# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
__author__="Łukasz Rekucki"
__date__ ="$2009-09-18 10:49:24$"
__doc__ = """Main module for the Repository Abstraction Layer"""
class Library(object):
def __init__(self, create=False):
"""Open an existing library, or create a new one. By default, fails if
the library doesn't exist."""
- self.create = create
- def main_cabinet(self):
- """Return the "main" cabinet of the library."""
+ self.create = create
+ def documents(self):
+ """List all documents in the library."""
- def cabinets(self):
- """List all cabinets in the library."""
+ def document_for_rev(self, rev):
+ """Retrieve a document in the specified revision."""
- def cabinet(self, document, user, create=False):
- """Open a cabinet belonging to the _user_ for a given _document_.
- If the _document_ is actually a sub-document, it's parent's cabinet is
- opened istead.
- If the cabinet doesn't exists and create is False (the default), a
- CabinetNotFound exception is raised.
- If create is True, a new cabinet is created if it doesn't exist yet."""
+ def document(self, docid, user=None, rev='latest'):
+ """Retrieve a document from a library."""
+ def get_revision(self, revid):
+ """Retrieve a handle to a specified revision."""
+ return None
-class Cabinet(object):
+ def document_create(self, docid):
+ """Create a new document. The document will have it's own branch."""
- def __init__(self, library, name=None, doc=None, user=None):
+class Document(object):
+ """A class representing a document package boundled with a revision."""
+ def __init__(self, library, revision):
+ """_library_ should be an instance of a Library."""
self._library = library
- if name:
- self._name = name
- self._maindoc = ''
- elif doc and user:
- self._name = user + ':' + doc
- self._maindoc = doc
+ if isinstance(revision, Revision):
+ self._revision = revision
- raise ValueError("You must provide either name or doc and user.")
+ self._revision = library.get_revision(revision)
- def __str__(self):
- return "Cabinet(%s)" % self._name
- def documents(self):
- """Lists all documents and sub-documents in this cabinet."""
+ def take(self, user):
+ """Make a user copy of the document. This is persistant."""
- def retrieve(self, parts=None, shelve=None):
- """Retrieve a document from a given shelve in the cabinet. If no
- part is given, the main document is retrieved. If no shelve is given,
- the top-most shelve is used.
- If parts is a list, all the given parts are retrieved atomicly. Use None
- as the name for the main document"""
+ def giveback(self):
+ """Informs the library, that the user no longer needs this document.
+ Should be called on the user version of document. If not, it doesn nothing."""
+ def data(self, entry):
+ """Returns the specified entry as a unicode data."""
- def create(self, name, initial_data=''):
- """Create a new sub-document in the cabinet with the given name."""
- pass
- def maindoc_name(self):
- return self._maindoc
def library(self):
return self._library
- def name(self):
- return self._name
+ def revision(self):
+ return self._revision
- def shelf(self, selector=None):
- pass
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ return self._revision.document_name
-class Document(object):
- def __init__(self, cabinet, name):
- self._cabinet = cabinet
- self._name = name
+ @property
+ def owner(self):
+ return self._revision.user_name
+ def parentof(self, other):
+ return self._revision.parentof(other._revision)
- def read(self):
- pass
+ def ancestorof(self, other):
+ return self._revision.ancestorof(other._revision)
- def write(self, data):
- pass
- @property
- def cabinet(self):
- return self._cabinet
+class Revision(object):
- @property
- def library(self):
- return self._cabinet.library
+ def __init__(self, lib):
+ self._library = lib
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self._name
+ def parentof(self, other):
+ return False
- def shelf(self):
- return self._cabinet.shelf()
+ def ancestorof(self, other):
+ return False
- def size(self):
- raise NotImplemented()
+ def document_name(self):
+ raise ValueError()
- def parts(self):
- raise NotImplemented()
-class Shelf(object):
+ def user_name(self):
+ raise ValueError()
- def __init__(self, cabinet):
- self._cabinet = cabinet
# Exception classes
-class LibraryException(Exception):
+class LibraryException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, cause=None):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
self.cause = cause
-class CabinetNotFound(LibraryException):
- def __init__(self, cabname):
- LibraryException.__init__(self, "Cabinet '%s' not found." % cabname)
+class UpdateException(LibraryException):
+class RevisionNotFound(LibraryException):
+ def __init__(self, rev):
+ LibraryException.__init__(self, "Revision %r not found." % rev)
+class RevisionMismatch(LibraryException):
+ def __init__(self, fdi, rev):
+ LibraryException.__init__(self, "No revision %r for document %r." % (rev, fdi))
+class EntryNotFound(LibraryException):
+ def __init__(self, rev, entry, guesses=[]):
+ LibraryException.__init__(self, \
+ u"Entry '%s' at revision %r not found. %s" % (entry, rev, \
+ (u"Posible values:\n" + u',\n'.join(guesses)) if len(guesses) else u'') )
+class DocumentAlreadyExists(LibraryException):
+ pass
# import backends to local namespace
-from backend_mercurial import MercurialLibrary
\ No newline at end of file
+def open_library(path, proto, *args, **kwargs):
+ if proto == 'hg':
+ import wlrepo.mercurial_backend
+ return wlrepo.mercurial_backend.MercurialLibrary(path, *args, **kwargs)
+ raise NotImplemented()
\ No newline at end of file