score[1] += s[1]
- get_value_list: (elem, data_key) ->
- $(elem).data(data_key).split(',').map($.trim).map((x) -> parseInt(x))
+ # Parses a list of values, separated by space or comma.
+ # The list is read from data attribute of elem using data_key
+ # Returns a list with elements
+ # eg.: things_i_need: "house bike tv playstation"
+ # yields ["house", "bike", "tv", "playstation"]
+ # If optional numbers argument is true, returns list of numbers
+ # instead of strings
+ get_value_list: (elem, data_key, numbers) ->
+ vl = $(elem).attr("data-" + data_key).split(/[ ,]+/).map($.trim) -> parseInt(x))
+ if numbers
+ vl = -> parseInt(x))
+ return vl
+ # Parses a list of values, separated by space or comma.
+ # The list is read from data attribute of elem using data_key
+ # Returns a 2-element list with mandatory and optional
+ # items. optional items are marked with a question mark on the end
+ # eg.: things_i_need: "house bike tv? playstation?"
+ # yields [[ "house", "bike"], ["tv", "playstation"]]
+ get_value_optional_list: (elem, data_key) ->
+ vals = @get_value_list(elem, data_key)
+ mandat = []
+ opt = []
+ for v in vals
+ if v.slice(-1) == "?"
+ opt.push v.slice(0, -1)
+ else
+ mandat.push v
+ return [mandat, opt]
show_score: (score) ->
$(".message", @element).text("Wynik: #{score[0]} / #{score[1]}")
+ draggable_equal: ($draggable1, $draggable2) ->
+ return false
+ draggable_accept: ($draggable, $droppable) ->
+ dropped = $droppable.closest("ul, ol").find(".draggable")
+ for d in dropped
+ if @draggable_equal $draggable, $(d)
+ return false
+ return true
+ draggable_dropped: ($draggable) ->
+ $draggable.append('<span class="close">x</span>')
+ dragging: (ismultiple, issortable) ->
+ $(".question", @element).each (i, question) =>
+ draggable_opts =
+ revert: 'invalid'
+ helper: 'clone'
+ $(".draggable", question).draggable(draggable_opts)
+ self = this
+ $(".placeholder", question).droppable
+ accept: (draggable) ->
+ $draggable = $(draggable)
+ is_accepted = true
+ if not $".draggable")
+ is_accepted = false
+ if is_accepted
+ is_accepted= self.draggable_accept $draggable, $(this)
+ if is_accepted
+ $(this).addClass 'accepting'
+ else
+ $(this).removeClass 'accepting'
+ return is_accepted
+ drop: (ev, ui) ->
+ $( 'accepting'
+ added = $(ui.draggable).clone()
+ $added = added
+ $"original", ui.draggable)
+ if not ismultiple
+ $(ui.draggable).addClass('disabled').draggable('disable')
+ $(
+ if not $('multiple')
+ $(
+ $added.append('<span class="remove">x</span>')
+ $('.remove', added).click (ev) =>
+ $added.prev(".placeholder:not(.multiple)").show()
+ if not ismultiple
+ $'original').removeClass('disabled').draggable('enable')
+ $(added).remove()
+ over: (ev, ui) ->
+ $( 'dragover'
+ out: (ev, ui) ->
+ $( 'dragover'
class Wybor extends Excercise
constructor: (element) ->
super element
good = 0
solution = @get_value_list(question, 'solution')
$(".question-piece", question).each (i, qpiece) =>
- piece_no = parseInt $(qpiece).attr 'data-no'
- should_be_checked = solution.indexOf(piece_no) >= 0
+ piece_no = $(qpiece).attr 'data-no'
+ piece_name = $(qpiece).attr 'data-name'
+ if piece_name
+ should_be_checked = solution.indexOf(piece_name) >= 0
+ else
+ should_be_checked = solution.indexOf(piece_no) >= 0
is_checked = $("input", qpiece).is(":checked")
if should_be_checked
$('ol, ul', @element).sortable({ items: "> li" })
check_question: (question) ->
- positions = @get_value_list(question, 'original')
+ positions = @get_value_list(question, 'original', true)
sorted = positions.sort()
pkts = $('.question-piece', question)
return [correct, all]
+# XXX propozycje="1/0"
class Luki extends Excercise
constructor: (element) ->
super element
+ @dragging false, false
check: ->
all = 0
correct = 0
- $(".question-piece", @element).each (i, qpiece) =>
- if $(qpiece).data('solution') == $(qpiece).val()
+ $(".placeholder + .question-piece", @element).each (i, qpiece) =>
+ $placeholder = $(qpiece).prev(".placeholder")
+ if $'solution') == $(qpiece).data('no')
@piece_correct qpiece
correct += 1
constructor: (element) ->
super element
$(".paragraph", @element).each (i, par) =>
- @wrap_words $(par), $('<span class="zastap question-piece"/>')
- spans = $("> span", par).attr("contenteditable", "true")
- (ev) =>
- spans.filter(':not(:empty)').removeClass('editing')
- $('editing')
+ @wrap_words $(par), $('<span class="placeholder zastap"/>')
+ @dragging false, false
check: ->
all = 0
correct = 0
- $(".question-piece", @element).each (i, qpiece) =>
- txt = $(qpiece).data('original')
- should_be_changed = false
- if not txt?
- txt = $(qpiece).data('solution')
- should_be_changed = true
- if not txt?
- return
- if should_be_changed
- all += 1
- if txt != $(qpiece).text()
- @piece_incorrect qpiece
- else
- if should_be_changed
- @piece_correct qpiece
- correct += 1
+ $(".paragraph", @element).each (i, par) =>
+ $(".placeholder", par).each (j, qpiece) =>
+ should_be_checked = false
+ $qp = $(qpiece)
+ $dragged = $".draggable")
+ if $"solution")
+ if $dragged and $"solution") == $"no")
+ @piece_correct $dragged
+ correct += 1
+# else -- we dont mark enything here, so not to hint user about solution. He sees he hasn't used all the draggables
+ all += 1
@show_score [correct, all]
class Przyporzadkuj extends Excercise
+ is_multiple: ->
+ for qp in $(".question-piece", @element)
+ if $(qp).data('solution').split(/[ ,]+/).length > 1
+ return true
+ return false
constructor: (element) ->
super element
- if @element.attr('multiple')?
- @multiple = true
- else
- @multiple = false
+ @multiple = @is_multiple()
- $(".question", @element).each (i, question) =>
- draggable_opts =
- revert: 'invalid'
- helper: if @multiple then "clone" else null
- $(".draggable", question).draggable(draggable_opts)
- .droppable({
- accept: ".draggable"
- })
+ @dragging @multiple, true
- $(".predicate .droppable", question).droppable
- accept: ".draggable"
- drop: (ev, ui) ->
- is_multiple =".multiple")
+ draggable_equal: (d1, d2) ->
+ return"no") =="no")
- added = ui.draggable.clone()
- added.attr('style', '')
- $(this).append(added)
- added.draggable(draggable_opts)
+ check_question: (question) ->
+ # subjects placed in predicates
+ count = 0
+ all = 0
+ all_multiple = 0
+ for qp in $(".predicate .question-piece", question)
+ pred = $(qp).closest("[data-predicate]")
+ v = @get_value_optional_list qp, 'solution'
+ mandatory = v[0]
+ optional = v[1]
+ all_multiple += mandatory.length + optional.length
+ pn ='predicate')
+ if mandatory.indexOf(pn) >= 0 or optional.indexOf(pn) >= 0
+ count += 1
+ @piece_correct qp
+ else
+ @piece_incorrect qp
+ all += 1
- if not is_multiple
- ui.draggable.remove()
+ if @multiple
+ for qp in $(".subject .question-piece", question)
+ v = @get_value_optional_list qp, 'solution'
+ mandatory = v[0]
+ optional = v[1]
+ all_multiple += mandatory.length + optional.length
+ return [count, all_multiple]
+ else
+ return [count, all]
- $(".subject", question).droppable
- accept: ".draggable"
- drop: (ev, ui) ->
- is_multiple =".multiple")
- added = ui.draggable.clone()
+class PrawdaFalsz extends Excercise
+ constructor: (element) ->
+ super element
- added.attr('style', '')
- if not is_multiple
- $(this).append(added)
- added.draggable(draggable_opts)
+ for qp in $(".question-piece", @element)
+ $(".true", qp).click (ev) ->
+ ev.preventDefault()
+ $(this).closest(".question-piece").data("value", "true")
+ $(this).addClass('chosen').siblings('a').removeClass('chosen')
+ $(".false", qp).click (ev) ->
+ ev.preventDefault()
+ $(this).closest(".question-piece").data("value", "false")
+ $(this).addClass('chosen').siblings('a').removeClass('chosen')
- ui.draggable.remove()
+ check_question: ->
+ all = 0
+ good = 0
+ for qp in $(".question-piece", @element)
+ if $(qp).data("solution").toString() == $(qp).data("value")
+ good += 1
+ @piece_correct qp
+ else
+ @piece_incorrect qp
+ all += 1
+ return [good, all]
luki: Luki
zastap: Zastap
przyporzadkuj: Przyporzadkuj
+ prawdafalsz: PrawdaFalsz
cls = es[$(ele).attr('data-type')]