-def _sort_by_attr(seq, attr):
- """
- Sort the sequence of objects by object's attribute
- Arguments:
- seq - the list or any sequence (including immutable one) of objects to sort.
- attr - the name of attribute to sort by
- Returns:
- the sorted list of objects.
- """
- import operator
- # Use the "Schwartzian transform"
- # Create the auxiliary list of tuples where every i-th tuple has form
- # (seq[i].attr, i, seq[i]) and sort it. The second item of tuple is needed not
- # only to provide stable sorting, but mainly to eliminate comparison of objects
- # (which can be expensive or prohibited) in case of equal attribute values.
- intermed = map(None, map(getattr, seq, (attr,)*len(seq)), xrange(len(seq)), seq)
- intermed.sort()
- return map(operator.getitem, intermed, (-1,) * len(intermed))