+ def clean_cover(self):
+ cover = self.cleaned_data['cover']
+ if cover and cover.name.rsplit('.', 1)[-1].lower() not in ('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'svg'):
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_('The cover should be an image file (jpg/png/gif)'))
+ return file
+class TagForm(forms.Form):
+ def __init__(self, category, instance=None, tutorial_no=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(TagForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.category = category
+ self.instance = instance
+ self.field().queryset = Tag.objects.filter(category=self.category)
+ self.field().label = self.category.label.capitalize()
+ if tutorial_no and category.tutorial:
+ self.field().widget.attrs.update({
+ 'data-toggle': 'tutorial',
+ 'data-tutorial': str(tutorial_no),
+ 'data-placement': 'bottom',
+ 'data-content': category.tutorial,
+ })
+ if self.instance:
+ self.field().initial = self.get_initial()
+ def save(self, instance=None):
+ instance = instance or self.instance
+ assert instance, 'No instance provided'
+ self.category.set_tags_for(instance, self.cleaned_tags())
+ def field(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_initial(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def cleaned_tags(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def metadata_rows(self):
+ return '\n'.join(
+ '<dc:%(name)s>%(value)s</dc:%(name)s>' % {'name': tag.category.dc_tag, 'value': tag.dc_value}
+ for tag in self.cleaned_tags())
+class TagSelect(forms.Select):
+ def render_option(self, selected_choices, option_value, option_label):
+ if option_value is None:
+ option_value = ''
+ help_html = ''
+ if option_value:
+ tag = Tag.objects.get(id=int(option_value))
+ if tag.help_text:
+ help_html = mark_safe(' data-help="%s"' % tag.help_text)
+ option_value = force_text(option_value)
+ if option_value in selected_choices:
+ selected_html = mark_safe(' selected="selected"')
+ if not self.allow_multiple_selected:
+ # Only allow for a single selection.
+ selected_choices.remove(option_value)
+ else:
+ selected_html = ''
+ return format_html(
+ u'<option value="{}"{}{}>{}</option>',
+ option_value, selected_html, help_html, force_text(option_label))
+class TagSingleForm(TagForm):
+ tag = forms.ModelChoiceField(
+ Tag.objects.none(),
+ widget=TagSelect(attrs={
+ 'class': 'form-control',
+ })
+ )
+ def field(self):
+ return self.fields['tag']
+ def get_initial(self):
+ return self.instance.tags.get(category=self.category)
+ def cleaned_tags(self):
+ return [self.cleaned_data['tag']]
+class TagMultipleForm(TagForm):
+ tags = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
+ Tag.objects.none(), required=False,
+ widget=forms.SelectMultiple(attrs={
+ 'class': 'chosen-select',
+ 'data-placeholder': _('Choose'),
+ }))
+ def field(self):
+ return self.fields['tags']
+ def get_initial(self):
+ return self.instance.tags.filter(category=self.category)
+ def cleaned_tags(self):
+ return self.cleaned_data['tags']