(function($) {
- function CodeMirrorPerspective(doc, callback)
+ function CodeMirrorPerspective(options)
- this.perspective_id = 'CodeMirrorPerspective';
- this.doc = doc;
+ var old_callback = options.callback;
+ options.callback = function(){
+ var self = this;
+ this.codemirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea('codemirror_placeholder', {
+ parserfile: 'parsexml.js',
+ path: STATIC_URL + "js/lib/codemirror/",
+ stylesheet: STATIC_URL + "css/xmlcolors_15032010.css",
+ parserConfig: {
+ useHTMLKludges: false
+ },
+ iframeClass: 'xml-iframe',
+ textWrapping: true,
+ lineNumbers: false,
+ width: "100%",
+ tabMode: 'spaces',
+ indentUnit: 0,
+ initCallback: function(){
+ self.codemirror.grabKeys(function(event) {
+ if (event.button) {
+ $(event.button).trigger('click');
+ event.button = null;
+ }
+ }, function(event) {
+ /* CM reports characters 2 times - as event and as code */
+ if((typeof event) != "object")
+ return false;
+ if(!event.altKey)
+ return false;
+ var c = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode).toLowerCase();
+ var button = $("#source-editor button[data-ui-accesskey='"+c+"']");
+ if(button.length == 0)
+ return false;
+ /* it doesn't matter which button we pick - all do the same */
+ event.button = button[0];
+ return true;
+ });
+ $('#source-editor .toolbar button').click(function(event){
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var params = eval("(" + $(this).attr('data-ui-action-params') + ")");
+ scriptletCenter.scriptlets[$(this).attr('data-ui-action')](self.codemirror, params);
+ });
+ $('.toolbar select').change(function(event){
+ var slug = $(this).val();
+ $('.toolbar-buttons-container').hide().filter('[data-group=' + slug + ']').show();
+ $(window).resize();
+ });
+ $('.toolbar-buttons-container').hide();
+ $('.toolbar select').change();
+ console.log("Initialized CodeMirror");
+ // textarea is no longer needed
+ $('codemirror_placeholder').remove();
+ old_callback.call(self);
+ }
+ });
+ };
- var self = this;
- $('#source-editor .toolbar button').click(function(event){
- event.preventDefault();
- var params = eval("(" + $(this).attr('ui:action-params') + ")");
- scriptletCenter.scriptlets[$(this).attr('ui:action')](editor, params);
- });
- $('.toolbar select').change(function(event){
- var slug = $(this).val();
- $('.toolbar-buttons-container').hide().filter('[data-group=' + slug + ']').show();
- $(window).resize();
- });
- $('.toolbar-buttons-container').hide();
- $('.toolbar select').change();
- this.codemirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea('codemirror_placeholder', {
- parserfile: 'parsexml.js',
- path: STATIC_URL + "js/lib/codemirror/",
- stylesheet: STATIC_URL + "css/xmlcolors_15032010.css",
- parserConfig: {
- useHTMLKludges: false
- },
- iframeClass: 'xml-iframe',
- textWrapping: true,
- lineNumbers: true,
- width: "100%",
- tabMode: 'spaces',
- indentUnit: 0,
- initCallback: function() {
- console.log("Initialized CodeMirror");
- callback.call(self);
- }
- });
+ $.wiki.Perspective.call(this, options);
CodeMirrorPerspective.prototype.onEnter = function(success, failure) {
- console.log(this.doc);
+ console.log('Entering', this.doc);
if(success) success();
+ CodeMirrorPerspective.prototype.onExit = function(success, failure) {
+ $.wiki.Perspective.prototype.onExit.call(this);
+ console.log('Exiting', this.doc);
+ this.doc.setText(this.codemirror.getCode());
+ if(success) success();
+ }
$.wiki.CodeMirrorPerspective = CodeMirrorPerspective;