-from django import http
-from django.db.models import Count
-from django.utils import simplejson as json
-from django.utils.functional import Promise
from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps
+import json
+from django import http
+from django.utils.functional import Promise
class ExtendedEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def __init__(self, data={}, **kwargs):
# get rid of mimetype
- kwargs.pop('mimetype', None)
+ kwargs.pop('content_type', None)
data = json.dumps(data, cls=ExtendedEncoder)
- super(JSONResponse, self).__init__(data, mimetype="application/json", **kwargs)
+ super(JSONResponse, self).__init__(data, content_type="application/json", **kwargs)
# return errors
def authenticated_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
- return http.HttpResponse("Login required.", status=401, mimetype="text/plain")
+ return http.HttpResponse("Login required.", status=401, content_type="text/plain")
return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
return authenticated_view
def authorized_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
if not request.user.has_perm(permission):
- return http.HttpResponse("Access Forbidden.", status=403, mimetype="text/plain")
+ return http.HttpResponse("Access Forbidden.", status=403, content_type="text/plain")
return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
return authorized_view
return decorator
-import collections
-def recursive_groupby(iterable):
- """
-# >>> recursive_groupby([1,2,3,4,5])
-# [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
- >>> recursive_groupby([[1]])
- [1]
- >>> recursive_groupby([('a', 1),('a', 2), 3, ('b', 4), 5])
- ['a', [1, 2], 3, 'b', [4], 5]
- >>> recursive_groupby([('a', 'x', 1),('a', 'x', 2), ('a', 'x', 3)])
- ['a', ['x', [1, 2, 3]]]
- """
- def _generator(iterator):
- group = None
- grouper = None
- for item in iterator:
- if not isinstance(item, collections.Sequence):
- if grouper is not None:
- yield grouper
- if len(group):
- yield recursive_groupby(group)
- group = None
- grouper = None
- yield item
- continue
- elif len(item) == 1:
- if grouper is not None:
- yield grouper
- if len(group):
- yield recursive_groupby(group)
- group = None
- grouper = None
- yield item[0]
- continue
- elif not len(item):
- continue
- if grouper is None:
- group = [item[1:]]
- grouper = item[0]
- continue
- if grouper != item[0]:
- if grouper is not None:
- yield grouper
- if len(group):
- yield recursive_groupby(group)
- group = None
- grouper = None
- group = [item[1:]]
- grouper = item[0]
- continue
- group.append(item[1:])
- if grouper is not None:
- yield grouper
- if len(group):
- yield recursive_groupby(group)
- group = None
- grouper = None
- return list(_generator(iterable))
-def active_tab(tab):
- """
- View decorator, which puts tab info on a request.
- """
- def wrapper(f):
- @wraps(f)
- def wrapped(request, *args, **kwargs):
- request.wiki_active_tab = tab
- return f(request, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapped
- return wrapper
-class ChunksList(object):
- def __init__(self, chunk_qs):
- self.chunk_qs = chunk_qs.annotate(
- book_length=Count('book__chunk')).select_related(
- 'book', 'stage__name',
- 'user')
- self.book_ids = [x['book_id'] for x in chunk_qs.values('book_id')]
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- if isinstance(key, slice):
- return self.get_slice(key)
- elif isinstance(key, int):
- return self.get_slice(slice(key, key+1))[0]
- else:
- raise TypeError('Unsupported list index. Must be a slice or an int.')
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.book_ids)
- def get_slice(self, slice_):
- book_ids = self.book_ids[slice_]
- chunk_qs = self.chunk_qs.filter(book__in=book_ids)
- chunks_list = []
- book = None
- for chunk in chunk_qs:
- if chunk.book != book:
- book = chunk.book
- chunks_list.append(ChoiceChunks(book, [chunk], chunk.book_length))
- else:
- chunks_list[-1].chunks.append(chunk)
- return chunks_list
-class ChoiceChunks(object):
- """
- Associates the given chunks iterable for a book.
- """
- chunks = None
- def __init__(self, book, chunks, book_length):
- self.book = book
- self.chunks = chunks
- self.book_length = book_length