var self = this;
$.log('Saving to local branch - panel:', changed_panel);
- if(!msg) msg = "Zapis z edytora platformy.";
+ if(!msg) msg = "Szybki zapis z edytora platformy.";
- if( changed_panel.length == 0) {
+ if( changed_panel.length === 0) {
$.log('Nothing to save.');
return true; /* no changes */
type: 'POST',
data: {}
Editor.prototype.sendMergeRequest = function (message) {
- if( $('.panel-wrap.changed').length != 0)
+ if( $('.panel-wrap.changed').length !== 0) {
alert("There are unsaved changes - can't commit.");
+ }
- var self = this;
- $.log('URL !: ', $('#commit-dialog form').attr('action'));
+ var self = this;
url: $('#commit-dialog form').attr('action'),
dataType: 'json',