# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Librarian, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
import os
import cStringIO
import re
from lxml import etree
from librarian.parser import WLDocument
from librarian import XHTMLNS, ParseError
+from librarian import functions
from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError, XSLTApplyError
- (u'---', u'—'),
- (u'--', u'–'),
- (u'...', u'…'),
- (u',,', u'„'),
- (u'"', u'”'),
'legacy': 'xslt/book2html.xslt',
def get_stylesheet(name):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), STYLESHEETS[name])
-def substitute_entities(context, text):
- """XPath extension function converting all entites in passed text."""
- if isinstance(text, list):
- text = ''.join(text)
- for entity, substitutution in ENTITY_SUBSTITUTIONS:
- text = text.replace(entity, substitutution)
- return text
-# Register substitute_entities function with lxml
-ns = etree.FunctionNamespace('http://wolnelektury.pl/functions')
-ns['substitute_entities'] = substitute_entities
+def html_has_content(text):
+ return etree.ETXPath('//p|//{%(ns)s}p|//h1|//{%(ns)s}h1' % {'ns': str(XHTMLNS)})(text)
def transform(input, output_filename=None, is_file=True, \
- parse_dublincore=True, stylesheet='legacy', options={}):
- """Transforms file input_filename in XML to output_filename in XHTML."""
+ parse_dublincore=True, stylesheet='legacy', options={}, flags=None):
+ """Transforms file input_filename in XML to output_filename in XHTML.
+ If output_filename is None, returns an XML,
+ otherwise returns True if file has been written,False if it hasn't.
+ File won't be written if it has no content.
+ """
# Parse XSLT
style_filename = get_stylesheet(stylesheet)
document = WLDocument.from_string(input, True, \
+ if flags:
+ for flag in flags:
+ document.edoc.getroot().set(flag, 'yes')
+ document.clean_ed_note()
result = document.transform(style, **options)
- del document # no longer needed large object :)
- if etree.ETXPath('//p|//{%s}p' % str(XHTMLNS))(result) is not None:
+ del document # no longer needed large object :)
+ if html_has_content(result):
if output_filename is not None:
- result.write(output_filename, xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8')
+ result.write(output_filename, method='html', xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8')
return result
return True
- return "<empty />"
+ if output_filename is not None:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return "<empty />"
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid stylesheet.")
except (XMLSyntaxError, XSLTApplyError), e:
anchor.tail = element.text
element.text = u''
element.insert(0, anchor)
if with_target:
anchor_target = etree.Element('a', name='%s' % prefix)
anchor_target.set('class', 'target')
counter = 1
for element in root.iterdescendants():
if any_ancestor(element, lambda e: e.get('class') in ('note', 'motto', 'motto_podpis', 'dedication')
+ or e.get('id') == 'nota_red'
or e.tag == 'blockquote'):
if element.tag == 'p' and 'verse' in element.get('class', ''):
if counter == 1 or counter % 5 == 0:
add_anchor(element, "f%d" % counter, link_text=counter)
if element.tag in ('h2', 'h3'):
if any_ancestor(element, lambda e: e.get('id') in ('footnotes',) or e.get('class') in ('person-list',)):
if element.tag == 'h3' and len(sections) and sections[-1][1] == 'h2':
sections[-1][3].append((counter, element.tag, ''.join(element.xpath('text()')), []))
sections.append((counter, element.tag, ''.join(element.xpath('text()')), []))
add_anchor(element, "s%d" % counter, with_link=False)
counter += 1
toc = etree.Element('div')
toc.set('id', 'toc')
toc_header = etree.SubElement(toc, 'h2')
for n, section, text, subsections in sections:
section_element = etree.SubElement(toc_list, 'li')
add_anchor(section_element, "s%d" % n, with_target=False, link_text=text)
if len(subsections):
subsection_list = etree.SubElement(section_element, 'ol')
for n, subsection, text, _ in subsections:
subsection_element = etree.SubElement(subsection_list, 'li')
add_anchor(subsection_element, "s%d" % n, with_target=False, link_text=text)
root.insert(0, toc)