[epub, mobi] didaskalia tag rendering improvement
[librarian.git] / librarian / epub / xsltAnnotations.xsl
2014-01-16 Robert Błaut[ePub Mobi] Removed unnecessary annotations clutter...
2014-01-15 Robert BłautTransition from square bracket to superscripted footnotes
2011-10-26 Radek Czajkabook2mobi (using calibre)
2011-09-01 Radek Czajkaoutput escaping fix
2011-02-22 Radek Czajka#950: visibly mark author's annotations,
2011-01-27 Radek Czajkawhitespace, line breaks etc.
2010-07-06 LukaszMerge branch 'master' of https://github.com/fnp/librarian
2010-07-05 Radek Czajkainitial epub support