if( data == this ) {
$.log('unloading', this);
+ // disconnect the toolbar
+ $('div.panel-toolbar span.panel-toolbar-extra', this.wrap).empty();
this.hooks = null; // flush the hooks
return false;
$.log('Connecting toolbar', toolbar);
if(toolbar.length == 0) return;
+ // move the extra
+ var extra_buttons = $('span.panel-toolbar-extra', toolbar);
+ var placeholder = $('div.panel-toolbar span.panel-toolbar-extra', this.wrap);
+ placeholder.replaceWith(extra_buttons);
+ var action_buttons = $('button', extra_buttons);
// connect group-switch buttons
var group_buttons = $('*.toolbar-tabs-container button', toolbar);
// connect action buttons
- var action_buttons = $('*.toolbar-button-groups-container button', toolbar);
- action_buttons.each(function() {
+ var allbuttons = $.makeArray(action_buttons)
+ $.merge(allbuttons,
+ $.makeArray($('*.toolbar-button-groups-container button', toolbar)) );
+ $(allbuttons).each(function() {
var button = $(this);
var hk = button.attr('ui:hotkey');
if(hk) hk = new Hotkey( parseInt(hk) );