def by_slug(self, slug):
- """Should return a file-like object with a WL document XML."""
+ """Should return an IOFile object with a WL document XML."""
raise NotImplementedError
def by_uri(self, uri, wluri=WLURI):
- """Should return a file-like object with a WL document XML."""
+ """Should return an IOFile object with a WL document XML."""
wluri = wluri(uri)
return self.by_slug(wluri.slug)
atxt = etree.tostring(a, encoding=unicode)
toc.append("<li>%s</li>" % atxt)
toc = "<ul class='toc'>%s</ul>" % "".join(toc)
- return "<h1 class='title'>Lekcja: ", "</h1>" + toc
+ add_header = "Lekcja: " if self.options['wldoc'].book_info.type in ('course', 'synthetic') else ''
+ return "<h1 class='title'>%s" % add_header, "</h1>" + toc
def handle_naglowek_rozdzial(self, element):
def handle_lista(self, element, attrs={}):
ltype = element.attrib.get('typ', 'punkt')
if ltype == 'slowniczek':
- surl = element.attrib.get('href', None)
+ surl = element.attrib.get('src', None)
+ if surl is None:
+ print '** missing src on <slowniczek>, setting default'
+ surl = 'http://edukacjamedialna.edu.pl/slowniczek'
sxml = None
if surl:
sxml = etree.fromstring(self.options['provider'].by_uri(surl).get_string())
nxt = element.getnext()
definiens_s = ''
+ if not element.text:
+ print "!! Empty <definiendum/>"
+ return None
# let's pull definiens from another document
- if self.options['slowniczek_xml'] and (not nxt or nxt.tag != 'definiens'):
+ if self.options['slowniczek_xml'] is not None and (nxt is None or nxt.tag != 'definiens'):
sxml = self.options['slowniczek_xml']
- assert element.text != ''
defloc = sxml.xpath("//definiendum[text()='%s']" % element.text)
if defloc:
definiens = defloc[0].getnext()
if definiens.tag == 'definiens':
subgen = EduModule(self.options)
definiens_s = subgen.generate(definiens)
+ else:
+ print '!! Missing definiendum in source:', element.text
return u"<dt>", u"</dt>" + definiens_s
super(EduModuleFormat, self).__init__(wldoc, **kwargs)
def build(self):
- edumod = EduModule({'provider': self.wldoc.provider, 'urlmapper': self})
+ edumod = EduModule({'provider': self.wldoc.provider, 'urlmapper': self, 'wldoc': self.wldoc})
html = edumod.generate(self.wldoc.edoc.getroot())