[epub] output improvements - clean xhtml instead of html tag soup
[librarian.git] / librarian / pdf / wl2tex.xslt
2014-02-27 Robert BłautMerge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
2014-02-26 Radek CzajkaMerge remote-tracking branch 'quiris/master' into quiris
2014-02-20 Radek CzajkaWide PDF cover.
2014-02-20 Radek CzajkaFix escaping stuff in PDF.
2014-02-15 Robert BłautMerge recent changes from branch 'fnp/librarian/master'
2014-02-07 Radek CzajkaFixes #3031: Sponsor info in PDF.
2013-11-05 Marcin KoziejMerge branch '__images'
2013-10-08 Radek CzajkaAdd thank-you note in EPUB and PDF.
2013-09-17 Radek CzajkaLegal note fix.
2013-08-07 Radek CzajkaAdd funders info.
2013-07-24 Radek CzajkaPDF cover info fix
2013-07-22 Radek Czajka#2773: support info in pdf/epub/mobi.
2012-09-24 Radek CzajkaMerge remote-tracking branch 'mgorny/fb2'
2012-08-17 Radek Czajkafixes #2325: repetitions in editor list
2011-12-20 Marcin KoziejMerge branch 'picture' into pretty
2011-12-16 Radek CzajkaMerge branch 'picture' into pretty
2011-12-12 Radek Czajkanew cover scheme; Cover accepts BookInfo now; e-books...
2011-12-05 Marcin KoziejMerge branch 'pdf'
2011-12-05 Marcin Koziejchange passing customizations to TeX source
2011-04-27 Radek Czajkabugfix: authors in footer
2011-02-22 Radek Czajka#950: visibly mark author's annotations,
2011-01-27 Radek Czajkawhitespace, line breaks etc.
2011-01-24 Radek Czajkafixes #1060: sorted and unique editors' names
2011-01-19 Radek Czajka#961: full info in all formats;
2011-01-13 Radek Czajkasome cleaning