apache > lucene

Welcome to JCC, PyLucene's code generator

What is JCC ?

JCC is a C++ code generator that produces a C++ object interface wrapping a Java library via Java's Native Interface (JNI). JCC also generates C++ wrappers that conform to Python's C type system making the instances of Java classes directly available to a Python interpreter.

When generating Python wrappers, JCC produces a complete Python extension module via the distutils or setuptools packages.

See here for more information and documentation about JCC.


JCC is supported on Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris and Windows.

JCC requires Python version 2.x (x >= 3.5) and Java version 1.x (x >= 4). Building JCC requires a C++ compiler. Use of setuptools is recommended.

See the installation instructions for more information about building JCC from sources.

Source Code

The source code to JCC is part of PyLucene's and can be obtained with a subversion client from here.

Mailing List

If you'd like to contribute to JCC or are having issues or questions with JCC, please subscribe to the PyLucene developer mailing list.