# not top-level anymore
- # sort the right way
for doc in documents.itervalues():
doc['parts'].sort(key=natural_order(lambda d: d['name']))
data = request.FILES['ocr_file'].read().decode('utf-8')
+ if data is None:
+ return response.BadRequest().django_response('You must pass ocr_data or ocr_file.')
if form.cleaned_data['generate_dc']:
data = librarian.wrap_text(data, unicode(date.today()))
doc = doc.quickwrite('xml', data.encode('utf-8'),
'$AUTO$ XML data uploaded.', user=request.user.username)
except Exception,e:
+ import traceback
# rollback branch creation
- raise LibraryException("Exception occured:" + repr(e))
+ raise LibraryException(traceback.format_exc())
url = reverse('document_view', args=[doc.id])
except LibraryException, e:
+ import traceback
return response.InternalError().django_response(\
- {'exception': repr(e) })
+ {'exception': traceback.format_exc()} )
except DocumentAlreadyExists:
# Document is already there
return response.EntityConflict().django_response(\
if not changed:
return response.SuccessNoContent().django_response()
- new_udoc = udoc.latest()
+ nudoc = udoc.latest()
return response.SuccessAllOk().django_response({
- "name": udoc.id,
+ "name": nudoc.id,
"parent_user_resivion": udoc.revision,
"parent_revision": doc.revision,
- "revision": ndoc.revision,
- 'timestamp': ndoc.revision.timestamp,
+ "revision": nudoc.revision,
+ 'timestamp': nudoc.revision.timestamp,
init: function(element, model, parent, template)
- this.currentPage = 0;
+ this.currentPage = -1;
this._super(element, model, template);
this.parent = parent;
modelDataChanged: function(property, value)
- {
- $.log('updating pages', property, value);
+ {
if( property == 'data')
- {
- this.gotoPage(this.currentPage);
- this.element.html(render_template(this.template, this));
+ {
+ this.render();
+ this.gotoPage(this.currentPage);
- gotoPage: function(index) {
+ gotoPage: function(index)
+ {
if (index < 0)
index = 0;
- var n = this.model.get('pages').length;
+ var n = this.$pages.length;
if (index >= n) index = n-1;
+ if( (this.currentPage == index) )
+ return;
+ var cpage = this.$currentPage();
+ if(cpage) {
+ var offset = this.pageViewOffset(cpage);
+ this.cleanPage(cpage);
+ }
this.currentPage = index;
+ cpage = this.$currentPage()
+ this.renderImage(cpage, cpage.attr('ui:model'));
+ if(offset) {
+ cpage.css({top: offset.y, left: offset.x});
+ }
+ var self = this;
+ $('img', cpage).bind('load', function() {
+ if(offset)
+ self.setPageViewOffset(cpage, offset);
+ });
+ cpage.show();
+ if(this.currentPage == n-1)
+ this.$nextButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ else
+ this.$nextButton.removeAttr('disabled');
+ if(this.currentPage == 0)
+ this.$prevButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ else
+ this.$prevButton.removeAttr('disabled');
+ this.$pageInput.val( (this.currentPage+1) );
modelStateChanged: function(property, value) {
+ $currentPage: function() {
+ if(this.currentPage >= 0 && this.currentPage < this.$pages.length)
+ return $(this.$pages[this.currentPage]);
+ else
+ return undefined;
+ },
+ cleanPage: function($page) {
+ $page.hide();
+ $('img', $page).unbind();
+ $page.empty();
+ this.setPageViewOffset($page, {x:0, y:0});
+ },
+ pageDragStart: function(event)
+ {
+ this.dragStart = {x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY};
+ $(window).bind('mousemove.imagedrag', this.pageDrag.bind(this));
+ $(window).bind('mouseup.imagedrag', this.pageDragStop.bind(this));
+ this.$currentPage().css('cursor', 'move');
+ return false;
+ },
+ pageDrag: function(event)
+ {
+ if(!this.dragStart) return;
+ var delta = {
+ x: this.dragStart.x - event.clientX,
+ y: this.dragStart.y - event.clientY };
+ var offset = this.pageViewOffset( $(this.$pages[this.currentPage]) );
+ offset.x -= delta.x;
+ offset.y -= delta.y;
+ this.setPageViewOffset( $(this.$pages[this.currentPage]), offset);
+ this.dragStart = {x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY };
+ return false;
+ },
+ pageDragStop: function(event) {
+ this.$currentPage().css('cursor', 'auto');
+ this.dragStart = undefined;
+ $(window).unbind('mousemove.imagedrag');
+ $(window).unbind('mouseup.imagedrag');
+ return false;
+ },
+ pageViewOffset: function($page) {
+ var left = parseInt($page.css('left'));
+ var top = parseInt($page.css('top'));
+ return {x: left, y: top};
+ },
+ setPageViewOffset: function($page, offset) {
+ // check if the image will be actually visible
+ // and correct
+ var MARGIN = 30;
+ var vp_width = this.$pageListRoot.width();
+ var vp_height = this.$pageListRoot.height();
+ var width = $page.outerWidth();
+ var height = $page.outerHeight();
+ if( offset.x+width-MARGIN < 0 ) {
+ // console.log('too much on the left', offset.x, -width)
+ offset.x = -width+MARGIN;
+ }
+ // too much on the right
+ if( offset.x > vp_width-MARGIN) {
+ offset.x = vp_width-MARGIN;
+ // console.log('too much on the right', offset.x, vp_width, width)
+ }
+ if( offset.y+height-MARGIN < 0)
+ offset.y = -height+MARGIN;
+ if( offset.y > vp_height-MARGIN)
+ offset.y = vp_height-MARGIN;
+ $page.css({left: offset.x, top: offset.y});
+ },
+ renderImage: function(target, source) {
+ target.html('<img src="'+source+'" />');
+ $('img', target).
+ css({
+ 'user-select': 'none',
+ '-webkit-user-select': 'none',
+ '-khtml-user-select': 'none',
+ '-moz-user-select': 'none',
+ }).
+ attr('unselectable', 'on').
+ mousedown(this.pageDragStart.bind(this));
+ },
+ render: function() {
+ /* first unbind all */
+ // this.pageListElement
+ if(this.$nextButton) this.$nextButton.unbind();
+ if(this.$prevButton) this.$prevButton.unbind();
+ if(this.$jumpButton) this.$jumpButton.unbind();
+ /* render */
+ this.element.html(render_template(this.template, this));
+ /* fetch important parts */
+ this.$pageListRoot = $('.image-gallery-page-list', this.element);
+ this.$pages = $('.image-gallery-page-container', this.$pageListRoot);
+ this.$nextButton = $('.image-gallery-next-button', this.element);
+ this.$prevButton = $('.image-gallery-prev-button', this.element);
+ this.$pageInput = $('.image-gallery-current-page', this.element);
+ /* re-bind events */
+ this.$nextButton.click( this.nextPage.bind(this) );
+ this.$prevButton.click( this.prevPage.bind(this) );
+ this.$pageInput.change( this.jumpToPage.bind(this) );
+ },
+ jumpToPage: function() {
+ this.gotoPage(parseInt(this.$pageInput.val())-1);
+ },
+ nextPage: function() {
+ this.gotoPage(this.currentPage + 1);
+ },
+ prevPage: function() {
+ this.gotoPage(this.currentPage - 1);
+ },
dispose: function() {