.is_staff:
+ return None
+ # Otherwise show the user the 503 page
+ resolver = urlresolvers.get_resolver(None)
+ callback, param_dict = resolver._resolve_special('503')
+ return callback(request, **param_dict)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+from django.template import Context, loader
+from maintenancemode import http
+def temporary_unavailable(request, template_name='503.html'):
+ """
+ Default 503 handler, which looks for the requested URL in the redirects
+ table, redirects if found, and displays 404 page if not redirected.
+ Templates: `503.html`
+ Context:
+ request_path
+ The path of the requested URL (e.g., '/app/pages/bad_page/')
+ """
+ t = loader.get_template(template_name) # You need to create a 503.html template.
+ return http.HttpResponseTemporaryUnavailable(t.render(Context({})))
\ No newline at end of file
def __unicode__(self):
+#class ButtonGroupManager(models.Manager):
+# def with_buttons(self):
+# from django.db import connection
+# cursor = connection.cursor()
+# cursor.execute("""
+# SELECT, g.slug, CONCAT(b.slug),
+# FROM toolbar_buttongroup as g LEFT JOIN toolbar_button as b
+# WHERE = r.poll_id
+# GROUP BY 1, 2, 3
+# ORDER BY 3 DESC""")
+# result_list = []
+# for row in cursor.fetchall():
+# p = self.model(id=row[0], question=row[1], poll_date=row[2])
+# p.num_responses = row[3]
+# result_list.append(p)
+# return result_list
class Button(models.Model):
label = models.CharField(max_length=32)
slug = models.SlugField(unique=True) #unused
{% endfor %}
- <div class="toolbar-tabs-container">
+ <div class="toolbar-tabs-container toolbar-buttons-container">
{% for group in toolbar_groups %}
<button ui:group="{{ group.slug }}" {% if forloop.first %}class="active"{% endif %}>
--- /dev/null
+from django.db import models
+# Create your models here.
--- /dev/null
+This file demonstrates two different styles of tests (one doctest and one
+unittest). These will both pass when you run " test".
+Replace these with more appropriate tests for your application.
+from django.test import TestCase
+class SimpleTest(TestCase):
+ def test_basic_addition(self):
+ """
+ Tests that 1 + 1 always equals 2.
+ """
+ self.failUnlessEqual(1 + 1, 2)
+__test__ = {"doctest": """
+Another way to test that 1 + 1 is equal to 2.
+>>> 1 + 1 == 2
--- /dev/null
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__= "Łukasz Rekucki"
+__date__ = "$2009-09-23 15:57:38$"
+__doc__ = "Module documentation."
+from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+urlpatterns = patterns('',
+ (r'^$', 'wysiwyg.views.index'),
--- /dev/null
+# Create your views here.
+from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template
+def index(request):
+ return direct_to_template(request, 'wysiwyg.html', extra_context={})
\ No newline at end of file
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
__author__="Łukasz Rekucki"
__date__ ="$2009-09-18 10:49:24$"
__doc__ = """Main module for the Repository Abstraction Layer"""
class Library(object):
def __init__(self, create=False):
"""Open an existing library, or create a new one. By default, fails if
the library doesn't exist."""
- self.create = create
- def main_cabinet(self):
- """Return the "main" cabinet of the library."""
+ self.create = create
+ def documents(self):
+ """List all documents in the library."""
- def cabinets(self):
- """List all cabinets in the library."""
+ def document_for_rev(self, rev):
+ """Retrieve a document in the specified revision."""
- def cabinet(self, document, user, create=False):
- """Open a cabinet belonging to the _user_ for a given _document_.
- If the _document_ is actually a sub-document, it's parent's cabinet is
- opened istead.
- If the cabinet doesn't exists and create is False (the default), a
- CabinetNotFound exception is raised.
- If create is True, a new cabinet is created if it doesn't exist yet."""
+ def document(self, docid, user=None):
+ """Retrieve a document from a library."""
+ def get_revision(self, revid):
+ """Retrieve a handle to a specified revision."""
+ return None
+ def document_create(self, docid):
+ """Create a new document. The document will have it's own branch."""
-class Cabinet(object):
+class Document(object):
+ """A class representing a document package boundled with a revision."""
- def __init__(self, library, name=None, doc=None, user=None):
+ def __init__(self, library, revision):
+ """_library_ should be an instance of a Library."""
self._library = library
- if name:
- self._name = name
- self._maindoc = ''
- self._user = self._document = None
- elif doc and user:
- self._user = user
- self._document = doc
- self._name = user + ':' + doc
- self._maindoc = doc
+ if isinstance(revision, Revision):
+ self._revision = revision
- raise ValueError("You must provide either name or doc and user.")
+ self._revision = library.get_revision(revision)
- print "new cab:", self._name, self._user, self._document
- @property
- def username(self):
- return self._user
- def __str__(self):
- return "Cabinet(%s)" % self._name
- def documents(self):
- """Lists all documents and sub-documents in this cabinet."""
+ def take(self, user):
+ """Make a user copy of the document. This is persistant."""
- def retrieve(self, parts=None, shelve=None):
- """Retrieve a document from a given shelve in the cabinet. If no
- part is given, the main document is retrieved. If no shelve is given,
- the top-most shelve is used.
- If parts is a list, all the given parts are retrieved atomicly. Use None
- as the name for the main document"""
+ def giveback(self):
+ """Informs the library, that the user no longer needs this document.
+ Should be called on the user version of document. If not, it doesn nothing."""
+ def data(self, entry):
+ """Returns the specified entry as a file-like object."""
- def create(self, name, initial_data=''):
- """Create a new sub-document in the cabinet with the given name."""
- pass
- @property
- def maindoc_name(self):
- return self._maindoc
def library(self):
return self._library
- def name(self):
- return self._name
+ def revision(self):
+ return self._revision
- def shelf(self, selector=None):
- pass
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ return self._revision.document_name
-class Document(object):
- def __init__(self, cabinet, name):
- self._cabinet = cabinet
- self._name = name
+ @property
+ def owner(self):
+ return self._revision.user_name
+ def parentof(self, other):
+ return self._revision.parentof(other._revision)
- def read(self):
- pass
+ def ancestorof(self, other):
+ return self._revision.ancestorof(other._revision)
- def write(self, data):
- pass
- @property
- def cabinet(self):
- return self._cabinet
+class Revision(object):
- @property
- def library(self):
- return self._cabinet.library
+ def __init__(self, lib):
+ self._library = lib
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self._name
+ def parentof(self, other):
+ return False
- def shelf(self):
- return self._cabinet.shelf()
+ def ancestorof(self, other):
+ return False
- def size(self):
- raise NotImplemented()
+ def document_name(self):
+ raise ValueError()
- def parts(self):
- raise NotImplemented()
-class Shelf(object):
+ def user_name(self):
+ raise ValueError()
- def __init__(self, lib):
- self._library = lib
# Exception classes
-class LibraryException(Exception):
+class LibraryException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, cause=None):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
self.cause = cause
-class CabinetNotFound(LibraryException):
- def __init__(self, cabname):
- LibraryException.__init__(self, "Cabinet '%s' not found." % cabname)
+class RevisionNotFound(LibraryException):
+ def __init__(self, rev):
+ LibraryException.__init__(self, "Revision %r not found." % rev)
+class DocumentAlreadyExists(LibraryException):
+ pass
# import backends to local namespace
-from backend_mercurial import MercurialLibrary
\ No newline at end of file
+from mercurial_backend.library import MercurialLibrary
\ No newline at end of file
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-__author__ = "Łukasz Rekucki"
-__date__ = "$2009-09-18 10:49:24$"
-__doc__ = """RAL implementation over Mercurial"""
-import mercurial
-from mercurial import localrepo as hglrepo
-from mercurial import ui as hgui
-from mercurial.node import nullid
-import re
-import wlrepo
-FILTER = re.compile(r"^pub_(.+)\.xml$", re.UNICODE)
-def default_filter(name):
- m = FILTER.match(name)
- if m is not None:
- return name,
- return None
-class MercurialLibrary(wlrepo.Library):
- def __init__(self, path, maincabinet="default", ** kwargs):
- super(wlrepo.Library, self).__init__( ** kwargs)
- self._hgui = hgui.ui()
- self._hgui.config('ui', 'quiet', 'true')
- self._hgui.config('ui', 'interactive', 'false')
- import os.path
- self._ospath = self._sanitize_string(os.path.realpath(path))
- maincabinet = self._sanitize_string(maincabinet)
- if os.path.isdir(path):
- try:
- self._hgrepo = hglrepo.localrepository(self._hgui, path)
- except mercurial.error.RepoError:
- raise wlrepo.LibraryException("[HGLibrary] Not a valid repository at path '%s'." % path)
- elif kwargs.get('create', False):
- os.makedirs(path)
- try:
- self._hgrepo = hglrepo.localrepository(self._hgui, path, create=1)
- except mercurial.error.RepoError:
- raise wlrepo.LibraryException("[HGLibrary] Can't create a repository on path '%s'." % path)
- else:
- raise wlrepo.LibraryException("[HGLibrary] Can't open a library on path '%s'." % path)
- # fetch the main cabinet
- lock = self._hgrepo.lock()
- try:
- btags = self._hgrepo.branchtags()
- if not self._has_branch(maincabinet):
- raise wlrepo.LibraryException("[HGLibrary] No branch named '%s' to init main cabinet" % maincabinet)
- self._maincab = MercurialCabinet(self, maincabinet)
- finally:
- lock.release()
- @property
- def main_cabinet(self):
- return self._maincab
- def document(self, docid, user):
- return self.cabinet(docid, user, create=False).retrieve()
- def cabinet(self, docid, user, create=False):
- bname = self._bname(user, docid)
- lock = self._lock(True)
- try:
- if self._has_branch(bname):
- return MercurialCabinet(self, doc=docid, user=user)
- if not create:
- raise wlrepo.CabinetNotFound(bname)
- # check if the docid exists in the main cabinet
- needs_touch = not self._maincab.exists(docid)
- cab = MercurialCabinet(self, doc=docid, user=user)
- name, fileid = cab._filename(None)
- def cleanup_action(l):
- if needs_touch:
- l._fileopener()(fileid, "w").write('')
- l._fileadd(fileid)
- garbage = [fid for (fid, did) in l._filelist() if not did.startswith(docid)]
- l._filesrm(garbage)
- # create the branch
- self._create_branch(bname, before_commit=cleanup_action)
- return MercurialCabinet(self, doc=docid, user=user)
- finally:
- lock.release()
- #
- # Private methods
- #
- #
- # Locking
- #
- def _lock(self, write_mode=False):
- return self._hgrepo.wlock() # no support for read/write mode yet
- def _transaction(self, write_mode, action):
- lock = self._lock(write_mode)
- try:
- return action(self)
- finally:
- lock.release()
- #
- # Basic repo manipulation
- #
- def _checkout(self, rev, force=True):
- return MergeStatus(mercurial.merge.update(self._hgrepo, rev, False, force, None))
- def _merge(self, rev):
- """ Merge the revision into current working directory """
- return MergeStatus(mercurial.merge.update(self._hgrepo, rev, True, False, None))
- def _common_ancestor(self, revA, revB):
- return self._hgrepo[revA].ancestor(self.repo[revB])
- def _commit(self, message, user=u"library"):
- return self._hgrepo.commit(text=message, user=user)
- def _fileexists(self, fileid):
- return (fileid in self._hgrepo[None])
- def _fileadd(self, fileid):
- return self._hgrepo.add([fileid])
- def _filesadd(self, fileid_list):
- return self._hgrepo.add(fileid_list)
- def _filerm(self, fileid):
- return self._hgrepo.remove([fileid])
- def _filesrm(self, fileid_list):
- return self._hgrepo.remove(fileid_list)
- def _filelist(self, filter=default_filter):
- for name in self._hgrepo[None]:
- result = filter(name)
- if result is None: continue
- yield result
- def _fileopener(self):
- return self._hgrepo.wopener
- def _filectx(self, fileid, branchid):
- return self._hgrepo.filectx(fileid, changeid=branchid)
- def _changectx(self, nodeid):
- return self._hgrepo.changectx(nodeid)
- #
- # BASIC BRANCH routines
- #
- def _bname(self, user, docid):
- """Returns a branch name for a given document and user."""
- docid = self._sanitize_string(docid)
- uname = self._sanitize_string(user)
- return "personal_" + uname + "_file_" + docid;
- def _has_branch(self, name):
- return self._hgrepo.branchmap().has_key(self._sanitize_string(name))
- def _branch_tip(self, name):
- name = self._sanitize_string(name)
- return self._hgrepo.branchtags()[name]
- def _create_branch(self, name, parent=None, before_commit=None):
- name = self._sanitize_string(name)
- if self._has_branch(name): return # just exit
- if parent is None:
- parent = self._maincab
- parentrev = parent._hgtip()
- self._checkout(parentrev)
- self._hgrepo.dirstate.setbranch(name)
- if before_commit: before_commit(self)
- self._commit("[AUTO] Initial commit for branch '%s'." % name, user='library')
- # revert back to main
- self._checkout(self._maincab._hgtip())
- return self._branch_tip(name)
- def _switch_to_branch(self, branchname):
- current = self._hgrepo[None].branch()
- if current == branchname:
- return current # quick exit
- self._checkout(self._branch_tip(branchname))
- return branchname
- def shelf(self, nodeid):
- return MercurialShelf(self, self._changectx(nodeid))
- #
- # Utils
- #
- @staticmethod
- def _sanitize_string(s):
- if isinstance(s, unicode):
- s = s.encode('utf-8')
- return s
-class MercurialCabinet(wlrepo.Cabinet):
- def __init__(self, library, branchname=None, doc=None, user=None):
- if doc and user:
- super(MercurialCabinet, self).__init__(library, doc=doc, user=user)
- self._branchname = library._bname(user=user, docid=doc)
- elif branchname:
- super(MercurialCabinet, self).__init__(library, name=branchname)
- self._branchname = branchname
- else:
- raise ValueError("Provide either doc/user or branchname")
- def shelf(self, selector=None):
- return self._library.shelf(self._branchname)
- def documents(self):
- return self._execute_in_branch(action=lambda l, c: (e[1] for e in l._filelist()))
- def retrieve(self, part=None, shelf=None):
- name, fileid = self._filename(part)
- print "Retrieving document %s from cab %s" % (name, self._name)
- if fileid is None:
- raise wlrepo.LibraryException("Can't retrieve main document from main cabinet.")
- def retrieve_action(l,c):
- if l._fileexists(fileid):
- return MercurialDocument(c, name=name, fileid=fileid)
- return None
- return self._execute_in_branch(retrieve_action)
- def create(self, name, initial_data):
- name, fileid = self._filename(name)
- if name is None:
- raise ValueError("Can't create main doc for maincabinet.")
- def create_action(l, c):
- if l._fileexists(fileid):
- raise wlrepo.LibraryException("Can't create document '%s' in cabinet '%s' - it already exists" % (fileid,
- fd = l._fileopener()(fileid, "w")
- fd.write(initial_data)
- fd.close()
- l._fileadd(fileid)
- l._commit("File '%s' created." % fileid)
- return MercurialDocument(c, fileid=fileid, name=name)
- return self._execute_in_branch(create_action)
- def exists(self, part=None, shelf=None):
- name, filepath = self._filename(part)
- if filepath is None: return False
- return self._execute_in_branch(lambda l, c: l._fileexists(filepath))
- def _execute_in_branch(self, action, write=False):
- def switch_action(library):
- old = library._switch_to_branch(self._branchname)
- try:
- return action(library, self)
- finally:
- library._switch_to_branch(old)
- return self._library._transaction(write_mode=write, action=switch_action)
- def _filename(self, part):
- part = self._library._sanitize_string(part)
- docid = None
- if self._maindoc == '':
- if part is None: rreeturn [None, None]
- docid = part
- else:
- docid = self._maindoc + (('$' + part) if part else '')
- return docid, 'pub_' + docid + '.xml'
- def _fileopener(self):
- return self._library._fileopener()
- def _hgtip(self):
- return self._library._branch_tip(self._branchname)
- def _filectx(self, fileid):
- return self._library._filectx(fileid, self._branchname)
- def ismain(self):
- return (self._library.main_cabinet == self)
-class MercurialDocument(wlrepo.Document):
- def __init__(self, cabinet, name, fileid):
- super(MercurialDocument, self).__init__(cabinet, name=name)
- self._opener = self._cabinet._fileopener()
- self._fileid = fileid
- self.refresh()
- def refresh(self):
- self._filectx = self._cabinet._filectx(self._fileid)
- def read(self):
- return self._opener(self._filectx.path(), "r").read()
- def write(self, data):
- return self._opener(self._filectx.path(), "w").write(data)
- def commit(self, message, user):
- self.library._fileadd(self._fileid)
- self.library._commit(self._fileid, message, user)
- def update(self):
- lock = self.library._lock()
- try:
- if self._cabinet.ismain():
- return True # always up-to-date
- user = self._cabinet.username or 'library'
- mdoc = self.library.document(self._fileid)
- mshelf = mdoc.shelf()
- shelf = self.shelf()
- if not mshelf.ancestorof(shelf) and not shelf.parentof(mshelf):
- shelf.merge_with(mshelf, user=user)
- return True
- finally:
- lock.release()
- def share(self, message):
- lock = self.library._lock()
- try:
- print "sharing from", self._cabinet, self._cabinet.username
- if self._cabinet.ismain():
- return True # always shared
- if self._cabinet.username is None:
- raise ValueError("Can only share documents from personal cabinets.")
- user = self._cabinet.username
- main = self.shared().shelf()
- local = self.shelf()
- no_changes = True
- # Case 1:
- # * local
- # |
- # * <- can also be here!
- # /|
- # / |
- # main * *
- # | |
- # The local branch has been recently updated,
- # so we don't need to update yet again, but we need to
- # merge down to default branch, even if there was
- # no commit's since last update
- if main.ancestorof(local):
- main.merge_with(local, user=user, message=message)
- no_changes = False
- # Case 2:
- #
- # main * * local
- # |\ |
- # | \|
- # | *
- # | |
- #
- # Default has no changes, to update from this branch
- # since the last merge of local to default.
- elif local.has_common_ancestor(main):
- if not local.parentof(main):
- main.merge_with(local, user=user, message=message)
- no_changes = False
- # Case 3:
- # main *
- # |
- # * <- this case overlaps with previos one
- # |\
- # | \
- # | * local
- # | |
- #
- # There was a recent merge to the defaul branch and
- # no changes to local branch recently.
- #
- # Use the fact, that user is prepared to see changes, to
- # update his branch if there are any
- elif local.ancestorof(main):
- if not local.parentof(main):
- local.merge_with(main, user=user, message='Local branch update.')
- no_changes = False
- else:
- local.merge_with(main, user=user, message='Local branch update.')
- self._refresh()
- local = self.shelf()
- main.merge_with(local, user=user, message=message)
- finally:
- lock.release()
- def shared(self):
- return self.library.main_cabinet.retrieve(self._name)
- def exists(self):
- return self._cabinet.exists(self._fileid)
- @property
- def size(self):
- return self._filectx.size()
- def shelf(self):
- return MercurialShelf(self.library, self._filectx.node())
- @property
- def last_modified(self):
- return
- def __str__(self):
- return u"Document(%s->%s)" % (, self._name)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self._filectx == other._filectx
-class MercurialShelf(wlrepo.Shelf):
- def __init__(self, lib, changectx):
- super(MercurialShelf, self).__init__(lib)
- if isinstance(changectx, str):
- self._changectx = lib._changectx(changectx)
- else:
- self._changectx = changectx
- @property
- def _rev(self):
- return self._changectx.node()
- def __str__(self):
- return self._changectx.hex()
- def __repr__(self):
- return "MercurialShelf(%s)" % self._changectx.hex()
- def ancestorof(self, other):
- nodes = list(other._changectx._parents)
- while nodes[0].node() != nullid:
- v = nodes.pop(0)
- if v == self._changectx:
- return True
- nodes.extend( v._parents )
- return False
- def parentof(self, other):
- return self._changectx in other._changectx._parents
- def has_common_ancestor(self, other):
- a = self._changectx.ancestor(other._changectx)
- print a, self._changectx.branch(), a.branch()
- return (a.branch() == self._changectx.branch())
- def merge_with(self, other, user, message):
- lock = self._library._lock(True)
- try:
- self._library._checkout(self._changectx.node())
- self._library._merge(other._changectx.node())
- finally:
- lock.release()
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self._changectx.node() == other._changectx.node()
-class MergeStatus(object):
- def __init__(self, mstatus):
- self.updated = mstatus[0]
- self.merged = mstatus[1]
- self.removed = mstatus[2]
- self.unresolved = mstatus[3]
- def isclean(self):
- return self.unresolved == 0
-class UpdateStatus(object):
- def __init__(self, mstatus):
- self.modified = mstatus[0]
- self.added = mstatus[1]
- self.removed = mstatus[2]
- self.deleted = mstatus[3]
- self.untracked = mstatus[4]
- self.ignored = mstatus[5]
- self.clean = mstatus[6]
- def has_changes(self):
- return bool(len(self.modified) + len(self.added) + \
- len(self.removed) + len(self.deleted))
-__all__ = ["MercurialLibrary"]
\ No newline at end of file
+## -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+#__author__ = "Łukasz Rekucki"
+#__date__ = "$2009-09-18 10:49:24$"
+#__doc__ = """RAL implementation over Mercurial"""
+#import mercurial
+#from mercurial import localrepo as hglrepo
+#from mercurial import ui as hgui
+#from mercurial.node import nullid
+#import re
+#import wlrepo
+#FILTER = re.compile(r"^pub_(.+)\.xml$", re.UNICODE)
+#def default_filter(name):
+# m = FILTER.match(name)
+# if m is not None:
+# return name,
+# return None
+#class MercurialLibrary(wlrepo.Library):
+# def __init__(self, path, maincabinet="default", ** kwargs):
+# super(wlrepo.Library, self).__init__( ** kwargs)
+# self._hgui = hgui.ui()
+# self._hgui.config('ui', 'quiet', 'true')
+# self._hgui.config('ui', 'interactive', 'false')
+# import os.path
+# self._ospath = self._sanitize_string(os.path.realpath(path))
+# maincabinet = self._sanitize_string(maincabinet)
+# if os.path.isdir(path):
+# try:
+# self._hgrepo = hglrepo.localrepository(self._hgui, path)
+# except mercurial.error.RepoError:
+# raise wlrepo.LibraryException("[HGLibrary] Not a valid repository at path '%s'." % path)
+# elif kwargs.get('create', False):
+# os.makedirs(path)
+# try:
+# self._hgrepo = hglrepo.localrepository(self._hgui, path, create=1)
+# except mercurial.error.RepoError:
+# raise wlrepo.LibraryException("[HGLibrary] Can't create a repository on path '%s'." % path)
+# else:
+# raise wlrepo.LibraryException("[HGLibrary] Can't open a library on path '%s'." % path)
+# # fetch the main cabinet
+# lock = self._hgrepo.lock()
+# try:
+# btags = self._hgrepo.branchtags()
+# if not self._has_branch(maincabinet):
+# raise wlrepo.LibraryException("[HGLibrary] No branch named '%s' to init main cabinet" % maincabinet)
+# self._maincab = MercurialCabinet(self, maincabinet)
+# finally:
+# lock.release()
+# @property
+# def ospath(self):
+# return self._ospath
+# @property
+# def main_cabinet(self):
+# return self._maincab
+# def document(self, docid, user, part=None, shelve=None):
+# return self.cabinet(docid, user, create=False).retrieve(part=part, shelve=shelve)
+# def cabinet(self, docid, user, create=False):
+# docid = self._sanitize_string(docid)
+# user = self._sanitize_string(user)
+# bname = self._bname(user, docid)
+# lock = self._lock(True)
+# try:
+# if self._has_branch(bname):
+# return MercurialCabinet(self, doc=docid, user=user)
+# if not create:
+# raise wlrepo.CabinetNotFound(bname)
+# # check if the docid exists in the main cabinet
+# needs_touch = not self._maincab.exists(docid)
+# cab = MercurialCabinet(self, doc=docid, user=user)
+# name, fileid = cab._filename(None)
+# def cleanup_action(l):
+# if needs_touch:
+# l._fileopener()(fileid, "w").write('')
+# l._fileadd(fileid)
+# garbage = [fid for (fid, did) in l._filelist() if not did.startswith(docid)]
+# l._filesrm(garbage)
+# print "removed: ", garbage
+# # create the branch
+# self._create_branch(bname, before_commit=cleanup_action)
+# return MercurialCabinet(self, doc=docid, user=user)
+# finally:
+# lock.release()
+# #
+# # Private methods
+# #
+# #
+# # Locking
+# #
+# def _lock(self, write_mode=False):
+# return self._hgrepo.wlock() # no support for read/write mode yet
+# def _transaction(self, write_mode, action):
+# lock = self._lock(write_mode)
+# try:
+# return action(self)
+# finally:
+# lock.release()
+# #
+# # Basic repo manipulation
+# #
+# def _checkout(self, rev, force=True):
+# return MergeStatus(mercurial.merge.update(self._hgrepo, rev, False, force, None))
+# def _merge(self, rev):
+# """ Merge the revision into current working directory """
+# return MergeStatus(mercurial.merge.update(self._hgrepo, rev, True, False, None))
+# def _common_ancestor(self, revA, revB):
+# return self._hgrepo[revA].ancestor(self.repo[revB])
+# def _commit(self, message, user=u"library"):
+# return self._hgrepo.commit(text=message, user=user)
+# def _fileexists(self, fileid):
+# return (fileid in self._hgrepo[None])
+# def _fileadd(self, fileid):
+# return self._hgrepo.add([fileid])
+# def _filesadd(self, fileid_list):
+# return self._hgrepo.add(fileid_list)
+# def _filerm(self, fileid):
+# return self._hgrepo.remove([fileid])
+# def _filesrm(self, fileid_list):
+# return self._hgrepo.remove(fileid_list)
+# def _filelist(self, filter=default_filter):
+# for name in self._hgrepo[None]:
+# result = filter(name)
+# if result is None: continue
+# yield result
+# def _fileopener(self):
+# return self._hgrepo.wopener
+# def _filectx(self, fileid, branchid):
+# return self._hgrepo.filectx(fileid, changeid=branchid)
+# def _changectx(self, nodeid):
+# return self._hgrepo.changectx(nodeid)
+# #
+# # BASIC BRANCH routines
+# #
+# def _bname(self, user, docid):
+# """Returns a branch name for a given document and user."""
+# docid = self._sanitize_string(docid)
+# uname = self._sanitize_string(user)
+# return "personal_" + uname + "_file_" + docid;
+# def _has_branch(self, name):
+# return self._hgrepo.branchmap().has_key(self._sanitize_string(name))
+# def _branch_tip(self, name):
+# name = self._sanitize_string(name)
+# return self._hgrepo.branchtags()[name]
+# def _create_branch(self, name, parent=None, before_commit=None):
+# name = self._sanitize_string(name)
+# if self._has_branch(name): return # just exit
+# if parent is None:
+# parent = self._maincab
+# parentrev = parent._hgtip()
+# self._checkout(parentrev)
+# self._hgrepo.dirstate.setbranch(name)
+# if before_commit: before_commit(self)
+# self._commit("[AUTO] Initial commit for branch '%s'." % name, user='library')
+# # revert back to main
+# self._checkout(self._maincab._hgtip())
+# return self._branch_tip(name)
+# def _switch_to_branch(self, branchname):
+# current = self._hgrepo[None].branch()
+# if current == branchname:
+# return current # quick exit
+# self._checkout(self._branch_tip(branchname))
+# return branchname
+# def shelf(self, nodeid=None):
+# if nodeid is None:
+# nodeid = self._maincab._name
+# return MercurialShelf(self, self._changectx(nodeid))
+# #
+# # Utils
+# #
+# @staticmethod
+# def _sanitize_string(s):
+# if isinstance(s, unicode):
+# s = s.encode('utf-8')
+# return s
+#class MercurialCabinet(wlrepo.Cabinet):
+# def __init__(self, library, branchname=None, doc=None, user=None):
+# if doc and user:
+# super(MercurialCabinet, self).__init__(library, doc=doc, user=user)
+# self._branchname = library._bname(user=user, docid=doc)
+# elif branchname:
+# super(MercurialCabinet, self).__init__(library, name=branchname)
+# self._branchname = branchname
+# else:
+# raise ValueError("Provide either doc/user or branchname")
+# def shelf(self):
+# return self._library.shelf(self._branchname)
+# def parts(self):
+# return self._execute_in_branch(action=lambda l, c: (e[1] for e in l._filelist()))
+# def retrieve(self, part=None, shelf=None):
+# name, fileid = self._filename(part)
+# print "Retrieving document %s from cab %s" % (name, self._name)
+# if fileid is None:
+# raise wlrepo.LibraryException("Can't retrieve main document from main cabinet.")
+# def retrieve_action(l,c):
+# if l._fileexists(fileid):
+# return MercurialDocument(c, name=name, fileid=fileid)
+# print "File %s not found " % fileid
+# return None
+# return self._execute_in_branch(retrieve_action)
+# def create(self, name, initial_data):
+# name, fileid = self._filename(name)
+# if name is None:
+# raise ValueError("Can't create main doc for maincabinet.")
+# def create_action(l, c):
+# if l._fileexists(fileid):
+# raise wlrepo.LibraryException("Can't create document '%s' in cabinet '%s' - it already exists" % (fileid,
+# fd = l._fileopener()(fileid, "w")
+# fd.write(initial_data)
+# fd.close()
+# l._fileadd(fileid)
+# l._commit("File '%s' created." % fileid)
+# return MercurialDocument(c, fileid=fileid, name=name)
+# return self._execute_in_branch(create_action)
+# def exists(self, part=None, shelf=None):
+# name, filepath = self._filename(part)
+# if filepath is None: return False
+# return self._execute_in_branch(lambda l, c: l._fileexists(filepath))
+# def _execute_in_branch(self, action, write=False):
+# def switch_action(library):
+# old = library._switch_to_branch(self._branchname)
+# try:
+# return action(library, self)
+# finally:
+# library._switch_to_branch(old)
+# return self._library._transaction(write_mode=write, action=switch_action)
+# def _filename(self, docid):
+# return self._partname(docid, 'xml')
+# def _partname(self, docid, part):
+# docid = self._library._sanitize_string(part)
+# part = self._library._sanitize_string(part)
+# if part is None:
+# part = 'xml'
+# if self._maindoc == '' and docid is None:
+# return None
+# return 'pub_' + docid + '.' + part
+# def _fileopener(self):
+# return self._library._fileopener()
+# def _hgtip(self):
+# return self._library._branch_tip(self._branchname)
+# def _filectx(self, fileid):
+# return self._library._filectx(fileid, self._branchname)
+# def ismain(self):
+# return (self._library.main_cabinet == self)
+#class MercurialDocument(wlrepo.Document):
+# def __init__(self, cabinet, docid):
+# super(MercurialDocument, self).__init__(cabinet, name=docid)
+# self._opener = self._cabinet._fileopener()
+# self._docid = docid
+# self._ctxs = {}
+# def _ctx(self, part):
+# if not self._ctxs.has_key(part):
+# self._ctxs[part] = self._cabinet._filectx(self._fileid())
+# return self._ctxs[part]
+# def _fileid(self, part='xml'):
+# return self._cabinet._partname(self._docid, part)
+# def read(self, part='xml'):
+# return self._opener(self._ctx(part).path(), "r").read()
+# def write(self, data, part='xml'):
+# return self._opener(self._ctx(part).path(), "w").write(data)
+# def commit(self, message, user):
+# """Commit all parts of the document."""
+# self.library._fileadd(self._fileid)
+# self.library._commit(self._fileid, message, user)
+# def update(self):
+# """Update parts of the document."""
+# lock = self.library._lock()
+# try:
+# if self._cabinet.ismain():
+# return True # always up-to-date
+# user = self._cabinet.username or 'library'
+# mdoc = self.library.document(self._fileid)
+# mshelf = mdoc.shelf()
+# shelf = self.shelf()
+# if not mshelf.ancestorof(shelf) and not shelf.parentof(mshelf):
+# shelf.merge_with(mshelf, user=user)
+# return True
+# finally:
+# lock.release()
+# def share(self, message):
+# lock = self.library._lock()
+# try:
+# print "sharing from", self._cabinet, self._cabinet.username
+# if self._cabinet.ismain():
+# return True # always shared
+# if self._cabinet.username is None:
+# raise ValueError("Can only share documents from personal cabinets.")
+# user = self._cabinet.username
+# main = self.library.shelf()
+# local = self.shelf()
+# no_changes = True
+# # Case 1:
+# # * local
+# # |
+# # * <- can also be here!
+# # /|
+# # / |
+# # main * *
+# # | |
+# # The local branch has been recently updated,
+# # so we don't need to update yet again, but we need to
+# # merge down to default branch, even if there was
+# # no commit's since last update
+# if main.ancestorof(local):
+# print "case 1"
+# main.merge_with(local, user=user, message=message)
+# no_changes = False
+# # Case 2:
+# #
+# # main * * local
+# # |\ |
+# # | \|
+# # | *
+# # | |
+# #
+# # Default has no changes, to update from this branch
+# # since the last merge of local to default.
+# elif local.has_common_ancestor(main):
+# print "case 2"
+# if not local.parentof(main):
+# main.merge_with(local, user=user, message=message)
+# no_changes = False
+# # Case 3:
+# # main *
+# # |
+# # * <- this case overlaps with previos one
+# # |\
+# # | \
+# # | * local
+# # | |
+# #
+# # There was a recent merge to the defaul branch and
+# # no changes to local branch recently.
+# #
+# # Use the fact, that user is prepared to see changes, to
+# # update his branch if there are any
+# elif local.ancestorof(main):
+# print "case 3"
+# if not local.parentof(main):
+# local.merge_with(main, user=user, message='Local branch update.')
+# no_changes = False
+# else:
+# print "case 4"
+# local.merge_with(main, user=user, message='Local branch update.')
+# local = self.shelf()
+# main.merge_with(local, user=user, message=message)
+# print "no_changes: ", no_changes
+# return no_changes
+# finally:
+# lock.release()
+# def shared(self):
+# return self.library.main_cabinet.retrieve(self._name)
+# def exists(self, part='xml'):
+# return self._cabinet.exists(self._fileid(part))
+# @property
+# def size(self):
+# return self._filectx.size()
+# def shelf(self):
+# return self._cabinet.shelf()
+# @property
+# def last_modified(self):
+# return
+# def __str__(self):
+# return u"Document(%s->%s)" % (, self._name)
+# def __eq__(self, other):
+# return self._filectx == other._filectx
+#class MercurialShelf(wlrepo.Shelf):
+# def __init__(self, lib, changectx):
+# super(MercurialShelf, self).__init__(lib)
+# if isinstance(changectx, str):
+# self._changectx = lib._changectx(changectx)
+# else:
+# self._changectx = changectx
+# @property
+# def _rev(self):
+# return self._changectx.node()
+# def __str__(self):
+# return self._changectx.hex()
+# def __repr__(self):
+# return "MercurialShelf(%s)" % self._changectx.hex()
+# def ancestorof(self, other):
+# nodes = list(other._changectx._parents)
+# while nodes[0].node() != nullid:
+# v = nodes.pop(0)
+# if v == self._changectx:
+# return True
+# nodes.extend( v._parents )
+# return False
+# def parentof(self, other):
+# return self._changectx in other._changectx._parents
+# def has_common_ancestor(self, other):
+# a = self._changectx.ancestor(other._changectx)
+# # print a, self._changectx.branch(), a.branch()
+# return (a.branch() == self._changectx.branch())
+# def merge_with(self, other, user, message):
+# lock = self._library._lock(True)
+# try:
+# self._library._checkout(self._changectx.node())
+# self._library._merge(other._changectx.node())
+# self._library._commit(user=user, message=message)
+# finally:
+# lock.release()
+# def __eq__(self, other):
+# return self._changectx.node() == other._changectx.node()
+#class MergeStatus(object):
+# def __init__(self, mstatus):
+# self.updated = mstatus[0]
+# self.merged = mstatus[1]
+# self.removed = mstatus[2]
+# self.unresolved = mstatus[3]
+# def isclean(self):
+# return self.unresolved == 0
+#class UpdateStatus(object):
+# def __init__(self, mstatus):
+# self.modified = mstatus[0]
+# self.added = mstatus[1]
+# self.removed = mstatus[2]
+# self.deleted = mstatus[3]
+# self.untracked = mstatus[4]
+# self.ignored = mstatus[5]
+# self.clean = mstatus[6]
+# def has_changes(self):
+# return bool(len(self.modified) + len(self.added) + \
+# len(self.removed) + len(self.deleted))
+#__all__ = ["MercurialLibrary"]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__= "Łukasz Rekucki"
+__date__ = "$2009-09-25 09:20:22$"
+__doc__ = "Module documentation."
+import wlrepo
+class MercurialRevision(wlrepo.Revision):
+ def __init__(self, lib, changectx):
+ super(MercurialRevision, self).__init__(lib)
+ self._changectx = changectx
+ branchname = self._changectx.branch()
+ if branchname.startswith("$doc:"):
+ self._docname = branchname[5:]
+ self._username = None
+ elif branchname.startswith("$user:"):
+ idx = branchname.find("$doc:")
+ if(idx < 0):
+ raise ValueError("Revision %s is not a valid document revision." % changectx.hex());
+ self._username = branchname[0:idx]
+ self._docname = branchname[idx+5:]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Revision %s is not a valid document revision." % changectx.hex());
+ @property
+ def document_name(self):
+ return self._docname
+ @property
+ def user_name(self):
+ return self._username
+ def hgrev(self):
+ return self._changectx.node()
+ def hgcontext(self):
+ return self._changectx
+ def hgbranch(self):
+ return self._changectx.branch()
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return u"%s" % self._changectx.hex()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%s" % self._changectx.hex()
+ def ancestorof(self, other):
+ nodes = list(other._changectx._parents)
+ while nodes[0].node() != nullid:
+ v = nodes.pop(0)
+ if v == self._changectx:
+ return True
+ nodes.extend( v._parents )
+ return False
+ def parentof(self, other):
+ return self._changectx in other._changectx._parents
+ def has_common_ancestor(self, other):
+ a = self._changectx.ancestor(other._changectx)
+ return (a.branch() == self._changectx.branch())
+ def merge_with(self, other, user, message):
+ lock = self._library._lock(True)
+ try:
+ self._library._checkout(self._changectx.node())
+ self._library._merge(other._changectx.node())
+ self._library._commit(user=user, message=message)
+ finally:
+ lock.release()
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self._changectx.node() == other._changectx.node()
+from wlrepo.mercurial_backend.library import MercurialLibrary
--- /dev/null
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__ = "Łukasz Rekucki"
+__date__ = "$2009-09-25 09:35:06$"
+__doc__ = "Module documentation."
+import wlrepo
+class MercurialDocument(wlrepo.Document):
+ def data(self, entry):
+ path = self._revision._docname + '.' + entry
+ return self._library._filectx(path, \
+ self._revision.hgrev()).data()
+ def quickwrite(self, entry, data, msg, user=None):
+ user = user or self.owner
+ if user is None:
+ raise ValueError("Can't determine user.")
+ def write(l, r):
+ f = l._fileopen(r(entry), "w+")
+ f.write(data)
+ f.close()
+ l._fileadd(r(entry))
+ return self.invoke_and_commit(write, lambda d: (msg, user))
+ def invoke_and_commit(self, ops, before_commit):
+ lock = self._library._lock()
+ try:
+ self._library._checkout(self._revision.hgrev())
+ def entry_path(entry):
+ return + '.' + entry
+ ops(self._library, entry_path)
+ message, user = before_commit(self)
+ self._library._commit(message, user)
+ return self._library.document(, user=self.owner)
+ finally:
+ lock.release()
+ # def commit(self, message, user):
+ # """Make a new commit."""
+ # self.invoke_and_commit(message, user, lambda *a: True)
+ def ismain(self):
+ return self._revision.user_name() is None
+ def shared(self):
+ if self.ismain():
+ return self
+ return self._library.document(docid=self._revision.document_name())
+ def take(self, user):
+ fullid = self._library.fulldocid(, user)
+ def take_action(library, resolve):
+ # branch from latest
+ library._create_branch(fullid, parent=self._revision)
+ if not self._library.has_revision(fullid):
+ self.invoke_and_commit(take_action, \
+ lambda d: ("$AUTO$ File checkout.", user) )
+ return self._library.document_for_rev(fullid)
+ def update(self, user):
+ """Update parts of the document."""
+ lock = self.library._lock()
+ try:
+ if self.ismain():
+ # main revision of the document
+ return True
+ if self._revision.has_children():
+ # can't update non-latest revision
+ return False
+ sv = self.shared()
+ if not sv.ancestorof(self) and not self.parentof(sv):
+ self._revision.merge_with(sv._revision, user=user)
+ return True
+ finally:
+ lock.release()
+ def share(self, message):
+ lock = self.library._lock()
+ try:
+ if self.ismain():
+ return True # always shared
+ user = self._revision.user_name()
+ main = self.shared()._revision
+ local = self._revision
+ no_changes = True
+ # Case 1:
+ # * local
+ # |
+ # * <- can also be here!
+ # /|
+ # / |
+ # main * *
+ # | |
+ # The local branch has been recently updated,
+ # so we don't need to update yet again, but we need to
+ # merge down to default branch, even if there was
+ # no commit's since last update
+ if main.ancestorof(local):
+ print "case 1"
+ main.merge_with(local, user=user, message=message)
+ no_changes = False
+ # Case 2:
+ #
+ # main * * local
+ # |\ |
+ # | \|
+ # | *
+ # | |
+ #
+ # Default has no changes, to update from this branch
+ # since the last merge of local to default.
+ elif local.has_common_ancestor(main):
+ print "case 2"
+ if not local.parentof(main):
+ main.merge_with(local, user=user, message=message)
+ no_changes = False
+ # Case 3:
+ # main *
+ # |
+ # * <- this case overlaps with previos one
+ # |\
+ # | \
+ # | * local
+ # | |
+ #
+ # There was a recent merge to the defaul branch and
+ # no changes to local branch recently.
+ #
+ # Use the fact, that user is prepared to see changes, to
+ # update his branch if there are any
+ elif local.ancestorof(main):
+ print "case 3"
+ if not local.parentof(main):
+ local.merge_with(main, user=user, message='Local branch update.')
+ no_changes = False
+ else:
+ print "case 4"
+ local.merge_with(main, user=user, message='Local branch update.')
+ local = self.shelf()
+ main.merge_with(local, user=user, message=message)
+ print "no_changes: ", no_changes
+ return no_changes
+ finally:
+ lock.release()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return u"Document(%s:%s)" % (, self.owner)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (self._revision == other._revision) and ( ==
--- /dev/null
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__= "Łukasz Rekucki"
+__date__ = "$2009-09-25 09:33:02$"
+__doc__ = "Module documentation."
+import mercurial
+from mercurial import localrepo as hglrepo
+from mercurial import ui as hgui
+from mercurial import error
+import wlrepo
+from wlrepo.mercurial_backend.document import MercurialDocument
+from wlrepo.mercurial_backend import MercurialRevision
+class MergeStatus(object):
+ def __init__(self, mstatus):
+ self.updated = mstatus[0]
+ self.merged = mstatus[1]
+ self.removed = mstatus[2]
+ self.unresolved = mstatus[3]
+ def isclean(self):
+ return self.unresolved == 0
+class UpdateStatus(object):
+ def __init__(self, mstatus):
+ self.modified = mstatus[0]
+ self.added = mstatus[1]
+ self.removed = mstatus[2]
+ self.deleted = mstatus[3]
+ self.untracked = mstatus[4]
+ self.ignored = mstatus[5]
+ self.clean = mstatus[6]
+ def has_changes(self):
+ return bool(len(self.modified) + len(self.added) + \
+ len(self.removed) + len(self.deleted))
+class MercurialLibrary(wlrepo.Library):
+ """Mercurial implementation of the Library API"""
+ def __init__(self, path, **kwargs):
+ super(wlrepo.Library, self).__init__( ** kwargs)
+ self._revcache = {}
+ self._doccache = {}
+ self._hgui = hgui.ui()
+ self._hgui.config('ui', 'quiet', 'true')
+ self._hgui.config('ui', 'interactive', 'false')
+ import os.path
+ self._ospath = self._sanitize_string(os.path.realpath(path))
+ if os.path.isdir(path):
+ try:
+ self._hgrepo = hglrepo.localrepository(self._hgui, path)
+ except mercurial.error.RepoError:
+ raise wlrepo.LibraryException("[HGLibrary] Not a valid repository at path '%s'." % path)
+ elif kwargs.get('create', False):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ try:
+ self._hgrepo = hglrepo.localrepository(self._hgui, path, create=1)
+ except mercurial.error.RepoError:
+ raise wlrepo.LibraryException("[HGLibrary] Can't create a repository on path '%s'." % path)
+ else:
+ raise wlrepo.LibraryException("[HGLibrary] Can't open a library on path '%s'." % path)
+ def documents(self):
+ return [ key[5:] for key in \
+ self._hgrepo.branchmap() if key.startswith("$doc:") ]
+ @property
+ def ospath(self):
+ return self._ospath
+ def document_for_rev(self, revision):
+ if revision is None:
+ raise ValueError("Revision can't be None.")
+ if not isinstance(revision, MercurialRevision):
+ rev = self.get_revision(revision)
+ else:
+ rev = revision
+ if not self._doccache.has_key(str(rev)):
+ self._doccache[str(rev)] = MercurialDocument(self, rev)
+ # every revision is a document
+ return self._doccache[str(rev)]
+ def document(self, docid, user=None):
+ return self.document_for_rev(self.fulldocid(docid, user))
+ def get_revision(self, revid):
+ revid = self._sanitize_string(revid)
+ ctx = self._changectx(revid)
+ if ctx is None:
+ raise RevisionNotFound(revid)
+ if self._revcache.has_key(ctx):
+ return self._revcache[ctx]
+ return MercurialRevision(self, ctx)
+ def fulldocid(self, docid, user=None):
+ docid = self._sanitize_string(docid)
+ user = self._sanitize_string(user)
+ fulldocid = ''
+ if user is not None:
+ fulldocid += '$user:' + user
+ fulldocid += '$doc:' + docid
+ return fulldocid
+ def has_revision(self, revid):
+ try:
+ self._hgrepo[revid]
+ return True
+ except error.RepoError:
+ return False
+ def document_create(self, docid):
+ docid = self._sanitize_string(docid)
+ # check if it already exists
+ fullid = self.fulldocid(docid)
+ if self.has_revision(fullid):
+ raise wlrepo.DocumentAlreadyExists("Document %s already exists!" % docid);
+ # doesn't exist
+ self._create_branch(fullid)
+ return self.document_for_rev(fullid)
+ #
+ # Private methods
+ #
+ #
+ # Locking
+ #
+ def _lock(self, write_mode=False):
+ return self._hgrepo.wlock() # no support for read/write mode yet
+ def _transaction(self, write_mode, action):
+ lock = self._lock(write_mode)
+ try:
+ return action(self)
+ finally:
+ lock.release()
+ #
+ # Basic repo manipulation
+ #
+ def _checkout(self, rev, force=True):
+ return MergeStatus(mercurial.merge.update(self._hgrepo, rev, False, force, None))
+ def _merge(self, rev):
+ """ Merge the revision into current working directory """
+ return MergeStatus(mercurial.merge.update(self._hgrepo, rev, True, False, None))
+ def _common_ancestor(self, revA, revB):
+ return self._hgrepo[revA].ancestor(self.repo[revB])
+ def _commit(self, message, user=u"library"):
+ return self._hgrepo.commit(text=message, user=user)
+ def _fileexists(self, fileid):
+ return (fileid in self._hgrepo[None])
+ def _fileadd(self, fileid):
+ return self._hgrepo.add([fileid])
+ def _filesadd(self, fileid_list):
+ return self._hgrepo.add(fileid_list)
+ def _filerm(self, fileid):
+ return self._hgrepo.remove([fileid])
+ def _filesrm(self, fileid_list):
+ return self._hgrepo.remove(fileid_list)
+ def _fileopen(self, path, mode):
+ return self._hgrepo.wopener(path, mode)
+ def _filectx(self, fileid, revid):
+ return self._hgrepo.filectx(fileid, changeid=revid)
+ def _changectx(self, nodeid):
+ return self._hgrepo.changectx(nodeid)
+ #
+ # BASIC BRANCH routines
+ #
+ def _bname(self, user, docid):
+ """Returns a branch name for a given document and user."""
+ docid = self._sanitize_string(docid)
+ uname = self._sanitize_string(user)
+ return "personal_" + uname + "_file_" + docid;
+ def _has_branch(self, name):
+ return self._hgrepo.branchmap().has_key(self._sanitize_string(name))
+ def _branch_tip(self, name):
+ name = self._sanitize_string(name)
+ return self._hgrepo.branchtags()[name]
+ def _create_branch(self, name, parent=None, before_commit=None):
+ name = self._sanitize_string(name)
+ if self._has_branch(name): return # just exit
+ if parent is None:
+ parentrev = self._hgrepo['$branchbase'].node()
+ else:
+ parentrev = parent.hgrev()
+ self._checkout(parentrev)
+ self._hgrepo.dirstate.setbranch(name)
+ if before_commit: before_commit(self)
+ self._commit("$ADMN$ Initial commit for branch '%s'." % name, user='$library')
+ def _switch_to_branch(self, branchname):
+ current = self._hgrepo[None].branch()
+ if current == branchname:
+ return current # quick exit
+ self._checkout(self._branch_tip(branchname))
+ return branchname
+ #
+ # Utils
+ #
+ @staticmethod
+ def _sanitize_string(s):
+ if s is None:
+ return None
+ if isinstance(s, unicode):
+ s = s.encode('utf-8')
+ if ' ' in s:
+ raise ValueError('Whitespace is forbidden!')
+ return s
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+e0fbb8dc3f54c34581848d59a215d1d222a9e891 4
+26ecd403388cce326f6ca1e32625db0651900eb7 default
+34d4aa807563b28774bcbe07f6acbb984aa4dc8d personal_tester_valid_file
+e0fbb8dc3f54c34581848d59a215d1d222a9e891 personal_tester_file_valid_file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Ala ma kota
--- /dev/null
+9208a537d2f003ccc46a90595e7f0801c6b64d45 7
+26ecd403388cce326f6ca1e32625db0651900eb7 default
+34d4aa807563b28774bcbe07f6acbb984aa4dc8d personal_tester_valid_file
+9208a537d2f003ccc46a90595e7f0801c6b64d45 personal_admin_file_ala
+e0fbb8dc3f54c34581848d59a215d1d222a9e891 personal_tester_file_valid_file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Ala ma kota
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+c0c0576584c8b0c74c7efd4aac52da3af0ee16a9 8
+c0c0576584c8b0c74c7efd4aac52da3af0ee16a9 default
+34d4aa807563b28774bcbe07f6acbb984aa4dc8d personal_tester_valid_file
+9208a537d2f003ccc46a90595e7f0801c6b64d45 personal_admin_file_ala
+e0fbb8dc3f54c34581848d59a215d1d222a9e891 personal_tester_file_valid_file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Super tekst.
--- /dev/null
+Ala ma kota
--- /dev/null
+0985918ffd936a45d40005b7e0fa6feb504c94c5 9
+c0c0576584c8b0c74c7efd4aac52da3af0ee16a9 default
+34d4aa807563b28774bcbe07f6acbb984aa4dc8d personal_tester_valid_file
+0985918ffd936a45d40005b7e0fa6feb504c94c5 personal_admin_file_ala
+e0fbb8dc3f54c34581848d59a215d1d222a9e891 personal_tester_file_valid_file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Super tekst.
--- /dev/null
+Ala ma kota
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-Ala ma kota
+++ /dev/null
-e0fbb8dc3f54c34581848d59a215d1d222a9e891 4
-26ecd403388cce326f6ca1e32625db0651900eb7 default
-34d4aa807563b28774bcbe07f6acbb984aa4dc8d personal_tester_valid_file
-e0fbb8dc3f54c34581848d59a215d1d222a9e891 personal_tester_file_valid_file
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-Ala ma kota
--- /dev/null
+65046aefea667e38c7a01d7ca62412d7e81f68bc 2
+d5e516ebd357bca24c6afb737e97db3b3d4f111a default
+00e4aa6f4f53f31020e4d3e0579cb3c0fa0bd056 $doc:sample
+65046aefea667e38c7a01d7ca62412d7e81f68bc $doc:sample_pl
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+d5e516ebd357bca24c6afb737e97db3b3d4f111a $branchbase
--- /dev/null
+2c0751c1c4cf5665d0a0af9c80b3050a45110436 9
+2c0751c1c4cf5665d0a0af9c80b3050a45110436 default
+34d4aa807563b28774bcbe07f6acbb984aa4dc8d personal_tester_valid_file
+9208a537d2f003ccc46a90595e7f0801c6b64d45 personal_admin_file_ala
+e0fbb8dc3f54c34581848d59a215d1d222a9e891 personal_tester_file_valid_file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Super tekst. - w default.
--- /dev/null
+Ala ma kota
--- /dev/null
+046a51b7783408c0011f01ae6943791e62652c7e 10
+c0c0576584c8b0c74c7efd4aac52da3af0ee16a9 default
+34d4aa807563b28774bcbe07f6acbb984aa4dc8d personal_tester_valid_file
+046a51b7783408c0011f01ae6943791e62652c7e personal_admin_file_ala
+e0fbb8dc3f54c34581848d59a215d1d222a9e891 personal_tester_file_valid_file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Super tekst.
--- /dev/null
+Ala ma kota
--- /dev/null
+046a51b7783408c0011f01ae6943791e62652c7e 10
+c0c0576584c8b0c74c7efd4aac52da3af0ee16a9 default
+34d4aa807563b28774bcbe07f6acbb984aa4dc8d personal_tester_valid_file
+046a51b7783408c0011f01ae6943791e62652c7e personal_admin_file_ala
+e0fbb8dc3f54c34581848d59a215d1d222a9e891 personal_tester_file_valid_file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Super tekst.
--- /dev/null
+Ala ma kota
from import *
-import wlrepo
from wlrepo import MercurialLibrary
-from wlrepo.backend_mercurial import *
import os, os.path, tempfile
import shutil
-REPO_TEMPLATES = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/repos')
-class testBasicLibrary(object):
- def setUp(self):
- self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp("", "testdir_" )
- print self.path
- for subdir in os.listdir(REPO_TEMPLATES):
- shutil.copytree(REPO_TEMPLATES + '/' + subdir, self.path + '/' + subdir, False)
- def tearDown(self):
- if self.path is not None:
- shutil.rmtree(self.path, True)
- pass
- def test_opening(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/cleanrepo')
- def test_main_cabinett(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/cleanrepo')
- mcab = library.main_cabinet
- assert_equal(mcab.maindoc_name, '')
- # @type mcab MercurialCabinet
- doclist = mcab.documents()
- assert_equal( list(doclist), ['valid_file'])
- def test_read_document(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/testrepoI')
- doc = library.main_cabinet.retrieve('valid_file')
- assert_equal(, 'Ala ma kota')
- def test_read_UTF8_document(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/testrepoI')
- doc = library.main_cabinet.retrieve('polish_file')
- assert_equal(, u'Gąska!'.encode('utf-8'))
- def test_write_document(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/testrepoI')
- doc = library.main_cabinet.retrieve('valid_file')
- assert_equal(, 'Ala ma kota')
- STRING = u'Gąski lubią pływać!\n'.encode('utf-8')
- doc.write(STRING)
- assert_equal(, STRING)
- def test_create_document(self):
- repopath = os.path.join(self.path, 'testrepoI')
- library = MercurialLibrary(repopath)
- doc = library.main_cabinet.create("another_file", "Some text")
- assert_equal(, "Some text")
- assert_true( os.path.isfile( os.path.join(repopath, "pub_another_file.xml")) )
- def test_switch_branch(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/testrepoII')
- tester_cab = library.cabinet("valid_file", "tester", create=False)
- assert_equal( list(tester_cab.documents()), ['valid_file'])
- @raises(wlrepo.CabinetNotFound)
- def test_branch_not_found(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/testrepoII')
- tester_cab = library.cabinet("ugh", "tester", create=False)
- def test_no_branches(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/testrepoII')
- n4 = library.shelf(4)
- n3 = library.shelf(3)
- n2 = library.shelf(2)
- n1 = library.shelf(1)
- n0 = library.shelf(0)
- assert_true( n3.parentof(n4) )
- assert_false( n4.parentof(n3) )
- assert_true( n0.parentof(n1) )
- assert_false( n1.parentof(n0) )
- assert_false( n0.parentof(n4) )
- # def test_ancestor_of_simple(self):
- assert_true( n3.ancestorof(n4) )
- assert_true( n2.ancestorof(n4) )
- assert_true( n1.ancestorof(n4) )
- assert_true( n0.ancestorof(n4) )
- assert_true( n2.ancestorof(n3) )
- assert_true( n1.ancestorof(n3) )
- assert_true( n0.ancestorof(n3) )
- assert_false( n4.ancestorof(n4) )
- assert_false( n4.ancestorof(n3) )
- assert_false( n3.ancestorof(n2) )
- assert_false( n3.ancestorof(n1) )
- assert_false( n3.ancestorof(n0) )
- # def test_common_ancestor_simple(self):
- assert_true( n3.has_common_ancestor(n4) )
- assert_true( n3.has_common_ancestor(n3) )
- assert_true( n3.has_common_ancestor(n3) )
- def test_once_branched(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/test3')
- n7 = library.shelf(7)
- n6 = library.shelf(6)
- n5 = library.shelf(5)
- n4 = library.shelf(4)
- n3 = library.shelf(3)
- n2 = library.shelf(2)
- assert_true( n2.parentof(n3) )
- assert_false( n3.parentof(n2) )
- assert_true( n2.parentof(n5) )
- assert_false( n5.parentof(n2) )
- assert_false( n2.parentof(n4) )
- assert_false( n2.parentof(n6) )
- assert_false( n3.parentof(n5) )
- assert_false( n5.parentof(n3) )
- # def test_ancestorof_branched(self):
- assert_true( n2.ancestorof(n7) )
- assert_false( n7.ancestorof(n2) )
- assert_true( n2.ancestorof(n6) )
- assert_false( n6.ancestorof(n2) )
- assert_true( n2.ancestorof(n5) )
- assert_false( n5.ancestorof(n2) )
- assert_false( n3.ancestorof(n5) )
- assert_false( n5.ancestorof(n3) )
- assert_false( n4.ancestorof(n5) )
- assert_false( n5.ancestorof(n4) )
- assert_false( n3.ancestorof(n7) )
- assert_false( n7.ancestorof(n3) )
- assert_false( n4.ancestorof(n6) )
- assert_false( n6.ancestorof(n4) )
- # def test_common_ancestor_branched(self):
- assert_true( n2.has_common_ancestor(n4) )
- assert_true( n2.has_common_ancestor(n7) )
- assert_true( n2.has_common_ancestor(n6) )
- # cause it's not in the right branch
- assert_false( n5.has_common_ancestor(n3) )
- assert_false( n7.has_common_ancestor(n4) )
- def test_after_merge(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/test4')
- n8 = library.shelf(8)
- n7 = library.shelf(7)
- n6 = library.shelf(6)
- assert_true( n7.parentof(n8) )
- assert_false( n8.parentof(n7) )
- assert_true( n7.ancestorof(n8) )
- assert_true( n6.ancestorof(n8) )
- assert_true( n7.has_common_ancestor(n8) )
- # cause it's not in the right branch
- assert_false( n8.has_common_ancestor(n7) )
- def test_after_merge_and_local_commit(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/test5b')
- n9 = library.shelf(9)
- n8 = library.shelf(8)
- n7 = library.shelf(7)
- n6 = library.shelf(6)
- assert_true( n7.parentof(n8) )
- assert_false( n8.parentof(n7) )
- assert_true( n9.has_common_ancestor(n8) )
- # cause it's not in the right branch
- assert_false( n8.has_common_ancestor(n9) )
- def test_merge_personal_to_default(self):
- library = MercurialLibrary(self.path + '/test3')
- main = library.shelf(2)
- local = library.shelf(7)
- document = library.document("ala", "admin")
- shared = document.shared()
- print document, shared
- document.share("Here is my copy!")
- assert_equal( document.shelf(), local) # local didn't change
- new_main = shared.shelf()
- assert_not_equal( new_main, main) # main has new revision
- # check for parents
- assert_true( main.parentof(new_main) )
- assert_true( local.parentof(new_main) )
+REPO_TEMPLATES = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data')
+def temprepo(name):
+ from functools import wraps
+ def decorator(func):
+ def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
+ clean = False
+ try:
+ temp = tempfile.mkdtemp("", "testdir_" )
+ path = os.path.join(temp, 'repo')
+ shutil.copytree(os.path.join(REPO_TEMPLATES, name), path, False)
+ kwargs['library'] = MercurialLibrary(path)
+ func(*args, **kwargs)
+ clean = True
+ finally:
+ #if not clean and self.response:
+ # print "RESULT", func.__name__, ">>>"
+ # print self.response
+ # print "<<<"
+ shutil.rmtree(temp, True)
+ decorated = make_decorator(func)(decorated)
+ return decorated
+ return decorator
+def test_opening(library):
+ pass
+def test_read_document(library):
+ doc = library.document('sample')
+ assert_equal('xml'), 'Ala ma kota\n')
+def test_read_UTF8_document(library):
+ doc = library.document('sample_pl')
+ assert_equal('xml'), u'Gżegżółka\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+def test_change_document(library):
+ doc = library.document('sample')
+ STRING = u'Gąski lubią pływać!\n'.encode('utf-8')
+ def write_action(library, resolve):
+ f = library._fileopen(resolve('xml'), 'r+')
+ assert_equal(, 'Ala ma kota\n')
+ f.write(STRING)
+ f.flush()
+ assert_equal(, STRING)
+ def commit_info(document):
+ return ("Document rewrite", "library")
+ ndoc = doc.invoke_and_commit(write_action, commit_info)
+ assert_equal('xml'), STRING)
+def test_create_document(library):
+ assert_equal(sorted(library.documents()), sorted(['sample', 'sample_pl']))
+ doc = library.document_create("creation")
+ doc.quickwrite("xml", "<ala />", "Quick write", user="library")
+ assert_equal(sorted(library.documents()), sorted(['sample', 'sample_pl', 'creation']))
- def testCreateBranch(self):
- repopath = os.path.join(self.path, 'testrepoII')
- library = MercurialLibrary(repopath)
- tester_cab = library.cabinet("anotherone", "tester", create=True)
- assert_equal( list(tester_cab.documents()), ['anotherone'])
+#def test_switch_branch(library):
+# tester_cab = library.cabinet("valid_file", "tester", create=False)
+# assert_equal( list(, ['valid_file'])
+#def test_branch_not_found(library):
+# tester_cab = library.cabinet("ugh", "tester", create=False)
+#def test_no_branches(library):
+# n4 = library.shelf(4)
+# n3 = library.shelf(3)
+# n2 = library.shelf(2)
+# n1 = library.shelf(1)
+# n0 = library.shelf(0)
+# assert_true( n3.parentof(n4) )
+# assert_false( n4.parentof(n3) )
+# assert_true( n0.parentof(n1) )
+# assert_false( n1.parentof(n0) )
+# assert_false( n0.parentof(n4) )
+## def test_ancestor_of_simple(self):
+# assert_true( n3.ancestorof(n4) )
+# assert_true( n2.ancestorof(n4) )
+# assert_true( n1.ancestorof(n4) )
+# assert_true( n0.ancestorof(n4) )
+# assert_true( n2.ancestorof(n3) )
+# assert_true( n1.ancestorof(n3) )
+# assert_true( n0.ancestorof(n3) )
+# assert_false( n4.ancestorof(n4) )
+# assert_false( n4.ancestorof(n3) )
+# assert_false( n3.ancestorof(n2) )
+# assert_false( n3.ancestorof(n1) )
+# assert_false( n3.ancestorof(n0) )
+## def test_common_ancestor_simple(self):
+# assert_true( n3.has_common_ancestor(n4) )
+# assert_true( n3.has_common_ancestor(n3) )
+# assert_true( n3.has_common_ancestor(n3) )
+#def test_once_branched(library):
+# n7 = library.shelf(7)
+# n6 = library.shelf(6)
+# n5 = library.shelf(5)
+# n4 = library.shelf(4)
+# n3 = library.shelf(3)
+# n2 = library.shelf(2)
+# assert_true( n2.parentof(n3) )
+# assert_false( n3.parentof(n2) )
+# assert_true( n2.parentof(n5) )
+# assert_false( n5.parentof(n2) )
+# assert_false( n2.parentof(n4) )
+# assert_false( n2.parentof(n6) )
+# assert_false( n3.parentof(n5) )
+# assert_false( n5.parentof(n3) )
+## def test_ancestorof_branched(self):
+# assert_true( n2.ancestorof(n7) )
+# assert_false( n7.ancestorof(n2) )
+# assert_true( n2.ancestorof(n6) )
+# assert_false( n6.ancestorof(n2) )
+# assert_true( n2.ancestorof(n5) )
+# assert_false( n5.ancestorof(n2) )
+# assert_false( n3.ancestorof(n5) )
+# assert_false( n5.ancestorof(n3) )
+# assert_false( n4.ancestorof(n5) )
+# assert_false( n5.ancestorof(n4) )
+# assert_false( n3.ancestorof(n7) )
+# assert_false( n7.ancestorof(n3) )
+# assert_false( n4.ancestorof(n6) )
+# assert_false( n6.ancestorof(n4) )
+## def test_common_ancestor_branched(self):
+# assert_true( n2.has_common_ancestor(n4) )
+# assert_true( n2.has_common_ancestor(n7) )
+# assert_true( n2.has_common_ancestor(n6) )
+# # cause it's not in the right branch
+# assert_false( n5.has_common_ancestor(n3) )
+# assert_false( n7.has_common_ancestor(n4) )
+#def test_after_merge(library):
+# n8 = library.shelf(8)
+# n7 = library.shelf(7)
+# n6 = library.shelf(6)
+# assert_true( n7.parentof(n8) )
+# assert_false( n8.parentof(n7) )
+# assert_true( n7.ancestorof(n8) )
+# assert_true( n6.ancestorof(n8) )
+# assert_true( n7.has_common_ancestor(n8) )
+# # cause it's not in the right branch
+# assert_false( n8.has_common_ancestor(n7) )
+#def test_after_merge_and_local_commit(library):
+# n9 = library.shelf(9)
+# n8 = library.shelf(8)
+# n7 = library.shelf(7)
+# n6 = library.shelf(6)
+# assert_true( n7.parentof(n8) )
+# assert_false( n8.parentof(n7) )
+# assert_true( n9.has_common_ancestor(n8) )
+# # cause it's not in the right branch
+# assert_false( n8.has_common_ancestor(n9) )
+#def test_merge_personal_to_default(library):
+# main = library.shelf(2)
+# print main
+# local = library.shelf(7)
+# print local
+# document = library.document("ala", "admin")
+# shared = document.shared()
+# assert_true( shared is None )
+# document.share("Here is my copy!")
+# assert_equal( document.shelf(), local) # local didn't change
+# shared = document.shared()
+# assert_true( shared is not None )
+# print library.shelf()
+# new_main = shared.shelf()
+# assert_not_equal( new_main, main) # main has new revision
+# # check for parents
+# assert_true( main.parentof(new_main) )
+# assert_true( local.parentof(new_main) )
+#def test_create_branch(library):
+# tester_cab = library.cabinet("anotherone", "tester", create=True)
+# assert_equal( list(, ['anotherone'])
+ 'maintenancemode.middleware.MaintenanceModeMiddleware',
- PROJECT_ROOT + '/templates'
+ PROJECT_ROOT + '/templates',
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// Link back to this object, so that the editor can fetch options
// and add a reference to itself.
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--- /dev/null
+{% if objects %}
+ {% for pullreq in objects %}
+ <p>{{ pullreq }}</p>
+ {% endfor %}
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+ <p>Brak żądań</p>
+{% endif %}
--- /dev/null
+function SciptletCenter() {
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+ "{{}}": function(context, params) {
+ {{scriptlet.code|safe}}
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+scriptletCenter = new ScriptletCenter();
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+{% extends 'base.html' %}
+{% block extrahead %}
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+ position: relative;
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+ position: relative;
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+ z-index: 100;
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+ .element-overlay textarea {
+ opacity: 1;
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+ color: black;
+ border: 1px dashed red;
+ margin: 0px;
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+ }
+{% endblock %}
+{% block maincontent %}
+<h1>Wysiwyg editor</h1>
+<div>This part is not editable!</div>
+<div id="loremIpsum">
+<p>Lorem <b>ipsum</b> dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Suspendisse a urna eu enim rutrum elementum nec sed nibh. Quisque sed tortor
+ nulla, et euismod turpis. Morbi purus nulla, vulputate in vulputate id, gravida
+ id eros. In interdum est tempor est consequat imperdiet. Vivamus vitae ligula quam.
+ Proin nibh quam, tincidunt sit amet auctor eget, laoreet sit amet eros. Cras augue
+ lectus, euismod nec posuere ac, ultricies sed magna. Aliquam a lacinia sapien.
+ Cras imperdiet urna vel dui accumsan mollis. Suspendisse convallis tincidunt ornare.
+ Aenean convallis libero in lectus dictum vestibulum interdum ipsum suscipit.
+ Suspendisse sed justo sapien, eu egestas libero. Sed tincidunt sagittis sollicitudin.
+ Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam egestas dolor id massa sagittis at sagittis ipsum
+ hendrerit.
+<p>Phasellus sed purus non orci eleifend posuere ac eu elit. Etiam orci justo, porta vitae varius in, scelerisque sed metus. Phasellus faucibus lorem at metus scelerisque sit amet sollicitudin dolor dignissim. Aliquam eu justo in diam blandit posuere at a diam. Pellentesque tristique sem eu odio gravida eleifend. Phasellus cursus adipiscing metus, nec pharetra enim pharetra ac. Pellentesque faucibus volutpat lorem nec vulputate. Mauris in faucibus ipsum. Nulla ut urna nulla. Sed at tellus nec diam posuere porttitor. Duis faucibus, libero nec rhoncus facilisis, tortor ligula adipiscing massa, nec varius justo ante et magna. Donec orci mauris, ultrices nec blandit vel, lacinia in ante. Maecenas libero mi, pretium id ultricies eget, fringilla sit amet risus. Integer ut ante sem, et condimentum odio. Nam nec est erat. Etiam ut metus ligula. In vel condimentum orci.</p>
+<p>Suspendisse potenti. Proin in augue nibh. Curabitur in sollicitudin ipsum. In ut leo vel purus volutpat tempus. Proin ut neque at augue euismod ullamcorper nec ac dui. Vestibulum id quam nunc, eu porta augue. Pellentesque interdum neque eu nulla rhoncus vulputate. Sed viverra diam ac sem consectetur semper. Quisque consectetur fringilla quam, in feugiat nisl vulputate quis. Fusce vel ipsum lectus, eu interdum nunc. Donec luctus libero vitae mauris imperdiet at iaculis magna aliquet. Curabitur ullamcorper, diam nec pulvinar venenatis, nibh ante volutpat mauris, nec tristique lectus sem in urna. Aenean eu malesuada metus. Integer auctor nulla sit amet ligula sollicitudin ut accumsan velit ullamcorper. Donec nec auctor augue.</p>
+<p>Maecenas eget lacus vitae velit tincidunt bibendum quis et diam. In ullamcorper condimentum velit, et elementum felis vestibulum facilisis. Donec vitae cursus ipsum. Cras accumsan tincidunt aliquet. Nulla pellentesque mattis magna aliquet hendrerit. Pellentesque pellentesque odio enim. Duis viverra rhoncus tristique. In in risus ligula. Nullam dapibus lacinia facilisis. Ut eu neque neque, tristique laoreet nisl. Aliquam placerat dignissim leo, tristique tempor est vestibulum ut.</p>
+<p>Donec semper tempus ante, eget gravida erat varius et. Suspendisse aliquam rutrum nunc ac pulvinar. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla consectetur ultricies imperdiet. Nulla tincidunt est vitae augue porttitor a faucibus odio facilisis. In nec nisl odio. Aliquam et libero tortor, eu tincidunt mi. Vivamus suscipit erat sed mi hendrerit fringilla. Integer iaculis tempus nulla, at egestas velit faucibus ut. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum vel massa enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. In ligula tortor, fermentum eu suscipit at, posuere vel nunc. Nullam nibh magna, sollicitudin at semper et, mattis ut quam. Curabitur accumsan semper elit ac posuere. Sed sit amet lorem tortor, vel porttitor justo. Fusce odio metus, bibendum ut bibendum sit amet, luctus a ipsum. </p>
+{% endblock %}
+{% block extrabody %}
+<script type="text/javascript">
+$(function() {
+ var lorem = $('#loremIpsum');
+ var x = $('#loremIpsum *');
+ function(event)
+ {
+ var e = $(this);
+ $.log("Overlaying element: ", this);
+ var p = e.offsetParent();
+ var pos = e.position();
+ var marginTop = parseInt(e.css('margin-top'));
+ $.log("Offset: ", pos, p);
+ var overlay = $('<div class="element-overlay"><textarea></textarea></div>');
+ var text = $('textarea', overlay);
+ text.val(e.text());
+ p.prepend(overlay);
+ overlay.css({ top:, left: pos.left, width: e.width(), height: e.height()});
+ return false;
+ })
+{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.contrib import admin
from django.conf import settings
url(r'^accounts/login/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.login', {'redirect_field_name': 'next'}),
url(r'^accounts/logout/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.logout', {'next_page': '/'}),
- # Our uber-restful api
+ # Prototypes
+ url(r'^wysiwyg-proto/', include('wysiwyg.urls')),
+ # Our über-restful api
url(r'^api/', include('api.urls') ),
repos = Repository.all
if repos
- repos.each do |repo|
- repo_status = []
- if repo.entries
- repo.entries.each do |entry|
- match = entry.path.match(regexp)
- if match
- Publication.find_or_create_by_name(:name => match[1],
- :source_file => entry.path, :repository_id =>
- repo_status += [{:path => entry.path, :match => match[1], :matched => true}]
- else
- repo_status += [{:path => entry.path, :match =>nil, :matched => false}]
+ repos.each do |repo|
+ repo_status = []
+ if repo.entries
+ repo.entries.each do |entry|
+ match = entry.path.match(regexp)
+ if match
+ Publication.find_or_create_by_name(:name => match[1],
+ :source_file => entry.path, :repository_id =>
+ repo_status += [{:path => entry.path, :match => match[1], :matched => true}]
+ else
+ repo_status += [{:path => entry.path, :match =>nil, :matched => false}]
+ end
+ end
+ @match_status += [{:repo => repo, :status => repo_status}]
- @match_status += [{:repo => repo, :status => repo_status}]
- end
- end
- respond_to do |format|
- format.html
- format.xml { render :xml => @match_status}
- format.json { render :json => @match_status }
- end
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html
+ format.xml { render :xml => @match_status}
+ format.json { render :json => @match_status }
+ end
@issues = Issue.all(:joins => joins, :conditions => conditions)
respond_to do |fmt|
- fmt.json { render :json => @issues, :callback => params[:callback] }
+ fmt.json { render :json => @issues, :callback => params[:callback] }
-<p><label for="issue_source_files">Publication(s)</label>
+<p><label for="issue_source_files"><%= l(:field_publications) %>:</label>
<input type='text' id='publications' name="publications" size="50"
value='<%= @issue.publication_names.join(', ') %>' />
- <td><b>Publication(s)</b></td>
+ <td><b><%= l(:field_publications) %>:</b></td>
<% @issue.publication_names.each do |pub| %>
<a href="<%= Setting.plugin_redmine_publications[:editorurl].sub(':pubid', pub) %>"><%= pub %></a><br />
unless Issue.included_modules.include? RedminePublications::IssuePatch
Issue.send(:include, RedminePublications::IssuePatch)
+ unless Change.included_modules.include? RedminePublications::ChangePatch
+ Change.send(:include, RedminePublications::ChangePatch)
+ end
require_dependency 'issue_publication_hook'
--- /dev/null
+module RedminePublications
+ # Patches Redmine's Issues dynamically. Adds a +after_save+ filter.
+ module ChangePatch
+ def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
+ base.extend(ClassMethods)
+ base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
+ # Same as typing in the class
+ base.class_eval do
+ unloadable # Send unloadable so it will not be unloaded in development
+ after_save :update_publication
+ end
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ end
+ module InstanceMethods
+ def update_publication
+ if self.action == 'A'
+ regexp =[:pattern])
+ match = self.path.match(regexp)
+'[INFO] Adding publication: "' << match[1])
+ Publication.find_or_create_by_name(:name => match[1],
+ :source_file => self.path, :repository_id => )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
base.class_eval do
unloadable # Send unloadable so it will not be unloaded in development
- validate :check_relations
- after_save :update_relations
+ validate :check_relations
+ after_save :update_relations
module InstanceMethods
def publication_names
- if not @pubnames
- { |pub| }
+ if not @pubnames
+ { |pub| }
- @pubnames
- end
+ @pubnames
+ end
def publication_names=(value)
- @pubnames = value.sort!
+ @pubnames = value.sort!
def publications
- :joins =>
- "JOIN issue_publications ON (issue_publications.publication_id =",
- :conditions =>
- ["issue_publications.issue_id = ? ",] )
+ :joins =>
+ "JOIN issue_publications ON (issue_publications.publication_id =",
+ :conditions =>
+ ["issue_publications.issue_id = ? ",] )
def check_relations
- current_names = self.publication_names
- non_existant = []
+ current_names = self.publication_names
+ non_existant = []
- pubs = Publication.find_all_by_name(current_names).map {|i|}
- missing = {|name| not pubs.include?name }
+ pubs = Publication.find_all_by_name(current_names).map {|i|}
+ missing = {|name| not pubs.include?name }
- if not missing.empty?
- errors.add("publications", "Missing publication(s): " + missing.join(', '))
- end
- end
+ if not missing.empty?
+ errors.add("publications", "Missing publication(s): " + missing.join(', '))
+ end
+ end
- def update_relations
- old = self.publications
- current_names = self.publication_names
-'[INFO] Updating relations: old= ' << old.inspect << ' current=' << current_names.inspect)
+ def update_relations
+ old = self.publications
+ current_names = self.publication_names
+'[INFO] Updating relations: old= ' << old.inspect << ' current=' << current_names.inspect)
- # delete unused relations
- deleted = { |v| not (current_names.include?( }
- deleted.each do |pub|
- IssuePublication.delete_all(["issue_publications.issue_id = ? AND issue_publications.publication_id = ?",,])
- end
+ # delete unused relations
+ deleted = { |v| not (current_names.include?( }
+ deleted.each do |pub|
+ IssuePublication.delete_all(["issue_publications.issue_id = ? AND issue_publications.publication_id = ?",,])
+ end
- current_names.each do |name|
- pub = Publication.find_by_name(name)
- IssuePublication.find_or_create_by_publication_id_and_issue_id(,
- end
+ current_names.each do |name|
+ pub = Publication.find_by_name(name)
+ IssuePublication.find_or_create_by_publication_id_and_issue_id(,
+ end
return true
- end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+## YAML Template.
+ field_publications: Publications
--- /dev/null
+## YAML Template.
+ field_publications: Publikacje