-/*global Class render_template panels */
-var HTMLView = Class.extend({
+/*global View render_template panels */
+var HTMLView = View.extend({
+ _className: 'HTMLView',
element: null,
+ model: null,
template: 'html-view-template',
- init: function(element, template) {
- this.element = $(element);
- this.template = template || this.template;
- this.element.html(render_template(this.template, {}));
+ init: function(element, model, parent, template) {
+ this._super(element, model, template);
+ this.parent = parent;
+ this.model
+ .addObserver(this, 'data', this.modelDataChanged.bind(this))
+ .addObserver(this, 'state', this.modelStateChanged.bind(this));
+ $('.htmlview', this.element).html(this.model.get('data'));
+ this.modelStateChanged('state', this.model.get('state'));
+ this.model.load();
+ },
+ modelDataChanged: function(property, value) {
+ $('.htmlview', this.element).html(value);
+ },
+ modelStateChanged: function(property, value) {
+ if (value == 'synced' || value == 'dirty') {
+ this.unfreeze();
+ } else if (value == 'unsynced') {
+ this.freeze('Niezsynchronizowany...');
+ } else if (value == 'loading') {
+ this.freeze('Ładowanie...');
+ } else if (value == 'saving') {
+ this.freeze('Zapisywanie...');
+ } else if (value == 'error') {
+ this.freeze(this.model.get('error'));
+ }
+ },
+ render: function() {
+ $('.html-print-link', this.element).unbind();
+ this._super();
+ $('.html-print-link', this.element).mouseover(
+ this.printView.bind(this)
+ );
+ },
+ printView: function(event) {
+ var base = $(event.target).attr('ui:baseref');
+ $(event.target).attr('href', base + "?revision=" + this.model.get('revision') );
+ return true;
+ },
+ reload: function() {
+ this.model.load(true);
dispose: function() {
+ this.model.removeObserver(this);
+ this._super();
// Register view
-panels.push({name: 'html', klass: HTMLView});
\ No newline at end of file
+panels['html'] = HTMLView;
\ No newline at end of file