+ $(document).bind('panel:unload.' + self.instanceId,
+ function(event, data) {
+ self.unload(event, data);
+ });
+ $(document).bind('panel:contentChanged', function(event, data) {
+ $.log(self, ' got changed event from: ', data);
+ if(self != data)
+ self.otherPanelChanged(event.target);
+ else
+ self.markChanged();
+ return false;
+ });
+Panel.prototype.callHook = function() {
+ var args = $.makeArray(arguments)
+ var hookName = args.splice(0,1)[0]
+ var noHookAction = args.splice(0,1)[0]
+ var result = false;
+ $.log('calling hook: ', hookName, 'with args: ', args);
+ if(this.hooks && this.hooks[hookName])
+ result = this.hooks[hookName].apply(this, args);
+ else if (noHookAction instanceof Function)
+ result = noHookAction(args);
+ return result;
+Panel.prototype.load = function (url) {
+ $.log('preparing xhr load: ', this.wrap);
+ $(document).trigger('panel:unload', this);
+ var self = this;
+ self.current_url = url;
+ $.ajax({
+ url: url,
+ dataType: 'html',
+ success: function(data, tstat) {
+ panel_hooks = null;
+ $(self.contentDiv).html(data);
+ self.hooks = panel_hooks;
+ panel_hooks = null;
+ self.connectToolbar();
+ self.callHook('load');
+ self.callHook('toolbarResized');
+ },
+ error: function(request, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ $.log('ajax', url, this.target, 'error:', textStatus, errorThrown);
+ $(self.contentDiv).html("<p>Wystapił błąd podczas wczytywania panelu.");
+ }
+ });
+Panel.prototype.unload = function(event, data) {
+ $.log('got unload signal', this, ' target: ', data);
+ if( data == this ) {
+ $.log('unloading', this);
+ $(this.contentDiv).html('');
+ this.callHook('unload');
+ this.hooks = null; // flush the hooks
+ return false;
+ };
+Panel.prototype.refresh = function(event, data) {
+ var self = this;
+ reload = function() {
+ $.log('hard reload for panel ', self.current_url);
+ self.load(self.current_url);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if( this.callHook('refresh', reload) )
+ $('.change-notification', this.wrap).fadeOut();
+Panel.prototype.otherPanelChanged = function(other) {
+ $.log('panel ', other, ' changed.');
+ if(!this.callHook('dirty'))
+ $('.change-notification', this.wrap).fadeIn();
+Panel.prototype.markChanged = function () {
+ this.wrap.addClass('changed');
+Panel.prototype.changed = function () {
+ return this.wrap.hasClass('changed');
+Panel.prototype.unmarkChanged = function () {
+ this.wrap.removeClass('changed');
+Panel.prototype.saveInfo = function() {
+ var saveInfo = {};
+ this.callHook('saveInfo', null, saveInfo);
+ return saveInfo;
+Panel.prototype.connectToolbar = function()
+ var self = this;
+ self.hotkeys = [];
+ // check if there is a one
+ var toolbar = $("div.toolbar", this.contentDiv);
+ $.log('Connecting toolbar', toolbar);
+ if(toolbar.length == 0) return;
+ // connect group-switch buttons
+ var group_buttons = $('*.toolbar-tabs-container button', toolbar);
+ $.log('Found groups:', group_buttons);
+ group_buttons.each(function() {
+ var group = $(this);
+ var group_name = group.attr('ui:group');
+ $.log('Connecting group: ' + group_name);
+ group.click(function() {
+ // change the active group
+ var active = $("*.toolbar-tabs-container button.active", toolbar);
+ if (active != group) {
+ active.removeClass('active');
+ group.addClass('active');
+ $(".toolbar-button-groups-container p", toolbar).each(function() {
+ if ( $(this).attr('ui:group') != group_name)
+ $(this).hide();
+ else
+ $(this).show();
+ });
+ self.callHook('toolbarResized');
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // connect action buttons
+ var action_buttons = $('*.toolbar-button-groups-container button', toolbar);
+ action_buttons.each(function() {
+ var button = $(this);
+ var hk = button.attr('ui:hotkey');
+ var callback = function() {
+ editor.callScriptlet(button.attr('ui:action'),
+ self, eval(button.attr('ui:action-params')) );
+ };
+ // connect button
+ button.click(callback);
+ // connect hotkey
+ if(hk) self.hotkeys[parseInt(hk)] = callback;
+ // tooltip
+ if (button.attr('ui:tooltip') )
+ {
+ var tooltip = button.attr('ui:tooltip');
+ if(hk) tooltip += ' [Alt+'+hk+']';
+ button.wTooltip({
+ delay: 1000,
+ style: {
+ border: "1px solid #7F7D67",
+ opacity: 0.9,
+ background: "#FBFBC6",
+ padding: "1px",
+ fontSize: "12px"
+ },
+ content: tooltip
+ });
+ }
+ });
+Panel.prototype.hotkeyPressed = function(event)
+ var callback = this.hotkeys[event.keyCode];
+ if(callback) callback();
+Panel.prototype.isHotkey = function(event) {
+ if( event.altKey && (this.hotkeys[event.keyCode] != null) )
+ return true;
+ return false;
+Panel.prototype.fireEvent = function(name) {
+ $(document).trigger('panel:'+name, this);
+function Editor()
+ this.rootDiv = $('#panels');
+ this.popupQueue = [];
+ this.autosaveTimer = null;
+ this.scriplets = {};
+Editor.prototype.setupUI = function() {
+ // set up the UI visually and attach callbacks
+ var self = this;
+ self.rootDiv.makeHorizPanel({}); // TODO: this probably doesn't belong into jQuery
+ // self.rootDiv.css('top', ($('#header').outerHeight() ) + 'px');
+ $('#panels > *.panel-wrap').each(function() {
+ var panelWrap = $(this);
+ $.log('wrap: ', panelWrap);
+ var panel = new Panel(panelWrap);
+ panelWrap.data('ctrl', panel); // attach controllers to wraps
+ panel.load($('.panel-toolbar select', panelWrap).val());
+ $('.panel-toolbar select', panelWrap).change(function() {
+ var url = $(this).val();
+ panelWrap.data('ctrl').load(url);
+ self.savePanelOptions();
+ });
+ $('.panel-toolbar button.refresh-button', panelWrap).click(
+ function() {
+ panel.refresh();
+ } );
+ });