+ country = forms.CharField(label=_('Country'), max_length=128)
+ # days = forms.ChoiceField(
+ # label = _("I'm planning to show up on"),
+ # choices=[
+ # ('both', _('Both days of the conference')),
+ # ('only-6th', _('November 6th only')),
+ # ('only-7th', _('November 7th only')),
+ # ], widget=forms.RadioSelect())
+ # ankieta
+ times_attended = forms.ChoiceField(
+ required=False,
+ label=_("1. How many times have you attended CopyCamp?"),
+ choices=[
+ ('0', _('not yet')),
+ ('1', _('once')),
+ ('2', _('twice')),
+ ('3', _('three times')),
+ ('4', _('four times')),
+ ], widget=forms.RadioSelect())
+ age = forms.ChoiceField(
+ required=False,
+ label=_("2. Please indicate your age bracket:"),
+ choices=[
+ ('0-19', _('19 or below')),
+ ('20-25', _('20-25')),
+ ('26-35', _('26-35')),
+ ('36-45', _('36-45')),
+ ('46-55', _('46-55')),
+ ('56-65', _('56-65')),
+ ('66+', _('66 or above')),
+ ], widget=forms.RadioSelect())
+ distance = forms.ChoiceField(
+ required=False,
+ label=_("3. How far will you travel to attend CopyCamp?"),
+ choices=[
+ ('0-50', _('0-50 km')),
+ ('51-100', _('51-100 km')),
+ ('101-200', _('101-200 km')),
+ ('200+', _('200 km or more')),
+ ], widget=forms.RadioSelect())
+ areas = forms.MultipleChoiceField(
+ required=False,
+ label=_("4. Please indicate up to 3 areas you feel most affiliated with"),
+ choices=[
+ ('sztuki plastyczne', _('visual art')),
+ ('literatura', _('literature')),
+ ('muzyka', _('music')),
+ ('teatr', _('theatre')),
+ ('film', _('film production')),
+ ('wydawanie', _('publishing')),
+ ('prawo', _('law')),
+ ('ekonomia', _('economy')),
+ ('socjologia', _('sociology')),
+ ('technika', _('technology')),
+ ('edukacja', _('education')),
+ ('studia', _('higher education')),
+ ('nauka', _('academic research')),
+ ('biblioteki', _('library science')),
+ ('administracja', _('public administration')),
+ ('ngo', _('nonprofit organisations')),
+ ('other', _('other (please specify below)')),
+ ], widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple())
+ areas_other = forms.CharField(required=False, label=_('Fill if you selected “other” above'))
+ source = forms.ChoiceField(
+ required=False,
+ label=_("5. Please indicate how you received information about the conference:"),
+ choices=[
+ ('znajomi', _('through friends sharing on the web')),
+ ('fnp', _('directly through the Foundation\'s facebook or website')),
+ ('www', _('through other websites (please specify below)')),
+ ('other', _('other (please specify below)')),
+ ], widget=forms.RadioSelect())
+ source_other = forms.CharField(required=False, label=_('Fill if you selected “other” or “other website” above'))
+ motivation = forms.ChoiceField(
+ required=False,
+ label=_("6. Please indicate the most important factor for your willingness to participate:"),
+ choices=[
+ ('idea', _('the main idea of the conference')),
+ ('speaker', _('particular speaker(s)')),
+ ('networking', _('good networking occasion')),
+ ('other', _('other (please specify below)')),
+ ], widget=forms.RadioSelect())
+ motivation_other = forms.CharField(required=False, label=_('Fill if you selected “other” above'))