+ #w_mezei = forms.BooleanField(label=_(u'Péter Mezei: European copyright alternatives – 2014 (Workshop will be held in English)'), required=False)
+ #w_sliwowski = forms.BooleanField(label=_(u'Kamil Śliwowski, Koalicja Otwartej Edukacji KOED: Prawo autorskie w Sieci - ćwiczenia praktyczne'), required=False)
+ #_h3 = HeaderField(label=mark_safe_lazy(_("<strong>Friday, November 7th, 12 noon–2 p.m.</strong>")))
+ #w_zaiks = forms.BooleanField(label=_(u'Łukasz Łyczkowski, Adam Pacuski, Stowarzyszenie Autorów ZAiKS: Praktyczne aspekty dozwolonego użytku'), required=False)
+ #w_creativepoland = forms.BooleanField(label=_(u'Paweł Kaźmierczyk i Dagmara Białek, Creative Poland: Sektor kreatywny – pomysły są w cenie'), required=False)
+ #_header_1 = HeaderField(label='')
+ # agree_mailing = forms.BooleanField(
+ # label=_('I am interested in receiving information about the Modern Poland Foundation\'s activities by e-mail'),
+ # required=False
+ # )
+ agree_data = forms.BooleanField(
+ label=_('Permission for data processing'),
+ help_text=_(u'I hereby grant Modern Poland Foundation (Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska, ul. Marszałkowska 84/92, 00-514 Warszawa) permission to process my personal data (name, e-mail address) for purposes of registration for CopyCamp conference.')
+ )
+ agree_license = forms.BooleanField(
+ label=_('Permission for publication'),
+ help_text=_('I agree to having materials, recorded during the conference, released under the terms of <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed">CC BY-SA</a> license and to publishing my image.'),
+ required=False
+ )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(WorkshopForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.limit_reached = Contact.objects.filter(form_tag=self.save_as_tag).count() >= 60
+ # counts = {k: 0 for k in self.start_workshops}
+ # for contact in Contact.objects.filter(form_tag=self.save_as_tag):
+ # for workshop in self.start_workshops:
+ # if contact.body.get('w_%s' % workshop, False): counts[workshop] += 1
+ # some_full = False
+ # for k, v in counts.items():
+ # if v >= 60:
+ # some_full = True
+ # if 'w_%s' % k in self.fields:
+ # del self.fields['w_%s' % k]
+ # if k in self.workshops:
+ # self.workshops.remove(k)
+ # if not some_full:
+ # self.fields['_header'].help_text = None
+ # def clean(self):
+ # any_workshop = False
+ # for w in self.start_workshops:
+ # if self.cleaned_data.get('w_%s' % w):
+ # any_workshop = True
+ # if not any_workshop:
+ # self._errors['_header'] = [_("Please choose at least one workshop.")]
+ # return self.cleaned_data