-var DEFAULT_PERSPECTIVE = "#SummaryPerspective";
+var DEFAULT_PERSPECTIVE = "#VisualPerspective";
function initialize()
+ var splitter = $('#splitter'),
+ editors = $('#editor .editor'),
+ vsplitbar = $('.vsplitbar'),
+ sidebar = $('#sidebar'),
+ dragLayer = $('#drag-layer'),
+ vsplitbarWidth = vsplitbar.outerWidth(),
+ isHolding = false;
+ // Moves panes so that left border of the vsplitbar lands x pixels from the left border of the splitter
+ function setSplitbarAt(x) {
+ var right = splitterWidth - x;
+ editors.each(function() {
+ this.style.right = right + 'px';
+ });
+ vsplitbar[0].style.right = sidebar[0].style.width = (right - vsplitbarWidth) + 'px';
+ };
$(document).keydown(function(event) {
console.log("Received key:", event);
$('iframe').height($(window).height() - $('#tabs').outerHeight() - $('#source-editor .toolbar').outerHeight());
+ splitterWidth = splitter.width();
- $('.vsplitbar').toggle(
+ vsplitbar.toggle(
function() {
$.wiki.state.perspectives.ScanGalleryPerspective.show = true;
- $('#sidebar').show();
- $('.vsplitbar').css('right', 480).addClass('active');
- $('#editor .editor').css('right', 510);
+ setSplitbarAt(splitterWidth - (480 + vsplitbarWidth));
+ $('.vsplitbar').addClass('active');
$.wiki.perspectiveForTab('#tabs-right .active').onEnter();
function() {
var active_right = $.wiki.perspectiveForTab('#tabs-right .active');
$.wiki.state.perspectives.ScanGalleryPerspective.show = false;
- $('#sidebar').hide();
- $('.vsplitbar').css('right', 0).removeClass('active');
$(".vsplitbar-title").html("↑ " + active_right.vsplitbar + " ↑");
- $('#editor .editor').css('right', 30);
+ setSplitbarAt(splitterWidth - vsplitbarWidth);
+ $('.vsplitbar').removeClass('active');
+ /* Splitbar dragging support */
+ vsplitbar
+ .mousedown(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ isHolding = true;
+ })
+ .mousemove(function(e) {
+ if(isHolding) {
+ dragLayer.show(); // We don't show it up until now so that we don't lose single click events on vsplitbar
+ }
+ });
+ dragLayer.mousemove(function(e) {
+ setSplitbarAt(e.clientX - vsplitbarWidth/2);
+ });
+ $('body').mouseup(function(e) {
+ dragLayer.hide();
+ isHolding = false;
+ });
$(".vsplitbar-title").html("↓ GALERIA ↓");
/* every 5 minutes check for a newer version */
var revTimer = setInterval(function() {
- CurrentDocument.checkRevision({error: function(){
+ CurrentDocument.checkRevision({outdated: function(){