+ def add_box(self, img):
+ if self.box_position == 'none':
+ return img
+ metr = Metric(self, self.scale)
+ # Write author name.
+ box = TextBox(metr.title_box_width, metr.height, padding_y=metr.box_padding_y)
+ author_font = ImageFont.truetype(
+ self.author_font_ttf, metr.author_font_size)
+ for pa in self.pretty_authors():
+ box.text(pa,
+ font=author_font,
+ line_height=metr.author_lineskip,
+ color=self.author_color,
+ shadow_color=self.author_shadow)
+ box.skip(metr.box_above_line)
+ box.draw.line((metr.box_line_left, box.height, metr.box_line_right, box.height),
+ fill=self.author_color, width=metr.box_line_width)
+ box.skip(metr.box_below_line)
+ # Write title.
+ title_font = ImageFont.truetype(
+ self.title_font_ttf, metr.title_font_size)
+ box.text(self.pretty_title(),
+ line_height=metr.title_lineskip,
+ font=title_font,
+ color=self.title_color,
+ shadow_color=self.title_shadow)
+ box_img = box.image()
+ # Find box position.
+ if self.box_position == 'top':
+ box_top = metr.box_top_margin
+ elif self.box_position == 'bottom':
+ box_top = metr.height - metr.box_bottom_margin - box_img.size[1]
+ else: # Middle.
+ box_top = (metr.height - box_img.size[1]) // 2
+ box_left = metr.bar_width + (metr.width - metr.bar_width - box_img.size[0]) // 2
+ # Draw the white box.
+ ImageDraw.Draw(img).rectangle(
+ (box_left, box_top, box_left + box_img.size[0], box_top + box_img.size[1]), fill='#fff')
+ # Paste the contents into the white box.
+ img.paste(box_img, (box_left, box_top), box_img)
+ return img
+ def add_cut_lines(self, img):
+ line_ratio = 0.5
+ if self.bleed == 0:
+ return img
+ metr = Metric(self, self.scale)
+ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
+ for corner_x, corner_y in ((0, 0), (metr.width, 0), (0, metr.height), (metr.width, metr.height)):
+ dir_x = 1 if corner_x == 0 else -1
+ dir_y = 1 if corner_y == 0 else -1
+ for offset in (-1, 0, 1):
+ draw.line((corner_x, corner_y + dir_y * metr.bleed + offset,
+ corner_x + dir_x * metr.bleed * line_ratio, corner_y + dir_y * metr.bleed + offset),
+ fill='black' if offset == 0 else 'white', width=1)
+ draw.line((corner_x + dir_x * metr.bleed + offset, corner_y,
+ corner_x + dir_x * metr.bleed + offset, corner_y + dir_y * metr.bleed * line_ratio),
+ fill='black' if offset == 0 else 'white', width=1)
+ return img