+def upload(request):
+ storage = getstorage()
+ if request.method == "POST":
+ form = DocumentsUploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ zip = form.cleaned_data['zip']
+ skipped_list = []
+ ok_list = []
+ error_list = []
+ titles = {}
+ existing = storage.all()
+ for filename in zip.namelist():
+ if filename[-1] == '/':
+ continue
+ title = normalize_name(os.path.basename(filename)[:-4])
+ if not (title and filename.endswith('.xml')):
+ skipped_list.append(filename)
+ elif title in titles:
+ error_list.append((filename, title, _('Title already used for %s' % titles[title])))
+ elif title in existing:
+ error_list.append((filename, title, _('Title already used in repository.')))
+ else:
+ try:
+ zip.read(filename).decode('utf-8') # test read
+ ok_list.append((filename, title))
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ error_list.append((filename, title, _('File should be UTF-8 encoded.')))
+ titles[title] = filename
+ if not error_list:
+ for filename, title in ok_list:
+ storage.create_document(
+ name=title,
+ text=zip.read(filename).decode('utf-8')
+ )
+ return direct_to_template(request, "wiki/document_upload.html", extra_context={
+ "form": form,
+ "ok_list": ok_list,
+ "skipped_list": skipped_list,
+ "error_list": error_list,
+ })
+ #doc = storage.create_document(
+ # name=base,
+ # text=form.cleaned_data['text'],
+ return http.HttpResponse('\n'.join(yeslist) + '\n\n' + '\n'.join(nolist))
+ else:
+ form = DocumentsUploadForm()
+ return direct_to_template(request, "wiki/document_upload.html", extra_context={
+ "form": form,
+ })
+def text(request, name):
+ storage = getstorage()
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ form = DocumentTextSaveForm(request.POST, prefix="textsave")
+ if form.is_valid():
+ revision = form.cleaned_data['parent_revision']
+ document = storage.get_or_404(name, revision)
+ document.text = form.cleaned_data['text']
+ comment = form.cleaned_data['comment']
+ if form.cleaned_data['stage_completed']:
+ comment += '\n#stage-finished: %s\n' % form.cleaned_data['stage_completed']
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ author_name = request.user
+ author_email = request.user.email
+ else:
+ author_name = form.cleaned_data['author_name']
+ author_email = form.cleaned_data['author_email']
+ author = "%s <%s>" % (author_name, author_email)
+ storage.put(document, author=author, comment=comment, parent=revision)
+ document = storage.get(name)
+ return JSONResponse({
+ 'text': document.plain_text if revision != document.revision else None,
+ 'meta': document.meta(),
+ 'revision': document.revision,
+ })
+ else:
+ return JSONFormInvalid(form)
+ else:
+ revision = request.GET.get("revision", None)
+ try:
+ try:
+ revision = revision and int(revision)
+ logger.info("Fetching %s", revision)
+ document = storage.get(name, revision)
+ except ValueError:
+ # treat as a tag
+ logger.info("Fetching tag %s", revision)
+ document = storage.get_by_tag(name, revision)
+ except DocumentNotFound:
+ raise http.Http404
+ return JSONResponse({
+ 'text': document.plain_text,
+ 'meta': document.meta(),
+ 'revision': document.revision,
+ })
+def revert(request, name):
+ storage = getstorage()
+ revision = request.POST['target_revision']
+ try:
+ document = storage.revert(name, revision)
+ return JSONResponse({
+ 'text': document.plain_text if revision != document.revision else None,
+ 'meta': document.meta(),
+ 'revision': document.revision,
+ })
+ except DocumentNotFound:
+ raise http.Http404
+def gallery(request, directory):