cover thumb with no box for api
[librarian.git] / librarian / epub / xsltScheme.xsl
2017-11-06 Jan Szejkoadd tag ramka
2017-08-04 Jan Szejkoallow strofa inside table + fix table border in html...
2017-07-27 Jan Szejkoincreased word spacing in WL XML
2017-07-26 Jan Szejkoright-aligned poem line in WL XML
2017-06-30 Jan Szejkosubscripts in WL XML
2017-03-21 Jan Szejkotabelka in other formats
2016-12-07 Jan Szejkosuppress xmlns:... attributes in epub
2016-03-16 Jan Szejkoimages in epub/mobi
2015-09-04 Radek CzajkaAdded support for <abstrakt>
2014-12-27 Radek CzajkaPreliminary math and tables support.
2014-02-26 Radek CzajkaMerge remote-tracking branch 'quiris/master' into quiris
2014-01-15 Robert BłautTransition from square bracket to superscripted footnotes
2011-10-27 Radek Czajkaepub/mobi fixes
2011-09-01 Radek Czajkaoutput escaping fix
2011-01-27 Radek Czajkawhitespace, line breaks etc.
2011-01-19 Radek Czajka#961: full info in all formats;
2011-01-17 Radek Czajkaepub: subtitle fix
2011-01-12 Radek Czajka#1030: fixes for separators and empty verses in html...
2010-12-02 Radek Czajkaepub margin for indents
2010-11-23 Radek Czajkanota_red
2010-10-26 Radek Czajkaepub fix
2010-10-19 Radek Czajkachange paragraph to p in epub
2010-09-23 Radek Czajkaepub: Don't rely on margin for stanzas
2010-08-18 Radek Czajkajoined epubs, with no themes
2010-07-22 Radek Czajkashow themes
2010-07-06 LukaszMerge branch 'master' of
2010-07-05 Radek Czajkainitial epub support