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+%% Copyright (C) 1998 by Sebastian Gross. All rights reserved.
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+403.379 36.51 403.637 36.428 c 405.441 35.741 406.473 34.366 406.473
+32.733 c 406.473 30.241 404.668 28.522 402.004 28.522 c 398.742 28.522
+397.023 30.413 396.594 34.28 c h
+434.055 77.237 m 422.969 77.237 l 422.969 19.928 l 434.055 19.928 l
+434.055 35.225 l 436.887 39.518 l 444.02 19.928 l 455.531 19.928 l
+443.762 48.026 l 454.414 64.866 l 442.73 64.866 l 434.055 48.713 l h
+489.812 64.866 m 480.105 64.866 l 480.105 60.311 l 478.559 63.749
+475.207 65.725 470.824 65.725 c 461.805 65.725 456.477 56.96 456.477
+42.01 c 456.477 27.835 461.977 19.057 470.824 19.057 c 475.035 19.057
+477.957 20.702 480.105 24.483 c 480.105 19.928 l 489.812 19.928 l h
+478.73 38.487 m 478.73 34.71 478.473 33.335 477.613 31.702 c 476.754
+30.155 475.121 29.124 473.402 29.124 c 469.453 29.124 467.734 32.991
+467.734 42.01 c 467.734 51.463 469.453 55.67 473.402 55.67 c 476.754
+55.67 478.73 52.753 478.73 47.596 c h
+478.73 38.487 m f
+290.219 97.315 m 300.109 97.315 l 300.109 123.151 l 300.109 127.37
+301.41 129.21 304.402 129.21 c 306.012 129.21 307.543 128.213 307.926
+126.831 c 308.156 126.221 308.309 124.838 308.309 123.46 c 308.309
+97.315 l 318.199 97.315 l 318.199 126.065 l 318.199 133.503 313.906
+138.178 307.008 138.178 c 302.867 138.178 300.414 136.721 298.879
+133.35 c 298.879 137.413 l 290.219 137.413 l h
+339.051 138.178 m 329.469 138.178 323.488 130.128 323.488 117.401 c
+323.488 104.6 329.469 96.538 339.051 96.538 c 348.637 96.538 354.617
+104.448 354.617 116.944 c 354.617 130.358 348.867 138.178 339.051
+138.178 c h
+339.051 129.21 m 342.734 129.21 344.574 125.147 344.574 117.096 c
+344.574 109.659 342.578 105.518 339.051 105.518 c 336.984 105.518
+335.602 106.67 334.758 109.045 c 333.992 111.268 333.531 114.26 333.531
+117.401 c 333.531 120.467 333.992 123.46 334.758 125.682 c 335.602
+128.057 336.984 129.21 339.051 129.21 c h
+365.809 137.413 m 355.754 137.413 l 365.809 97.315 l 374.855 97.315 l
+380.066 123.612 l 385.281 97.315 l 394.402 97.315 l 404.371 137.413 l
+394.402 137.413 l 391.797 124.073 l 390.492 117.249 390.34 115.87
+389.805 109.506 c 389.344 115.487 389.113 116.635 387.273 124.073 c
+384.055 137.413 l 376.082 137.413 l 372.402 122.081 l 372.324 121.694
+372.172 120.854 371.789 118.936 c 371.48 117.631 371.328 116.866 371.25
+116.1 c 370.637 113.417 370.562 112.651 370.332 109.506 c 370.18
+112.038 370.023 113.569 369.871 114.874 c 369.562 117.096 369.105
+119.932 368.797 121.467 c h
+420.93 138.178 m 411.348 138.178 405.367 130.128 405.367 117.401 c
+405.367 104.6 411.348 96.538 420.93 96.538 c 430.512 96.538 436.492
+104.448 436.492 116.944 c 436.492 130.358 430.742 138.178 420.93
+138.178 c h
+420.93 129.21 m 424.609 129.21 426.449 125.147 426.449 117.096 c
+426.449 109.659 424.457 105.518 420.93 105.518 c 418.859 105.518 417.48
+106.67 416.637 109.045 c 415.871 111.268 415.41 114.26 415.41 117.401 c
+415.41 120.467 415.871 123.46 416.637 125.682 c 417.48 128.057 418.859
+129.21 420.93 129.21 c h
+468.461 121.694 m 468.152 126.831 467.695 129.057 466.16 131.967 c
+464.016 136.034 460.18 138.178 455.199 138.178 c 449.68 138.178 445.77
+135.803 443.238 130.819 c 441.32 126.831 440.402 122.538 440.402
+117.096 c 440.402 111.651 441.707 106.44 443.93 102.608 c 446.305
+98.467 449.832 96.538 454.891 96.538 c 463.246 96.538 467.926 101.995
+468.309 112.268 c 458.648 112.268 l 458.496 107.514 457.422 105.596
+454.891 105.596 c 453.203 105.596 451.672 107.053 451.211 109.124 c
+450.676 111.116 450.445 114.182 450.445 117.479 c 450.445 120.393
+450.676 123.077 451.211 125.378 c 451.746 127.831 453.051 129.21
+454.738 129.21 c 456.117 129.21 457.191 128.518 457.883 127.217 c
+458.418 126.295 458.57 125.221 458.648 122.616 c 458.648 121.694 l h
+497.285 105.518 m 482.336 105.518 l 497.285 128.674 l 497.285 137.413 l
+472.602 137.413 l 472.602 129.21 l 485.863 129.21 l 470.992 106.057 l
+470.992 97.315 l 497.285 97.315 l h
+530.941 114.413 m 530.941 116.405 l 530.941 123.307 530.023 127.753
+527.723 131.737 c 525.27 135.878 521.129 138.178 516.145 138.178 c
+506.18 138.178 500.277 130.053 500.277 116.405 c 500.277 111.651
+501.426 106.975 503.422 103.452 c 506.027 98.928 510.32 96.538 515.914
+96.538 c 524.043 96.538 529.484 101.686 530.559 110.35 c 520.898 110.35
+l 520.133 106.901 518.367 104.983 515.84 104.983 c 513.461 104.983
+511.621 106.592 510.855 109.506 c 510.473 110.811 510.32 111.96 510.242
+114.413 c h
+510.32 121.85 m 510.395 127.061 512.234 129.745 515.688 129.745 c
+518.906 129.745 520.82 126.756 520.898 121.85 c h
+533.703 110.12 m 534.469 101.534 539.758 96.538 548.113 96.538 c
+552.102 96.538 555.551 97.624 558.004 99.694 c 560.609 101.917 562.375
+105.827 562.375 109.428 c 562.375 114.491 560.152 118.323 556.012
+120.467 c 554.477 121.237 552.562 121.924 549.879 122.694 c 547.117
+123.46 546.199 123.842 545.508 124.378 c 544.895 124.995 544.512
+125.913 544.512 126.831 c 544.512 128.596 545.816 129.745 547.887
+129.745 c 550.184 129.745 551.41 128.213 551.641 125.299 c 561.453
+125.299 l 560.609 133.503 555.473 138.178 547.348 138.178 c 539.758
+138.178 534.469 133.272 534.469 126.065 c 534.469 122.924 535.695
+119.702 537.688 117.557 c 539.297 115.87 541.367 114.721 544.895
+113.647 c 547.426 112.803 546.66 113.034 547.426 112.803 c 549.496
+112.112 549.57 112.112 549.801 112.038 c 551.41 111.424 552.332 110.198
+552.332 108.741 c 552.332 106.518 550.723 104.983 548.344 104.983 c
+545.43 104.983 543.898 106.67 543.516 110.12 c h
+567.051 97.315 m 576.941 97.315 l 576.941 123.151 l 576.941 127.37
+578.242 129.21 581.234 129.21 c 582.844 129.21 584.375 128.213 584.762
+126.831 c 584.988 126.221 585.145 124.838 585.145 123.46 c 585.145
+97.315 l 595.035 97.315 l 595.035 126.065 l 595.035 133.503 590.738
+138.178 583.84 138.178 c 579.699 138.178 577.246 136.721 575.715 133.35
+c 575.715 137.413 l 567.051 137.413 l h
+629.992 137.413 m 621.328 137.413 l 621.328 133.35 l 619.949 136.417
+616.957 138.178 613.051 138.178 c 605 138.178 600.246 130.358 600.246
+117.018 c 600.246 104.37 605.152 96.538 613.051 96.538 c 616.805 96.538
+619.41 98.006 621.328 101.381 c 621.328 97.315 l 629.992 97.315 l h
+620.102 113.878 m 620.102 110.503 619.871 109.276 619.105 107.819 c
+618.34 106.44 616.883 105.518 615.348 105.518 c 611.824 105.518 610.289
+108.971 610.289 117.018 c 610.289 125.452 611.824 129.21 615.348 129.21
+c 618.34 129.21 620.102 126.604 620.102 122.003 c h
+620.102 113.878 m f
+290.363 168.592 m 296.469 168.592 l 296.469 180.534 l 304.879 180.534 l
+304.879 186.155 l 296.469 186.155 l 296.469 192.038 l 304.879 192.038 l
+304.879 197.663 l 290.363 197.663 l h
+331.102 197.663 m 331.102 178.092 l 331.102 174.342 331.668 172.471
+333.367 170.725 c 335.113 168.94 338.074 167.842 341.168 167.842 c
+343.961 167.842 346.75 168.764 348.535 170.292 c 350.496 171.948
+351.281 174.17 351.281 178.092 c 351.281 197.663 l 345.18 197.663 l
+345.18 178.092 l 345.18 176.217 345.004 175.608 344.352 174.823 c
+343.609 173.909 342.566 173.471 341.039 173.471 c 339.73 173.471
+338.688 173.952 337.945 174.823 c 337.336 175.651 337.203 176.217
+337.203 178.092 c 337.203 197.663 l h
+378.812 168.592 m 384.914 168.592 l 384.914 179.311 l 384.914 181.01
+384.871 182.842 384.871 184.194 c 384.785 185.936 384.738 186.721
+384.523 188.901 c 384.871 187.592 385 186.94 385.262 186.198 c 385.742
+184.803 386.484 182.842 387.094 181.448 c 392.672 168.592 l 398.383
+168.592 l 398.383 197.663 l 392.281 197.663 l 392.281 187.854 l 392.281
+184.151 392.324 183.28 392.586 179.749 c 392.281 180.753 392.281
+180.663 391.715 182.19 c 390.406 185.588 390.492 185.46 389.188 188.116
+c 384.652 197.663 l 378.812 197.663 l h
+426.133 168.592 m 434.762 168.592 l 438.074 168.592 440.207 169.288
+442.172 171.12 c 445.047 173.733 446.703 178.135 446.703 183.19 c
+446.703 187.331 445.656 190.948 443.652 193.608 c 441.473 196.53
+438.945 197.663 434.805 197.663 c 426.133 197.663 l h
+432.234 174.213 m 432.234 192.038 l 433.801 192.038 l 436.07 192.038
+436.941 191.823 437.855 191.081 c 439.469 189.772 440.297 186.983
+440.297 182.975 c 440.297 179.663 439.641 177.178 438.336 175.694 c
+437.465 174.647 436.285 174.213 434.457 174.213 c h
+470.172 168.592 m 476.543 168.592 l 478.332 174.213 l 485.871 174.213 l
+487.656 168.592 l 494.02 168.592 l 485.043 197.663 l 479.203 197.663 l
+484.867 179.225 m 479.203 179.225 l 482.078 190.948 l h
+539.641 186.241 m 539.336 193.784 535.238 198.401 528.918 198.401 c
+522.031 198.401 517.543 192.389 517.543 183.147 c 517.543 173.866
+522.031 167.842 528.918 167.842 c 535.238 167.842 539.336 172.514
+539.641 180.01 c 533.32 180.01 l 533.191 178.178 533.059 177.44 532.754
+176.479 c 532.102 174.561 530.75 173.471 528.961 173.471 c 525.91
+173.471 523.992 177.178 523.992 183.147 c 523.992 189.077 525.91 192.78
+528.961 192.78 c 530.75 192.78 532.102 191.69 532.754 189.772 c 533.059
+188.858 533.191 188.073 533.32 186.241 c h
+580.637 197.663 m 574.535 197.663 l 574.535 176.917 l 574.535 174.475
+573.84 173.471 572.141 173.471 c 571.051 173.471 570.309 174.17 570.004
+175.475 c 569.875 176.045 569.828 176.612 569.828 177.831 c 563.719
+177.831 l 563.719 176.874 l 563.719 171.553 567.172 167.842 572.141
+167.842 c 574.754 167.842 577.152 168.897 578.719 170.639 c 580.07
+172.21 580.637 174.038 580.637 176.874 c h
+605.285 168.592 m 611.656 168.592 l 613.445 174.213 l 620.984 174.213 l
+622.77 168.592 l 629.133 168.592 l 620.156 197.663 l 614.316 197.663 l
+619.98 179.225 m 614.316 179.225 l 617.191 190.948 l h
+619.98 179.225 m f
+0.905882 0.470588 0.0901961 rg
+0 217.46 m 98.75 217.46 l 98.75 205.819 l 17.824 205.819 l 17.824 30.69
+l 98.754 30.69 l 98.754 19.049 l 0 19.049 l h
+0 217.46 m f
+212.828 198.409 m 120.492 198.409 l 120.492 186.768 l 194.48 186.768 l
+194.48 11.639 l 118.512 11.639 l 118.512 -0.001 l 212.828 -0.001 l h
+212.828 198.409 m f
+Q Q
+count op_count sub {pop} repeat
+countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat
+cairo_eps_state restore