+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of FNP-Redakcja, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
+from collections import defaultdict
+from django.db import transaction
+from lxml import etree
+class XmlUpdater(object):
+ """A base class for massive XML updates.
+ In a subclass, override `fix_tree` and/or use `fixes_field` decorator.
+ Attributes:
+ * commit_desc: commits description
+ * retain_publishable: set publishable if head is (default: True)
+ * only_first_chunk: process only first chunks of books (default: False)
+ """
+ commit_desc = "auto-update"
+ retain_publishable = True
+ only_first_chunk = False
+ _element_fixers = defaultdict(list)
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.counters = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+ @classmethod
+ def fixes_elements(cls, xpath):
+ """Decorator, registering a function as a fixer for given field type.
+ Any decorated function will be called like
+ f(element, change=..., verbose=...)
+ providing changeset as context.
+ :param xpath: element lookup, e.g. ".//{namespace-uri}tag-name"
+ :returns: True if anything changed
+ """
+ def wrapper(fixer):
+ cls._element_fixers[xpath].append(fixer)
+ return fixer
+ return wrapper
+ def fix_tree(self, tree, verbose):
+ """Override to provide general tree-fixing mechanism.
+ :param tree: the parsed XML tree
+ :param verbose: verbosity level
+ :returns: True if anythig changed
+ """
+ return False
+ def fix_chunk(self, chunk, user, verbose=0, dry_run=False):
+ """Runs the update for a single chunk."""
+ if verbose >= 2:
+ print chunk.get_absolute_url()
+ old_head = chunk.head
+ src = old_head.materialize()
+ try:
+ tree = etree.fromstring(src)
+ except:
+ if verbose:
+ print "%s: invalid XML" % chunk.get_absolute_url()
+ self.counters['Bad XML'] += 1
+ return
+ dirty = False
+ # Call the general fixing function.
+ if self.fix_tree(tree, verbose=verbose):
+ dirty = True
+ # Call the registered fixers.
+ for xpath, fixers in self._element_fixers.items():
+ for elem in tree.findall(xpath):
+ for fixer in fixers:
+ if fixer(elem, change=old_head, verbose=verbose):
+ dirty = True
+ if not dirty:
+ self.counters['Clean'] += 1
+ return
+ if not dry_run:
+ new_head = chunk.commit(
+ etree.tostring(tree, encoding=unicode),
+ author=user,
+ description=self.commit_desc
+ )
+ if self.retain_publishable:
+ if old_head.publishable:
+ new_head.set_publishable(True)
+ if verbose >= 2:
+ print "done"
+ self.counters['Updated chunks'] += 1
+ def run(self, user, verbose=0, dry_run=False, books=None):
+ """Runs the actual update."""
+ if books is None:
+ from catalogue.models import Book
+ books = Book.objects.all()
+ # Start transaction management.
+ transaction.commit_unless_managed()
+ transaction.enter_transaction_management()
+ transaction.managed(True)
+ for book in books:
+ self.counters['All books'] += 1
+ chunks = book.chunk_set.all()
+ if self.only_first_chunk:
+ chunks = chunks[:1]
+ for chunk in chunks:
+ self.counters['All chunks'] += 1
+ self.fix_chunk(chunk, user, verbose, dry_run)
+ transaction.commit()
+ transaction.leave_transaction_management()
+ def print_results(self):
+ """Prints the counters."""
+ for item in sorted(self.counters.items()):
+ print "%s: %d" % item
+auto_taggers = {}
+from . import edumed
+auto_taggers['edumed'] = edumed.tagger