* Removed some unused JS.
authorŁukasz Rekucki <lrekucki@gmail.com>
Mon, 8 Mar 2010 19:27:17 +0000 (20:27 +0100)
committerŁukasz Rekucki <lrekucki@gmail.com>
Mon, 8 Mar 2010 19:27:17 +0000 (20:27 +0100)
* Updgraded CodeMirror to 0.66
* Added line numbers.
* Fixed out-of-flow-text processing (XSLT)

20 files changed:
platforma/static/js/app.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/editor.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/messages.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/models.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/views/button_toolbar.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/views/editor.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/views/flash.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/views/gallery.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/views/html.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/views/panel_container.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/views/split.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/views/view.js [deleted file]
platforma/static/js/views/xml.js [deleted file]

index 685e87e..baf30a7 100644 (file)
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ def document_detail(request, name, template_name = 'wiki/document_details.html')
         document = storage.get(name)
     except DocumentNotFound:
-        document = Document(storage, name = name, text = '')
+        # WTF ?!
+        raise Http404 
+        # document = Document(storage, name = name, text = '')
     if request.method == 'POST':
         form = DocumentForm(request.POST, instance = document)
index 01ee7b8..b23234a 100644 (file)
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ class VersionedStorage(object):
         return urlunquote(name)
     def __contains__(self, title):
+        print "Checking ", title
         return urlquote(title) in self.repo.dirstate
     def __iter__(self):
@@ -270,6 +271,8 @@ class VersionedStorage(object):
             return open(self._file_path(title), "rb")
         except IOError:
+            import traceback
+            print traceback.print_exc()
             raise DocumentNotFound()
     def page_file_meta(self, title):
index 461b406..5884d8a 100644 (file)
@@ -254,4 +254,29 @@ p { margin: 0;}
     float: left;
     margin-right: 10px;
     margin-top: -6px;
\ No newline at end of file
+.xml-iframe {
+       margin-left: 40px;      
+ * CodeMirror 
+ */
+.CodeMirror-line-numbers {
+       background: #e6ddd5;
+       padding-top: 0.35em;    
+.CodeMirror-line-numbers div {
+       padding: 0;
+       padding-right: 4px;
+       font-size: 8pt;
+       line-height: 17px;
+       text-align: right;
+       width: 40px;            
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/app.js b/platforma/static/js/app.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e870a38..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-/*global Class*/
-var editor;
-var panel_hooks;
-// prevent a console.log from blowing things up if we are on a browser that
-// does not support it
-if (typeof console === 'undefined') {
-  window.console = {} ;
-  console.log = console.info = console.warn = console.error = function(){};
-  // Classes
-  var initializing = false, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;
-  this.Class = function(){};
-  Class.extend = function(prop) {
-    var _super = this.prototype;
-    initializing = true;
-    var prototype = new this();
-    initializing = false;
-    for (var name in prop) {
-      prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" &&
-        typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]) ?
-        (function(name, fn){
-          return function() {
-            var tmp = this._super;
-            this._super = _super[name];
-            var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);       
-            this._super = tmp;           
-            return ret;
-          };
-        })(name, prop[name]) :
-        prop[name];
-    }   
-    function Class() {
-      if ( !initializing && this.init )
-        this.init.apply(this, arguments);
-    }
-    Class.prototype = prototype;
-    Class.constructor = Class;
-    Class.extend = arguments.callee;   
-    return Class;
-  };
-  // Templates
-  var cache = {};
-  this.render_template = function render_template(str, data){
-    // Figure out if we're getting a template, or if we need to
-    // load the template - and be sure to cache the result.    
-    var fn = !/^[\d\s-_]/.test(str) ?
-      cache[str] = cache[str] ||
-        render_template(document.getElementById(str).innerHTML) :
-      // Generate a reusable function that will serve as a template
-      // generator (and which will be cached).
-      new Function("obj",
-        "var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" +
-        // Introduce the data as local variables using with(){}
-        "with(obj){p.push('" +
-        // Convert the template into pure JavaScript       
-        str
-          .replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
-          .split("<%").join("\t")
-          .replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)'/g, "$1\r")
-          .replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g, "',$1,'")
-          .split("\t").join("');")
-          .split("%>").join("p.push('")
-          .split("\r").join("\\'")
-      + "');}return p.join('');");
-      // Provide some basic currying to the user
-    return data ? fn( data ) : fn;
-  };
-(function() {
-  var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
-  function update(array, args) {
-    var arrayLength = array.length, length = args.length;
-    while (length--) array[arrayLength + length] = args[length];
-    return array;
-  };
-  function merge(array, args) {
-    array = slice.call(array, 0);
-    return update(array, args);
-  };
-  Function.prototype.bind = function(context) {
-    if (arguments.length < 2 && typeof arguments[0] === 'undefined') {
-      return this;
-    } 
-    var __method = this;
-    var args = slice.call(arguments, 1);
-    return function() {
-      var a = merge(args, arguments);
-      return __method.apply(context, a);
-    }
-  }
-var Editor = Editor || {};
-// Obiekt implementujący wzorzec KVC/KVO
-Editor.Object = Class.extend({
-  _className: 'Editor.Object',
-  _observers: {},
-  _guid: null,
-  init: function() {
-    this._observers = {};
-  },
-  description: function() {
-    return this._className + '(guid = ' + this.guid() + ')';
-  },
-  addObserver: function(observer, property, callback) {
-    // console.log('Add observer', observer.description(), 'to', this.description(), '[', property, ']');
-    if (!this._observers[property]) {
-      this._observers[property] = {}
-    }
-    this._observers[property][observer.guid()] = callback;
-    return this;
-  },
-  removeObserver: function(observer, property) {
-    if (!property) {
-      for (var property in this._observers) {
-        this.removeObserver(observer, property)
-      }
-    } else {
-      // console.log('Remove observer', observer.description(), 'from', this.description(), '[', property, ']');
-      delete this._observers[property][observer.guid()];
-    }
-    return this;
-  },
-  notifyObservers: function(property) {
-    var currentValue = this[property];
-    for (var guid in this._observers[property]) {
-      // console.log(this._observers[property][guid]);
-      // console.log('Notifying', guid, 'of', this.description(), '[', property, ']');
-      this._observers[property][guid](property, currentValue, this);
-    }
-    return this;
-  },
-  guid: function() {
-    if (!this._guid) {
-      this._guid = ('editor-' + Editor.Object._lastGuid++);
-    }
-    return this._guid;
-  },
-  get: function(property) {
-    return this[property];
-  },
-  set: function(property, value) {
-    if (this[property] != value) {
-      this[property] = value;
-      this.notifyObservers(property);
-    }
-    return this;
-  },
-  dispose: function() {
-    delete this._observers;
-  }
-// Handle JSON error responses in uniform way
-function parseXHRError(response)
-    var message = "";
-    var level = "";
-    try {
-      var json = $.evalJSON(response.responseText);
-      if(json.reason == 'xml-parse-error') {
-          message = json.message.replace(/(line\s+)(\d+)(\s+)/i,
-            "<a class='xml-editor-ref' href='#xml-$2-1'>$1$2$3</a>");
-          message = message.replace(/(line\s+)(\d+)(\,\s*column\s+)(\d+)/i,
-            "<a class='xml-editor-ref' href='#xml-$2-$4'>$1$2$3$4</a>");
-          level = "warning";
-      }
-      else if(json.reason == 'xml-non-valid') {
-          message = json.message;
-          level = "warning";
-      }
-      else {
-         message = json.message || json.reason || "Nieznany błąd :((";
-         level = "error";
-      }
-    } catch(e) {
-        // not a valid JSON response
-        message = response.statusText || 'Brak połączenia z serwerem';
-        level = "error";
-    }
-    return {error_message: message, error_level: level};
-function parseXHRResponse(xhr) {
-    var response = {}
-    if(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) 
-    {
-        response.success = true;
-        try {
-            response.data = $.evalJSON(xhr.responseText);
-        } catch(e) {
-            response.data = {};
-        }
-        return response;
-    }
-    return parseXHRError(xhr);
-Editor.Object._lastGuid = 0;
-var panels = [];
\ No newline at end of file
index 4f93d9b..fe1c4ec 100644 (file)
@@ -122,19 +122,6 @@ function ScriptletCenter()
-    this.scriptlets['codemirror_fontsize'] = function(context, params) {
-        var frameBody = this.XMLEditorBody(context);
-        if(params.fontSize) {
-            frameBody.css('font-size', params.fontSize);
-        }
-        else {
-            var old_size = parseInt(frameBody.css('font-size'), 10);
-            frameBody.css('font-size', old_size + (params.change || 0) );
-        }
-    }.bind(this);
     this.scriptlets['fulltextregexp'] = function(context, params) {
         var exprs = $.map(params.exprs, function(expr) {
             var opts = "mg";
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/editor.js b/platforma/static/js/editor.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f52950f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-var editor;
-var panel_hooks;
-function Hotkey(code) {
-    this.code = code;
-    this.has_alt = ((code & 0x01 << 8) !== 0);
-    this.has_ctrl = ((code & 0x01 << 9) !== 0);
-    this.has_shift = ((code & 0x01 << 10) !== 0);
-    this.character = String.fromCharCode(code & 0xff);
-Hotkey.prototype.toString = function() {
-    var mods = [];
-    if(this.has_alt) mods.push('Alt');
-    if(this.has_ctrl) mods.push('Ctrl');
-    if(this.has_shift) mods.push('Shift');
-    mods.push('"'+this.character+'"');
-    return mods.join('+');
-function Panel(panelWrap) {
-    var self = this;
-    self.hotkeys = [];
-    self.wrap = panelWrap;
-    self.contentDiv = $('.panel-content', panelWrap);
-    self.instanceId = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000000000);
-    // $.log('new panel - wrap: ', self.wrap);
-    $(document).bind('panel:unload.' + self.instanceId,
-        function(event, data) {
-            self.unload(event, data);
-        });
-    $(document).bind('panel:contentChanged', function(event, data) {
-        $.log(self, ' got changed event from: ', data);
-        if(self != data) {
-            self.otherPanelChanged(event.target);
-        } else {
-            self.markChanged();
-        }
-        return false;
-    });
-Panel.prototype.callHook = function() {
-    var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
-    var hookName = args.splice(0,1)[0];
-    var noHookAction = args.splice(0,1)[0];
-    var result = false;
-    $.log('calling hook: ', hookName, 'with args: ', args);
-    if(this.hooks && this.hooks[hookName]) {
-        result = this.hooks[hookName].apply(this, args);
-    } else if (noHookAction instanceof Function) {
-        result = noHookAction(args);
-    }
-    return result;
-Panel.prototype._endload = function () {
-    // this needs to be here, so we
-    this.connectToolbar();
-    this.callHook('toolbarResized');
-Panel.prototype.load = function (url) {
-    // $.log('preparing xhr load: ', this.wrap);
-    $(document).trigger('panel:unload', this);
-    var self = this;
-    self.current_url = url;
-    $.ajax({
-        url: url,
-        dataType: 'html',
-        success: function(data, tstat) {
-            panel_hooks = null;
-            $(self.contentDiv).html(data);
-            self.hooks = panel_hooks;
-            panel_hooks = null;            
-            self.callHook('load');           
-        },
-        error: function(request, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-            $.log('ajax', url, this.target, 'error:', textStatus, errorThrown);
-            $(self.contentDiv).html("<p>Wystapił błąd podczas wczytywania panelu.</p>");
-        }
-    });
-Panel.prototype.unload = function(event, data) {
-    // $.log('got unload signal', this, ' target: ', data);
-    if( data == this ) {        
-        $(this.contentDiv).html('');
-        // disconnect the toolbar
-        $('div.panel-toolbar span.panel-toolbar-extra', this.wrap).html(
-            '<span />');
-        this.callHook('unload');
-        this.hooks = null; // flush the hooks
-        return false;
-    }
-Panel.prototype.refresh = function(event, data) {
-    var self = this;
-    var reload = function() {
-        $.log('hard reload for panel ', self.current_url);
-        self.load(self.current_url);
-        return true;
-    };
-    if( this.callHook('refresh', reload) ) {
-        $('.change-notification', this.wrap).fadeOut();
-    }
-Panel.prototype.otherPanelChanged = function(other) {
-    $.log('Panel ', this, ' is aware that ', other, ' changed.');
-    if(!this.callHook('dirty')) {
-        $('.change-notification', this.wrap).fadeIn();
-    }
-Panel.prototype.markChanged = function () {
-    this.wrap.addClass('changed');
-Panel.prototype.changed = function () {
-    return this.wrap.hasClass('changed');
-Panel.prototype.unmarkChanged = function () {
-    this.wrap.removeClass('changed');
-Panel.prototype.saveInfo = function() {
-    var saveInfo = {};
-    this.callHook('saveInfo', null, saveInfo);
-    return saveInfo;
-Panel.prototype.connectToolbar = function()
-    var self = this;
-    self.hotkeys = [];
-    // check if there is a one
-    var toolbar = $("div.toolbar", this.contentDiv);
-    // $.log('Connecting toolbar', toolbar);
-    if(toolbar.length === 0) return;
-    // move the extra
-    var extra_buttons = $('span.panel-toolbar-extra button', toolbar);
-    var placeholder = $('div.panel-toolbar span.panel-toolbar-extra > span', this.wrap);
-    placeholder.replaceWith(extra_buttons);       
-    // connect group-switch buttons
-    var group_buttons = $('*.toolbar-tabs-container button', toolbar);
-    // $.log('Found groups:', group_buttons);
-    group_buttons.each(function() {
-        var group = $(this);
-        var group_name = group.attr('ui:group');
-        // $.log('Connecting group: ' + group_name);
-        group.click(function() {
-            // change the active group
-            var active = $("*.toolbar-tabs-container button.active", toolbar);
-            if (active != group) {
-                active.removeClass('active');                
-                group.addClass('active');
-                $(".toolbar-button-groups-container p", toolbar).each(function() {
-                    if ( $(this).attr('ui:group') != group_name) {
-                        $(this).hide();
-                    } else {
-                        $(this).show();
-                    }
-                });
-                self.callHook('toolbarResized');
-            }
-        });        
-    });
-    // connect action buttons
-    var allbuttons = $.makeArray(extra_buttons);
-    $.merge(allbuttons,
-        $.makeArray($('*.toolbar-button-groups-container button', toolbar)) );
-    $(allbuttons).each(function() {
-        var button = $(this);
-        var hk = button.attr('ui:hotkey');
-        if(hk) hk = new Hotkey( parseInt(hk) );
-        try {
-            var params = $.evalJSON(button.attr('ui:action-params'));
-        } catch(object) {
-            $.log('JSON exception in ', button, ': ', object);
-            button.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-            return;
-        }
-        var callback = function() {
-            editor.callScriptlet(button.attr('ui:action'), self, params);
-        };
-        // connect button
-        button.click(callback);
-        // connect hotkey
-        if(hk) {
-            self.hotkeys[hk.code] = callback;
-        // $.log('hotkey', hk);
-        }
-        // tooltip
-        if (button.attr('ui:tooltip') )
-        {
-            var tooltip = button.attr('ui:tooltip');
-            if(hk) tooltip += ' ['+hk+']';
-            button.wTooltip({
-                delay: 1000,
-                style: {
-                    border: "1px solid #7F7D67",
-                    opacity: 0.9,
-                    background: "#FBFBC6",
-                    padding: "1px",
-                    fontSize: "12px"
-                },
-                content: tooltip
-            });
-        }
-    });
-Panel.prototype.hotkeyPressed = function(event)
-    var code = event.keyCode;
-    if(event.altKey) code = code | 0x100;
-    if(event.ctrlKey) code = code | 0x200;
-    if(event.shiftKey) code = code | 0x400;
-    var callback = this.hotkeys[code];
-    if(callback) callback();
-Panel.prototype.isHotkey = function(event) {
-    var code = event.keyCode;
-    if(event.altKey) code = code | 0x100;
-    if(event.ctrlKey) code = code | 0x200;
-    if(event.shiftKey) code = code | 0x400;
-    $.log(event.character, this.hotkeys[code]);
-    if(this.hotkeys[code]) {
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-Panel.prototype.fireEvent = function(name) {
-    $(document).trigger('panel:'+name, this);
-function Editor()
-    this.rootDiv = $('#panels');
-    this.popupQueue = [];
-    this.autosaveTimer = null;
-    this.scriplets = {};
-Editor.prototype.loadConfig = function() {
-    // Load options from cookie
-    var defaultOptions = {
-        panels: [
-        {
-            name: 'htmleditor',
-            ratio: 0.5
-        },
-        {
-            name: 'gallery',
-            ratio: 0.5
-        }
-        ],
-        recentFiles: [],
-        lastUpdate: 0
-    };
-    try {
-        var cookie = $.cookie('options');
-        this.options = $.secureEvalJSON(cookie);
-        if (!this.options) {
-            this.options = defaultOptions;
-        }
-    } catch (e) {    
-        this.options = defaultOptions;
-    }
-    this.fileOptions = this.options;
-    var self = this;
-    if(!this.options.recentFiles)
-        this.options.recentFiles = [];
-    $.each(this.options.recentFiles, function(index) {
-        if (fileId == self.options.recentFiles[index].fileId) {
-            $.log('Found options for', fileId);
-            self.fileOptions = self.options.recentFiles[index];
-        }
-    });
-    $.log(this.options);
-    $.log('fileOptions', this.fileOptions);
-    this.loadPanelOptions();
-    this.savePanelOptions();
-Editor.prototype.loadPanelOptions = function() {
-    // var self = this;
-    // var totalWidth = 0;
-    // 
-    // $('.panel-wrap', self.rootDiv).each(function(index) {
-    //     var panelWidth = self.fileOptions.panels[index].ratio * self.rootDiv.width();
-    //     if ($(this).hasClass('last-panel')) {
-    //         $(this).css({
-    //             left: totalWidth,
-    //             right: 0
-    //         });
-    //     } else {
-    //         $(this).css({
-    //             left: totalWidth,
-    //             width: panelWidth
-    //         });
-    //         totalWidth += panelWidth;               
-    //     }
-    //     $.log('panel:', this, $(this).css('left'));
-    //     $('.panel-toolbar option', this).each(function() {
-    //         if ($(this).attr('p:panel-name') == self.fileOptions.panels[index].name) {
-    //             $(this).parent('select').val($(this).attr('value'));
-    //         }
-    //     });
-    // });   
-Editor.prototype.savePanelOptions = function() {
-    var self = this;
-    var panels = [];
-    $('.panel-wrap', self.rootDiv).not('.panel-content-overlay').each(function() {
-        panels.push({
-            name: $('.panel-toolbar option:selected', this).attr('p:panel-name'),
-            ratio: $(this).width() / self.rootDiv.width()
-        });
-    });
-    self.options.panels = panels;
-    // Dodaj obecnie oglądany plik do listy recentFiles
-    var recentFiles = [{fileId: fileId, panels: panels}];
-    var count = 1;
-    $.each(self.options.recentFiles, function(index) {
-        if (count < 5 && fileId != self.options.recentFiles[index].fileId) {
-            recentFiles.push(self.options.recentFiles[index]);
-            count++;
-        }
-    });
-    self.options.recentFiles = recentFiles;
-    self.options.lastUpdate = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
-    $.log($.toJSON(self.options));    
-    $.cookie('options', $.toJSON(self.options), {
-        expires: 7,
-        path: '/'
-    });
-Editor.prototype.saveToBranch = function(msg) 
-    var changed_panel = $('.panel-wrap.changed');
-    var self = this;
-    $.log('Saving to local branch - panel:', changed_panel);
-    if(!msg) msg = "Szybki zapis z edytora platformy.";
-    if( changed_panel.length === 0) {
-        $.log('Nothing to save.');
-        return true; /* no changes */
-    }
-    if( changed_panel.length > 1) {
-        alert('Błąd: więcej niż jeden panel został zmodyfikowany. Nie można zapisać.');
-        return false;
-    }
-    var saveInfo = changed_panel.data('ctrl').saveInfo();
-    var postData = '';
-    if (saveInfo.postData instanceof Object) {
-        postData = $.param(saveInfo.postData);
-    } else {
-        postData = saveInfo.postData;
-    }
-    postData += '&' + $.param({
-        'commit_message': msg
-    });
-    self.showPopup('save-waiting', '', -1);
-    $.ajax({
-        url: saveInfo.url,
-        dataType: 'json',
-        success: function(data, textStatus) {
-            if (data.result != 'ok') {
-                self.showPopup('save-error', (data.errors && data.errors[0]) || 'Nieznany błąd X_X.');
-            }
-            else {
-                self.refreshPanels();
-                if(self.autosaveTimer) {
-                    clearTimeout(self.autosaveTimer);
-                }
-                if (data.warnings === null || data.warning === undefined) {
-                    self.showPopup('save-successful');
-                } else {
-                    self.showPopup('save-warn', data.warnings[0]);
-                }
-            }
-            self.advancePopupQueue();
-        },
-        error: function(rq, tstat, err) {
-            self.showPopup('save-error', '- bład wewnętrzny serwera.');
-            self.advancePopupQueue();
-        },
-        type: 'POST',
-        data: postData
-    });
-    return true;
-Editor.prototype.autoSave = function() 
-    this.autosaveTimer = null;
-    // first check if there is anything to save
-    $.log('Autosave');
-    this.saveToBranch("Automatyczny zapis z edytora platformy.");
-Editor.prototype.onContentChanged = function(event, data) {
-    var self = this;
-    $('button.provides-save').removeAttr('disabled');
-    $('button.requires-save').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-    if(this.autosaveTimer) return;
-    this.autosaveTimer = setTimeout( function() {
-        self.autoSave();
-    }, 300000 );
-Editor.prototype.updateUserBranch = function() {
-    if($('.panel-wrap.changed').length !== 0) {
-        alert("There are unsaved changes - can't update.");
-    }
-    var self = this;
-    $.ajax({
-        url: $('#toolbar-button-update').attr('ui:ajax-action'),
-        dataType: 'json',
-        success: function(data, textStatus) {
-            switch(data.result) {
-                case 'done':
-                    self.showPopup('generic-yes', 'Plik uaktualniony.');
-                    self.refreshPanels();
-                    break;
-                case 'nothing-to-do':
-                    self.showPopup('generic-info', 'Brak zmian do uaktualnienia.');
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    self.showPopup('generic-error', data.errors && data.errors[0]);
-            }
-        },
-        error: function(rq, tstat, err) {
-            self.showPopup('generic-error', 'Błąd serwera: ' + err);
-        },
-        type: 'POST',
-        data: {}
-    });
-Editor.prototype.sendMergeRequest = function (message) {
-    if( $('.panel-wrap.changed').length !== 0) {
-        alert("There are unsaved changes - can't commit.");
-    }
-    var self =  this;    
-    $.ajax({        
-        url: $('#commit-dialog form').attr('action'),
-        dataType: 'json',
-        success: function(data, textStatus) {
-            switch(data.result) {
-                case 'done':
-                    self.showPopup('generic-yes', 'Łączenie zmian powiodło się.');
-                    if(data.localmodified) {
-                        self.refreshPanels();
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 'nothing-to-do':
-                    self.showPopup('generic-info', 'Brak zmian do połaczenia.');
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    self.showPopup('generic-error', data.errors && data.errors[0]);
-            }
-        },
-        error: function(rq, tstat, err) {
-            self.showPopup('generic-error', 'Błąd serwera: ' + err);
-        },
-        type: 'POST',
-        data: {
-            'message': message
-        }
-    }); 
-Editor.prototype.postSplitRequest = function(s, f)
-    $.ajax({
-        url: $('#split-dialog form').attr('action'),
-        dataType: 'html',
-        success: s,
-        error: f,
-        type: 'POST',
-        data: $('#split-dialog form').serialize()
-    });
-Editor.prototype.allPanels = function() {
-    return $('#' + this.rootDiv.attr('id') +' > *.panel-wrap', this.rootDiv.parent());
-Editor.prototype.registerScriptlet = function(scriptlet_id, scriptlet_func)
-    // I briefly assume, that it's verified not to break the world on SS
-    if (!this[scriptlet_id]) {
-        this[scriptlet_id] = scriptlet_func;
-    }
-Editor.prototype.callScriptlet = function(scriptlet_id, panel, params) {
-    var func = this[scriptlet_id];
-    if(!func) {
-        throw 'No scriptlet named "' + scriptlet_id + '" found.';
-    }
-    return func(this, panel, params);
-$(function() {
-    $.fbind = function (self, func) {
-        return function() { 
-            return func.apply(self, arguments);
-        };
-    };
-    editor = new Editor();
-    // do the layout
-    editor.loadConfig();
-   editor.setupUI();
index 26c935e..3c1a3c0 100644 (file)
@@ -473,12 +473,20 @@ function html(element) {
         // for now allow only 1 range
         if(n > 1) {
-            window.alert("Zaznacz jeden obszar");
+            window.alert("Zaznacz jeden obszar.");
             return false;
         // remember the selected range
         var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
+               if( $(range.startContainer).is('.html-editarea') 
+                || $(range.endContainer).is('.html-editarea') ) {
+                       window.alert("Motywy można oznaczać tylko na tekście nie otwartym do edycji. \n Zamknij edytowany fragment i spróbuj ponownie.");
+            return false;
+                }               
         // verify if the start/end points make even sense -
         // they must be inside a x-node (otherwise they will be discarded)
@@ -682,6 +690,7 @@ $(function() {
         iframeClass: 'xml-iframe',
         textWrapping: true,
+               lineNumbers: true,
         tabMode: 'spaces',
         indentUnit: 0,
         initCallback: function(editor) {
@@ -766,7 +775,7 @@ $(function() {
                 var params = eval("(" + $(this).attr('ui:action-params') + ")");
                 scriptletCenter.scriptlets[$(this).attr('ui:action')](editor, params);
-            });
+            });                        
             $('.toolbar select').change(function() {
                 var slug = $(this).val();
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/messages.js b/platforma/static/js/messages.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index eddb46e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/*global Editor*/
-Editor.MessageCenter = Editor.Object.extend({
-    init: function() {
-        this.messages = [];
-        this.flashMessages = [];
-        this.firstFlashMessage = null;
-        this.timeout = null;
-        console.log("MSC-init:", Date(), this);
-    },
-    addMessage: function(type, tag, text, flash)
-    {
-        if (!tag) tag = '#default'
-        if (!flash) {
-            flash = text;
-        }
-        this.messages.push({
-            type: type,
-            text: text
-        });
-        this.flashMessages.push({
-            type: type,
-            text: flash,
-            tag: tag
-        });
-        if(this.timeout) {
-            if(this.flashMessages[0] && (this.flashMessages[0].tag == tag))
-            {
-                clearTimeout(this.timeout);
-                this.timeout = null;
-                this.changeFlashMessage();
-            }
-        }       
-        else {
-            /* queue was empty at the start */
-            if (this.flashMessages.length == 1) {
-                console.log("MSC-added-fisrt", Date(), this);
-                this.set('firstFlashMessage', this.flashMessages[0]);
-                this.timeout = setTimeout(this.changeFlashMessage.bind(this), 3000);
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    changeFlashMessage: function() 
-    {
-        console.log("MSC-change", Date(), this);
-        var previous = this.flashMessages.splice(0, 1);
-        if (this.flashMessages.length > 0) 
-        {
-            console.log("MSC-chaning-first", Date(), this);
-            this.set('firstFlashMessage', this.flashMessages[0]);            
-            this.timeout = setTimeout(this.changeFlashMessage.bind(this), 3000);
-        } else {
-            console.log("MSC-emptying", Date(), this);
-            this.set('firstFlashMessage', null);
-        }
-    }
-var messageCenter = new Editor.MessageCenter();
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/models.js b/platforma/static/js/models.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index dae64d8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,796 +0,0 @@
-/*globals Editor fileId SplitView PanelContainerView EditorView FlashView messageCenter*/
-Editor.Model = Editor.Object.extend({
-    synced: false,
-    data: null
-Editor.ToolbarButtonsModel = Editor.Model.extend({
-    className: 'Editor.ToolbarButtonsModel',
-    buttons: {},
-    init: function() {
-        this._super();
-    },
-    load: function() {
-        if (!this.get('buttons').length) {
-            $.ajax({
-                url: documentInfo.toolbarURL,
-                dataType: 'json',
-                success: this.loadSucceeded.bind(this)
-            });
-        }
-    },
-    loadSucceeded: function(data)
-    {
-        // do some escaping
-        $.each(data, function() {
-            $.each(this.buttons, function() {
-                //do some lame escapes
-                this.tooltip = this.tooltip.replace(/"/g, "&#34;");
-            });
-        });
-        this.set('buttons', data);
-    }
-// HTML Document Model
-Editor.HTMLModel = Editor.Model.extend({
-    _className: 'Editor.HTMLModel',
-    textURL: null,    
-    state: 'empty',
-    init: function(document, textURL) {
-        this._super();
-        this.set('state', 'empty');
-        this.set('revision', document.get('revision'));
-        this.document = document;
-        this.textURL = textURL;        
-        this.htmlXSL = null;
-        this.wlmlXSL = null;
-        this.rawText = null;
-        // create a parser and a serializer
-        this.parser = new DOMParser();
-        this.serializer = new XMLSerializer();
-        this.addObserver(this, 'data', this.dataChanged.bind(this));
-    },
-    load: function(force) {
-        if (force || this.get('state') == 'empty') {
-            this.set('state', 'loading');
-            messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'xmlload', 'Wczytuję HTML...');
-            // request all stylesheets
-            $.ajax({
-                url: documentInfo.staticURL + 'xsl/wl2html_client.xsl',
-                dataType: 'xml',                
-                success: this.htmlXSLLoadSuccess.bind(this),
-                error: this.loadingFailed.bind(this)
-            });
-            $.ajax({
-                url: documentInfo.staticURL + 'xsl/html2wl_client.xsl',
-                dataType: 'xml',
-                success: this.wlmlXSLLoadSuccess.bind(this),
-                error: this.loadingFailed.bind(this)
-            });
-            $.ajax({
-                url: this.textURL,
-                dataType: 'text',
-                data: {
-                    revision: this.get('revision'),
-                    user: this.document.get('user')
-                    },
-                success: this.textLoadSuccess.bind(this),
-                error: this.loadingFailed.bind(this)
-            });
-            return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-    },
-    asWLML: function(element, inner)
-    {
-        console.log("Source", element);
-        var doc = this.parser.parseFromString(this.serializer.serializeToString(element), 'text/xml');
-        var result = this.wlmlXSL.transformToDocument(doc);
-        if(!result) {
-            console.log("Failed", this.wlmlXSL, doc);
-            throw "Failed to transform fragment";
-        }
-        console.log("Transformed", doc, " to: ", result.documentElement);
-        if(inner) {
-            var children = result.documentElement.childNodes;
-            var buf = '';
-            for(var i=0; i < children.length; i++)
-                buf += this.serializer.serializeToString(children.item(i));
-            return buf;
-         }
-         return this.serializer.serializeToString(result.documentElement);
-    },
-    innerAsWLML: function(elem)
-    {
-        return this.asWLML(elem, true);
-    },
-    updateInnerWithWLML: function($element, innerML)
-    {
-        var e = $element.clone().html('<span x-node="out-of-flow-text" x-content="%"></span>')[0];
-        var s = this.asWLML(e);
-        // hurray for dirty hacks :P
-        s = s.replace(/>%<\//, '>'+innerML+'</');
-        return this.updateWithWLML($element, s);
-    },
-    updateWithWLML: function($element, text)
-    {
-        // filter the string
-        text = text.replace(/\/\s+/g, '<br />');
-        try {
-            var chunk = this.parser.parseFromString("<chunk>"+text+"</chunk>", "text/xml");
-        } catch(e) {
-            console.log('Caught parse exception.');
-            return "<p>Źle sformatowana zawartość:" + e.toString() + "</p>";
-        }
-        var parseError = chunk.getElementsByTagName('parsererror');
-        console.log("Errors:", parseError);
-        if(parseError.length > 0)
-        {
-            console.log("Parse errors.")
-            return this.serializer.serializeToString(parseError.item(0));
-        }
-        console.log("Transforming to HTML");        
-        var result = this.htmlXSL.transformToFragment(chunk, $element[0].ownerDocument).firstChild;
-        if(!result) {
-            return "Błąd aplikacji - nie udało się wygenerować nowego widoku HTML.";
-        }
-        var errors = result.getElementsByTagName('error');
-        if(errors.length > 0)
-        {
-            var errorMessage = 'Wystąpiły błędy:<ul>';
-            for(var i=0; i < errors.length; i++)
-            {
-                var estr = this.serializer.serializeToString(errors.item(i));
-                console.log("XFRM error:", estr);
-                errorMessage += "<li>"+estr+"</li>";
-            }
-            errorMessage += "</ul>";
-            return errorMessage;
-        }
-        try {
-            $element.replaceWith(result);
-            this.set('state', 'dirty');
-            return false;
-        } catch(e) {
-            return "Błąd podczas wstawiania tekstu: '" + e.toString() + "'";
-        }
-    },
-    createXSLT: function(xslt_doc) {
-        var p = new XSLTProcessor();
-        p.importStylesheet(xslt_doc);
-        return p;
-    },
-    htmlXSLLoadSuccess: function(data) 
-    {
-        try {
-            this.htmlXSL = this.createXSLT(data);
-            if(this.wlmlXSL && this.htmlXSL && this.rawText)
-                this.loadSuccess();
-        } catch(e) {
-            console.log(e);
-            this.set('error', e.toString() );
-            this.set('state', 'error');
-        }
-    },
-    wlmlXSLLoadSuccess: function(data)
-    {
-        try {
-            this.wlmlXSL = this.createXSLT(data);
-            if(this.wlmlXSL && this.htmlXSL && this.rawText)
-                this.loadSuccess();
-        } catch(e) {
-            console.log(e);
-            this.set('error', e.toString() );
-            this.set('state', 'error');
-        }
-    },
-    textLoadSuccess: function(data) {
-        this.rawText = data;
-        if(this.wlmlXSL && this.htmlXSL && this.rawText)
-                this.loadSuccess();
-    },
-    loadSuccess: function() {
-        if (this.get('state') != 'loading') {
-            alert('erroneous state:', this.get('state'));
-        }
-        // prepare text
-        var doc = null;
-        doc = this.rawText.replace(/\/\s+/g, '<br />');
-        doc = this.parser.parseFromString(doc, 'text/xml');
-        doc = this.htmlXSL.transformToFragment(doc, document).firstChild;
-        this.set('data', doc);
-        this.set('state', 'synced');
-        messageCenter.addMessage('success', 'xmlload', 'Wczytałem HTML :-)');
-    },
-    loadingFailed: function(response)
-    {
-        if (this.get('state') != 'loading') {
-            alert('erroneous state:', this.get('state'));
-        }
-        var message = parseXHRError(response);
-        this.set('error', '<h2>Błąd przy ładowaniu XML</h2><p>'+message+'</p>');
-        this.set('state', 'error');
-        messageCenter.addMessage('error', 'xmlload', 'Nie udało mi się wczytać HTML. Spróbuj ponownie :-(');
-    },
-    save: function(message) {
-        if (this.get('state') == 'dirty') {
-            this.set('state', 'saving');
-            messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'htmlsave', 'Zapisuję HTML...');
-            var wlml = this.asWLML(this.get('data'));
-            var payload = {
-                contents: wlml,
-                revision: this.get('revision'),
-                user: this.document.get('user')
-            };
-            if (message) {
-                payload.message = message;
-            }
-            $.ajax({
-                url: this.textURL,
-                type: 'post',
-                dataType: 'json',
-                data: payload,
-                success: this.saveSucceeded.bind(this),
-                error: this.saveFailed.bind(this)
-            });
-            return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-    },
-    saveSucceeded: function(data) {
-        if (this.get('state') != 'saving') {
-            alert('erroneous state:', this.get('state'));
-        }
-        this.set('revision', data.revision);
-        this.set('state', 'updated');
-        messageCenter.addMessage('success', 'htmlsave', 'Zapisałem :-)');
-    },
-    saveFailed: function() {
-        if (this.get('state') != 'saving') {
-            alert('erroneous state:', this.get('state'));
-        }
-        messageCenter.addMessage('error', 'htmlsave', 'Nie udało mi się zapisać.');
-        this.set('state', 'dirty');
-    },
-    // For debbuging
-    set: function(property, value) {
-        if (property == 'state') {
-            console.log(this.description(), ':', property, '=', value);
-        }
-        return this._super(property, value);
-    },
-    dataChanged: function(property, value) {
-        if (this.get('state') == 'synced') {
-            this.set('state', 'dirty');
-        }
-    },
-    dispose: function() {
-        this.removeObserver(this);
-        this._super();
-    }
-// Stany modelu:
-//                  -> error -> loading
-//                 /
-// empty -> loading -> synced -> unsynced -> loading
-//                           \
-//                            -> dirty -> updating -> updated -> synced
-Editor.XMLModel = Editor.Model.extend({
-    _className: 'Editor.XMLModel',
-    serverURL: null,
-    data: '',
-    state: 'empty',
-    init: function(document, serverURL) {
-        this._super();
-        this.set('state', 'empty');
-        this.set('revision', document.get('revision'));
-        this.document = document;
-        this.serverURL = serverURL;
-        this.toolbarButtonsModel = new Editor.ToolbarButtonsModel();
-        this.addObserver(this, 'data', this.dataChanged.bind(this));
-    },
-    load: function(force) {
-        if (force || this.get('state') == 'empty') {
-            this.set('state', 'loading');
-            messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'xmlload', 'Wczytuję XML...');
-            $.ajax({
-                url: this.serverURL,
-                dataType: 'text',
-                data: {
-                    revision: this.get('revision'),
-                    user: this.document.get('user')
-                    },
-                success: this.loadingSucceeded.bind(this),
-                error: this.loadingFailed.bind(this)
-            });
-            return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-    },
-    loadingSucceeded: function(data) {
-        if (this.get('state') != 'loading') {
-            alert('erroneous state:', this.get('state'));
-        }
-        this.set('data', data);
-        this.set('state', 'synced');
-        messageCenter.addMessage('success', 'xmlload', 'Wczytałem XML :-)');
-    },
-    loadingFailed: function(response)
-    {
-        if (this.get('state') != 'loading') {
-            alert('erroneous state:', this.get('state'));
-        }
-        var message = parseXHRError(response);
-        this.set('error', '<h2>Błąd przy ładowaniu XML</h2><p>'+message+'</p>');
-        this.set('state', 'error');
-        messageCenter.addMessage('error', 'xmlload', 'Nie udało mi się wczytać XML. Spróbuj ponownie :-(');
-    },
-    save: function(message) {
-        if (this.get('state') == 'dirty') {
-            this.set('state', 'updating');
-            messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'xmlsave', 'Zapisuję XML...');
-            var payload = {
-                contents: this.get('data'),
-                revision: this.get('revision'),
-                user: this.document.get('user')
-            };
-            if (message) {
-                payload.message = message;
-            }
-            $.ajax({
-                url: this.serverURL,
-                type: 'post',
-                dataType: 'json',
-                data: payload,
-                success: this.saveSucceeded.bind(this),
-                error: this.saveFailed.bind(this)
-            });
-            return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-    },
-    saveSucceeded: function(data) {
-        if (this.get('state') != 'updating') {
-            alert('erroneous state:', this.get('state'));
-        }
-        this.set('revision', data.revision);
-        this.set('state', 'updated');
-        messageCenter.addMessage('success', 'xmlsave', 'Zapisałem XML :-)');
-    },
-    saveFailed: function() {
-        if (this.get('state') != 'updating') {
-            alert('erroneous state:', this.get('state'));
-        }
-        messageCenter.addMessage('error', 'xmlsave', 'Nie udało mi się zapisać XML. Spróbuj ponownie :-(');
-        this.set('state', 'dirty');
-    },
-    // For debbuging
-    set: function(property, value) {
-        if (property == 'state') {
-            console.log(this.description(), ':', property, '=', value);
-        }
-        return this._super(property, value);
-    },
-    dataChanged: function(property, value) {
-        if (this.get('state') == 'synced') {
-            this.set('state', 'dirty');
-        }
-    },
-    dispose: function() {
-        this.removeObserver(this);
-        this._super();
-    }
-Editor.ImageGalleryModel = Editor.Model.extend({
-    _className: 'Editor.ImageGalleryModel',
-    serverURL: null,
-    data: [],
-    state: 'empty',
-    init: function(document, serverURL) {
-        this._super();
-        this.set('state', 'empty');
-        this.serverURL = serverURL;
-        // olewać data
-        this.pages = [];
-    },
-    setGallery: function(path) {
-      $.ajax({
-          url: this.serverURL,
-          type: 'post',
-          data: {
-              path: path,
-          },
-          success: this.settingGallerySucceeded.bind(this)           
-      });
-    },
-    settingGallerySucceeded: function(data) {
-      console.log('settingGallerySucceeded');
-      this.load(true);
-    },
-    load: function(force) {
-        if (force || this.get('state') == 'empty') {
-            console.log("setting state");
-            this.set('state', 'loading');
-            console.log("going ajax");
-            $.ajax({
-                url: this.serverURL,
-                dataType: 'json',
-                success: this.loadingSucceeded.bind(this),
-                error: this.loadingFailed.bind(this)
-            });
-        }
-    },
-    loadingSucceeded: function(data) 
-    {
-        console.log("success");        
-        if (this.get('state') != 'loading') {
-            alert('erroneous state:', this.get('state'));
-        }
-        console.log('galleries:', data);
-        if (data.length === 0) {
-            this.set('data', []);
-        } else {            
-            this.set('data', data[0].pages);
-        }
-        this.set('state', 'synced');
-    },
-    loadingFailed: function(data) {
-        console.log("failed");
-        if (this.get('state') != 'loading') {
-            alert('erroneous state:', this.get('state'));
-        }       
-        this.set('state', 'error');
-    },
-    set: function(property, value) {
-        if (property == 'state') {
-            console.log(this.description(), ':', property, '=', value);
-        }
-        return this._super(property, value);
-    }
-Editor.DocumentModel = Editor.Model.extend({
-    _className: 'Editor.DocumentModel',
-    data: null, // name, text_url, revision, latest_shared_rev, parts_url, dc_url, size, merge_url
-    contentModels: {},
-    state: 'empty',
-    errors: '',
-    revision: '',
-    user: '',
-    init: function() {
-        this._super();
-        this.set('state', 'empty');        
-    },
-    load: function() {
-        if (this.get('state') == 'empty') {
-            this.set('state', 'loading');
-            messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'docload', 'Ładuję dane dokumentu...');
-            $.ajax({
-                cache: false,
-                url: documentInfo.docURL,
-                dataType: 'json',
-                success: this.successfulLoad.bind(this),
-                error: this.failedLoad.bind(this)
-            });
-        }
-    },
-    successfulLoad: function(data) {
-        this.set('data', data);
-        this.set('state', 'synced');
-        this.set('revision', data.revision);
-        this.set('user', data.user);
-        this.contentModels = {
-            'xml': new Editor.XMLModel(this, data.text_url),
-            'html': new Editor.HTMLModel(this, data.text_url),
-            'gallery': new Editor.ImageGalleryModel(this, data.gallery_url)
-        };        
-        for (var key in this.contentModels) {
-            this.contentModels[key].addObserver(this, 'state', this.contentModelStateChanged.bind(this));
-        }
-        this.error = '';
-        messageCenter.addMessage('success', 'docload', 'Dokument załadowany poprawnie :-)');
-    },
-    failedLoad: function(response) {
-        if (this.get('state') != 'loading') {
-            alert('erroneous state:', this.get('state'));
-        }
-        var err = parseXHRError(response);
-        this.set('error', '<h2>Nie udało się wczytać dokumentu</h2><p>'+err.error_message+"</p>");
-        this.set('state', 'error');
-    },
-    contentModelStateChanged: function(property, value, contentModel) {
-        if (value == 'dirty') {
-            this.set('state', 'dirty');
-            for (var key in this.contentModels) {
-                if (this.contentModels[key].guid() != contentModel.guid()) {
-                    this.contentModels[key].set('state', 'unsynced');
-                }
-            }
-        } else if (value == 'updated') {
-            this.set('state', 'synced');
-            for (key in this.contentModels) {
-                if (this.contentModels[key].guid() == contentModel.guid()) {
-                    this.contentModels[key].set('state', 'synced');
-                    this.revision = this.contentModels[key].get('revision');
-                }
-            }
-            for (key in this.contentModels) {
-                if (this.contentModels[key].guid() != contentModel.guid()) {
-                    this.contentModels[key].set('revision', this.revision);
-                    this.contentModels[key].set('state', 'empty');
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    saveDirtyContentModel: function(message) {
-        for (var key in this.contentModels) {
-            if (this.contentModels[key].get('state') == 'dirty') {
-                this.contentModels[key].save(message);
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    update: function() {
-        this.set('state', 'loading');
-        messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'doc_update',
-            'Uaktualniam dokument...');
-        $.ajax({
-            url: this.data.merge_url,
-            dataType: 'json',
-            type: 'post',
-            data: {
-                type: 'update',
-                revision: this.get('revision'),
-                user: this.get('user')
-            },
-            complete: this.updateCompleted.bind(this)           
-        });
-    },
-    updateCompleted: function(xhr, textStatus)
-    {
-        console.log(xhr.status, xhr.responseText);
-        var response = parseXHRResponse(xhr);
-        if(response.success)
-        {
-            if( (response.data.result == 'no-op')
-             || (response.data.timestamp == response.data.parent_timestamp))
-            {
-                if( (response.data.revision) && (response.data.revision != this.get('revision')) )
-                {
-                    // we're out of sync
-                    this.set('state', 'unsynced');
-                    return;
-                }
-                messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'doc_update',
-                    'Już posiadasz najbardziej aktualną wersję.');
-                    this.set('state', 'synced');
-                return;
-            }
-            // result: success
-            this.set('revision', response.data.revision);
-            this.set('user', response.data.user);
-            messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'doc_update',
-                'Uaktualnienie dokumentu do wersji ' + response.data.revision);
-            for (var key in this.contentModels) {
-                this.contentModels[key].set('revision', this.get('revision') );
-                this.contentModels[key].set('state', 'empty');
-            }
-            this.set('state', 'synced');
-            return;
-        }
-        // no success means trouble
-        messageCenter.addMessage(response.error_level, 'doc_update', 
-            response.error_message);       
-        this.set('state', 'unsynced');
-    },
-    merge: function(message) {
-        this.set('state', 'loading');
-        messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'doc_merge',
-            'Scalam dokument z głównym repozytorium...');
-        $.ajax({
-            url: this.data.merge_url,
-            type: 'post',
-            dataType: 'json',
-            data: {
-                type: 'share',
-                revision: this.get('revision'),
-                user: this.get('user'),
-                message: message
-            },
-            complete: this.mergeCompleted.bind(this),
-            success: function(data) {
-                this.set('mergeData', data);
-            }.bind(this)
-        });
-    },
-    mergeCompleted: function(xhr, textStatus) {
-        console.log(xhr.status, xhr.responseText);
-        var response = parseXHRResponse(xhr);
-        if(response.success) {
-            if( (response.data.result == 'no-op') ||             
-             ( response.data.shared_parent_timestamp
-               && response.data.shared_timestamp
-               && (response.data.shared_timestamp == response.data.shared_parent_timestamp)) )
-            {
-                if( (response.data.revision) && (response.data.revision != this.get('revision')) )
-                {
-                    // we're out of sync
-                    this.set('state', 'unsynced');
-                    return;
-                }
-                messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'doc_merge',
-                    'Twoja aktualna wersja nie różni się od ostatnio zatwierdzonej.');
-                this.set('state', 'synced');
-                return;
-            }
-            if( response.data.result == 'accepted')
-            {
-                messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'doc_merge',
-                    'Prośba o zatwierdzenie została przyjęta i oczekuję na przyjęcie.');
-                this.set('state', 'synced');
-                return;
-            }
-            // result: success
-            this.set('revision', response.data.revision);
-            this.set('user', response.data.user);
-            messageCenter.addMessage('info', 'doc_merge',
-                'Twoja wersja dokumentu została zatwierdzona.');
-            this.set('state', 'synced');
-            return;
-        }
-        // no success means trouble
-        messageCenter.addMessage(response.error_level, 'doc_merge',
-            response.error_message);
-        this.set('state', 'unsynced');
-    },
-    // For debbuging
-    set: function(property, value) {
-        if (property == 'state') {
-            console.log(this.description(), ':', property, '=', value);
-        }
-        return this._super(property, value);
-    }
-var leftPanelView, rightPanelContainer, doc;
-    var flashView = new FlashView('#flashview', messageCenter);
-    doc = new Editor.DocumentModel();
-    EditorView = new EditorView('#body-wrap', doc);
-    EditorView.freeze("<h1>Wczytuję dokument...</h1>");
-    leftPanelView = new PanelContainerView('#left-panel-container', doc);
-    rightPanelContainer = new PanelContainerView('#right-panel-container', doc);
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/views/button_toolbar.js b/platforma/static/js/views/button_toolbar.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7f03998..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/*globals View render_template scriptletCenter*/
-var ButtonToolbarView = View.extend({
-    _className: 'ButtonToolbarView',
-    template: null,
-    buttons: null,
-    init: function(element, model, parent, template) {
-        this._super(element, model, null);
-        this.parent = parent;
-        this.template = 'button-toolbar-view-template';
-        this.model.addObserver(this, 'buttons', this.modelButtonsChanged.bind(this));
-        this.buttons = this.model.get('buttons');
-        this.model.load();
-        this.render();
-    },
-    modelButtonsChanged: function(property, value) {
-        this.set('buttons', value);
-        this.render();
-    },
-    render: function() {
-        $('.buttontoolbarview-tab', this.element).unbind('click.buttontoolbarview');
-        $('.buttontoolbarview-button', this.element).unbind('click.buttontoolbarview');
-        var self = this;
-        this.element.html(render_template(this.template, this));
-        $('.buttontoolbarview-tab', this.element).bind('click.buttontoolbarview', function() {
-            var groupIndex = $(this).attr('ui:groupindex');
-            $('.buttontoolbarview-group', self.element).each(function() {
-                if ($(this).attr('ui:groupindex') == groupIndex) {
-                    $(this).show();
-                } else {
-                    $(this).hide();
-                }
-            });
-            $(self.element).trigger('resize');
-        });
-        $('.buttontoolbarview-button', this.element).
-        bind('click.buttontoolbarview', this.buttonPressed.bind(this) );
-        $(this.element).trigger('resize');
-    },
-    buttonPressed: function(event)
-    {
-        var self = this;
-        var target = event.target;
-        var groupIndex = parseInt($(target).attr('ui:groupindex'), 10);
-        var buttonIndex = parseInt($(target).attr('ui:buttonindex'), 10);
-        var button = this.get('buttons')[groupIndex].buttons[buttonIndex];
-        var scriptletId = button.scriptlet_id;
-        var params = eval('(' + button.params + ')'); // To nie powinno być potrzebne
-        console.log('Executing', scriptletId, 'with params', params);
-        try {
-            self.parent.freeze('Wykonuję akcję...');
-            setTimeout(function() {
-                scriptletCenter.scriptlets[scriptletId](self.parent, params);
-                self.parent.unfreeze();
-            }, 10);
-        } catch(e) {
-            console.log("Scriptlet", scriptletId, "failed.", e);
-        }
-    },
-    dispose: function() {
-        $('.buttontoolbarview-tab', this.element).unbind('click.buttontoolbarview');
-        $('.buttontoolbarview-button', this.element).unbind('click.buttontoolbarview');
-        this._super();
-    }
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/views/editor.js b/platforma/static/js/views/editor.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1d55af6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-/*global View render_template panels */
-var EditorView = View.extend({
-    _className: 'EditorView',
-    element: null,
-    model: null,
-    template: null,
-    init: function(element, model, template) {
-        this._super(element, model, template);
-        this.quickSaveButton = $('#action-quick-save', this.element).bind('click.editorview', this.quickSave.bind(this));
-        this.commitButton = $('#action-commit', this.element).bind('click.editorview', this.commit.bind(this));
-        this.updateButton = $('#action-update', this.element).bind('click.editorview', this.update.bind(this));
-        this.mergeButton = $('#action-merge', this.element).bind('click.editorview', this.merge.bind(this));
-        this.model.addObserver(this, 'state', this.modelStateChanged.bind(this));
-        this.modelStateChanged('state', this.model.get('state'));        
-        this.splitView = new SplitView('#splitview', doc);
-        // Inicjalizacja okien jQuery Modal
-        this.commitDialog = new CommitDialog( $('#commit-dialog') );                  
-        // $('#split-dialog').jqm({
-        //      modal: true,
-        //      onShow: $.fbind(self, self.loadSplitDialog)
-        //  }).
-        //  jqmAddClose('button.dialog-close-button');
-        this.model.load();
-    },
-    quickSave: function(event) {
-        this.model.saveDirtyContentModel();
-    },
-    commit: function(event) 
-    {
-        this.commitDialog.show( this.doCommit.bind(this) )
-    },
-    doCommit: function(message) {
-        this.model.saveDirtyContentModel(message);
-    },
-    update: function(event) {
-        this.model.update();
-    },
-    merge: function(event) {
-        this.commitDialog.show( this.doMerge.bind(this) )        
-    },
-    doMerge: function(message) {
-        this.model.merge(message);
-    },
-    /*loadRelatedIssues: function(hash) {
-        var self = this;
-        var c = $('#commit-dialog-related-issues');
-        $('#commit-dialog').data('context', hash.t);
-        $("div.loading-box", c).show();
-        $("div.fatal-error-box", c).hide();
-        $("div.container-box", c).hide();
-        $.getJSON(c.attr('ui:ajax-src') + '?callback=?',
-            function(data, status)
-            {
-                var fmt = '';
-                $(data).each( function() {
-                    fmt += '<label><input type="checkbox" checked="checked"';
-                    fmt += ' value="' + this.id + '" />' + this.subject +'</label>\n';
-                });
-                $("div.container-box", c).html(fmt);
-                $("div.loading-box", c).hide();
-                $("div.container-box", c).show();
-            });
-        hash.w.show();
-    }, */
-    modelStateChanged: function(property, value) {
-        // Uaktualnia stan przycisków
-        if (value == 'dirty') {
-            this.quickSaveButton.attr('disabled', null);
-            this.commitButton.attr('disabled', null);
-            this.updateButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-            this.mergeButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-        } else if (value == 'synced' || value == 'unsynced') {
-            this.quickSaveButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-            this.commitButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-            this.updateButton.attr('disabled', null);
-            this.mergeButton.attr('disabled', null);
-            this.unfreeze();
-        } else if (value == 'empty') {
-            this.quickSaveButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-            this.commitButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-            this.updateButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-            this.mergeButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-        } else if (value == 'error') {
-            this.freeze(this.model.get('error'));
-            this.quickSaveButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-            this.commitButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-            this.updateButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-            this.mergeButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-        }
-    },
-    dispose: function() {
-        $('#action-quick-save', this.element).unbind('click.editorview');
-        $('#action-commit', this.element).unbind('click.editorview');
-        $('#action-update', this.element).unbind('click.editorview');
-        $('#action-merge', this.element).unbind('click.editorview');
-        this.model.removeObserver(this);
-        this._super();
-    }    
-var AbstractDialog = Class.extend({
-    _className: 'AbstractDialog',
-    init: function($element, modal, overlay)
-    {
-        this.$window = $element;
-        this.$window.jqm({
-            modal: modal || true,
-            overlay: overlay || 80,
-            // toTop: true,
-            onShow: this.onShow.bind(this),
-            onHide: this.onHide.bind(this)
-        });
-        this.reset();        
-        $('.cancel-button', this.$window).click(this.cancel.bind(this));
-        $('.save-button', this.$window).click(this.accept.bind(this));
-    },
-    onShow: function(hash)
-    {
-        hash.w.show();
-    },
-    onHide: function(hash)
-    {
-        hash.w.hide();
-        hash.o.remove();
-    },
-    reset: function() {
-        this.acceptCallback = null;
-        this.cancelCallback = null;
-        this.errors = [];
-        $('.error-messages-box', this.$window).html('').hide();
-        this.userData = {};
-    },
-    show: function(acall, ccall) {
-        this.acceptCallback = acall;
-        this.cancelCallback = ccall;
-        // do the show
-        this.$window.jqmShow();
-    },
-    cancel: function() {
-        this.$window.jqmHide();
-        if(this.cancelCallback) this.cancelCallback(this);
-        this.reset();
-    },
-    accept: function()
-    {
-        this.errors = [];
-        if(!this.validate()) {
-            this.displayErrors();
-            return;
-        }
-        this.$window.jqmHide();
-        if(this.acceptCallback) 
-            this.acceptCallback(this);
-        this.reset();        
-    },
-    validate: function() {
-        return true;
-    },
-    displayErrors: function() {
-        var errorDiv = $('.error-messages-box', this.$window);
-        if(errorDiv.length > 0) {
-            var html = '';
-            $.each(this.errors, function() {
-                html += '<li>' + this + '</li>';
-            });
-            errorDiv.html('<ul>' + html + '</ul>');
-            errorDiv.show();
-            console.log('Validation errors:', html);
-        }
-        else
-            throw this.errors;
-    }
-var CommitDialog = AbstractDialog.extend({
-    _className: 'CommitDialog',
-    validate: function()
-    {
-        var message = $('textarea.commit-message', this.$window).val();
-        if( message.match(/^\s*$/) ) {
-            this.errors.push("Message can't be empty.");
-            return false;
-        }
-        // append refs
-        $('.related-issues-fields input:checked', this.$window).each(function() {
-            message += ' refs #' + $(this).val();
-        });
-        this.userData.message = message;
-        return this._super();
-     }
- });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/views/flash.js b/platforma/static/js/views/flash.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e67b046..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/*globals View render_template*/
-var FlashView = View.extend({
-  template: 'flash-view-template',
-  init: function(element, model, template) {
-    this.shownMessage = null;
-    this._super(element, model, template);
-    this.setModel(model);
-  },
-  setModel: function(model) {
-    if (this.model) {
-      this.model.removeObserver(this);
-    }
-    this.model = model;
-    this.shownMessage = null;
-    if (this.model) {
-      this.shownMessage = this.model.get('firstFlashMessage');
-      this.model.addObserver(this, 'firstFlashMessage', this.modelFirstFlashMessageChanged.bind(this));
-    }
-    this.render();
-  },
-  render: function() {
-    this.element.html(render_template(this.template, this));
-    setTimeout(function() {}, 0);
-  },
-  modelFirstFlashMessageChanged: function(property, value) {    
-    this.element.fadeOut(200, (function() {
-    this.element.css({'z-index': 0});
-    this.shownMessage = value;
-    this.render();
-    if(this.shownMessage) {
-        this.element.css({'z-index': 1000});
-        this.element.fadeIn();
-    };
-    }).bind(this));
-  }
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/views/gallery.js b/platforma/static/js/views/gallery.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d6844c6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-/*global View render_template panels */
-var ImageGalleryView = View.extend({
-  _className: 'ImageGalleryView',
-  element: null,
-  model: null,
-  currentPage: -1,
-  pageZoom: 1.0,
-  template: 'image-gallery-view-template',
-  init: function(element, model, parent, template) 
-  {    
-    console.log("init for gallery");
-    var submodel = model.contentModels['gallery'];
-    this._super(element, submodel, template);
-    this.parent = parent;
-    console.log("gallery model", this.model);
-    this.model
-      .addObserver(this, 'data', this.modelDataChanged.bind(this))
-      .addObserver(this, 'state', this.modelStateChanged.bind(this));
-    //$('.image-gallery-view', this.element).html(this.model.get('data'));
-    this.modelStateChanged('state', this.model.get('state'));
-    this.model.load();    
-  },
-  modelDataChanged: function(property, value) 
-  {   
-    console.log(this.model.get('state'), value, value.length);
-    if ((this.model.get('state') == 'synced') && (value.length == 0)) {
-      console.log('tutaj');
-      this.render('image-gallery-empty-template');
-    } else {
-      this.render();
-      this.gotoPage(this.currentPage);
-    }
-  },
-  gotoPage: function(index) 
-  {
-     if (index < 0) 
-         index = 0;
-     var n = this.$pages.length;
-     if (index >= n) index = n-1;
-     if( (this.currentPage == index) )
-         return;
-     var cpage = this.$currentPage();
-     if(cpage) {
-         var offset = this.pageViewOffset(cpage);
-         this.cleanPage(cpage);
-     }
-     this.currentPage = index;
-     cpage = this.$currentPage()
-     this.renderImage(cpage);
-     if(offset) {
-         cpage.css({top: offset.y, left: offset.x});
-     }
-     var self = this;
-     $('img', cpage).bind('load', function() {
-        if(offset)
-             self.setPageViewOffset(cpage, offset);
-     });
-     cpage.show();
-     if(this.currentPage == n-1)
-          this.$nextButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-     else
-          this.$nextButton.removeAttr('disabled');
-      if(this.currentPage == 0)
-          this.$prevButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-      else
-          this.$prevButton.removeAttr('disabled');
-      this.$pageInput.val( (this.currentPage+1) );
-  },
-  reload: function() {},
-  modelStateChanged: function(property, value) {   
-    if (value == 'loading') {
-      this.freeze('Ładowanie...');
-    } else {
-      if ((value == 'synced') && (this.model.get('data').length == 0)) {
-        this.render('image-gallery-empty-template');
-      }
-      this.unfreeze();
-    }
-  },
-  $currentPage: function() {
-      if(this.currentPage >= 0 && this.currentPage < this.$pages.length)
-          return $(this.$pages[this.currentPage]);
-      else
-          return undefined;
-  },    
-  cleanPage: function($page) {
-    $page.hide();
-    $('img', $page).unbind();
-    $page.empty();    
-    this.setPageViewOffset($page, {x:0, y:0});
-  },
-  pageDragStart: function(event)
-  {      
-      this.dragStart = {x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY};
-      $(window).bind('mousemove.imagedrag', this.pageDrag.bind(this));
-      $(window).bind('mouseup.imagedrag', this.pageDragStop.bind(this));
-      this.$currentPage().css('cursor', 'move');
-      return false;
-  },
-  pageDrag: function(event)
-  {
-      if(!this.dragStart) return;
-      var delta = {
-           x: this.dragStart.x - event.clientX,
-           y: this.dragStart.y - event.clientY };     
-      var offset = this.pageViewOffset( $(this.$pages[this.currentPage]) );
-      offset.x -= delta.x;
-      offset.y -= delta.y;
-      this.setPageViewOffset( $(this.$pages[this.currentPage]), offset);
-      this.dragStart = {x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY };     
-      return false;
-  },
-  pageDragStop: function(event) {
-      this.$currentPage().css('cursor', 'auto');
-      this.dragStart = undefined;
-      $(window).unbind('mousemove.imagedrag');
-      $(window).unbind('mouseup.imagedrag');
-      return false;
-  },
-  pageViewOffset: function($page) {
-      var left = parseInt($page.css('left'));
-      var top = parseInt($page.css('top'));
-      return {x: left, y: top};
-  },
-  setPageViewOffset: function($page, offset) {
-      // check if the image will be actually visible
-      // and correct
-      var MARGIN = 30;
-      var vp_width = this.$pageListRoot.width();
-      var vp_height = this.$pageListRoot.height();
-      var width = $page.outerWidth();
-      var height = $page.outerHeight();
-      // console.log(offset, vp_width, vp_height, width, height);
-      if( offset.x+width-MARGIN < 0 ) {
-        // console.log('too much on the left', offset.x, -width)
-        offset.x = -width+MARGIN;
-      }
-      // too much on the right
-      if( offset.x > vp_width-MARGIN) {
-          offset.x = vp_width-MARGIN;
-          // console.log('too much on the right', offset.x, vp_width, width)
-      }
-      if( offset.y+height-MARGIN < 0)
-        offset.y = -height+MARGIN;      
-      if( offset.y > vp_height-MARGIN)
-          offset.y = vp_height-MARGIN;               
-      $page.css({left: offset.x, top: offset.y});           
-  },
-  reload: function() {
-    this.model.load(true);
-  },
-  renderImage: function(target) 
-  {
-      var source = target.attr('ui:model');
-      var orig_width = parseInt(target.attr('ui:width'));
-      var orig_height = parseInt(target.attr('ui:height'));
-      target.html('<img src="' + source
-           + '" width="' + Math.floor(orig_width * this.pageZoom)
-           + '" height="' + Math.floor(orig_height * this.pageZoom)
-           + '" />');
-      $('img', target).
-        css({
-            'user-select': 'none',
-            '-webkit-user-select': 'none',
-            '-khtml-user-select': 'none',
-            '-moz-user-select': 'none'
-        }).
-        attr('unselectable', 'on').
-        mousedown(this.pageDragStart.bind(this));    
-  },
-  render: function(template) 
-  {
-    if(!this.model) return;            
-    $('.choose-gallery-button', this.element).unbind();
-    /* first unbind all */    
-    if(this.$nextButton) this.$nextButton.unbind();
-    if(this.$prevButton) this.$prevButton.unbind();
-    if(this.$jumpButton) this.$jumpButton.unbind();
-    if(this.$pageInput) this.$pageInput.unbind();
-    if(this.$zoomInButton) this.$zoomInButton.unbind();
-    if(this.$zoomOutButton) this.$zoomOutButton.unbind();
-    if(this.$zoomResetButton) this.$zoomResetButton.unbind();
-    if (!template) {
-      /* render */
-      this._super();
-      /* fetch important parts */
-      this.$pageListRoot = $('.image-gallery-page-list', this.element);
-      this.$pages = $('.image-gallery-page-container', this.$pageListRoot);
-      this.$nextButton = $('.image-gallery-next-button', this.element);
-      this.$prevButton = $('.image-gallery-prev-button', this.element);
-      this.$pageInput = $('.image-gallery-current-page', this.element);
-      // this.$zoomSelect = $('.image-gallery-current-zoom', this.element);
-      this.$zoomInButton = $('.image-gallery-zoom-in', this.element);
-      this.$zoomOutButton = $('.image-gallery-zoom-out', this.element);
-      this.$zoomResetButton = $('.image-gallery-zoom-reset', this.element);
-      /* re-bind events */
-      this.$nextButton.click( this.nextPage.bind(this) );
-      this.$prevButton.click( this.prevPage.bind(this) );
-      this.$pageInput.change( this.jumpToPage.bind(this) );
-      // this.$zoomSelect.change( this.zoomChanged.bind(this) );
-      this.$zoomInButton.click( this.zoomInOneStep.bind(this) );
-      this.$zoomOutButton.click( this.zoomOutOneStep.bind(this) );
-      this.$zoomResetButton.click( this.zoomReset.bind(this) );
-      this.gotoPage(this.currentPage);
-      this.changePageZoom(this.pageZoom);
-    } else {
-      this._super(template);
-      var self = this;
-      $('.choose-gallery-button', self.element).click(function() {
-        console.log('CLICK CLICK')
-        self.model.setGallery($('#id_subpath', self.element).val());
-      });
-    }
-  },
-  jumpToPage: function() {     
-        this.gotoPage(parseInt(this.$pageInput.val())-1);
-  },
-  nextPage: function() {
-      this.gotoPage(this.currentPage + 1);    
-  },
-  prevPage: function() {
-      this.gotoPage(this.currentPage - 1);
-  },
-  zoomReset: function() {
-      this.changePageZoom(1.0);
-  },
-  zoomInOneStep: function() {
-      var zoom = this.pageZoom + 0.1;
-      if(zoom > 3.0) zoom = 3.0;
-      this.changePageZoom(zoom);
-  },
-  zoomOutOneStep: function() {
-      var zoom = this.pageZoom - 0.1;
-      if(zoom < 0.3) zoom = 0.3;
-      this.changePageZoom(zoom);
-  },
-  changePageZoom: function(value) {
-      var current = this.$currentPage();
-      if(!current) return;
-      var alpha = value/this.pageZoom;
-      this.pageZoom = value;
-      var nwidth = current.attr('ui:width') * this.pageZoom;
-      var nheight = current.attr('ui:height') * this.pageZoom;
-      var off_top = parseInt(current.css('top'));
-      var off_left = parseInt(current.css('left'));
-      var vpx = this.$pageListRoot.width() * 0.5;
-      var vpy = this.$pageListRoot.height() * 0.5;
-      var new_off_left = vpx - alpha*(vpx-off_left);
-      var new_off_top = vpy - alpha*(vpy-off_top);
-      $('img', current).attr('width', nwidth);
-      $('img', current).attr('height', nheight);
-      this.setPageViewOffset(current, {
-          y: new_off_top, x: new_off_left
-      });
-      // this.$zoomSelect.val(this.pageZoom);
-      // console.log('Zoom is now', this.pageZoom);
-  },
-  dispose: function()
-  {
-      console.log("Disposing gallery.");
-      this.model.removeObserver(this);
-      this._super();
-  }
-// Register view
-panels['gallery'] = ImageGalleryView;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/views/html.js b/platforma/static/js/views/html.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2dba1c1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,660 +0,0 @@
-/*global View render_template panels */
-var HTMLView = View.extend({
-    _className: 'HTMLView',
-    element: null,
-    model: null,
-    template: 'html-view-template',
-    init: function(element, model, parent, template) {
-        var submodel = model.contentModels['html'];
-        this._super(element, submodel, template);
-        this.parent = parent;
-        this.themeEditor = new ThemeEditDialog( $('#theme-edit-dialog') );
-        this.model
-        .addObserver(this, 'data', this.modelDataChanged.bind(this))
-        .addObserver(this, 'state', this.modelStateChanged.bind(this));
-        this.modelStateChanged('state', this.model.get('state'));
-        this.modelDataChanged('data', this.model.get('data'));
-        this.model.load();
-        this.currentOpen = null;
-        this.currentFocused = null;
-        this.themeBoxes = [];
-    },
-    modelDataChanged: function(property, value)
-    {
-        if(!value) return;
-        // the xml model changed
-        var container = $('.htmlview', this.element);
-        container.empty();
-        container.append(value);
-        this.updatePrintLink();
-    /* mark themes */
-    /* $(".theme-ref", this.$docbase).each(function() {
-            var id = $(this).attr('x-theme-class');
-            var end = $("span.theme-end[x-theme-class = " + id+"]");
-            var begin = $("span.theme-begin[x-theme-class = " + id+"]");
-            var h = $(this).outerHeight();
-            h = Math.max(h, end.offset().top - begin.offset().top);
-            $(this).css('height', h);
-        }); */
-    },
-    updatePrintLink: function() {
-        var base = this.$printLink.attr('ui:baseref');
-        this.$printLink.attr('href', base + "?user="+this.model.document.get('user')+"&revision=" + this.model.get('revision'));
-    },
-    modelStateChanged: function(property, value) 
-    {
-        var self = $(this);
-        if (value == 'synced' || value == 'dirty') {
-            this.unfreeze();
-        } else if (value == 'unsynced') {
-            if(this.currentOpen) this.closeWithoutSave(this.currentOpen);
-            this.freeze('Niezsynchronizowany...');
-        } else if (value == 'loading') {
-            this.freeze('Ładowanie...');
-        } else if (value == 'saving') {
-            this.freeze('Zapisywanie...');
-        } else if (value == 'error') {
-            this.freeze(this.model.get('error'));
-            $('.xml-editor-ref', this.overlay).click(
-                function(event) {
-                    console.log("Sending scroll rq.", this);
-                    try {
-                        var href = $(this).attr('href').split('-');
-                        var line = parseInt(href[1]);
-                        var column = parseInt(href[2]);
-                        $(document).trigger('xml-scroll-request', {
-                            line:line,
-                            column:column
-                        });
-                    } catch(e) {
-                        console.log(e);
-                    }
-                    return false;
-                });
-        }
-    },
-    render: function() {
-        if(this.$docbase)
-            this.$docbase.unbind('click');
-        if(this.$printLink) 
-            this.$printLink.unbind();
-        if(this.$addThemeButton)
-            this.$addThemeButton.unbind();
-        if(this.$addAnnotation)
-            this.$addAnnotation.unbind();
-        this._super();
-        this.$printLink = $('.htmlview-toolbar .html-print-link', this.element);
-        this.$docbase = $('.htmlview', this.element);
-        this.$addThemeButton = $('.htmlview-toolbar .html-add-theme', this.element);
-        this.$addAnnotation = $('.htmlview-toolbar .html-add-annotation', this.element);
-        // this.$debugButton = $('.htmlview-toolbar .html-serialize', this.element);
-        this.updatePrintLink();
-        this.$docbase.bind('click', this.itemClicked.bind(this));
-        this.$addThemeButton.click( this.addTheme.bind(this) );
-        this.$addAnnotation.click( this.addAnnotation.bind(this) );
-        // this.$debugButton.click( this.serialized.bind(this) );
-    },
-    /* serialized: function() {
-        this.model.set('state', 'dirty');
-        console.log( this.model.serializer.serializeToString(this.model.get('data')) );        
-    }, */
-    reload: function() {
-        this.model.load(true);
-    },
-    dispose: function() {
-        this.model.removeObserver(this);
-        this._super();
-    },
-    itemClicked: function(event) 
-    {
-        var self = this;
-        console.log('click:', event, event.ctrlKey, event.target);        
-        var $e = $(event.target);
-        if($e.hasClass('annotation'))
-        {
-            if(this.currentOpen) return false;
-            var $p = $e.parent();
-            if(this.currentFocused) 
-            {
-                console.log(this.currentFocused, $p);
-                if($p[0] == this.currentFocused[0]) {
-                    console.log('unfocus of current');
-                    this.unfocusAnnotation();
-                    return false;
-                }
-                console.log('switch unfocus');
-                this.unfocusAnnotation();                
-            }
-            this.focusAnnotation($p);
-            return false;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Clicking outside of focused area doesn't unfocus by default
-         *  - this greatly simplifies the whole click check
-         */
-        if( $e.hasClass('motyw'))
-        {            
-            this.selectTheme($e.attr('theme-class'));
-            return false;
-        }
-        if( $e.hasClass('theme-text-list') )
-        {            
-            this.selectTheme($e.parent().attr('theme-class'));
-            return false;
-        }
-        /* other buttons */
-        try {
-            var editable = this.editableFor($e);
-            if(!editable)
-                return false;
-            if($e.hasClass('delete-button'))
-                this.deleteElement(editable);
-            if($e.hasClass('edit-button'))
-            {
-                if( editable.hasClass('motyw') )
-                    this.editTheme(editable);
-                else
-                    this.openForEdit(editable);
-            }
-            if($e.hasClass('accept-button'))
-                this.closeWithSave(editable);
-            if($e.hasClass('reject-button'))
-                this.closeWithoutSave(editable);
-        } catch(e) {
-            messageCenter.addMessage('error', "wlsave", 'Błąd:' + e.toString());
-        }
-        return false;
-    },
-    unfocusAnnotation: function()
-    {
-        if(!this.currentFocused)
-        {
-            console.log('Redundant unfocus');
-            return false;
-        }
-        if(this.currentOpen 
-            && this.currentOpen.is("*[x-annotation-box]")
-            && this.currentOpen.parent()[0] == this.currentFocused[0])
-            {
-            console.log("Can't unfocus open box");
-            return false;
-        }
-        var $box = $("*[x-annotation-box]", this.currentFocused);
-        $box.css({
-            'display': 'none'
-        });
-        // this.currentFocused.removeAttr('x-focused');
-        // this.currentFocused.hide();
-        this.currentFocused = null;
-    },
-    focusAnnotation: function($e) {
-        this.currentFocused = $e;
-        var $box = $("*[x-annotation-box]", $e);
-        $box.css({
-            'display': 'block'
-        });
-    // $e.attr('x-focused', 'focused');
-    },
-    closeWithSave: function($e) {
-        var $edit = $e.data('edit-overlay');
-        var newText = $('textarea', $edit).val();
-        var errors = null;
-        errors = this.model.updateInnerWithWLML($e, newText);
-        if(errors)
-            messageCenter.addMessage('error', 'render', errors);
-        else {
-            $edit.remove();
-            this.currentOpen = null;
-        }
-    },
-    closeWithoutSave: function($e) {
-        var $edit = $e.data('edit-overlay');
-        $edit.remove();
-        $e.removeAttr('x-open');
-        this.currentOpen = null;
-    },
-    editableFor: function($button) 
-    {
-        var $e = $button;
-        var n = 0;
-        while( ($e[0] != this.element[0]) && !($e.attr('x-editable')) && n < 50)
-        {
-            // console.log($e, $e.parent(), this.element);
-            $e = $e.parent();
-            n += 1;
-        }
-        if(!$e.attr('x-editable'))
-            return null;
-        console.log("Trigger", $button, " yields editable: ", $e);
-        return $e;
-    },
-    openForEdit: function($origin)
-    {       
-        if(this.currentOpen && this.currentOpen != $origin) {
-            this.closeWithSave(this.currentOpen);    
-        }
-        var $box = null
-        // annotations overlay their sub box - not their own box //
-        if($origin.is(".annotation-inline-box"))
-            $box = $("*[x-annotation-box]", $origin);
-        else
-            $box = $origin;
-        var x = $box[0].offsetLeft;
-        var y = $box[0].offsetTop;
-        var w = $box.outerWidth();
-        var h = $box.innerHeight();
-        console.log("Edit origin:", $origin, " box:", $box);
-        console.log("offsetParent:", $box[0].offsetParent);
-        console.log("Dimensions: ", x, y, w , h);
-        // start edition on this node
-        var $overlay = $('<div class="html-editarea"><textarea></textarea></div>');
-        h = Math.max(h, 2*parseInt($box.css('line-height')));
-        $overlay.css({
-            position: 'absolute',
-            height: h,
-            left: x,
-            top: y,
-            width: '95%'
-        });
-        try {
-            $('textarea', $overlay).val( this.model.innerAsWLML($origin[0]) );
-            if($origin.is(".annotation-inline-box"))
-            {                
-                if(this.currentFocused) {
-                    // if some other is focused
-                    if($origin[0] != this.currentFocused[0]) {
-                        this.unfocusAnnotation();
-                        this.focusAnnotation($origin);
-                    }
-                // already focues
-                }
-                else { // nothing was focused
-                    this.focusAnnotation($origin);
-                }
-            }
-            else { // this item is not focusable
-                if(this.currentFocused) this.unfocusAnnotation();
-            }
-            $($box[0].offsetParent).append($overlay);
-            $origin.data('edit-overlay', $overlay);
-            this.currentOpen = $origin;
-            $origin.attr('x-open', 'open');
-        }
-        catch(e) {
-            console.log("Can't open", e);
-        }
-        return false;
-    },
-    deleteElement: function($editable)
-    {
-        var relatedThemes = $("*[x-node='begin'], *[x-node='end']", $editable);
-        var themeMarks = relatedThemes.map(function() {
-            return $(".motyw[theme-class='"+$(this).attr('theme-class')+"']");
-        });
-        if($editable.is("*.motyw"))
-        {
-            console.log($editable);
-            var selector = "[theme-class='"+$editable.attr('theme-class')+"']";
-            relatedThemes = relatedThemes.add("*[x-node='begin']"+selector+", *[x-node='end']"+selector);
-        }
-        console.log(relatedThemes, themeMarks);
-        var del = confirm("Usunięcie elementu jest nieodwracalne.\n"
-        +" Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten element, wraz z zawartymi motywami ?\n");
-        if(del) {
-            relatedThemes.remove();
-            themeMarks.remove();
-            $editable.remove();
-        }
-    },
-    //
-    // Special stuff for themes
-    //
-    // Theme related stuff
-    verifyThemeInsertPoint: function(node) {
-        if(node.nodeType == 3) { // Text Node
-            node = node.parentNode;
-        }
-        if(node.nodeType != 1) return false;
-        console.log('Selection point:', node);
-        node = $(node);
-        var xtype = node.attr('x-node');
-        if(!xtype || (xtype.search(':') >= 0) ||
-                xtype == 'motyw' || xtype == 'begin' || xtype == 'end')
-            return false;
-        // this is hopefully redundant
-        //if(! node.is('*.utwor *') )
-        //    return false;
-        // don't allow themes inside annotations
-        if( node.is('*[x-annotation-box] *') )
-            return false;
-        return true;
-    },
-    editTheme: function($element)
-    {
-        var themeTextSpan = $('.theme-text-list', $element);
-        this.themeEditor.setFromString( themeTextSpan.text() );
-        function _editThemeFinish(dialog) {
-            themeTextSpan.text( dialog.userData.themes.join(', ') );
-        };
-        this.themeEditor.show(_editThemeFinish);
-    },
-    addTheme: function()
-    {
-        var selection = window.getSelection();
-        var n = selection.rangeCount;
-        console.log("Range count:", n);
-        if(n == 0) {
-            window.alert("Nie zaznaczono żadnego obszaru");
-            return false;
-        }
-        // for now allow only 1 range
-        if(n > 1) {
-            window.alert("Zaznacz jeden obszar");
-            return false;
-        }
-        // remember the selected range
-        var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
-        console.log(range.startContainer, range.endContainer);
-        // verify if the start/end points make even sense -
-        // they must be inside a x-node (otherwise they will be discarded)
-        // and the x-node must be a main text
-        if(! this.verifyThemeInsertPoint(range.startContainer) ) {
-            window.alert("Motyw nie może się zaczynać w tym miejscu.");
-            return false;
-        }
-        if(! this.verifyThemeInsertPoint(range.endContainer) ) {
-            window.alert("Motyw nie może się kończyć w tym miejscu.");
-            return false;
-        }
-        function _addThemeFinish(dialog)
-        {            
-            var date = (new Date()).getTime();
-            var random = Math.floor(4000000000*Math.random());
-            var id = (''+date) + '-' + (''+random);
-            var spoint = document.createRange();
-            var epoint = document.createRange();
-            spoint.setStart(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
-            epoint.setStart(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
-            var mtag, btag, etag, errors;
-            var themesStr = dialog.userData.themes.join(', ');
-            // insert theme-ref
-            mtag = $('<span></span>');
-            spoint.insertNode(mtag[0]);
-            errors = this.model.updateWithWLML(mtag, '<motyw id="m'+id+'">'+themesStr+'</motyw>');
-            if(errors) {
-                messageCenter.addMessage('error', null, 'Błąd przy dodawaniu motywu :' + errors);
-                return false;
-            }
-            // insert theme-begin
-            btag = $('<span></span>');
-            spoint.insertNode(btag[0]);
-            errors = this.model.updateWithWLML(btag, '<begin id="b'+id+'" />');
-            if(errors) {
-                mtag.remove();
-                messageCenter.addMessage('error', null, 'Błąd przy dodawaniu motywu :' + errors);
-                return false;
-            }
-            etag = $('<span></span>');
-            epoint.insertNode(etag[0]);
-            result = this.model.updateWithWLML(etag, '<end id="e'+id+'" />');
-            if(errors) {
-                btag.remove();
-                mtag.remove();
-                messageCenter.addMessage('error', null, 'Błąd przy dodawaniu motywu :' + errors);
-                return false;
-            }
-            selection.removeAllRanges();
-            return true;
-        };
-        // show the modal
-        this.themeEditor.setFromString('');
-        this.themeEditor.show(_addThemeFinish.bind(this));
-    },
-    selectTheme: function(themeId)
-    {
-        var selection = window.getSelection();
-        // remove current selection
-        selection.removeAllRanges();
-        var range = document.createRange();
-        var s = $(".motyw[theme-class='"+themeId+"']")[0];
-        var e = $(".end[theme-class='"+themeId+"']")[0];
-        console.log('Selecting range:', themeId, range, s, e);
-        if(s && e) {
-            range.setStartAfter(s);
-            range.setEndBefore(e);
-            selection.addRange(range);
-        }
-    },
-    addAnnotation: function()
-    {
-        var selection = window.getSelection();
-        var n = selection.rangeCount;
-        console.log("Range count:", n);
-        if(n == 0) {
-            window.alert("Nie zaznaczono żadnego obszaru");
-            return false;
-        }
-        // for now allow only 1 range
-        if(n > 1) {
-            window.alert("Zaznacz jeden obszar");
-            return false;
-        }
-        // remember the selected range
-        var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
-        if(! this.verifyThemeInsertPoint(range.endContainer) ) {
-            window.alert("Nie można wstawić w to miejsce przypisu.");
-            return false;
-        }
-        var text = range.toString();        
-        var tag = $('<span></span>');
-        range.collapse(false);
-        range.insertNode(tag[0]);
-        var errors = this.model.updateWithWLML(tag, '<pr><slowo_obce>'+text+"</slowo_obce> </pr>");
-        if(errors) {
-                tag.remove();
-                messageCenter.addMessage('error', null, 'Błąd przy dodawaniu przypisu:' + errors);
-                return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-var ThemeEditDialog = AbstractDialog.extend({
-     validate: function()
-     {
-         var active = $('input.theme-list-item:checked', this.$window);
-         if(active.length < 1) {
-             this.errors.push("You must select at least one theme.");
-             return false;
-         }
-         console.log("Active:", active);
-         this.userData.themes = $.makeArray(active.map(function() { return this.value; }) );
-         console.log('After validate:', this.userData);
-         return this._super();
-     },
-     setFromString: function(string)
-     {
-         var $unmatchedList = $('tbody.unknown-themes', this.$window);
-         $("tr:not(.header)", $unmatchedList).remove();
-         $unmatchedList.hide();
-         $('input.theme-list-item', this.$window).removeAttr('checked');
-         var unmatched = [];
-         $.each(string.split(','), function() {             
-             var name = $.trim(this);
-             if(!name) return;
-             console.log('Selecting:', name);
-             var checkbox = $("input.theme-list-item[value='"+name+"']", this.$window);
-             if(checkbox.length > 0)
-                 checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked');
-             else
-                 unmatched.push(name);
-         });         
-         if(unmatched.length > 0) 
-         {
-             $.each(unmatched, function() {
-                 $('<tr><td colspan="5"><label><input type="checkbox"'+
-                     ' checked="checked" class="theme-list-item" value="'
-                     + this+ '" />"'+this+'"</label></td></tr>').
-                 appendTo($unmatchedList);
-             });
-             $unmatchedList.show();
-         }
-     },
-     displayErrors: function() {
-        var errorP = $('.error-messages-inline-box', this.$window);
-        if(errorP.length > 0) {
-            var html = '';
-            $.each(this.errors, function() {
-                html += '<span>' + this + '</span>';
-            });
-            errorP.html(html);
-            errorP.show();
-            console.log('Validation errors:', html);
-        }
-        else
-            this._super();
-    },
-    reset: function()
-    {
-        this._super();
-        $('.error-messages-inline-box', this.$window).html('').hide();
-    }
- });
-// Register view
-panels['html'] = HTMLView;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/views/panel_container.js b/platforma/static/js/views/panel_container.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f4bdc89..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/*globals View render_template panels*/
-var PanelContainerView = View.extend({
-  _className: 'PanelContainerView',
-  element: null,
-  model: null,
-  template: 'panel-container-view-template',
-  contentView: null,
-  init: function(element, model, template) {
-    this._super(element, model, template);
-    $('.panel-main-toolbar select', this.element.get(0)).bind('change.panel-container-view', this.selectChanged.bind(this));
-    $('.panel-main-toolbar .refresh', this.element.get(0))
-      .bind('click.panel-container-view', this.refreshButtonClicked.bind(this))
-      .attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-  },
-  selectChanged: function(event) {
-    var value = $('select', this.element.get(0)).val();
-    var klass = panels[value];
-    if (this.contentView) {
-      this.contentView.dispose();
-      this.contentView = null;
-    }
-    if( value != 'empty') {
-        this.contentView = new klass($('.content-view', this.element.get(0)), this.model, this);
-        $('.panel-main-toolbar .refresh', this.element.get(0)).attr('disabled', null);    
-    }
-  },
-  refreshButtonClicked: function(event) {
-    if (this.contentView) {
-      console.log('refreshButtonClicked');
-      this.contentView.reload();
-    }
-  },
-  dispose: function() {
-    $('.panel-main-toolbar .refresh', this.element.get(0)).unbind('click.panel-container-view');
-    $('.panel-main-toolbar select', this.element.get(0)).unbind('change.panel-container-view');
-    this._super();
-  }
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/views/split.js b/platforma/static/js/views/split.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a91cab6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-/*globals View*/
-// Split view inspired by jQuery Splitter Plugin http://methvin.com/splitter/
-var SplitView = View.extend({
-  _className: 'SplitView',
-  splitbarClass: 'splitview-splitbar',
-  activeClass: 'splitview-active',
-  overlayClass: 'splitview-overlay',
-  element: null,
-  model: null,
-  zombie: null,
-  leftViewOffset: 0,
-  // Cache
-  _splitbarWidth: 0,
-  init: function(element, model) {
-    this._super(element, model, null);
-    this.element.css('position', 'relative');
-    this._resizingSubviews = false;    
-    this.views = $(">*", this.element[0]).css({
-       position: 'absolute',                     // positioned inside splitter container
-       'z-index': 1,                                           // splitbar is positioned above
-       '-moz-outline-style': 'none',   // don't show dotted outline
-      overflow: 'auto'
-    });
-    this.leftView = $(this.views[0]);
-    this.rightView = $(this.views[1]);
-    this.splitbar = $(this.views[2] || '<div></div>')
-      .insertAfter(this.leftView)
-      .css({
-        position: 'absolute',
-        'user-select': 'none',
-        '-webkit-user-select': 'none',
-        '-khtml-user-select': 'none',
-        '-moz-user-select': 'none',
-        'z-index': 100
-      })
-      .attr('unselectable', 'on')
-      .addClass(this.splitbarClass)
-      .bind('mousedown.splitview', this.beginResize.bind(this));
-    this._splitbarWidth = this.splitbar.outerWidth();
-    // Solomon's algorithm ;-)
-    this.resplit(this.element.width() / 2);
-  },
-  beginResize: function(event) {
-    this.zombie = this.zombie || this.splitbar.clone(false).insertAfter(this.leftView);
-    this.overlay = this.overlay || $('<div></div>').addClass(this.overlayClass).css({
-        position: 'absolute',
-        width: this.element.width(),
-        height: this.element.height(),
-        top: this.element.position().top,
-        left: this.element.position().left
-      }).appendTo(this.element);
-    this.views.css("-webkit-user-select", "none"); // Safari selects A/B text on a move
-    this.splitbar.addClass(this.activeClass);
-    this.leftViewOffset = this.leftView[0].offsetWidth - event.pageX;
-    $(document)
-      .bind('mousemove.splitview', this.resizeChanged.bind(this))
-      .bind('mouseup.splitview', this.endResize.bind(this));
-  },
-  resizeChanged: function(event) {
-    var newPosition = event.pageX + this.leftViewOffset;
-    newPosition = Math.max(0, Math.min(newPosition, this.element.width() - this._splitbarWidth));
-    this.splitbar.css('left', newPosition);
-  },
-  endResize: function(event) {
-    var newPosition = event.pageX + this.leftViewOffset;
-    this.zombie.remove();
-    this.zombie = null;
-    this.overlay.remove();
-    this.overlay = null;
-    this.resplit(newPosition);
-    $(document)
-      .unbind('mousemove.splitview')
-      .unbind('mouseup.splitview');
-   //from beginResize:
-   //    this.views.css("-webkit-user-select", "none"); // Safari selects A/B text on a move
-   // Restore it!
-   this.views.css("-webkit-user-select", "auto");
-  },
-  resized: function(event) {
-    if (!this._resizingSubviews) {
-      this.resplit(Math.min(this.leftView.width(), this.element.width() - this._splitbarWidth));
-    }
-  },
-  resplit: function(newPosition) {
-    newPosition = Math.max(0, Math.min(newPosition, this.element.width() - this._splitbarWidth));
-    this.splitbar.css('left', newPosition);
-    this.leftView.css({
-      left: 0,
-      width: newPosition
-    });
-    this.rightView.css({
-      left: newPosition + this._splitbarWidth,
-      width: this.element.width() - newPosition - this._splitbarWidth
-    });
-    if (!$.browser.msie) {
-      this._resizingSubviews = true;
-                 $(window).trigger('resize');
-                 this._resizingSubviews = false;
-               }
-  },
-  dispose: function() {
-    this.splitter.unbind('mousedown.splitview');
-    this._super();
-  }
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/views/view.js b/platforma/static/js/views/view.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9441fc5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-/*globals Editor render_template*/
-var View = Editor.Object.extend({
-    _className: 'View',
-    element: null,
-    model: null,
-    template: null,
-    overlayClass: 'view-overlay',
-    overlay: null,
-    init: function(element, model, template)
-    {
-        console.log("init for view");
-        this.element = $(element);
-        this.model = model;
-        this.template = template || this.template;
-        if (this.template) this.render();
-        this._resizeHandler = this.resized.bind(this);
-        $(window).bind('resize', this._resizeHandler);
-        $(this.element).bind('resize', this._resizeHandler);
-    },
-    render: function(template) {
-        console.log('rendering:', this._className);
-        this.element.html(render_template(template || this.template, this));
-    },
-    frozen: function() {
-        return !!this.overlay;
-    },
-    freeze: function(message) {
-        if (this.frozen()) {
-            this.unfreeze();
-        }
-        this.overlay = this.overlay || $('<div><div>' + message + '</div></div>');
-        this.overlay.addClass(this.overlayClass)
-        .css({
-        }).attr('unselectable', 'on')
-        this.overlay.appendTo(this.element);
-        var ovc = this.overlay.children('div');        
-        var padV = (this.overlay.height() - ovc.outerHeight())/2;
-        var padH = (this.overlay.width() - ovc.outerWidth())/2;
-        this.overlay.children('div').css({
-            top: padV, left: padH
-        });    
-    },
-    unfreeze: function() {
-        if (this.frozen()) {
-            this.overlay.remove();
-            this.overlay = null;
-        }
-    },
-    resized: function(event) {
-        if(this.overlay) {
-            var ovc = this.overlay.children('div');
-            var padV = (this.overlay.height() - ovc.outerHeight())/2;
-            var padH = (this.overlay.width() - ovc.outerWidth())/2;
-            this.overlay.children('div').css({
-                top: padV,
-                left: padH
-            });
-        }
-    },
-    dispose: function() {
-        console.log('disposing:', this._className);
-        $(window).unbind('resize', this._resizeHandler);
-        $(this.element).unbind('resize', this._resizeHandler);
-        this.unfreeze();
-        this.element.html('');
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platforma/static/js/views/xml.js b/platforma/static/js/views/xml.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0dd5453..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-/*global View CodeMirror ToolbarView render_template panels */
-var XMLView = View.extend({
-    _className: 'XMLView',
-    element: null,
-    model: null,
-    template: 'xml-view-template',
-    editor: null,
-    buttonToolbar: null,
-    init: function(element, model, parent, template) {
-        var submodel = model.contentModels['xml'];
-        this._super(element, submodel, template);
-        this.parent = parent;
-        this.buttonToolbar = new ButtonToolbarView(
-            $('.xmlview-toolbar', this.element),
-            this.model.toolbarButtonsModel, parent);
-        this.hotkeys = [];
-        var self = this;
-        $('.xmlview-toolbar', this.element).bind('resize.xmlview', this.resized.bind(this));
-        // scroll to the given position (if availble)
-        this.scrollCallback = this.scrollOnRequest.bind(this);
-        $(document).bind('xml-scroll-request', this.scrollCallback);
-        this.parent.freeze('Ładowanie edytora...');
-        setTimeout((function(){
-        this.editor = new CodeMirror($('.xmlview', this.element).get(0), {
-            parserfile: 'parsexml.js',
-            path: documentInfo.staticURL + "js/lib/codemirror/",
-            stylesheet: documentInfo.staticURL + "css/xmlcolors.css",
-            parserConfig: {
-                useHTMLKludges: false
-            },
-            textWrapping: true,
-            tabMode: 'spaces',
-            indentUnit: 0,
-            onChange: this.editorDataChanged.bind(this),
-            initCallback: this.editorDidLoad.bind(this)
-        });
-        }).bind(this), 0);
-    },
-    resized: function(event) {
-        var height = this.element.height() - $('.xmlview-toolbar', this.element).outerHeight();
-        $('.xmlview', this.element).height(height);
-    },
-    reload: function() {
-        this.model.load(true);
-    },
-    editorDidLoad: function(editor) {
-        $(editor.frame).css({
-            width: '100%',
-            height: '100%'
-        });
-        this.model
-        .addObserver(this, 'data', this.modelDataChanged.bind(this))
-        .addObserver(this, 'state', this.modelStateChanged.bind(this))
-        .load();           
-        this.editor.setCode(this.model.get('data'));
-        this.modelStateChanged('state', this.model.get('state'));
-        editor.grabKeys(
-            this.hotkeyPressed.bind(this),
-            this.isHotkey.bind(this)
-        );
-        this.parent.unfreeze();
-    },
-    editorDataChanged: function() {
-        this.model.set('data', this.editor.getCode());
-    },
-    modelDataChanged: function(property, value) {
-        if (this.editor.getCode() != value) {
-            this.editor.setCode(value);
-        }
-    },
-    modelStateChanged: function(property, value) {
-        if (value == 'synced' || value == 'dirty') {
-            this.unfreeze();
-        } else if (value == 'unsynced') {
-            this.freeze('Niezsynchronizowany...');
-        } else if (value == 'loading') {
-            this.freeze('Ładowanie danych...');
-        } else if (value == 'saving') {
-            this.freeze('Zapisywanie...');
-        } else if (value == 'error') {
-            this.freeze(this.model.get('error'));
-        }
-    },
-    dispose: function() {
-        $(document).unbind('xml-scroll-request', this.scrollCallback);
-        this.model.removeObserver(this);
-        $(this.editor.frame).remove();
-        this._super();
-    },    
-    getHotkey: function(event) {
-        var code = event.keyCode;
-        if(!((code >= 97 && code <= 122)
-           || (code >= 65 && code <= 90)) ) return null;
-        var ch = String.fromCharCode(code & 0xff).toLowerCase();
-        /* # console.log(ch.charCodeAt(0), '#', buttons); */
-        var buttons = $('.buttontoolbarview-button[hotkey='+ch+']', this.element);
-        var mod = 0;
-        if(event.altKey) mod |= 0x01;
-        if(event.ctrlKey) mod |= 0x02;
-        if(event.shiftKey) mod |= 0x04;
-        if(buttons.length) {
-            var match = null;
-            buttons.each(function() {
-                if( parseInt($(this).attr('ui:hotkey_mod')) == mod ) {
-                    match = this;
-                    return;
-                }
-            })
-            return match;
-        }
-        else {
-            return null;
-        }
-    },
-    isHotkey: function() {
-        /* console.log(arguments); */
-        if(this.getHotkey.apply(this, arguments))
-            return true;
-        else
-            return false;
-    },
-    hotkeyPressed: function() {
-        var button = this.getHotkey.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.buttonToolbar.buttonPressed({
-            target: button
-        });
-    },
-    scrollOnRequest: function(event, data) 
-    {
-        try {
-            var line = this.editor.nthLine(data.line);
-            this.editor.selectLines(line, (data.column-1));
-        } catch(e) {
-            console.log('Exception in scrollOnRequest:', e);
-        }
-    }
-function Hotkey(code) {
-    this.code = code;
-    this.has_alt = ((code & 0x01 << 8) !== 0);
-    this.has_ctrl = ((code & 0x01 << 9) !== 0);
-    this.has_shift = ((code & 0x01 << 10) !== 0);
-    this.character = String.fromCharCode(code & 0xff);
-Hotkey.prototype.toString = function() {
-    var mods = [];
-    if(this.has_alt) mods.push('Alt');
-    if(this.has_ctrl) mods.push('Ctrl');
-    if(this.has_shift) mods.push('Shift');
-    mods.push('"'+this.character+'"');
-    return mods.join('+');
-// Register view
-panels['xml'] = XMLView;
index 8586587..d2a25af 100644 (file)
             <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />\r
     </xsl:template>   \r
+       \r
+       <xsl:template match="*[@x-node = 'out-of-flow-text']">\r
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()" />\r
+       </xsl:template>\r
     <xsl:template match="*[@x-node = 'out-of-flow-text']/text()"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:template>\r
             <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />\r
     </xsl:template>   \r
+       \r
+       <xsl:template match="*[@X-NODE = 'out-of-flow-text']" priority="1">\r
+               <xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()" />\r
+       </xsl:template>\r
     <xsl:template match="*[@X-NODE = 'out-of-flow-text']/text()"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:template>\r
index d7f397d..32914f9 100644 (file)
         <xsl:param name="mixed" />
             <xsl:when test="normalize-space(.) = ''" />
-            <xsl:when test="not($mixed)"><div x-node="out-of-flow-text" class="out-of-flow-text" x-editable="true"><xsl:value-of select="." /></div></xsl:when>
+            <xsl:when test="not($mixed)">
+               <span x-node="out-of-flow-text" class="out-of-flow-text" x-editable="true">
+                       <xsl:value-of select="." />
+                               </span>
+                       </xsl:when>
             <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:otherwise>