+ function addSymbol() {
+ if($('div.html-editarea textarea')[0]) {
+ var specialCharsContainer = $("<div id='specialCharsContainer'><a href='#' id='specialCharsClose'>Zamknij</a><table id='tableSpecialChars' style='width: 600px;'></table></div>");
+ var specialChars = ['Ą','ą','Ć','ć','Ę','ę','Ł','ł','Ń','ń','Ó','ó','Ś','ś','Ż','ż','Ź','ź','Á','á','À','à',
+ 'Â','â','Ä','ä','Å','å','Ā','ā','Ă','ă','Ã','ã',
+ 'Æ','æ','Ç','ç','Č','č','Ċ','ċ','Ď','ď','É','é','È','è',
+ 'Ê','ê','Ë','ë','Ē','ē','Ě','ě','Ġ','ġ','Ħ','ħ','Í','í','Î','î',
+ 'Ī','ī','Ĭ','ĭ','Ľ','ľ','Ñ','ñ','Ň','ň','Ó','ó','Ö','ö',
+ 'Ô','ô','Ō','ō','Ǒ','ǒ','Œ','œ','Ø','ø','Ř','ř','Š',
+ 'š','Ş','ş','Ť','ť','Ţ','ţ','Ű','ű','Ú','ú','Ù','ù',
+ 'Ü','ü','Ů','ů','Ū','ū','Û','û','Ŭ','ŭ',
+ 'Ý','ý','Ž','ž','ß','Ð','ð','Þ','þ','А','а','Б',
+ 'б','В','в','Г','г','Д','д','Е','е','Ё','ё','Ж',
+ 'ж','З','з','И','и','Й','й','К','к','Л','л','М',
+ 'м','Н','н','О','о','П','п','Р','р','С','с',
+ 'Т','т','У','у','Ф','ф','Х','х','Ц','ц','Ч',
+ 'ч','Ш','ш','Щ','щ','Ъ','ъ','Ы','ы','Ь','ь','Э',
+ 'э','Ю','ю','Я','я','ѓ','є','і','ї','ј','љ','њ',
+ 'Ґ','ґ','Α','α','Β','β','Γ','γ','Δ','δ','Ε','ε',
+ 'Ζ','ζ','Η','η','Θ','θ','Ι','ι','Κ','κ','Λ','λ','Μ',
+ 'μ','Ν','ν','Ξ','ξ','Ο','ο','Π','π','Ρ','ρ','Σ','ς','σ',
+ 'Τ','τ','Υ','υ','Φ','φ','Χ','χ','Ψ','ψ','Ω','ω','–',
+ '—','¡','¿','$','¢','£','€','©','®','°','¹','²','³',
+ '¼','½','¾','†','§','‰','•','←','↑','→','↓',
+ '„','”','„”','«','»','«»','»«','’','[',']','~','|','−','·',
+ '×','÷','≈','≠','±','≤','≥','∈'];
+ var tableContent = "<tr>";
+ for(var i in specialChars) {
+ if(i % 14 == 0 && i > 0) {
+ tableContent += "</tr><tr>";
+ }
+ tableContent += "<td><input type='button' class='specialBtn' value='"+specialChars[i]+"'/></td>";
+ }
+ tableContent += "</tr>";
+ $("#content").append(specialCharsContainer);
+ // localStorage for recently used characters - reading
+ if (typeof(localStorage) != 'undefined') {
+ if (localStorage.getItem("recentSymbols")) {
+ var recent = localStorage.getItem("recentSymbols");
+ var recentArray = recent.split(";");
+ var recentRow = "";
+ for(var i in recentArray.reverse()) {
+ recentRow += "<td><input type='button' class='specialBtn recentSymbol' value='"+recentArray[i]+"'/></td>";
+ }
+ recentRow = "<tr>" + recentRow + "</tr>";
+ }
+ }
+ $("#tableSpecialChars").append(recentRow);
+ $("#tableSpecialChars").append(tableContent);
+ /* events */
+ $('.specialBtn').click(function(){
+ var editArea = $('div.html-editarea textarea')[0];
+ var insertVal = $(this).val();
+ // if we want to surround text with quotes
+ // not sure if just check if value has length == 2
+ if (insertVal.length == 2) {
+ var startTag = insertVal[0];
+ var endTag = insertVal[1];
+ var textAreaOpened = editArea;
+ //IE support
+ if (document.selection) {
+ textAreaOpened.focus();
+ sel = document.selection.createRange();
+ sel.text = startTag + sel.text + endTag;
+ }
+ else if (textAreaOpened.selectionStart || textAreaOpened.selectionStart == '0') {
+ var startPos = textAreaOpened.selectionStart;
+ var endPos = textAreaOpened.selectionEnd;
+ textAreaOpened.value = textAreaOpened.value.substring(0, startPos)
+ + startTag + textAreaOpened.value.substring(startPos, endPos) + endTag + textAreaOpened.value.substring(endPos, textAreaOpened.value.length);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if we just want to insert single symbol
+ insertAtCaret(editArea, insertVal);
+ }
+ // localStorage for recently used characters - saving
+ if (typeof(localStorage) != 'undefined') {
+ if (localStorage.getItem("recentSymbols")) {
+ var recent = localStorage.getItem("recentSymbols");
+ var recentArray = recent.split(";");
+ var valIndex = $.inArray(insertVal, recentArray);
+ //alert(valIndex);
+ if(valIndex == -1) {
+ // value not present in array yet
+ if(recentArray.length > 13){
+ recentArray.shift();
+ recentArray.push(insertVal);
+ } else {
+ recentArray.push(insertVal);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // value already in the array
+ for(var i = valIndex; i < recentArray.length; i++){
+ recentArray[i] = recentArray[i+1];
+ }
+ recentArray[recentArray.length-1] = insertVal;
+ }
+ localStorage.setItem("recentSymbols", recentArray.join(";"));
+ } else {
+ localStorage.setItem("recentSymbols", insertVal);
+ }
+ }
+ $(specialCharsContainer).remove();
+ });
+ $('#specialCharsClose').click(function(){
+ $(specialCharsContainer).remove();
+ });
+ } else {
+ window.alert('Najedź na fragment tekstu, wybierz "Edytuj" i ustaw kursor na miejscu gdzie chcesz wstawić symbol.');
+ }
+ }
+ function insertAtCaret(txtarea,text) {
+ /* http://www.scottklarr.com/topic/425/how-to-insert-text-into-a-textarea-where-the-cursor-is/ */
+ var scrollPos = txtarea.scrollTop;
+ var strPos = 0;
+ var br = ((txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') ? "ff" : (document.selection ? "ie" : false ) );
+ if (br == "ie") {
+ txtarea.focus();
+ var range = document.selection.createRange();
+ range.moveStart ('character', -txtarea.value.length);
+ strPos = range.text.length;
+ } else if (br == "ff") strPos = txtarea.selectionStart;
+ var front = (txtarea.value).substring(0,strPos);
+ var back = (txtarea.value).substring(strPos,txtarea.value.length);
+ txtarea.value=front+text+back;
+ strPos = strPos + text.length;
+ if (br == "ie") {
+ txtarea.focus();
+ var range = document.selection.createRange();
+ range.moveStart ('character', -txtarea.value.length);
+ range.moveStart ('character', strPos);
+ range.moveEnd ('character', 0);
+ range.select();
+ } else if (br == "ff") {
+ txtarea.selectionStart = strPos;
+ txtarea.selectionEnd = strPos;
+ txtarea.focus();
+ }
+ txtarea.scrollTop = scrollPos;
+ }
+ function getXNodeAttributes(node) {
+ var m = {}
+ $.map(node.attributes, function(attrNode) {
+ if (attrNode.nodeName.startsWith('data-wlf-')) {
+ var n = attrNode.nodeName.substr(9);
+ var v = attrNode.nodeValue;
+ m[n] = v;
+ };
+ });
+ return m;
+ }
+ function setXNodeAttributes(node, attrs) {
+ $.map(node.attributes, function(attrNode) {
+ var xName = attrNode.nodeName.substr(9);
+ if (attrNode.nodeName.startsWith('data-wlf-')
+ && xName in attrs) {
+ attrNode.nodeValue = attrs[xName];
+ }
+ if (attrNode.nodeName.startsWith('x-attr-name-')
+ && attrNode.nodeValue in attrs) {
+ node.setAttribute('x-attr-value-' + attrNode.nodeName.substr("x-attr-name-".length),
+ attrs[attrNode.nodeValue]);
+ }
+ });
+ }