title = self.doc.meta.title()
t.append(texml_cmd("author", author))
t.append(texml_cmd("title", title))
+ t.append(texml_cmd("organization", build_ctx.organization))
doc = etree.SubElement(t, TexmlNS('env'), name="document")
- doc.append(texml_cmd("thispagestyle", "empty"))
- # title page
- height_left = 297
- cover_url = self.doc.meta.get_one(DCNS('relation.coverimage.url'))
- if cover_url:
- self.add_file(build_ctx, 'cover.png', cover_url, image=True)
- img = Image.open(self.get_file(build_ctx, 'cover.png'))
- size = img.size
- if size[1] > size[0]:
- img = img.crop((0, 0, size[0], size[0]))
- img.save(self.get_file(build_ctx, 'cover.png'), format=img.format, quality=90)
- size = img.size
- # TODO: hardcoded paper size here
- height = 210.0 * size[1] / size[0]
- doc.append(texml_cmd("makecover", "%fmm" % height))
- else:
- doc.append(texml_cmd("vfill*"))
# Wielkości!
- grp = etree.SubElement(doc, 'group')
+ title_field = texml_cmd("titlefield", "")
+ doc.append(title_field)
+ grp = title_field[0]
if author:
p[0].append(texml_cmd("nohyphens", title))
# p[0][-1].tail = title
- doc.append(texml_cmd("vfill"))
- doc.append(texml_cmd("vfill"))
# IOFile probably would be better
cover_logo_url = getattr(build_ctx, 'cover_logo', None)
if cover_logo_url:
self.add_file(build_ctx, 'coverlogo.png', cover_logo_url, image=True)
size = Image.open(self.get_file(build_ctx, 'coverlogo.png')).size
- p = texml_cmd("par", "")
- doc.append(p)
- p[0].append(texml_cmd("noindent"))
- p[0].append(texml_cmd("insertimage", 'coverlogo.png', "%fcm" % (1.0 * size[0] / size[1]), "1cm"))
- # logo organizacji!
- doc.append(texml_cmd("clearpage"))
+ doc.append(texml_cmd("toplogo", 'coverlogo.png', "%fcm" % (2.0 * size[0] / size[1]), "2cm"))
+ doc.append(texml_cmd("vspace", "2em"))
ctx = Context(build_ctx, format=self, img=1)
- doc.extend(self.render(self.doc.edoc.getroot(), ctx))
+ root = self.doc.edoc.getroot()
+ root.remove(root[1])
+ doc.extend(self.render(root, ctx))
# Redakcyjna na końcu.
- doc.append(texml_cmd("clearpage"))
doc.append(texml_cmd("section*", "Information about the resource"))
doc.append(texml_cmd("vspace", "1em"))
for m, f, multiple in (
('Publisher: ', DCNS('publisher'), False),
('Rights: ', DCNS('rights'), False),
- ('Intended audience: ', DCNS('audience'), True),
('', DCNS('description'), False)):
if multiple:
v = ', '.join(self.doc.meta.get(f))