'output_filename': 'compressed/base.css',
+ 'questions': {
+ 'source_filenames': (
+ 'questions/tagcloud.scss',
+ ),
+ 'output_filename': 'compressed/questions.css'
+ }
'base': {
'output_filename': 'compressed/base.js',
+ 'questions': {
+ 'source_filenames': (
+ 'questions/tagcloud.js',
+ ),
+ 'output_filename': 'compressed/questions.js'
+ }
<title>{% block "titleextra" %}{% endblock %}{% trans "Right to Culture" %}</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="{% static "img/favicon.png" %}" />
{% compressed_css 'base' %}
+ {% block "extra_css" %}{% endblock %}
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta property='og:url' content='{% block "ogurl" %}{{ request.get_full_path|build_absolute_uri:request }}{% endblock %}' />
<meta property='og:title' content='{% block "ogtitle" %}{% trans "Right to Culture" %}{% endblock %}' />
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.0.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
{% compressed_js 'base' %}
{{ piwik_tag|safe }}
+ {% block "extra_js" %}{% endblock %}
--- /dev/null
+$(function() {
+ var showTagsGroup = function(category_id) {
+ $('.questions-tags-group').hide();
+ $('.questions-tags-group[data-category-id=' + category_id +']').show();
+ }\r
+ $('#questions-categories a').click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var target = $(e.target);
+ if(target.hasClass('selected'))
+ return;
+ var category_id = target.attr('data-category-id');
+ $('#questions-categories a').removeClass('selected');
+ target.addClass('selected');
+ showTagsGroup(category_id);
+ });
+ var selected = $('#questions-categories a.selected');
+ if(selected) {
+ var category_id = selected.attr('data-category-id');
+ showTagsGroup(category_id);
+ }\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#questions-categories {
+ margin-bottom:10px;
+ a.selected {
+ cursor: default;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ color: black;
+ }
+.questions-tags-group {\r
+ display: none;\r
\ No newline at end of file
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load url from future %}
{% load pagination_tags fnp_prevnext %}
+{% load compressed %}
{% block "titleextra" %}Pierwsza pomoc w prawie autorskim :: {% endblock %}
{% block "body" %}
technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych oraz posiada wieloletnie
doświadczenie doradcze w tej tematyce.</p>
-{% for category in tag_categories %}
- <span style="font-size: {{category.factor}}em;">{{category}}</span>
-{% endfor %}
+<div id="questions-filter">
-{% if tag %}<a href=".">wszystkie</a>
-{% else %}<strong>wszystkie</strong>
-{% endif %}
+ {% if tag %}<a href=".">Wyświetl wszystkie</a> lub w {% else %}W{% endif %}ybierz kategorię tematów:
+ <div id="questions-categories">
+ <a href="#" data-category-id="0">bez kategorii</a>
+ {% for category in tag_categories %} /
+ <a href="#" style="font-size: {{category.factor}}em;" {% if tag.category == category %}class="selected"{% endif %} data-category-id="{{category.id}}">{{category}}</a>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
-{% for atag in tags %} /
- {% if atag == tag %}<strong>{{ atag }}</strong>
- {% else %}<a href="?tag={{ atag.slug }}">{{ atag }}</a>
- {% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
+ <div id="questions-subjects">
+ {% for category_id, tag_list in tag_lists.items %}
+ <div class="questions-tags-group" data-category-id="{{category_id}}">
+ Wyświetl tylko na temat:
+ {% for atag in tag_list %} {% if not forloop.first %}/{% endif %}
+ {% if atag == tag %}<strong>{{ atag }}</strong>
+ {% else %}<a href="?tag={{ atag.slug }}">{{ atag }}</a>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
<h2>Odpowiedzi na już zadane pytania
{% if tag %}na temat: {{ tag }}{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
+{% block "extra_css" %}
+ {% compressed_css 'questions' %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block "extra_js" %}
+ {% compressed_js 'questions' %}
+{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
context = super(QuestionListView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
- context['tags'] = Tag.objects.filter(items__question__published=True
- ).annotate(c=models.Count('items__tag')).order_by('-c', 'slug')
context['tag'] = self.tag
context['tag_categories'] = TagCategory.objects.all().annotate(click_count = models.Sum('tags__click_count'))
+ context['tag_lists'] = dict()
- # Calculating factors for category and tag clouds
+ tags = Tag.objects.filter(items__question__published=True
+ ).annotate(c=models.Count('items__tag')).order_by('category__slug', '-c', 'slug')
all_tag_clicks_count = Tag.objects.all().aggregate(models.Sum('click_count'))['click_count__sum']
annotated_categories = dict()
minimum_factor = 0.7
for category in context['tag_categories']:
annotated_categories[category.id] = category
category.factor = '%.2f' % (minimum_factor + (float(category.click_count) / all_tag_clicks_count))
- for tag in [t for t in context['tags'] if t.category]:
- category = annotated_categories[tag.category.id]
- tag.factor = '%.2f' % (minimum_factor + ((float(tag.click_count) / category.click_count) if category.click_count else 0))
+ for tag in tags:
+ if tag.category:
+ category = annotated_categories[tag.category.id]
+ tag.factor = '%.2f' % (minimum_factor + ((float(tag.click_count) / category.click_count) if category.click_count else 0))
+ context['tag_lists'].setdefault(tag.category.id if tag.category else 0, []).append(tag)
return context