+++ /dev/null
-/* jqModal base Styling courtesy of;\r
- Brice Burgess <bhb@iceburg.net> */\r
-/* The Window's CSS z-index value is respected (takes priority). If none is supplied,\r
- the Window's z-index value will be set to 3000 by default (via jqModal.js). */\r
- \r
-.jqmWindow {\r
- display: none;\r
- \r
- position: absolute;\r
- top: 40px;\r
- left: 25%;\r
- bottom: auto;\r
- height: auto;\r
- width: auto;\r
- max-width: 80%;\r
- max-height: 80%;\r
- overflow: auto;\r
- \r
- background-color: #EEE;\r
- color: #333;\r
- border: 1px solid black;\r
- padding: 1em;\r
-.jqmOverlay { background-color: #000; }\r