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+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+#, fuzzy
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--- /dev/null
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-03 12:13+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: Radek Czajka <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+msgid "First correction"
+msgstr "Autokorekta"
+msgid "Tagging"
+msgstr "Tagowanie"
+msgid "Initial Proofreading"
+msgstr "Korekta"
+msgid "Annotation Proofreading"
+msgstr "Sprawdzenie przypisów źródła"
+msgid "Modernisation"
+msgstr "Uwspółcześnienie"
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr "Motywy"
+msgid "Editor's Proofreading"
+msgstr "Ostateczna redakcja literacka"
+msgid "Technical Editor's Proofreading"
+msgstr "Ostateczna redakcja techniczna"
+msgid "Ready to publish"
+msgstr "Gotowe do publikacji"
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Autor"
+msgid "Your name/"
+msgstr "Imię i nazwisko/"
+msgid "Author's email"
+msgstr "E-mail autora"
+msgid "Your email address, so we can show a gravatar :)"
+msgstr "Adres e-mail, żebyśmy mogli pokazać gravatar :)"
+msgid "Your comments"
+msgstr "Twój komentarz"
+msgid "Describe changes you made."
+msgstr "Opisz swoje zmiany"
+msgid "Completed"
+msgstr "Ukończono"
+msgid "If you completed a life cycle stage, select it."
+msgstr "Jeśli został ukończony etap prac, wskaż go."
+#, python-format
+msgid "Finished stage: %s"
+msgstr "Ukończony etap: %s"
+msgid "name"
+msgstr "nazwa"
+msgid "theme"
+msgstr "motyw"
+msgid "themes"
+msgstr "motywy"
+msgid "Tag added"
+msgstr "Dodano tag"
+#: templates/wiki/base.html:15
+msgid "Platforma Redakcyjna"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/wiki/diff_table.html:5
+msgid "Old version"
+msgstr "Stara wersja"
+#: templates/wiki/diff_table.html:6
+msgid "New version"
+msgstr "Nowa wersja"
+#: templates/wiki/document_create_missing.html:8
+msgid "Create document"
+msgstr "Utwórz dokument"
+#: templates/wiki/document_details.html:31
+msgid "Click to open/close gallery"
+msgstr "Kliknij, aby (ro)zwinąć galerię"
+#: templates/wiki/document_details_base.html:36
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Pomoc"
+#: templates/wiki/document_details_base.html:38
+msgid "Version"
+msgstr "Wersja"
+#: templates/wiki/document_details_base.html:38
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "nieznana"
+#: templates/wiki/document_details_base.html:40
+#: templates/wiki/tag_dialog.html:15
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Zapisz"
+#: templates/wiki/document_details_base.html:41
+msgid "Save attempt in progress"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/wiki/document_list.html:30
+msgid "Clear filter"
+msgstr "Wyczyść filtr"
+#: templates/wiki/document_list.html:48
+msgid "Your last edited documents"
+msgstr "Twoje ostatnie edycje"
+#: templates/wiki/tag_dialog.html:16
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Anuluj"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/gallery_view.html:7
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Poprzednie"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/gallery_view.html:13
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Następne"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/gallery_view.html:15
+msgid "Zoom in"
+msgstr "Powiększ"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/gallery_view.html:16
+msgid "Zoom out"
+msgstr "Zmniejsz"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/gallery_view_item.html:3
+msgid "Gallery"
+msgstr "Galeria"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/history_view.html:5
+msgid "Compare versions"
+msgstr "Porównaj wersje"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/history_view.html:7
+msgid "Mark version"
+msgstr "Oznacz wersję"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/history_view.html:9
+msgid "Revert document"
+msgstr "Przywróć wersję"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/history_view.html:12
+msgid "View version"
+msgstr "Zobacz wersję"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/history_view_item.html:3
+msgid "History"
+msgstr "Historia"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/search_view.html:3
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/search_view.html:5
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Szukaj"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/search_view.html:8
+msgid "Replace with"
+msgstr "Zamień na"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/search_view.html:10
+msgid "Replace"
+msgstr "Zamień"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/search_view.html:13
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opcje"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/search_view.html:15
+msgid "Case sensitive"
+msgstr "Rozróżniaj wielkość liter"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/search_view.html:17
+msgid "From cursor"
+msgstr "Zacznij od kursora"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/search_view_item.html:3
+msgid "Search and replace"
+msgstr "Znajdź i zamień"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/source_editor_item.html:5
+msgid "Source code"
+msgstr "Kod źródłowy"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/summary_view.html:10
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Tytuł"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/summary_view.html:15
+msgid "Document ID"
+msgstr "ID dokumentu"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/summary_view.html:19
+msgid "Current version"
+msgstr "Aktualna wersja"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/summary_view.html:22
+msgid "Last edited by"
+msgstr "Ostatnio edytowane przez"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/summary_view.html:26
+msgid "Link to gallery"
+msgstr "Link do galerii"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/summary_view.html:31
+msgid "Publish"
+msgstr "Opublikuj"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/summary_view_item.html:4
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Podsumowanie"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/wysiwyg_editor.html:9
+msgid "Insert theme"
+msgstr "Wstaw motyw"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/wysiwyg_editor.html:12
+msgid "Insert annotation"
+msgstr "Wstaw przypis"
+#: templates/wiki/tabs/wysiwyg_editor_item.html:3
+msgid "Visual editor"
+msgstr "Edytor wizualny"
{% include "wiki/tabs/source_editor.html" %}
{% endblock %}
+{% block tabs-right %}
+ {% include "wiki/tabs/gallery_view_item.html" %}
+ {% include "wiki/tabs/search_view_item.html" %}
+{% endblock %}
{% block splitter-extra %}
- {% include "wiki/tabs/gallery_view.html" %}
+<div class="vsplitbar" title="{% trans "Click to open/close gallery" %}">
+ </div>
+ <div id="sidebar">
+ {% include "wiki/tabs/gallery_view.html" %}
+ {% include "wiki/tabs/search_view.html" %}
+ </div>
{% endblock %}
{% block dialogs %}
| {% trans "Version" %}: <span id="document-revision">{% trans "Unknown" %}</span>
{% if not readonly %}
| <button style="margin-left: 6px" id="save-button">{% trans "Save" %}</button>
+ <span id='save-attempt-info'>{% trans "Save attempt in progress" %}</span>
{% endif %}
- <ol id="tabs">
+ <ol id="tabs" class="tabs">
{% block tabs-menu %} {% endblock %}
+ <ol id="tabs-right" class="tabs">
+ {% block tabs-right %} {% endblock %}
+ </ol>
<div id="splitter">
<div id="editor" class="{% block editor-class %} {% endblock %}">
{% load i18n %}
-<div class="vsplitbar" title="{% trans "Click to open/close gallery" %}">
<div id="side-gallery">
<!-- gallery toolbar -->
<div class="toolbar">
--- /dev/null
+{% load i18n %}
+<li id="ScanGalleryPerspective" data-ui-related="side-gallery" data-ui-jsclass="ScanGalleryPerspective" class='active'>
+ <span>{% trans "Gallery" %}</span>
--- /dev/null
+{% load i18n %}
+<div id='side-search'>
+ <p>{% trans "Search" %}:<br/>
+ <input id='search-input' /><br/>
+ <button id='search-button'>{% trans "Search" %}</button>
+ </p>
+ <p>{% trans "Replace with" %}:<br/>
+ <input id='replace-input' /><br/>
+ <button id='replace-button'>{% trans "Replace" %}</button><br/>
+ </p>
+ <p>{% trans "Options" %}<br/>
+ <input type="checkbox" id="search-case-sensitive" />
+ <label for="search-case-sensitive">{% trans "Case sensitive" %}</label><br/>
+ <input type="checkbox" id="search-from-cursor" />
+ <label for="search-from-cursor">{% trans "From cursor" %}</label><br/>
+ </p>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+{% load i18n %}
+<li id="SearchPerspective" data-ui-related="side-search" data-ui-jsclass="SearchPerspective">
+ <span>{% trans "Search and replace" %}</span>
{% load i18n %}
{% load wiki %}
<li id="SummaryPerspective" data-ui-related="summary-view-editor" data-ui-jsclass="SummaryPerspective">
- <span>{{|wiki_title }}</span>
+ <span>{% trans "Summary" %}</span>
"text_save": DocumentTextSaveForm(prefix="textsave"),
"add_tag": DocumentTagForm(prefix="addtag"),
'document_info': dict(, readonly=True),
'document_meta': document.meta,
comment = form.cleaned_data['comment']
if form.cleaned_data['stage_completed']:
comment += '\n#stage-finished: %s\n' % form.cleaned_data['stage_completed']
- author = "%s <%s>" % (form.cleaned_data['author_name'], form.cleaned_data['author_email'])
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ author_name = request.user
+ author_email =
+ else:
+ author_name = form.cleaned_data['author_name']
+ author_email = form.cleaned_data['author_email']
+ author = "%s <%s>" % (author_name, author_email)
storage.put(document, author=author, comment=comment, parent=revision)
document = storage.get(name)
return JSONResponse({
self.repo = mercurial.hg.repository(self.ui, self.repo_path)
def _file_path(self, title, type='.xml'):
- return os.path.join(self.path, urlquote(title, safe='')) + type
+ """ Return plain version if exists in repo, add extension otherwise. """
+ path = os.path.join(self.path, urlquote(title, safe=''))
+ if type and self._title_to_file(title, '') not in self.repo['tip']:
+ path += type
+ return path
def _title_to_file(self, title, type=".xml"):
- return os.path.join(self.repo_prefix, urlquote(title, safe='')) + type
+ """ Return plain version if exists in repo, add extension otherwise. """
+ path = os.path.join(self.repo_prefix, urlquote(title, safe=''))
+ if type and path not in self.repo['tip']:
+ path += type
+ return path
def _file_to_title(self, filename):
assert filename.startswith(self.repo_prefix)
+ 'js/wiki/view_search.js',
'output_filename': 'compressed/detail_scripts_?.js',
a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
\ No newline at end of file
+#loading-overlay {
+ display: none;
-/* =========== */
-/* = Gallery = */
-/* =========== */
-#side-gallery {
+#sidebar {
+ display:none;
position: absolute;
- /* overflow: hidden; */
top: 0px;
right: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
width: 480px;
- display: none;
background-color: #FFF;
+#side-search {
+ height: 100%;
+ display: none;
+ background-color: #C1C1C1;
+#side-search p {
+ padding: .5em;
+/* =========== */
+/* = Gallery = */
+/* =========== */
#side-gallery .error_message
background-color: white;
font-weight: bold;
+#header.saving {
+ background-color: #E1C1C1;
+#header.saving #save-button {
+ display: none;
+#save-attempt-info {
+ color: #801000;
+ display: none;
+.saving #save-attempt-info {
+ display: inline;
#header h1, #header h1 a {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
color: #222;
-#tabs {
+.tabs {
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 31px;
border: 0px;
padding-left: 1em;
+ float: left;
+#tabs-right {
+ float: right;
+ padding-right: 1em;
-#tabs li {
+.tabs li {
height: 18px;
margin-top: 6px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
-#tabs {
+.tabs {
background-color: #C1C1C1;
this.scriptlets = {};
- this.scriptlets['insert_tag'] = function(context, params, done)
+ this.scriptlets['insert_tag'] = function(context, params, text, move_forward, done)
- var text = this.XMLEditorSelectedText(context);
var start_tag = '<'+params.tag;
var move_cursor = false;
- this.XMLEditorReplaceSelectedText(context, output);
- try {
- if (move_cursor) {
- this.XMLEditorMoveCursorForward(context, params.tag.length+2);
- }
- } catch(e) {}
+ if (move_cursor) {
+ move_forward += params.tag.length+2;
+ }
- done();
+ done(output, move_forward);
- this.scriptlets['lineregexp'] = function(context, params, done) {
+ this.scriptlets['lineregexp'] = function(context, params, text, move_forward, done) {
var self = this;
var exprs = $.map(params.exprs, function(expr) {
var partial = true;
- var text = this.XMLEditorSelectedText(context);
- if(!text) return done();
+ if(!text) done(text, move_forward);
var changed = 0;
var lines = text.split('\n');
if(old_line != line) changed += 1;
return line;
}, function(newlines) {
- if(changed > 0) {
- self.XMLEditorReplaceSelectedText(context, newlines.join('\n') );
- };
+ if(changed > 0) {
+ text = newlines.join('\n');
+ };
- done();
+ done(text, move_forward);
- this.scriptlets['fulltextregexp'] = function(context, params, done) {
+ this.scriptlets['fulltextregexp'] = function(context, params, text, move_forward, done) {
var self = this;
var exprs = $.map(params.exprs, function(expr) {
- var text = this.XMLEditorSelectedText(context);
- if(!text) return done();
+ if(!text) done(text, move_forward);
var original = text;$
nblck_each(exprs, function(expr, index) {
$progress.html(600 + index);
text = text.replace(expr.rx, expr.repl);
}, function() {
- if( original != text) {
- self.XMLEditorReplaceSelectedText(context, text);
- }
- done();
+ done(text, move_forward);
- this.scriptlets['macro'] = function(context, params, done) {
+ this.scriptlets['macro'] = function(context, params, text, move_forward, done) {
var self = this;
var i = 0;
- function next() {
+ function next(text, move_forward) {
if (i < params.length) {
var e = params[i];
i = i + 1;
- self.scriptlets[e[0]](context, e[1], next);
+ self.scriptlets[e[0]](context, e[1], text, move_forward, next);
else {
- done();
+ done(text, move_forward);
- next();
+ next(text, move_forward);
- this.scriptlets['lowercase'] = function(context, params, done)
+ this.scriptlets['lowercase'] = function(context, params, text, move_forward, done)
- var text = this.XMLEditorSelectedText(context);
- if(!text) return;
+ if(!text) done(text, move_forward);
- var repl = '';
var lcase = text.toLowerCase();
var ucase = text.toUpperCase();
return '';
- repl = words.join(' ');
+ text = words.join(' ');
- if(repl != text) this.XMLEditorReplaceSelectedText(context, repl);
- done();
+ done(text, move_forward);
- this.scriptlets["insert_stanza"] = function(context, params, done) {
- var text = this.XMLEditorSelectedText(context);
+ this.scriptlets["insert_stanza"] = function(context, params, text, move_forward, done) {
if(text) {
var verses = text.split('\n');
text = ''; var buf = ''; var ebuf = '';
text = text + buf + '\n</strofa>' + ebuf;
- this.XMLEditorReplaceSelectedText(context, text);
- if (!text) {
- this.XMLEditorMoveCursorForward(context, params.tag.length + 2);
+ else {
+ move_forward += params.tag.length + 2;
- done();
+ done(text, move_forward);
$.blockUI({message: $progress, showOverlay: false});
- self.scriptlets[opts.action](opts.context, opts.extra, function(){
+ var input = self.XMLEditorSelectedText(opts.context);
+ self.scriptlets[opts.action](opts.context, opts.extra, input, 0, function(output, move_forward){
else */
+ if (input != output) {
+ self.XMLEditorReplaceSelectedText(opts.context, output)
+ }
+ if (move_forward) {
+ try {
+ self.XMLEditorMoveCursorForward(opts.context, move_forward)
+ }
+ catch(e) {}
+ }
$.unblockUI(); // done
replaceChars: function(text, start, end) {
this.editor.replaceChars(text, start, end);
- getSearchCursor: function(string, fromCursor) {
- return this.editor.getSearchCursor(string, fromCursor);
+ getSearchCursor: function(string, fromCursor, regexp, case_sensitive) {
+ return this.editor.getSearchCursor(string, fromCursor, regexp, case_sensitive);
undo: function() {this.editor.history.undo();},
// indicating whether anything was found, and can be called again to
// skip to the next find. Use the select and replace methods to
// actually do something with the found locations.
- function SearchCursor(editor, string, fromCursor) {
+ function SearchCursor(editor, string, fromCursor, regexp, case_sensitive) {
+ function casedIndexOf(hay, needle, case_sensitive) {
+ if (case_sensitive)
+ return hay.indexOf(needle);
+ else
+ return hay.toLowerCase().indexOf(needle.toLowerCase())
+ }
+ function casedLastIndexOf(hay, needle, case_sensitive) {
+ if (case_sensitive)
+ return hay.lastIndexOf(needle);
+ else
+ return hay.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(needle.toLowerCase());
+ }
+ function casedEqual(a, b, case_sensitive) {
+ if (case_sensitive)
+ return a == b;
+ else
+ return a.toLowerCase() == b.toLowerCase();
+ }
this.editor = editor;
this.history = editor.history;
// For one-line strings, searching can be done simply by calling
// indexOf on the current line.
function() {
- var match = cleanText(self.history.textAfter(self.line).slice(self.offset)).indexOf(string);
+ var match = casedIndexOf(cleanText(self.history.textAfter(self.line).slice(self.offset)),
+ string, case_sensitive);
if (match > -1)
return {from: {node: self.line, offset: self.offset + match},
to: {node: self.line, offset: self.offset + match + string.length}};
// end of the line and the last match starts at the start.
function() {
var firstLine = cleanText(self.history.textAfter(self.line).slice(self.offset));
- var match = firstLine.lastIndexOf(target[0]);
+ var match = casedLastIndexOf(firstLine, target[0], case_sensitive);
if (match == -1 || match != firstLine.length - target[0].length)
return false;
var startOffset = self.offset + match;
var line = self.history.nodeAfter(self.line);
for (var i = 1; i < target.length - 1; i++) {
- if (cleanText(self.history.textAfter(line)) != target[i])
+ if (!casedEqual(cleanText(self.history.textAfter(line)), target[i], case_sensitive))
return false;
line = self.history.nodeAfter(line);
- if (cleanText(self.history.textAfter(line)).indexOf(target[target.length - 1]) != 0)
+ if (casedIndexOf(cleanText(self.history.textAfter(line)), target[target.length - 1], case_sensitive) != 0)
return false;
return {from: {node: self.line, offset: startOffset},
offset: lastLine.length};
- getSearchCursor: function(string, fromCursor) {
- return new SearchCursor(this, string, fromCursor);
+ getSearchCursor: function(string, fromCursor, regexp, case_sensitive) {
+ return new SearchCursor(this, string, fromCursor, regexp, case_sensitive);
// Re-indent the whole buffer
if($tab.length != 1)
- var $old = $('#tabs li').filter('.active');
+ var $old = $tab.closest('.tabs').find('.active');
var self = this;
- message: "Zapisywanie...",
+ message: "Zapisywanie... <br/><button id='save-hide'>ukryj</button>",
fadeIn: 0,
+ $.wiki.blocking = self.$elem;
try {
function initialize()
- gallery = new $.wiki.ScanGalleryPerspective({
- doc: CurrentDocument, id: "ScanGalleryPerspective"
- });
$(document).keydown(function(event) {
console.log("Received key:", event);
- $('#tabs li').live('click', function(event, callback) {
+ $('.tabs li').live('click', function(event, callback) {
function() {
$ = true;
- $('#side-gallery').show();
- $('.vsplitbar').css('right', 480).addClass('.active');
+ $('#sidebar').show();
+ $('.vsplitbar').css('right', 480).addClass('active');
$('#editor .editor').css('right', 510);
- gallery.onEnter();
+ $.wiki.perspectiveForTab('#tabs-right .active').onEnter();
function() {
$ = false;
- $('#side-gallery').hide();
+ $('#sidebar').hide();
$('.vsplitbar').css('right', 0).removeClass('active');
$('#editor .editor').css('right', 30);
- gallery.onExit();
+ $.wiki.perspectiveForTab('#tabs-right .active').onExit();
* Initialize all perspectives
- initAll( $.makeArray($('ol#tabs li')), initialize);
+ initAll( $.makeArray($('.tabs li')), initialize);
console.log('Exiting', this.doc);
+ if ($('.vsplitbar').hasClass('active') && $('#SearchPerspective').hasClass('active')) {
+ $.wiki.switchToTab('#ScanGalleryPerspective');
+ }
if(success) success();
+ $('.vsplitbar').not('.active').trigger('click');
success: function(doc, data){
--- /dev/null
+ /*
+ * Perspective
+ */
+ function SearchPerspective(options){
+ var old_callback = options.callback || function() { };
+ this.noupdate_hash_onenter = true;
+ options.callback = function(){
+ var self = this;
+ this.editor = null;
+ this.$element = $("#side-search");
+ this.$searchInput = $('#search-input', this.$element);
+ this.$replaceInput = $('#replace-input', this.$element);
+ this.$searchButton = $('#search-button', this.$element);
+ this.$replaceButton = $('#replace-button', this.$element);
+ this.$replaceButton.attr("disabled","disabled");
+ this.options = Array();
+ // handlers
+ this.$searchInput.change(function(event){
+ self.searchCursor = null;
+ });
+ this.$replaceInput.change(function(event){
+ self.searchCursor = null;
+ });
+ $("#side-search input:checkbox").each(function() {
+ self.options[] = this.checked;
+ }).change(function(){
+ self.options[] = this.checked;
+ self.searchCursor = null;
+ });
+ this.${
+ if (!
+ alert('Brak wyników.');
+ });
+ this.${
+ self.replace();
+ });
+ };
+ $, options);
+ };
+ SearchPerspective.prototype = new $.wiki.Perspective();
+ = function(){
+ var self = this;
+ var query = self.$searchInput.val();
+ if (!self.editor)
+ self.editor = $.wiki.perspectiveForTab('#CodeMirrorPerspective').codemirror
+ if (!self.searchCursor) {
+ self.searchCursor = self.editor.getSearchCursor(
+ self.$searchInput.val(),
+ self.options['search-from-cursor'],
+ self.options['search-regexp'],
+ self.options['search-case-sensitive']
+ );
+ }
+ if (self.searchCursor.findNext()) {
+ self.$replaceButton.removeAttr("disabled");
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ self.searchCursor = null;
+ this.$replaceButton.attr("disabled","disabled");
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ SearchPerspective.prototype.replace = function(){
+ var self = this;
+ var query = self.$replaceInput.val();
+ if (!self.searchCursor) {
+ }
+ else {}
+ self.searchCursor.replace(query);
+ };
+ SearchPerspective.prototype.onEnter = function(success, failure){
+ var self = this;
+ $;
+ self.$searchCursor = null;
+ $('.vsplitbar').not('.active').trigger('click');
+ if ($.wiki.activePerspective() != 'CodeMirrorPerspective')
+ $.wiki.switchToTab('#CodeMirrorPerspective');
+ };
+ SearchPerspective.prototype.onExit = function(success, failure) {
+ };
+ $.wiki.SearchPerspective = SearchPerspective;
\ No newline at end of file
success: function(data) {
var changed = false;
+ $('#header').removeClass('saving');
if (data.text) {
self.text = data.text;
self.revision = data.revision;
params['success'](self, changed, ((changed && "Udało się zapisać :)") || "Twoja wersja i serwera jest identyczna"));
error: function(xhr) {
- try {
- params['failure'](self, $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText));
- }
- catch (e) {
- params['failure'](self, {
- "__message": "<p>Nie udało się zapisać - błąd serwera.</p>"
- });
- };
+ if ($('#header').hasClass('saving')) {
+ $('#header').removeClass('saving');
+ $.blockUI({
+ message: "<p>Nie udało się zapisać zmian. <br/><button onclick='$.unblockUI()'>OK</button></p>"
+ })
+ }
+ else {
+ try {
+ params['failure'](self, $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText));
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ params['failure'](self, {
+ "__message": "<p>Nie udało się zapisać - błąd serwera.</p>"
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ $('#save-hide').click(function(){
+ $('#header').addClass('saving');
+ $.unblockUI();
+ $.wiki.blocking.unblock();
+ });
}; /* end of save() */
WikiDocument.prototype.publish = function(params) {
<body id="{% block bodyid %}base{% endblock %}">
- <div id="loading-overlay" style="display: none;">
+ <div id="loading-overlay">
<div id="loading-message">
<img src="{{STATIC_URL}}img/spinner.gif" />
<p>{% trans "Loading" %}</p>