* lxml <http://codespeak.net/lxml/>, version 2.2 or later
* additional PDF converter dependencies:
- * XeTeX
+ * XeTeX with support for Polish language
* TeXML <http://getfo.org/texml/>
+ * recommended: morefloats LaTeX package, version >=1.0c
+ for dealing with documents with many motifs in one paragraph.
+ <http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/morefloats.html>
Librarian uses standard Python distutils for packaging. After installing all the dependencies just run:
python setup.py install
+PDF converter also needs the Junicode-WL fonts (librarian/pdf/JunicodeWL-*.ttf) installed.
+In Debian/Ubuntu, put those files in ~/.fonts/ and run `fc-cache'.