+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from librarian import html
import hg, urllib2, time
from django.utils import simplejson as json
+from librarian import dcparser, parser
+from librarian import ParseError, ValidationError
from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.core.paginator import Paginator, InvalidPage, EmptyPage
-from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
+from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required
from explorer import forms, models
def file_list(request, repo):
- paginator = Paginator( repo.file_list(), 100);
+ paginator = Paginator( repo.file_list('default'), 100);
bookform = forms.BookUploadForm()
'files': files, 'page': page, 'bookform': bookform,
def file_upload(request, repo):
form = forms.BookUploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
f = request.FILES['file']
- print 'Adding file: %s' % f.name
- repo.add_file(f.name, f.read().decode('utf-8'))
+ def upload_action():
+ print 'Adding file: %s' % f.name
+ repo._add_file(f.name, f.read().decode('utf-8'))
+ repo._commit(message="File %s uploaded from platform by %s" %
+ (f.name, request.user.username), user=request.user.username)
+ repo.in_branch(upload_action, 'default')
return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('editor_view', kwargs={'path': f.name}) )
return direct_to_template(request, 'explorer/file_upload.html',
def file_xml(request, repo, path):
if request.method == 'POST':
+ errors = None
form = forms.BookForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
print 'Saving whole text.', request.user.username
def save_action():
print 'In branch: ' + repo.repo[None].branch()
repo._add_file(path, form.cleaned_data['content'])
- repo._commit(message=(form.cleaned_data['commit_message'] or 'Lokalny zapis platformy.'), user=request.user.username)
+ repo._commit(message=(form.cleaned_data['commit_message'] or 'Lokalny zapis platformy.'),\
+ user=request.user.username)
+ try:
+ # wczytaj dokument z ciągu znaków -> weryfikacja
+ document = parser.WLDocument.from_string(form.cleaned_data['content'])
- print repo.in_branch(save_action, models.user_branch(request.user) );
- result = "ok"
- else:
- result = "error"
+ # save to user's branch
+ repo.in_branch(save_action, models.user_branch(request.user) );
+ except (ParseError, ValidationError), e:
+ errors = [e.message]
- errors = dict( (field[0], field[1].as_text()) for field in form.errors.iteritems() )
- return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'result': result, 'errors': errors}) );
+ if not errors:
+ errors = dict( (field[0], field[1].as_text()) for field in form.errors.iteritems() )
+ return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'result': errors and 'error' or 'ok', 'errors': errors}));
form = forms.BookForm()
data = repo.get_file(path, models.user_branch(request.user))
def file_dc(request, path, repo):
+ errors = None
if request.method == 'POST':
form = forms.DublinCoreForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
- form.save(repo, path)
- result = "ok"
- else:
- result = "error"
- errors = dict( (field[0], field[1].as_text()) for field in form.errors.iteritems() )
- return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'result': result, 'errors': errors}) );
+ def save_action():
+ file_contents = repo._get_file(path)
+ # wczytaj dokument z repozytorium
+ document = parser.WLDocument.from_string(file_contents)
+ document.book_info.update(form.cleaned_data)
+ print "SAVING DC"
+ # zapisz
+ repo._add_file(path, document.serialize())
+ repo._commit( \
+ message=(form.cleaned_data['commit_message'] or 'Lokalny zapis platformy.'), \
+ user=request.user.username )
+ try:
+ repo.in_branch(save_action, models.user_branch(request.user) )
+ except (ParseError, ValidationError), e:
+ errors = [e.message]
+ if errors is None:
+ errors = ["Pole '%s': %s\n" % (field[0], field[1].as_text()) for field in form.errors.iteritems()]
+ return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'result': errors and 'error' or 'ok', 'errors': errors}) );
+ # this is unused currently, but may come in handy
+ content = []
- fulltext = repo.get_file(path, models.user_branch(request.user))
- form = forms.DublinCoreForm(text=fulltext)
- return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'result': 'ok', 'content': fulltext}) )
+ try:
+ fulltext = repo.get_file(path, models.user_branch(request.user))
+ bookinfo = dcparser.BookInfo.from_string(fulltext)
+ content = bookinfo.to_dict()
+ except (ParseError, ValidationError), e:
+ errors = [e.message]
+ return HttpResponse( json.dumps({'result': errors and 'error' or 'ok',
+ 'errors': errors, 'content': content }) )
# Display the main editor view
def htmleditor_panel(request, path, repo):
user_branch = models.user_branch(request.user)
- return direct_to_template(request, 'explorer/panels/htmleditor.html', extra_context={
- 'fpath': path,
- 'html': html.transform(repo.get_file(path, user_branch), is_file=False),
- })
+ try:
+ return direct_to_template(request, 'explorer/panels/htmleditor.html', extra_context={
+ 'fpath': path,
+ 'html': html.transform(repo.get_file(path, user_branch), is_file=False),
+ })
+ except (ParseError, ValidationError), e:
+ return direct_to_template(request, 'explorer/panels/parse_error.html', extra_context={
+ 'fpath': path, 'exception_type': type(e).__name__, 'exception': e, 'panel_name': 'Edytor HTML'})
def dceditor_panel(request, path, repo):
user_branch = models.user_branch(request.user)
- text = repo.get_file(path, user_branch)
- form = forms.DublinCoreForm(text=text)
- return direct_to_template(request, 'explorer/panels/dceditor.html', extra_context={
- 'fpath': path,
- 'form': form,
- })
+ try:
+ doc_text = repo.get_file(path, user_branch)
+ document = parser.WLDocument.from_string(doc_text)
+ form = forms.DublinCoreForm(info=document.book_info)
+ return direct_to_template(request, 'explorer/panels/dceditor.html', extra_context={
+ 'fpath': path,
+ 'form': form,
+ })
+ except (ParseError, ValidationError), e:
+ return direct_to_template(request, 'explorer/panels/parse_error.html', extra_context={
+ 'fpath': path, 'exception_type': type(e).__name__, 'exception': e,
+ 'panel_name': 'Edytor DublinCore'})
# =================
# = Utility views =