+class DocumentTextSaveForm(forms.Form):
+ """
+ Form for saving document's text:
+ * name - document's storage identifier.
+ * parent_revision - revision which the modified text originated from.
+ * comment - user's verbose comment; will be used in commit.
+ * stage_completed - mark this change as end of given stage.
+ """
+ ('', 'Nic konkretnego'),
+ ('tagging', 'Tagowanie'),
+ ('modernized', 'Uwspółcześnienia'),
+ ('editing', 'Redakcja'),
+ )
+ id = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
+ parent_revision = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
+ text = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
+ author = forms.CharField(
+ required = False,
+ label = _(u"Autor"),
+ help_text = _(u"Twoje imie i nazwisko lub email.")
+ )
+ comment = forms.CharField(
+ required = True,
+ widget=forms.Textarea,
+ label = _(u"Twój komentarz"),
+ help_text = _(u"Opisz w miarę dokładnie swoje zmiany."),
+ )
+ stage_completed = forms.ChoiceField(
+ choices=DOC_STAGES,
+ required= False,
+ label = _(u"Skończyłem robić"),
+ help_text = _(u"Jeśli skończyłeś jeden z etapów utworu, wybierz go."),
+ )
\ No newline at end of file