+import sys
+import docx
+from lxml import etree
+DEBUG = False
+DC = "{http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/}"
+RDF = "{http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#}"
+ABOUT = "http://redakcja.wolnelektury.pl/documents/book/test-icm/"
+WLURI = "http://wolnelektury.pl/katalog/lektura/test-icm/"
+ "Author": DC + "creator",
+ "Title": DC + "title",
+ "Publisher": DC + "publisher",
+ "Year": DC + "date",
+ "Editor": DC + "contributor.editor",
+ "Copyright holder": DC + "rights",
+ "Normal": "akap",
+ "Autor": "autor_utworu",
+ "Title": "nazwa_utworu",
+ "Subtitle": "podtytul",
+ "Heading 1": "naglowek_czesc",
+ "Heading 2": "naglowek_rozdzial",
+ "Heading 3": "naglowek_podrozdzial",
+ "Heading 4": "srodtytul",
+ "Heading 5": "srodtytul",
+def wyroznienie(r):
+ if r.font.italic is not None or r.font.bold is not None or r.font.underline is not None: return r.font.italic or r.font.bold or r.font.underline
+ if r.style.font.italic is not None or r.style.font.bold is not None or r.style.font.underline is not None: return r.style.font.italic or r.style.font.bold or r.style.font.underline
+ return False
+def xml_from_docx(f):
+ d = docx.Document(f)
+ t = etree.Element("utwor")
+ rdf = etree.SubElement(t, RDF + "RDF")
+ meta = etree.SubElement(rdf, RDF + "Description")
+ meta.attrib[RDF + "about"] = ABOUT
+ etree.SubElement(meta, DC + "language").text = "pol"
+ etree.SubElement(meta, DC + "identifier.url").text = WLURI
+ m = etree.SubElement(t, "powiesc")
+ md = {}
+ for p in d.paragraphs:
+ can_ignore = False
+ if p.style.name == 'Title':
+ md['title'] = p.text
+ if p.style.name in META_STYLES:
+ item = etree.SubElement(meta, META_STYLES[p.style.name])
+ item.text = p.text
+ can_ignore = True
+ if p.style.name not in P_STYLES and not can_ignore:
+ print(p.style.name, file=sys.stderr)
+ if p.style.name in P_STYLES or not can_ignore:
+ tag = P_STYLES.get(p.style.name, "akap")
+ a = etree.SubElement(m, tag)
+ for r in p.runs:
+ if wyroznienie(r):
+ etree.SubElement(a, "wyroznienie").text = r.text
+ else:
+ if len(a):
+ a[-1].tail = (a[-1].tail or '') + r.text
+ else:
+ a.text = (a.text or '') + r.text
+ if DEBUG and p.style.name not in P_STYLES:
+ a.text += f" [{p.style.name}]"
+ return etree.tostring(t, pretty_print=True, encoding='unicode'), md