// set up the UI visually and attach callbacks
var self = this;
- $('*.panel-wrap:last', this.rootDiv).addClass('last-panel');
self.rootDiv.makeHorizPanel({}); // TODO: this probably doesn't belong into jQuery
self.rootDiv.css('top', ($('#header').outerHeight() ) + 'px');
{% block maincontent %}
<div id="panels">
{% for n in panel_list %}
- <div class="panel-wrap" id="panel-{{n}}">
+ <div class="panel-wrap{% if forloop.last %} last-panel{% endif %}" id="panel-{{n}}">
<div class="panel-toolbar">
- <label for="select-left-panel">{{n|capfirst}} panel:</label>
- <select name="select-left-panel" id="panel-{{n}}-select">
+ <label for="select-{{n}}-panel">{{n|capfirst}} panel:</label>
+ <select name="select-{{n}}-panel" id="panel-{{n}}-select">
<option value="{% url xmleditor_panel hash %}" name="xmleditor">Edytor XML</option>
<option value="{% url htmleditor_panel hash %}" name="htmleditor">Edytor HTML</option>
<option value="{% url gallery_panel hash %}" name="gallery">Galeria skanów</option>