+class LicenseFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
+ title = 'Licencja'
+ parameter_name = 'book_license'
+ license_url_field = 'document_book__dc__license'
+ license_name_field = 'document_book__dc__license_description'
+ def lookups(self, requesrt, model_admin):
+ return [
+ ('cc', 'CC'),
+ ('fal', 'FAL'),
+ ('pd', 'domena publiczna'),
+ ]
+ def queryset(self, request, queryset):
+ v = self.value()
+ if v == 'cc':
+ return queryset.filter(**{
+ self.license_url_field + '__icontains': 'creativecommons.org'
+ })
+ elif v == 'fal':
+ return queryset.filter(**{
+ self.license_url_field + '__icontains': 'artlibre.org'
+ })
+ elif v == 'pd':
+ return queryset.filter(**{
+ self.license_name_field + '__icontains': 'domena publiczna'
+ })
+ else:
+ return queryset
+class CoverLicenseFilter(LicenseFilter):
+ title = 'Licencja okładki'
+ parameter_name = 'cover_license'
+ license_url_field = 'document_book__dc_cover_image__license_url'
+ license_name_field = 'document_book__dc_cover_image__license_name'
+def add_title(base_class, suffix):
+ class TitledCategoryFilter(base_class):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.title += suffix
+ return TitledCategoryFilter
+class FirstPublicationYearFilter(admin.ListFilter):
+ title = 'Rok pierwszej publikacji'
+ parameter_name = 'first_publication_year'
+ template = 'admin/filter_numeric_range.html'
+ def __init__(self, request, params, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(request, params, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.request = request
+ if self.parameter_name + '_from' in params:
+ value = params.pop(self.parameter_name + '_from')
+ self.used_parameters[self.parameter_name + '_from'] = value
+ if self.parameter_name + '_to' in params:
+ value = params.pop(self.parameter_name + '_to')
+ self.used_parameters[self.parameter_name + '_to'] = value
+ def has_output(self):
+ return True
+ def queryset(self, request, queryset):
+ filters = {}
+ value_from = self.used_parameters.get(self.parameter_name + '_from', None)
+ if value_from is not None and value_from != '':
+ filters.update({
+ self.parameter_name + '__gte': self.used_parameters.get(self.parameter_name + '_from', None),
+ })
+ value_to = self.used_parameters.get(self.parameter_name + '_to', None)
+ if value_to is not None and value_to != '':
+ filters.update({
+ self.parameter_name + '__lte': self.used_parameters.get(self.parameter_name + '_to', None),
+ })
+ return queryset.filter(**filters)
+ def choices(self, changelist):
+ return ({
+ 'request': self.request,
+ 'parameter_name': self.parameter_name,
+ 'form': RangeNumericForm(name=self.parameter_name, data={
+ self.parameter_name + '_from': self.used_parameters.get(self.parameter_name + '_from', None),
+ self.parameter_name + '_to': self.used_parameters.get(self.parameter_name + '_to', None),
+ }),
+ }, )
+ def expected_parameters(self):
+ return [
+ '{}_from'.format(self.parameter_name),
+ '{}_to'.format(self.parameter_name),
+ ]
+class SourcesInline(admin.TabularInline):
+ model = sources.models.BookSource
+ extra = 1
+class BookAdmin(WikidataAdminMixin, NumericFilterModelAdmin):
+ inlines = [SourcesInline]
+ list_display = [
+ "smart_title",
+ "authors_str",
+ "translators_str",
+ "language",
+ "pd_year",
+ "priority",
+ "wikidata_link",
+ ]
+ search_fields = [
+ "title", "wikidata",
+ "authors__first_name", "authors__last_name",
+ "translators__first_name", "translators__last_name",
+ "scans_source", "text_source", "notes", "estimate_source",
+ ]
+ autocomplete_fields = ["authors", "translators", "based_on", "epochs", "genres", "kinds"]
+ filter_horizontal = ['collections']
+ prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("title",)}
+ list_filter = [
+ "language",
+ "based_on__language",
+ ("pd_year", RangeNumericFilter),
+ "collections",
+ "collections__category",
+ ("authors__collections", add_title(admin.RelatedFieldListFilter, ' autora')),
+ ("authors__collections__category", add_title(admin.RelatedFieldListFilter, ' autora')),
+ ("translators__collections", add_title(admin.RelatedFieldListFilter, ' tłumacza')),
+ ("translators__collections__category", add_title(admin.RelatedFieldListFilter, ' tłumacza')),
+ "epochs", "kinds", "genres",
+ "priority",
+ "authors__gender", "authors__nationality",
+ "translators__gender", "translators__nationality",
+ ("authors__place_of_birth", add_title(admin.RelatedFieldListFilter, ' autora')),
+ ("authors__place_of_death", add_title(admin.RelatedFieldListFilter, ' autora')),
+ ("translators__place_of_birth", add_title(admin.RelatedFieldListFilter, ' tłumacza')),
+ ("translators__place_of_death", add_title(admin.RelatedFieldListFilter, ' tłumacza')),
+ "document_book__chunk__stage",
+ LicenseFilter,
+ CoverLicenseFilter,
+ 'free_license',
+ 'polona_missing',
+ FirstPublicationYearFilter,
+ ]
+ list_per_page = 1000000
+ readonly_fields = [
+ "wikidata_link",
+ "estimated_costs",
+ "documents_book_link",
+ "scans_source_link",
+ "monthly_views_page",
+ "monthly_views_reader",
+ ]
+ actions = [export_as_csv_action(
+ fields=[
+ "id",
+ "wikidata",
+ "slug",
+ "title",
+ "authors_first_names",
+ "authors_last_names",
+ "translators_first_names",
+ "translators_last_names",
+ "language",
+ "based_on",
+ "scans_source",
+ "text_source",
+ "notes",
+ "priority",
+ "pd_year",
+ "gazeta_link",
+ "estimated_chars",
+ "estimated_verses",
+ "estimate_source",
+ "document_book__project",
+ "audience",
+ "first_publication_year",
+ "monthly_views_page",
+ "monthly_views_reader",
+ # content stats
+ "chars",
+ "chars_with_fn",
+ "words",
+ "words_with_fn",
+ "verses",
+ "chars_out_verse",
+ "verses_with_fn",
+ "chars_out_verse_with_fn",
+ ]
+ )]
+ fieldsets = [
+ (None, {"fields": [("wikidata", "wikidata_link")]}),
+ (
+ _("Identification"),
+ {
+ "fields": [
+ "title",
+ ("slug", 'documents_book_link'),
+ "authors",
+ "translators",
+ "language",
+ "based_on",
+ "original_year",
+ "pd_year",
+ "plwiki",
+ ]
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ _("Features"),
+ {
+ "fields": [
+ "epochs",
+ "genres",
+ "kinds",
+ ]
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ _("Plan"),
+ {
+ "fields": [
+ ("free_license", "polona_missing"),
+ ("scans_source", "scans_source_link"),
+ "text_source",
+ "priority",
+ "collections",
+ "notes",
+ ("estimated_chars", "estimated_verses", "estimate_source"),
+ "estimated_costs",
+ ("monthly_views_page", "monthly_views_reader"),
+ ]
+ },
+ ),
+ ]
+ def get_queryset(self, request):
+ qs = super().get_queryset(request)
+ if request.resolver_match.view_name.endswith("changelist"):
+ qs = qs.prefetch_related("authors", "translators")
+ qs = qs.annotate(first_publication_year=Min('document_book__publish_log__timestamp__year'))
+ return qs
+ def estimated_costs(self, obj):
+ return "\n".join(
+ "{}: {} zł".format(
+ work_type.name,
+ cost or '—'
+ )
+ for work_type, cost in obj.get_estimated_costs().items()
+ )
+ def smart_title(self, obj):
+ if obj.title:
+ return obj.title
+ if obj.notes:
+ n = obj.notes
+ if len(n) > 100:
+ n = n[:100] + '…'
+ return mark_safe(
+ '<em><small>' + escape(n) + '</small></em>'
+ )
+ return '---'
+ smart_title.short_description = _('Title')
+ smart_title.admin_order_field = 'title'
+ def documents_book_link(self, obj):
+ for book in obj.document_books.all():
+ return mark_safe('<a style="position: absolute" href="{}"><img height="100" width="70" src="/cover/preview/{}/?height=100&width=70"></a>'.format(book.get_absolute_url(), book.slug))
+ documents_book_link.short_description = _('Book')
+ def scans_source_link(self, obj):
+ if obj.scans_source:
+ return format_html(
+ '<a href="{url}" target="_blank">{url}</a>',
+ url=obj.scans_source,
+ )
+ else:
+ return ""
+ scans_source_link.short_description = _('scans source')