+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import zipfile
+from aeneas.executetask import ExecuteTask
+from aeneas.task import Task
+from lxml import etree
+import mutagen
+from librarian import OutputFile, get_resource
+from .html import DaisyHtmlBuilder
+def get_duration(path):
+ return float(
+ subprocess.run(
+ [
+ "ffprobe",
+ "-i",
+ path,
+ "-show_entries",
+ "format=duration",
+ "-v",
+ "quiet",
+ "-of",
+ "csv=p=0",
+ ],
+ capture_output=True,
+ text=True,
+ check=True,
+ ).stdout
+ )
+def format_hms(t):
+ seconds = t % 60
+ t -= seconds
+ t /= 60
+ minutes = t % 60
+ t -= minutes
+ hours = t / 60
+ return "%02d:%02d:%02.3f" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
+def populate(element, context):
+ if element.text:
+ element.text = element.text.format(**context)
+ if element.tail:
+ element.tail = element.tail.format(**context)
+ for k, v in element.attrib.items():
+ element.attrib[k] = v.format(**context)
+ for child in element:
+ populate(child, context)
+class DaisyBuilder:
+ file_extension = 'daisy.zip'
+ def build(self, document, mp3, **kwargs):
+ if not mp3:
+ raise ValueError("Need MP3 files")
+ outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+ zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(outfile, 'w')
+ directory = document.meta.url.slug + '/'
+ html = DaisyHtmlBuilder().build(document)
+ zipf.write(
+ html.get_filename(),
+ directory + 'book.html',
+ )
+ durations = []
+ for i, mp3_file in enumerate(mp3):
+ durations.append(get_duration(mp3_file))
+ zipf.write(
+ mp3_file,
+ directory + "book%d.mp3" % i,
+ )
+ duration = sum(durations)
+ config_string = "task_language=pol|is_text_type=unparsed|is_text_unparsed_id_regex=sec\d+$|is_text_unparsed_id_sort=numeric|os_task_file_format=tab"
+ task = Task(config_string=config_string)
+ # TODO: concatenate all the
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp:
+ with open(temp + "/book.mp3", "wb") as m:
+ for minput in mp3:
+ with open(minput, "rb") as minputf:
+ m.write(minputf.read())
+ syncfile = temp + "/sync"
+ task.audio_file_path_absolute = temp + "/book.mp3"
+ task.text_file_path_absolute = html.get_filename()
+ task.sync_map_file_path_absolute = syncfile
+ ExecuteTask(task).execute()
+ task.output_sync_map_file()
+ sync = []
+ with open(syncfile) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ start, end, sec = line.strip().split('\t')
+ start = float(start)
+ end = float(end)
+ sync.append([start, end, sec])
+ hms = format_hms(duration)
+ narrator = mutagen.File(mp3[0]).get('TPE1')
+ narrator = narrator.text[0] if narrator else ''
+ context = {
+ "VERSION": "1.10",
+ "HHMMSSmmm": hms,
+ "HHMMSS": hms.split('.')[0],
+ "Sd": "%.1f" % duration,
+ "TITLE": document.meta.title,
+ "PUBLISHER": document.meta.publisher[0],
+ "YEAR": document.meta.created_at[:4],
+ "MONTH": document.meta.created_at[5:7],
+ "AUTHOR": document.meta.author.readable(),
+ "NARRATOR": narrator,
+ }
+ for fname in ('smil10.dtd', 'xhtml1-transitional.dtd', 'xhtml-lat1.ent', 'xhtml-special.ent', 'xhtml-symbol.ent'):
+ zipf.write(
+ get_resource('res/daisy/' + fname),
+ directory + fname)
+ for fname in ('er_book_info.xml', 'master.smil', 'ncc.html'):
+ with open(get_resource('res/daisy/' + fname)) as f:
+ tree = etree.parse(f)
+ populate(tree.getroot(), context)
+ zipf.writestr(
+ directory + fname,
+ etree.tostring(
+ tree,
+ xml_declaration=True
+ ),
+ )
+ with open(get_resource('res/daisy/content.smil')) as f:
+ tree = etree.parse(f)
+ populate(tree.getroot(), context)
+ seq = tree.find('//seq')
+ for i, item in enumerate(sync):
+ par = etree.SubElement(seq, 'par', id="par%06d" % (i + 1), endsync="last")
+ etree.SubElement(
+ par,
+ "text",
+ src="book.html#%s" % item[2])
+ # If we have a split between mp3 parts, err on the larger side.
+ i = 0
+ start, end = item[0], item[1]
+ while start >= durations[i]:
+ start -= durations[i]
+ end -= durations[i]
+ i += 1
+ if 2 * (end - durations[i]) > end - start:
+ start = 0
+ end -= durations[i]
+ i += 1
+ audio = etree.SubElement(
+ par,
+ "audio",
+ src="book%d.mp3" % i,
+ **{
+ "clip-begin": "npt=%.3fs" % start,
+ "clip-end": "npt=%.3fs" % end,
+ },
+ )
+ zipf.writestr(
+ directory + 'content.smil',
+ etree.tostring(
+ tree,
+ xml_declaration=True,
+ pretty_print=True,
+ ),
+ )
+ zipf.close()
+ return OutputFile.from_filename(outfile.name)