--- /dev/null
+package Font::TTF::Name;
+=head1 NAME
+Font::TTF::Name - String table for a TTF font
+Strings are held by number, platform, encoding and language. Strings are
+accessed as:
+ $f->{'name'}{'strings'}[$number][$platform_id][$encoding_id]{$language_id}
+Notice that the language is held in an associative array due to its sparse
+nature on some platforms such as Microsoft ($pid = 3). Notice also that the
+array order is different from the stored array order (platform, encoding,
+language, number) to allow for easy manipulation of strings by number (which is
+what I guess most people will want to do).
+By default, C<$Font::TTF::Name::utf8> is set to 1, and strings will be stored as UTF8 wherever
+possible. The method C<is_utf8> can be used to find out if a string in a particular
+platform and encoding will be returned as UTF8. Unicode strings are always
+converted if utf8 is requested. Otherwise, strings are stored according to platform:
+You now have to set <$Font::TTF::Name::utf8> to 0 to get the old behaviour.
+=over 4
+=item Apple Unicode (platform id = 0)
+Data is stored as network ordered UCS2. There is no encoding id for this platform
+but there are language ids as per Mac language ids.
+=item Mac (platform id = 1)
+Data is stored as 8-bit binary data, leaving the interpretation to the user
+according to encoding id.
+=item Unicode (platform id = 2)
+Currently stored as 16-bit network ordered UCS2. Upon release of Perl 5.005 this
+will change to utf8 assuming current UCS2 semantics for all encoding ids.
+=item Windows (platform id = 3)
+As per Unicode, the data is currently stored as 16-bit network ordered UCS2. Upon
+release of Perl 5.005 this will change to utf8 assuming current UCS2 semantics for
+all encoding ids.
+=over 4
+=item strings
+An array of arrays, etc.
+=head1 METHODS
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION @apple_encs @apple_encodings $utf8 $cp_1252 @cp_1252 %win_langs %langs_win %langs_mac @ms_langids @mac_langs);
+use Font::TTF::Table;
+use Font::TTF::Utils;
+@ISA = qw(Font::TTF::Table);
+$utf8 = 1;
+ my ($count, $i);
+ eval {require Compress::Zlib;};
+ unless ($@)
+ {
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= $#apple_encs; $i++)
+ {
+ $apple_encodings[0][$i] = [unpack("n*", Compress::Zlib::uncompress(unpack("u", $apple_encs[$i])))]
+ if (defined $apple_encs[$i]);
+ foreach (0 .. 127)
+ { $apple_encodings[0][$i][$_] = $_; }
+ $count = 0;
+ $apple_encodings[1][$i] = {map {$_ => $count++} @{$apple_encodings[0][$i]}};
+ }
+ $cp_1252[0] = [unpack("n*", Compress::Zlib::uncompress(unpack("u", $cp_1252)))];
+ $count = 0;
+ $cp_1252[1] = {map({$_ => $count++} @{$cp_1252[0]})};
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $#ms_langids; $i++)
+ {
+ if (defined $ms_langids[$i][1])
+ {
+ my ($j);
+ for ($j = 0; $j < $#{$ms_langids[$i][1]}; $j++)
+ {
+ my ($v) = $ms_langids[$i][1][$j];
+ if ($v =~ m/^-/o)
+ { $win_langs{(($j + 1) << 10) + $i} = $ms_langids[$i][0] . $v; }
+ else
+ { $win_langs{(($j + 1) << 10) + $i} = $v; }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { $win_langs{$i + 0x400} = $ms_langids[$i][0]; }
+ }
+ %langs_win = map {my ($t) = $win_langs{$_}; my (@res) = ($t => $_); push (@res, $t => $_) if ($t =~ s/-.*$//o && ($_ & 0xFC00) == 0x400); @res} keys %win_langs;
+ $i = 0;
+ %langs_mac = map {$_ => $i++} @mac_langs;
+$VERSION = 1.1; # MJPH 17-JUN-2000 Add utf8 support
+# $VERSION = 1.001; # MJPH 10-AUG-1998 Put $number first in list
+=head2 $t->read
+Reads all the names into memory
+sub read
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my ($fh) = $self->{' INFILE'};
+ my ($dat, $num, $stroff, $i, $pid, $eid, $lid, $nid, $len, $off, $here);
+ $self->SUPER::read or return $self;
+ $fh->read($dat, 6);
+ ($num, $stroff) = unpack("x2nn", $dat);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
+ {
+ use bytes; # hack to fix bugs in 5.8.7
+ read($fh, $dat, 12);
+ ($pid, $eid, $lid, $nid, $len, $off) = unpack("n6", $dat);
+ $here = $fh->tell();
+ $fh->seek($self->{' OFFSET'} + $stroff + $off, 0);
+ $fh->read($dat, $len);
+ if ($utf8)
+ {
+ if ($pid == 1 && defined $apple_encodings[0][$eid])
+ { $dat = TTF_word_utf8(pack("n*", map({$apple_encodings[0][$eid][$_]} unpack("C*", $dat)))); }
+ elsif ($pid == 2 && $eid == 2 && @cp_1252)
+ { $dat = TTF_word_utf8(pack("n*", map({$cp_1252[0][$_]} unpack("C*", $dat)))); }
+ elsif ($pid == 0 || $pid == 3 || ($pid == 2 && $eid == 1))
+ { $dat = TTF_word_utf8($dat); }
+ }
+ $self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid][$eid]{$lid} = $dat;
+ $fh->seek($here, 0);
+ }
+ $self;
+=head2 $t->out($fh)
+Writes out all the strings
+sub out
+ my ($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my ($pid, $eid, $lid, $nid, $todo, @todo);
+ my ($len, $offset, $loc, $stroff, $endloc, $str_trans);
+ return $self->SUPER::out($fh) unless $self->{' read'};
+ $loc = $fh->tell();
+ $fh->print(pack("n3", 0, 0, 0));
+ foreach $nid (0 .. $#{$self->{'strings'}})
+ {
+ foreach $pid (0 .. $#{$self->{'strings'}[$nid]})
+ {
+ foreach $eid (0 .. $#{$self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid]})
+ {
+ foreach $lid (sort keys %{$self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid][$eid]})
+ {
+ $str_trans = $self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid][$eid]{$lid};
+ if ($utf8)
+ {
+ if ($pid == 1 && defined $apple_encodings[1][$eid])
+ { $str_trans = pack("C*",
+ map({$apple_encodings[1][$eid]{$_} || 0x3F} unpack("n*",
+ TTF_utf8_word($str_trans)))); }
+ elsif ($pid == 2 && $eid == 2 && @cp_1252)
+ { $str_trans = pack("C*",
+ map({$cp_1252[1][$eid]{$_} || 0x3F} unpack("n*",
+ TTF_utf8_word($str_trans)))); }
+ elsif ($pid == 2 && $eid == 0)
+ { $str_trans =~ s/[\xc0-\xff][\x80-\xbf]+/?/og; }
+ elsif ($pid == 0 || $pid == 3 || ($pid == 2 && $eid == 1))
+ { $str_trans = TTF_utf8_word($str_trans); }
+ }
+ push (@todo, [$pid, $eid, $lid, $nid, $str_trans]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $offset = 0;
+ @todo = (sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] || $a->[2] <=> $b->[2]
+ || $a->[3] <=> $b->[3]} @todo);
+ foreach $todo (@todo)
+ {
+ $len = length($todo->[4]);
+ $fh->print(pack("n6", @{$todo}[0..3], $len, $offset));
+ $offset += $len;
+ }
+ $stroff = $fh->tell() - $loc;
+ foreach $todo (@todo)
+ { $fh->print($todo->[4]); }
+ $endloc = $fh->tell();
+ $fh->seek($loc, 0);
+ $fh->print(pack("n3", 0, $#todo + 1, $stroff));
+ $fh->seek($endloc, 0);
+ $self;
+=head2 $t->XML_element($context, $depth, $key, $value)
+Outputs the string element in nice XML (which is all the table really!)
+sub XML_element
+ my ($self) = shift;
+ my ($context, $depth, $key, $value) = @_;
+ my ($fh) = $context->{'fh'};
+ my ($nid, $pid, $eid, $lid);
+ return $self->SUPER::XML_element(@_) unless ($key eq 'strings');
+ foreach $nid (0 .. $#{$self->{'strings'}})
+ {
+ next unless ref($self->{'strings'}[$nid]);
+# $fh->print("$depth<strings id='$nid'>\n");
+ foreach $pid (0 .. $#{$self->{'strings'}[$nid]})
+ {
+ foreach $eid (0 .. $#{$self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid]})
+ {
+ foreach $lid (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid][$eid]})
+ {
+ my ($lang) = $self->get_lang($pid, $lid) || $lid;
+ $fh->printf("%s<string id='%s' platform='%s' encoding='%s' language='%s'>\n%s%s%s\n%s</string>\n",
+ $depth, $nid, $pid, $eid, $lang, $depth,
+ $context->{'indent'}, $self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid][$eid]{$lid}, $depth);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# $fh->print("$depth</strings>\n");
+ }
+ $self;
+=head2 $t->XML_end($context, $tag, %attrs)
+Store strings in the right place
+sub XML_end
+ my ($self) = shift;
+ my ($context, $tag, %attrs) = @_;
+ if ($tag eq 'string')
+ {
+ my ($lid) = $self->find_name($attrs{'platform'}, $attrs{'language'}) || $attrs{'language'};
+ $self->{'strings'}[$attrs{'id'}][$attrs{'platform'}][$attrs{'encoding'}]{$lid}
+ = $context->{'text'};
+ return $context;
+ }
+ else
+ { return $self->SUPER::XML_end(@_); }
+=head2 is_utf8($pid, $eid)
+Returns whether a string of a given platform and encoding is going to be in UTF8
+sub is_utf8
+ my ($self, $pid, $eid) = @_;
+ return ($utf8 && ($pid == 0 || $pid == 3 || ($pid == 2 && ($eid != 2 || @cp_1252))
+ || ($pid == 1 && defined $apple_encodings[$eid])));
+=head2 find_name($nid)
+Hunts down a name in all the standard places and returns the string and for an
+array context the pid, eid & lid as well
+sub find_name
+ my ($self, $nid) = @_;
+ my ($res, $pid, $eid, $lid, $look, $k);
+ my (@lookup) = ([3, 1, 1033], [3, 1, -1], [3, 0, 1033], [3, 0, -1], [2, 1, -1], [2, 2, -1], [2, 0, -1],
+ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]);
+ foreach $look (@lookup)
+ {
+ ($pid, $eid, $lid) = @$look;
+ if ($lid == -1)
+ {
+ foreach $k (keys %{$self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid][$eid]})
+ {
+ if (($res = $self->{strings}[$nid][$pid][$eid]{$k}) ne '')
+ {
+ $lid = $k;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ { $res = $self->{strings}[$nid][$pid][$eid]{$lid} }
+ if ($res ne '')
+ { return wantarray ? ($res, $pid, $eid, $lid) : $res; }
+ }
+ return '';
+=head2 set_name($nid, $str[, $lang[, @cover]])
+Sets the given name id string to $str for all platforms and encodings that
+this module can handle. If $lang is set, it is interpretted as a language
+tag and if the particular language of a string is found to match, then
+that string is changed, otherwise no change occurs.
+If supplied, @cover should be a list of references to two-element arrays
+containing pid,eid pairs that should added to the name table if not already present.
+This function does not add any names to the table unless @cover is supplied.
+sub set_name
+ my ($self, $nid, $str, $lang, @cover) = @_;
+ my ($pid, $eid, $lid, $c);
+ foreach $pid (0 .. $#{$self->{'strings'}[$nid]})
+ {
+ my $strNL = $str;
+ $strNL =~ s/\n/\r\n/og if $pid == 3;
+ $strNL =~ s/\n/\r/og if $pid == 1;
+ foreach $eid (0 .. $#{$self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid]})
+ {
+ foreach $lid (keys %{$self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid][$eid]})
+ {
+ next unless (!defined $lang || $self->match_lang($pid, $lid, $lang));
+ $self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid][$eid]{$lid} = $strNL;
+ foreach $c (0 .. scalar @cover)
+ {
+ next unless ($cover[$c][0] == $pid && $cover[$c][1] == $eid);
+ delete $cover[$c];
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach $c (@cover)
+ {
+ my ($pid, $eid) = @{$c};
+ my ($lid) = $self->find_lang($pid, $lang);
+ my $strNL = $str;
+ $strNL =~ s/\n/\r\n/og if $pid == 3;
+ $strNL =~ s/\n/\r/og if $pid == 1;
+ $self->{'strings'}[$nid][$pid][$eid]{$lid} = $strNL;
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head2 Font::TTF::Name->match_lang($pid, $lid, $lang)
+Compares the language associated to the string of given platform and language
+with the given language tag. If the language matches the tag (i.e. is equal
+or more defined than the given language tag) returns true. This is calculated
+by finding whether the associated language tag starts with the given language
+sub match_lang
+ my ($self, $pid, $lid, $lang) = @_;
+ my ($langid) = $self->get_lang($pid, $lid);
+ return ($lid == $lang) if ($lang != 0 || $lang eq '0');
+ return !index(lc($langid), lc($lang));
+=head2 Font::TTF::Name->get_lang($pid, $lid)
+Returns the language tag associated with a particular platform and language id
+sub get_lang
+ my ($self, $pid, $lid) = @_;
+ if ($pid == 3)
+ { return $win_langs{$lid}; }
+ elsif ($pid == 1)
+ { return $mac_langs[$lid]; }
+ return '';
+=head2 Font::TTF::Name->find_lang($pid, $lang)
+Looks up the language name and returns a lang id if one exists
+sub find_lang
+ my ($self, $pid, $lang) = @_;
+ if ($pid == 3)
+ { return $langs_win{$lang}; }
+ elsif ($pid == 1)
+ { return $langs_mac{$lang}; }
+ return undef;
+@apple_encs = (
+$cp_1252 = (
+@ms_langids = ( [""],
+ ['ar', ["-SA", "-IQ", "-EG", "-LY", "-DZ", "-MA", "-TN",
+ "-OM", "-YE", "-SY", "-JO", "-LB", "-KW", "-AE",
+ "-BH", "-QA"]],
+ ['bg-BG'],
+ ['ca-ES'],
+ ['zh', ['-TW', 'CN', '-HK', '-SG', '-MO']],
+ ["cs-CZ"],
+ ["da-DK"],
+ ["de", ["-DE", "-CH", "-AT", "-LU", "-LI"]],
+ ["el-GR"],
+ ["en", ["-US", "-UK", "-AU", "-CA", "-NZ", "-IE", "-ZA",
+ "-JM", "029", "-BZ", "-TT", "-ZW", "-PH", "-ID",
+ "-HK", "-IN", "-MY", "-SG"]],
+ ["es", ["-ES", "-MX", "-ES", "-GT", "-CR", "-PA", "-DO",
+ "-VE", "-CO", "-PE", "-AR", "-EC", "-CL", "-UY",
+ "-PY", "-BO", "-SV", "-HN", "-NI", "-PR", "-US"]],
+ ["fi-FI"],
+ ["fr", ["-FR", "-BE", "-CA", "-CH", "-LU", "-MC", "",
+ "-RE", "-CG", "-SN", "-CM", "-CI", "-ML", "-MA",
+ "-HT"]],
+ ["he-IL"],
+ ["hu-HU"],
+ ["is-IS"],
+# 0010
+ ["it", ["-IT", "-CH"]],
+ ["ja-JP"],
+ ["ko-KR"],
+ ["nl", ["-NL", "-BE"]],
+ ["no", ["-bok-NO", "-nyn-NO"]],
+ ["pl-PL"],
+ ["pt", ["-BR", "-PT"]],
+ ["rm-CH"],
+ ["ro", ["-RO", "_MD"]],
+ ["ru-RU"],
+ ["hr", ["-HR", "-Latn-CS", "Cyrl-CS", "-BA", "", "-Latn-BA", "-Cyrl-BA"]],
+ ["sk-SK"],
+ ["sq-AL"],
+ ["sv", ["-SE", "-FI"]],
+ ["th-TH"],
+ ["tr-TR"],
+# 0020
+ ["ur", ["-PK", "tr-IN"]],
+ ["id-ID"],
+ ["uk-UA"],
+ ["be-BY"],
+ ["sl-SL"],
+ ["et-EE"],
+ ["lv-LV"],
+ ["lt-LT"],
+ ["tg-Cyrl-TJ"],
+ ["fa-IR"],
+ ["vi-VN"],
+ ["hy-AM"],
+ ["az", ["-Latn-AZ", "-Cyrl-AZ"]],
+ ["eu-ES"],
+ ["wen". ["wen-DE", "dsb-DE"]],
+ ["mk-MK"],
+# 0030
+ ["st"],
+ ["ts"],
+ ["tn-ZA"],
+ ["ven"],
+ ["xh-ZA"],
+ ["zu-ZA"],
+ ["af-ZA"],
+ ["ka-GE"],
+ ["fo-FO"],
+ ["hi-IN"],
+ ["mt"],
+ ["se", ["-NO", "-SE", "-FI", "smj-NO", "smj-SE", "sma-NO", "sma-SE",
+ "", "smn-FI"]],
+ ["ga-IE"],
+ ["yi"],
+ ["ms", ["-MY", "-BN"]],
+ ["kk-KZ"],
+# 0040
+ ["ky-KG"],
+ ["sw-KE"],
+ ["tk-TM"],
+ ["uz", ["-Latn-UZ", "-Cyrl-UZ"]],
+ ["tt-RU"],
+ ["bn", ["-IN", "-BD"]],
+ ["pa", ["-IN", "-Arab-PK"]],
+ ["gu-IN"],
+ ["or-IN"],
+ ["ta-IN"],
+ ["te-IN"],
+ ["kn-IN"],
+ ["ml-IN"],
+ ["as-IN"],
+ ["mr-IN"],
+ ["sa-IN"],
+# 0050
+ ["mn", ["-Cyrl-MN", "-Mong-CN"]],
+ ["bo", ["-CN", "-BT"]],
+ ["cy-GB"],
+ ["km-KH"],
+ ["lo-LA"],
+ ["my"],
+ ["gl-ES"],
+ ["kok-IN"],
+ ["mni"],
+ ["sd", ["-IN", "-PK"]],
+ ["syr-SY"],
+ ["si-LK"],
+ ["chr"],
+ ["iu", ["-Cans-CA", "-Latn-CA"]],
+ ["am-ET"],
+ ["tmz", ["-Arab", "tmz-Latn-DZ"]],
+# 0060
+ ["ks"],
+ ["ne", ["-NP", "-IN"]],
+ ["fy-NL"],
+ ["ps-AF"],
+ ["fil-PH"],
+ ["dv-MV"],
+ ["bin-NG"],
+ ["fuv-NG"],
+ ["ha-Latn-NG"],
+ ["ibb-NG"],
+ ["yo-NG"],
+ ["quz", ["-BO", "-EC", "-PE"]],
+ ["ns-ZA"],
+ ["ba-RU"],
+ ["lb-LU"],
+ ["kl-GL"],
+# 0070
+ ["ig-NG"],
+ ["kau"],
+ ["om"],
+ ["ti", ["-ET". "-ER"]],
+ ["gn"],
+ ["haw"],
+ ["la"],
+ ["so"],
+ ["ii-CN"],
+ ["pap"],
+ ["arn-CL"],
+ [""], # (unassigned)
+ ["moh-CA"],
+ [""], # (unassigned)
+ ["br-FR"],
+ [""], # (unassigned)
+# 0080
+ ["ug-CN"],
+ [""], # (unassigned)
+ ["oc-FR"],
+ ["gsw-FR"],
+ [""], # (unassigned)
+ ["sah-RU"],
+ ["qut-GT"],
+ ["rw-RW"],
+ ["wo-SN"],
+ [""], # (unassigned)
+ [""], # (unassigned)
+ [""], # (unassigned)
+ ["gbz-AF"],
+@mac_langs = (
+ 'en', 'fr', 'de', 'it', 'nl', 'sv', 'es', 'da', 'pt', 'no',
+ 'he', 'ja', 'ar', 'fi', 'el', 'is', 'mt', 'tr', 'hr', 'zh-Hant',
+ 'ur', 'hi', 'th', 'ko', 'lt', 'pl', 'hu', 'et', 'lv', 'se',
+ 'fo', 'ru' ,'zh-Hans', 'nl', 'ga', 'sq', 'ro', 'cs', 'sk',
+ 'sl', 'yi', 'sr', 'mk', 'bg', 'uk', 'be', 'uz', 'kk', 'az-Cyrl',
+ 'az-Latn', 'hy', 'ka', 'mo', 'ky', 'abh', 'tuk', 'mn-Mong', 'mn-Cyrl', 'pst',
+ 'ku', 'ks', 'sd', 'bo', 'ne', 'sa', 'mr', 'bn', 'as', 'gu',
+ 'pa', 'or', 'ml', 'kn', 'ta', 'te', 'si', 'my', 'km', 'lo',
+ 'vi', 'id', 'tl', 'ms-Latn', 'ms-Arab', 'am', 'ti', 'tga', 'so', 'sw',
+ 'rw', 'rn', 'ny', 'mg', 'eo', '', '', '', '', '',
+ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
+ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
+ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'cy', 'eu',
+ 'la', 'qu', 'gn', 'ay', 'tt', 'ug', 'dz', 'jv-Latn', 'su-Latn',
+ 'gl', 'af', 'br', 'iu', 'gd', 'gv', 'gd-IR-x-dotabove', 'to', 'el-polyton', 'kl',
+ 'az-Latn'
+=head1 BUGS
+=over 4
+=item *
+Unicode type strings will be stored in utf8 for all known platforms,
+once Perl 5.6 has been released and I can find all the mapping tables, etc.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Martin Hosken Martin_Hosken@sil.org. See L<Font::TTF::Font> for copyright and