--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from optparse import make_option
+import sys
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from django.core.management.color import color_style
+from django.db import transaction
+from slughifi import slughifi
+from catalogue.models import Book
+def common_prefix(texts):
+ common = []
+ min_len = min(len(text) for text in texts)
+ for i in range(min_len):
+ chars = list(set([text[i] for text in texts]))
+ if len(chars) > 1:
+ break
+ common.append(chars[0])
+ return "".join(common)
+def print_guess(dry_run=True):
+ from collections import defaultdict
+ from pipes import quote
+ import re
+ def read_slug(slug):
+ res = []
+ res.append((re.compile(ur'__?(przedmowa)$'), -1))
+ res.append((re.compile(ur'__?(cz(esc)?|ksiega|rozdzial)__?(?P<n>\d*)$'), None))
+ res.append((re.compile(ur'__?(rozdzialy__?)?(?P<n>\d*)-'), None))
+ for r, default in res:
+ m = r.search(slug)
+ if m:
+ start = m.start()
+ try:
+ return int(m.group('n')), slug[:start]
+ except IndexError:
+ return default, slug[:start]
+ return None, slug
+ def file_to_title(fname):
+ """ Returns a title-like version of a filename. """
+ parts = (p.replace('_', ' ').title() for p in fname.split('__'))
+ return ' / '.join(parts)
+ merges = defaultdict(list)
+ for b in Book.objects.all():
+ n, ns = read_slug(b.slug)
+ if n is not None:
+ merges[ns].append((n, b))
+ for slug in sorted(merges.keys()):
+ merge_list = sorted(merges[slug])
+ if len(merge_list) < 2:
+ continue
+ title = file_to_title(slug)
+ print "./manage.py merge_books %s--title=%s --slug=%s \\\n %s\n" % (
+ '--dry-run ' if dry_run else '',
+ quote(title), slug,
+ " \\\n ".join(b.slug for i, b in merge_list)
+ )
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
+ make_option('-s', '--slug', dest='new_slug', metavar='SLUG',
+ help='New slug of the merged book (defaults to common part of all slugs).'),
+ make_option('-t', '--title', dest='new_title', metavar='TITLE',
+ help='New title of the merged book (defaults to common part of all titles).'),
+ make_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_false', dest='verbose', default=True,
+ help='Less output'),
+ make_option('-g', '--guess', action='store_true', dest='guess', default=False,
+ help='Try to guess what merges are needed (but do not apply them).'),
+ make_option('-d', '--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run', default=False,
+ help='Dry run: do not actually change anything.'),
+ )
+ help = 'Merges multiple books into one.'
+ args = '[slug]...'
+ def handle(self, *slugs, **options):
+ self.style = color_style()
+ guess = options.get('guess')
+ dry_run = options.get('dry_run')
+ new_slug = options.get('new_slug')
+ new_title = options.get('new_title')
+ verbose = options.get('verbose')
+ if guess:
+ if slugs:
+ print "Please specify either slugs, or --guess."
+ return
+ else:
+ print_guess(dry_run)
+ return
+ if not slugs:
+ print "Please specify some book slugs"
+ return
+ # Start transaction management.
+ transaction.commit_unless_managed()
+ transaction.enter_transaction_management()
+ transaction.managed(True)
+ books = [Book.objects.get(slug=slug) for slug in slugs]
+ common_slug = common_prefix(slugs)
+ common_title = common_prefix([b.title for b in books])
+ if not new_title:
+ new_title = common_title
+ elif common_title.startswith(new_title):
+ common_title = new_title
+ if not new_slug:
+ new_slug = common_slug
+ elif common_slug.startswith(new_slug):
+ common_slug = new_slug
+ if dry_run and verbose:
+ print self.style.NOTICE('DRY RUN: nothing will be changed.')
+ print
+ if verbose:
+ print "New title:", self.style.NOTICE(new_title)
+ print "New slug:", self.style.NOTICE(new_slug)
+ print
+ for i, book in enumerate(books):
+ chunk_titles = []
+ chunk_slugs = []
+ book_title = book.title[len(common_title):].replace(' / ', ' ').lstrip()
+ book_slug = book.slug[len(common_slug):].replace('__', '_').lstrip('-_')
+ for j, chunk in enumerate(book):
+ if j:
+ new_chunk_title = book_title + '_%d' % j
+ new_chunk_slug = book_slug + '_%d' % j
+ else:
+ new_chunk_title, new_chunk_slug = book_title, book_slug
+ chunk_titles.append(new_chunk_title)
+ chunk_slugs.append(new_chunk_slug)
+ if verbose:
+ print "title: %s // %s -->\n %s // %s\nslug: %s / %s -->\n %s / %s" % (
+ book.title, chunk.comment,
+ new_title, new_chunk_title,
+ book.slug, chunk.slug,
+ new_slug, new_chunk_slug)
+ print
+ if not dry_run:
+ if i:
+ books[0].append(books[i], slugs=chunk_slugs, titles=chunk_titles)
+ else:
+ book.title = new_title
+ book.slug = new_slug
+ book.save()
+ for j, chunk in enumerate(book):
+ chunk.comment = chunk_titles[j]
+ chunk.slug = chunk_slugs[j]
+ chunk.save()
+ transaction.commit()
+ transaction.leave_transaction_management()
i = 1
new_slug = proposed
while new_slug in slugs:
- new_slug = "%s-%d" % (proposed, i)
+ new_slug = "%s_%d" % (proposed, i)
i += 1
return new_slug
- def append(self, other):
+ def append(self, other, slugs=None, titles=None):
"""Add all chunks of another book to self."""
number = self[len(self) - 1].number + 1
- single = len(other) == 1
- for chunk in other:
+ len_other = len(other)
+ single = len_other == 1
+ if slugs is not None:
+ assert len(slugs) == len_other
+ if titles is not None:
+ assert len(titles) == len_other
+ if slugs is None:
+ slugs = [slughifi(t) for t in titles]
+ for i, chunk in enumerate(other):
# move chunk to new book
chunk.book = self
chunk.number = number
- # try some title guessing
- if other.title.startswith(self.title):
- other_title_part = other.title[len(self.title):].lstrip(' /')
- else:
- other_title_part = other.title
- if single:
- # special treatment for appending one-parters:
- # just use the guessed title and original book slug
- chunk.comment = other_title_part
- if other.slug.startswith(self.slug):
- chunk_slug = other.slug[len(self.slug):].lstrip('-_')
+ if titles is None:
+ # try some title guessing
+ if other.title.startswith(self.title):
+ other_title_part = other.title[len(self.title):].lstrip(' /')
- chunk_slug = other.slug
- chunk.slug = self.make_chunk_slug(chunk_slug)
+ other_title_part = other.title
+ if single:
+ # special treatment for appending one-parters:
+ # just use the guessed title and original book slug
+ chunk.comment = other_title_part
+ if other.slug.startswith(self.slug):
+ chunk_slug = other.slug[len(self.slug):].lstrip('-_')
+ else:
+ chunk_slug = other.slug
+ chunk.slug = self.make_chunk_slug(chunk_slug)
+ else:
+ chunk.comment = "%s, %s" % (other_title_part, chunk.comment)
- chunk.comment = "%s, %s" % (other_title_part, chunk.comment)
- chunk.slug = self.make_chunk_slug(chunk.slug)
+ chunk.slug = slugs[i]
+ chunk.comment = titles[i]
+ chunk.slug = self.make_chunk_slug(chunk.slug)
number += 1
""" Create an empty chunk after this one """
- tries = 1
- new_slug = slug
new_chunk = None
while not new_chunk:
+ new_slug = self.book.make_chunk_slug(slug)
new_chunk = self.book.chunk_set.create(number=self.number+1,
creator=creator, slug=new_slug, comment=comment)
except IntegrityError:
- if not adjust_slug:
- raise
- new_slug = "%s_%d" % (slug, tries)
- tries += 1
+ pass
return new_chunk